Generational differences, do they matter?
August 27, 9:59 AMTulsa Career Coach ExaminerTeri AulphPrevious
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Should all voices carry equal weight?I’ve been watching discussions on Twitter and other social media sites regarding the impact of a multigenerational workforce. I read one tweet explaining Gen Y’, Baby Boomer, Gen X mean nothing. The exchange went on to explain the terms to describe the various generations were created by people to generate issues that are nonexistent. The source of this theory stated there was no impact.
I have great appreciation and respect for all views, whether I agree or not. I think the freedom to believe as you choose is fundamental to who we are individuals and you can see evidence of this on any social media site every minute of every day. You will also see the passion people have to ‘voice’, for lack of a better term (I prefer it to type), their thoughts, feelings and opinions. I often wonder if their need to ‘voice’ runs parallel with their need to be heard. I feel certain there are those who would deny this, that they just want to throw out how they feel, regardless of being heard…much less understood. It is cathartic to respond on Twitter to the question, “What are you doing?” in the allowed 140 characters. They have provided structure and boundaries to respond within, which drives you to be forthright and succinct. Interesting that it feels uncontrolled, but is, obviously, very closely controlled. I apologize, I have digressed off-topic.
So, generational differences and the impact they may or may not have on a workforce. I think if you line up 10 employees ranging from 1-3 years of experience up to 15 – 20 years of experience, you will find dramatic differences.
The first that jumps out is that the lower end (less experience) have grown up with technological advantages unknown in the formative years of those with 20+ years experience. They are adept at using technology and can leverage these talents in the workforce putting them light-years ahead. There are those with 20+ years experience who have kept up with technology, understand it, know how to use it and enjoy the advantages it has to offer. But if you listen carefully among a group of employees who represent both ends of this spectrum, those with 20+ years will defer to those at the lower end for their expertise. I personally believe this is how it is supposed to be and, if managed well, allows alliances to form as we rely on one another.
The group with more experience brings just that – more experience. They have made more mistakes and celebrated more success, so have had the opportunity to learn and adapt. They often have much more product knowledge, business acumen and historical data that are paramount in the ‘big picture’. The wisdom that comes from experience is impossible to duplicate without putting the time in. This is exemplified as companies are scrambling to put Knowledge Management systems into place as we watch the Baby Boomers begin to retire. The impact of this generational migration could dramatically change the way we view the demographics of our workforce and what they bring to the table.
Do yourself a favor, accept the fact that all groups are needed and bring value. Develop work teams with diverse experiential demographics allowing a natural transfer of knowledge. Accept that each group feels they are the most important – probably necessary attitude for success. Allow healthy debates on subjects from all areas and voices. At the end of the day, what rises from the debate will, most likely, be the best of both worlds.

Professor Emeritus -- Dr. Tom Seymour from West Fargo, North Dakota -- Professor, Minot State University, MSU Faculty Regents Award (2015) -- PAST Peer Reviewer (Higher Learning Commission - Chicago); - Author and Presenter Board of Directors, SRT Communications, Inc and Minot City Alderman - Ward 5 (2010-June, 2016) PAST - Editor-in-Chief (North Dakota State Senator (2002-2010) 2017-Cass County Electric Cooperative- Board of Directors
Monday, August 31, 2009
Campaign Tools
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Downloadable as a printable Word file. $9.95
How To Organize a Precinct Walk
How do you know which precincts to walk and which doors to knock? You need a plan. This step-by-step guide is the planning tool you need to get the most votes out of your volunteers and your walking time. This guide tells you how to:
Locate the voters you must meet.
Calculate how many homes you can reach with the time and volunteers available.
Decide where to walk first.
Prepare Walking Kits for your volunteers containing:
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Here are a few reactions from customers and campaign professionals:
“If you’re new to the political game as a candidate, campaign organizer or merely a political junkie who’s curious about what goes on in the back room of campaign headquarters, you should own a copy of The Candidate’s Handbook…” -Bill Arthur, The Voyager Sentinel
“…the Handbook was a great guide to keep the campaign organized and the Campaign Checklists were a great tool to remember the details.” - Karla Bigham, State Representative District 57a, MN
"As a first-time candidate running for a major city office, I used "The Candidates Handbook" every day from the time I made my decision to run to the night of my election as Mayor. It is an essential tool and reading material for anyone who is considering running for any political office. Carl's book spells it out in easy and concise steps of how to do it; the rest is up to you. A worthy investment for any campaign." - Mayor Richard Knapik, Bay City, TX
"The Candidate's Handbook is complete, comprehensive and easy to use - thanks to the Campaign Checklists that are available in a Word file so that copies can be modified, printed and distributed to volunteers." - James Rushing, Chairman, Orange County (CA) Libertarian Party
"...a must read for anyone seeking election ...It is as valuable for campaign managers and volunteers as for candidates." - March Fong Eu, former California Secretary of State
“The book gave me confidence…” - Bruce Guthrie, Libertarian Candidate for Congress, WA
“I found this book very useful as I refer to it on a daily basis for my run for City Council here in New Britain, CT.” - James A. Wyskiewicz, Assistant Majority Leader, New Britian City Council, CT
“I have shared copies of this book with three local first-time candidates. Having a concise overview of what is involved in running a political race was very helpful to all three individuals as they made their decision to seek local office. It helped each of them get a running start on organization for their race. One individual won by a large margin. The other two lost close races, but did better than most observers expected. More importantly, each individual was pleased with the race they ran.” - Jim Call, County Leader, Change for Kentucky
“Thank you so much for your assistance. I have to tell you your products are very informative while keeping a system simple and focused. Your book has tons of helpful information. I downloaded the Campaign Checklists and this was a wonderful and useful document. I've had 3 successful City Council elections under my belt, and in the process of gathering information for comparison to what I learned blindly over the years. Great product!” - Amanda Cyphers, Henderson City Council, NV
Preview and order The Candidate's Handbook only at
Sent by Political Net Press
3145 Alma St.
Palo Alto, CA 94306
If you no longer wish to receive this information please respond to sender and put "remove" in the subject line.
The Candidate's Handbook
35 years of successful campaign experience boiled down to a complete campaign in one compact volume.
Softcover - $24.95 plus shipping.
Downloadable as a non-printable PDF file - $12.95
32 Campaign Checklists
Track all your campaign details from filing deadlines to ordering campaign materials to coffee and event planning, and print them out to keep your staff on the same page.
Downloadable as a printable Word file. $9.95
How To Organize a Precinct Walk
How do you know which precincts to walk and which doors to knock? You need a plan. This step-by-step guide is the planning tool you need to get the most votes out of your volunteers and your walking time. This guide tells you how to:
Locate the voters you must meet.
Calculate how many homes you can reach with the time and volunteers available.
Decide where to walk first.
Prepare Walking Kits for your volunteers containing:
precinct maps
walk lists
tracking codes
talking scripts
Determine what time of day to walk which neighborhoods.
Downloadable as a printable PDF file. $9.95
Here are a few reactions from customers and campaign professionals:
“If you’re new to the political game as a candidate, campaign organizer or merely a political junkie who’s curious about what goes on in the back room of campaign headquarters, you should own a copy of The Candidate’s Handbook…” -Bill Arthur, The Voyager Sentinel
“…the Handbook was a great guide to keep the campaign organized and the Campaign Checklists were a great tool to remember the details.” - Karla Bigham, State Representative District 57a, MN
"As a first-time candidate running for a major city office, I used "The Candidates Handbook" every day from the time I made my decision to run to the night of my election as Mayor. It is an essential tool and reading material for anyone who is considering running for any political office. Carl's book spells it out in easy and concise steps of how to do it; the rest is up to you. A worthy investment for any campaign." - Mayor Richard Knapik, Bay City, TX
"The Candidate's Handbook is complete, comprehensive and easy to use - thanks to the Campaign Checklists that are available in a Word file so that copies can be modified, printed and distributed to volunteers." - James Rushing, Chairman, Orange County (CA) Libertarian Party
"...a must read for anyone seeking election ...It is as valuable for campaign managers and volunteers as for candidates." - March Fong Eu, former California Secretary of State
“The book gave me confidence…” - Bruce Guthrie, Libertarian Candidate for Congress, WA
“I found this book very useful as I refer to it on a daily basis for my run for City Council here in New Britain, CT.” - James A. Wyskiewicz, Assistant Majority Leader, New Britian City Council, CT
“I have shared copies of this book with three local first-time candidates. Having a concise overview of what is involved in running a political race was very helpful to all three individuals as they made their decision to seek local office. It helped each of them get a running start on organization for their race. One individual won by a large margin. The other two lost close races, but did better than most observers expected. More importantly, each individual was pleased with the race they ran.” - Jim Call, County Leader, Change for Kentucky
“Thank you so much for your assistance. I have to tell you your products are very informative while keeping a system simple and focused. Your book has tons of helpful information. I downloaded the Campaign Checklists and this was a wonderful and useful document. I've had 3 successful City Council elections under my belt, and in the process of gathering information for comparison to what I learned blindly over the years. Great product!” - Amanda Cyphers, Henderson City Council, NV
Preview and order The Candidate's Handbook only at
Sent by Political Net Press
3145 Alma St.
Palo Alto, CA 94306
If you no longer wish to receive this information please respond to sender and put "remove" in the subject line.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Dr. Tom Seymour Receives Alumni Award from Mayville State University - North Dakota
Featured Event
Mayville State Alumni Association Awards Luncheon
Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 11:30 a.m.
MSU Campus Center Luckasen Room
Enjoy a delicious meal and celebrate the achievements of the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients. Broc Lietz, William Rindy, and Thomas Seymour are this year's recipients.
To add to the festivities, the MSU Concert Choir will perform and lead the audience in singing the Alma Mater and the Comet Fight Song.
RSVP by September 30 to or 701-788-4750.
Mayville State Alumni Association Awards Luncheon
Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 11:30 a.m.
MSU Campus Center Luckasen Room
Enjoy a delicious meal and celebrate the achievements of the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients. Broc Lietz, William Rindy, and Thomas Seymour are this year's recipients.
To add to the festivities, the MSU Concert Choir will perform and lead the audience in singing the Alma Mater and the Comet Fight Song.
RSVP by September 30 to or 701-788-4750.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A Medicare Update
Hello Everyone,
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. REMINDER: Special Open Door Forum on DMEPOS Competitive Bidding: Learn the Rules to Submit a Bid Successfully!
2. Get Ready for DMEPOS Competitive Bidding!
3. Registration System and Help Desk Closed Labor Day Weekend
4. MEDICARE Provider Enrollment Reminder For Suppliers Of Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics And Supplies
5. DMEPOS Supplier Accreditation Deadline Coming In October 2009!
6. Encore Available for the Information Exchange with HHS on H1N1 Healthcare System Preparedness and Response on August 20, 2009
7. CMS Updates Ambulatory Surgery Center Payment Information for Value-Driven Health Care
8. MEDICARE Provider Enrollment Reminder For Physicians, Non-Physician Practitioners and Group Practices
9. THIRD National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
10. Medicare Fee-for-Service Emergency Preparedness Questions and Answers
11. Analysis of 2006-2007 Home Health Case-Mix Change" Final Report
12. Calendar Year (CY) 2009 Home Health PPS (HH PPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Update
13. Important Update on Status of the Revised HHABN, Form CMS-R-296
14. Request for Resubmission of Comments on Two Medicare Program Rules (CMS-1413-P and CMS-1414-P)
15. New from the Medicare Learning Network
16. Extra Help for Beneficiaries Paying for Prescription Drugs
1. REMINDER: Special Open Door Forum on DMEPOS Competitive Bidding: Learn the Rules to Submit a Bid Successfully!
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Special Open Door Forum:
Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program Bidders’ Conference:
Learn the Rules to Submit a Bid Successfully
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
2:00 pm-3:00 pm Eastern Time
Conference Call Only
Please join us for the second in a series of eight Special Open Door Forum (ODF) bidders’ conferences for the Round 1 Rebid of the Medicare durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) competitive bidding program. At this Special ODF, we will provide an overview of the competitive bidding areas (CBAs), product categories, and important rules to remember when submitting your bid(s). In addition, we will discuss eligibility requirements such as supplier standards, subcontracting, licensure, bonding, and accreditation. We will also provide an overview of special rules for physicians and treating practitioners, skilled nursing facilities, and hospitals.
Reminder: Registration for user IDs and passwords is open. It’s important for suppliers to register early to avoid delays in accessing the online bidding system when bidding opens.
On August 3, 2009, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) issued the bidding timeline for the Round 1 Rebid of the DMEPOS competitive bidding program and initiated a comprehensive bidder education campaign. CMS’ Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) is the focal point for bidder education. Please visit the CBIC's dedicated website,, for important information, including bidding rules, user guides, frequently asked questions, policy fact sheets, checklists, and bidding information charts. The CBIC toll-free help desk, 1‑877‑577‑5331, is open to help bidders with all of their questions and concerns. All suppliers interested in bidding are urged to sign up for e-mail updates on the home page of the CBIC website.
We look forward to your participation.
Special Open Door Participation Instructions:
Dial: 1-800-837-1935 & Reference Conference ID: 23044340
Note: TTY Communications Relay Services are available for the Hearing Impaired. For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880. A Relay Communications Assistant will help.
An audio recording of this Special Forum will be posted to the Special Open Door Forum website at and will be accessible for downloading beginning Friday, September 11, 2009.
For Open Door Forum schedule updates, E-Mailing list subscriptions, and to view Frequently Asked Questions please visit our website at .
Thank you for your interest in CMS Open Door Forums.
2. Get Ready for DMEPOS Competitive Bidding!
The Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS)
Competitive Bidding Program Round 1 Rebid is Coming Soon!!
Summer 2009
Ø CMS announces bidding schedule/schedule of education events
Ø CMS begins bidder education campaign
Ø Bidder registration period to obtain user ID and passwords begins
Fall 2009
Ø Bidding begins
If you are a supplier interested in bidding, prepare now – don’t wait!
Ø UPDATE YOUR NSC FILES: DMEPOS supplier standard # 2 requires ALL suppliers to notify the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC) of any change to the information provided on the Medicare enrollment application (CMS-855S) within 30 days of the change. DMEPOS suppliers should use the 3/09 version of the CMS-855S and should review and update:
• The list of products and services found in section 2.D;
• The Authorized Official(s) information in sections 6A and 15; and
• The correspondence address in section 2A2 of the CMS-855S.
This is especially important for suppliers who will be involved in the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program. These suppliers must ensure the information listed on their supplier files is accurate to enable participation in this program. Information and instructions on how to submit a change of information may be found on the NSC Web site ( and by following this path: Supplier Enrollment/Change of Information/Change of Information Guide.
Ø GET LICENSED: Suppliers submitting a bid for a product category in a competitive bidding area (CBA) must meet all DMEPOS state licensure requirements and other applicable state licensure requirements, if any, for that product category for every state in that CBA. Prior to submitting a bid for a CBA and product category, the supplier must have a copy of the applicable state licenses on file with the NSC. As part of the bid evaluation we will verify with the NSC that the supplier has on file a copy of all applicable required state license(s).
Ø GET ACCREDITED: CMS would like to remind DMEPOS suppliers that time is running out to obtain accreditation by the September 30, 2009 deadline or risk having their Medicare Part B billing privileges revoked on October 1, 2009. Accreditation takes an average of 6 months to complete. DMEPOS suppliers should contact a CMS deemed accreditation organization to obtain information about the accreditation process and the application process. Suppliers must be accredited for a product category in order to submit a bid for that product category. CMS cannot contract with suppliers that are not accredited by a CMS-approved accreditation organization.
Further information on the DMEPOS accreditation requirements along with a list of the accreditation organizations and those professionals and other persons exempted from accreditation may be found at the CMS website: .
Ø GET BONDED: CMS would like to remind DMEPOS suppliers that certain suppliers will need to obtain and submit a surety bond by the October 2, 2009 deadline or risk having their Medicare Part B billing privileges revoked. Suppliers subject to the bonding requirement must be bonded in order to bid in the DMEPOS competitive bidding program. A list of sureties from which a bond can be secured is found at the Department of the Treasury’s “List of Certified (Surety Bond) Companies;” the web site is located at:
Visit the CMS website at for the latest information on the DMEPOS competitive bidding program.
# # # # #
DMEPOS Supplier Accreditation and Surety Bond Requirement Deadlines Coming In October
Suppliers May Choose to Voluntarily Terminate Enrollment If They Do Not Plan To Comply
Medicare suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS), unless exempt, must be accredited and obtain a surety bond by October 1, 2009 and October 2, 2009, respectively.
If you have made the decision not to obtain accreditation or a surety bond when required, you may want to voluntarily terminate your enrollment in the Medicare program before the implementation dates above. You can voluntary terminate your enrollment with the Medicare program by completing the sections associated with voluntary termination on page 4 of the Medicare enrollment application (CMS-855S). Once complete, you should sign, date and send the completed application to the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC). By voluntarily terminating your Medicare enrollment, you will preserve your right to re-enroll in Medicare once you meet the requirements to participate in the Medicare program.
If you do not comply with the accreditation and surety bond requirements and do not submit a voluntary termination, your Medicare billing privileges will be revoked. A revocation will bar you from re-enrolling in Medicare for at least one year after the date of revocation.
Suppliers who do not plan to stay enrolled in Medicare are strongly encouraged to notify their beneficiaries as soon as possible so the beneficiary can find another supplier.
For additional information regarding DMEPOS accreditation or the provisions associated with a surety bond, go to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the surety bond requirement can be found on the NSC’s FAQ page at
# # # # #
Take Action Now to Prepare for the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics,
and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program!
A Special Edition MLN Matters education article identifying steps suppliers should take in preparation for the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program to ensure successful bidder registration is available at
The article highlights specific sections of the CMS-855S, Medicare Enrollment Application, where the accuracy of the Authorized Official information and correspondence mailing address are critical for successful bidder registration. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) urges suppliers planning to bid in the 2009 bidding cycle to read this article and make sure their most recent CMS-855S submission is still current and accurate.
3. Registration System and Help Desk Closed Labor Day Weekend
The CMS registration system for the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program will be unavailable due to routine maintenance from Friday, September 4, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time until Tuesday, September 8, at 9 a.m. Eastern Time. The Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) toll-free help desk will close for the Labor Day holiday on Friday, September 4, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time and will reopen on Tuesday, September 8, at 9 a.m. Eastern Time. The CBIC website,, and the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) unit will be available for registration and bidding information.
4. MEDICARE Provider Enrollment Reminder For Suppliers Of Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics And Supplies
With the implementation of the surety bond requirements for certain suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) in October 2009, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reminds DMEPOS suppliers that each practice location of a DMEPOS supplier must be enrolled in the Medicare program. Each practice location of a DMEPOS supplier is required by Medicare regulations to be uniquely identified; as a result, each practice location must have its own unique National Provider Identifier (NPI) and its own Medicare-assigned Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). With the exception described below in the IMPORTANT NOTE, there should be a 1-to-1 relationship between a DMEPOS supplier’s NPI and its PTAN. The PTAN is assigned to a DMEPOS supplier by the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC) upon its enrollment in the Medicare program. (The PTAN has previously been referred to as the NSC Number.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: DMEPOS suppliers who are sole proprietorship business structures with more than one practice location must ensure that each location is enrolled in Medicare. Each practice location would be assigned a PTAN upon its enrollment. However, as a sole proprietorship, the business is legally one and the same as the person who is the sole proprietor and, therefore, like any individual, is eligible for only a single NPI.
5. DMEPOS Supplier Accreditation Deadline Coming In October 2009!
Medicare suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS), unless exempt, must be accredited and secure a surety bond by October 1, 2009 and October 2, 2009, respectively.
What you need to do if you have already obtained DMEPOS accreditation from an approved accrediting organization
If you have already been notified by an approved accrediting organization that each of your practice locations have been accredited, you do not need to take any additional actions to notify the National Supplier Clearinghouse that your DMEPOS supplier practice locations have been accredited..
What you need to do if you are in the process of being accredited
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) encourages all DMEPOS suppliers currently in the midst of the accreditation process to correct all outstanding deficiencies on your accreditation report so that a site visit or accreditation decision can be rendered by the October 1, 2009 deadline. Moreover, DMEPOS suppliers who obtain accreditation after September 1, 2009 but before October 1, 2009, should submit proof of accreditation to NSC via submission of an amendment to their CMS-855S (Medicare Enrollment Application). This form is available on our website. Sections 1, 2 and 15 or 16 should be completed. In particular section 2G should provide the accreditation information.
6. Encore Available for the Information Exchange with HHS on H1N1 Healthcare System Preparedness and Response on August 20, 2009
Did you miss the Information Exchange with HHS on H1N1 Healthcare System Preparedness and Response on August 20? You can still listen to the exchange using the Encore feature – Dial 800-642-1687, conference identification is H1N1. Also – you can continue to send questions and comment to .
While questions cannot be answered individually, these questions will help shape the content and subject matter of the next call, scheduled for September 14.
7. CMS Updates Ambulatory Surgery Center Payment Information for Value-Driven Health Care
To support the delivery of high-quality, efficient health care and enable consumers to make more informed health care decisions, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is making cost and quality data available to all Americans. As part of this initiative, Medicare posted information in 2007 and 2008 about the payments it made during the previous year for common and elective procedures and services provided by Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs), Hospital Outpatient Departments, and Physicians.
The Hospital information is posted on the Hospital Compare Website where it can be viewed along with hospital quality information. The Hospital compare website may be found at
On August 28, 2009, Medicare posted an update to the Ambulatory Surgery Center data. Hospital Outpatient Department and Physician payment data will be updated later this year. The information is being displayed in the same format as in previous years, updated with calendar year (CY) 2008 data. The posting updates may be found at:
8. MEDICARE Provider Enrollment Reminder For Physicians, Non-Physician Practitioners and Group Practices
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reminds physicians and non-physician practitioners, and group practices that they are required to notify their designated Medicare contractor regarding (a) a change in ownership, (2) a change in practice location, including a change in reassignment of benefits, or (3) any final adverse action (e.g., license suspension/revocation or felony conviction) within 30 days of the reportable event. By reporting changes as soon as possible, but within 30 days of the reportable event, physicians, non-physician practitioners, and group practices will help to ensure that their claims are processed correctly.
Physicians, non-physician practitioners, and group practices are also encouraged to update their Medicare enrollment information on file with the Medicare contractor if the physician, non-physician practitioner, or group practice has not done so since November 2003.
Physicians, non-physicians practitioners, and group practices can use CMS’ electronic enrollment process, known as Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS), to enroll or make a change in an existing enrollment record.
Information regarding physician, non-physician practitioner, and group practice reporting responsibility and other informational material regarding provider enrollment can be found on the Medicare Provider/Supplier Enrollment web site,, and in the documents available for downloading in the Downloads section of each web page.
9. THIRD National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
Third National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
Conference call details:
Date: September 9, 2009
Conference Title: Third National Medicare FFS Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will present the third in a series of National Education Conference Calls focused on Medicare’s Fee-for-Service (FFS) implementation of HIPAA Version 5010. The presentation will cover Medicare FFS error handling transactions (TA1, 999, and 277CA), planned use of each transaction and applicable rules and exceptions for the Medicare FFS program. The presentation is geared to billing software programmers or developers that reside within provider organizations. A Question & Answer (Q&A) session will follow the presentation that will give participants an opportunity to ask questions of CMS’ subject matter experts.
In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation.
Registration will close at 2:00 p.m. ET on September 8, 2009, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.
1. To register for the call participants need to go to:
2. Fill in all required data.
3. Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.
4. Click "Register".
5. You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.
6. A few days prior to the call (not before September 6th), check the Educational Resources page on CMS’ 5010 web page at to obtain a copy of the presentation that will be used during the call.
Learn more about 5010, visit CMS’ dedicated page at on the web.
10. Medicare Fee-for-Service Emergency Preparedness Questions and Answers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has updated the Medicare Fee-for-Service Emergency Preparedness Questions and Answers (Qs & As). The Emergency Qs & As are posted in a document at These Qs & As include a section applicable to the H1N1 flu virus.
The document is dated to reflect the posting date. As additions and changes are made to the document, the download name will change to reflect the date. Please take note that these Qs & As do not address a Section 1135 waiver situation.
11. Analysis of 2006-2007 Home Health Case-Mix Change" Final Report
CMS is posting Abt Associates' "Analysis of 2006-2007 Home Health Case-Mix Change" final report. This report describes updates to the home health case-mix change analysis since the CY 2008 HH PPS Final Rule, up to and through the recently published CY 2010 proposed rule (CMS-1560-P).
For additional information on Home Health Agency (HHA), visit
12. Calendar Year (CY) 2009 Home Health PPS (HH PPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Update
The CY 2009 Home Health PPS (HH PPS) PC Pricer requires a revised release level. The HH PPS PC Pricer has been updated as of August 27, 2009. If you use the HH PPS PC Pricer, go to the web page,, under the "Downloads" section and download the latest version of the PC Pricer.
13. Important Update on Status of the Revised HHABN, Form CMS-R-296
The Home Health Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (HHABN), Form CMS-R-296 is currently undergoing the final stages of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). OMB issued an extension of the expiration date on the current HHABN pending approval of the revised form.
Home Health Agencies should continue using the existing HHABN until the revised HHABN receives final OMB approval at which time it will be posted on the CMS website along with the revised instructions and the date for its mandatory use at:
14. Request for Resubmission of Comments on Two Medicare Program Rules (CMS-1413-P and CMS-1414-P)
Electronic Public Comment Transmission Error for Two Medicare Program Rules (CMS-1413-P and CMS-1414-P) -- ACTION
The following is a notice that appeared in the Federal Register requesting resubmission of comments on the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule or CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule before the close of the comment period for these rules (that is, August 31, 2009) if comments were originally submitted via during the period from July 26, 2009 through July 30, 2009.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Parts 410, 411, 414, 415, 485, and 489
Electronic Public Comment Transmission Error for Two Medicare Program Rules
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Request for resubmission of comments.
SUMMARY: This document requests that the public resubmit their comments on the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule or CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule before the close of the comment period for these rules (that is, August 31, 2009) if their comments were originally submitted via during the period from July 26, 2009 through July 30, 2009.
DATES: To be assured consideration, comments on the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule published July 13, 2009 (74 FR 33520) and the CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule published July 20, 2009, (74 FR 35232) must be received at one of the addresses provided below, no later than 5 p.m. on August 31, 2009.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer to file code--
· CMS-1413-P (for the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule); or
· CMS-1414-P (for the CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule).
Because of staff and resource limitations, we cannot accept comments by facsimile (FAX) transmission.
You may submit comments in one of four ways (please choose only one of the ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may submit electronic comments on either of these proposed rules via Enter one of the following docket identification numbers in the keyword search field:
a. CMS-2009-0058, for the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule.
b. CMS‑2009‑0060, for the CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule.
2. By regular mail. You may mail written comments to the following address ONLY:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Attention: CMS-1413-P or CMS-1414-P
P.O. Box 8013,
Baltimore, MD 21244-8013.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed comments to be received before the close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You may send written comments to the following address ONLY:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Attention: CMS-1413-P or CMS-1414-P,
Mail Stop C4-26-05,
7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
4. By hand or courier. If you prefer, you may deliver (by hand or courier) your written comments before the close of the comment period to either of the following addresses:
a. For delivery in Washington, DC--
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Room 445-G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building,
200 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20201
(Because access to the interior of the Hubert H. Humphrey Building is not readily available to persons without Federal government identification, commenters are encouraged to leave their comments in the CMS drop slots located in the main lobby of the building. A stamp-in clock is available for persons wishing to retain a proof of filing by stamping in and retaining an extra copy of the comments being filed.)
b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD--
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services,
7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
If you intend to deliver your comments to the Baltimore address, please call telephone number (410) 786‑9994 in advance to schedule your arrival with one of our staff members.
Comments mailed to the addresses indicated as appropriate for hand or courier delivery may be delayed and received after the comment period.
Shawn Braxton, (410) 786-7292.
In January 2003, the interagency eRulemaking Program launched to provide citizens with an online portal to learn about proposed regulations and to have their comments shape the rulemaking process. For the first time ever, American citizens could access and comment on all proposed Federal regulations from a single web site.
A minor software problem resulted in the nontransmittal of some public comments from July 26, 2009 through July 30, 2009. The software error affected only a few Federal agencies, one of which was the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. We were informed that this error affected the receipt of public comments on the following proposed rules (1) Medicare Program; Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2010 ( docket identification (ID) number (CMS‑2009‑0058)); and (2) Medicare Program; Proposed Changes to the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and CY 2010 Payment Rates; Proposed Changes to the Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System and CY 2010 Payment Rates ( docket ID number (CMS‑2009‑0060).) (These proposed rules were published in the July 13, 2009 (74 FR 33520) and the July 20, 2009 (74 FR 35232 Federal Register respectively) Therefore, we are requesting that persons who transmitted comments on either of the aforementioned proposed rules during the period from July 26, 2009 through July 30, 2009 resubmit their comments before the close of the comment period for the proposed rules which is August 31, 2009. Persons wishing to resubmit comments may do so electronically, via mail, hand delivery, or courier as specified in the ADDRESSES section of this notice.
We note that the software problem has been corrected and safeguards are now in place to ensure this error will not occur for future rulemaking documents.
The above notice was published in the proposed rule section of the Federal Register on August 26, 2009.
15. New from the Medicare Learning Network
The revised publication titled ICD-10-CM/PCS: An Introduction Fact Sheet (August 2009), which was previously titled ICD-10-Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System Fact Sheet, is now available in downloadable format from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network at . This fact sheet provides general information about the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-CM/PCS) including benefits of adopting the new coding system, structural differences between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM/PCS, and implementation planning recommendations.
The revised ICD-10-CM/PCS Bookmark (August 2009), which provides information about the ICD-10-Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-CM/PCS) including the benefits of adopting the coding system, recommended steps to be taken in order to plan and prepare for implementation of the coding system, and where additional information about the coding system can be found, is now available in print format from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network. To place your order, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.”
16. Extra Help for Beneficiaries Paying for Prescription Drugs
Do You Know Someone Who Is Having Trouble Paying For Prescription Drugs?
Medicare Can Help!
If an individual has limited income and resources, they may qualify for extra help from Medicare. It could be worth over $3,300 in savings on prescription drug costs per year.
Encourage people with Medicare to file for Extra Help online: or by calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 to apply over the phone.
State Health Insurance Information Program (SHIP) offices can assist with the application. Find contact information for a local SHIP Counselor at or by calling
Lucretia James
Division for Medicare Health Plans Operations
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Region VIII
1600 Broadway, Suite 700
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 844-1568
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. REMINDER: Special Open Door Forum on DMEPOS Competitive Bidding: Learn the Rules to Submit a Bid Successfully!
2. Get Ready for DMEPOS Competitive Bidding!
3. Registration System and Help Desk Closed Labor Day Weekend
4. MEDICARE Provider Enrollment Reminder For Suppliers Of Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics And Supplies
5. DMEPOS Supplier Accreditation Deadline Coming In October 2009!
6. Encore Available for the Information Exchange with HHS on H1N1 Healthcare System Preparedness and Response on August 20, 2009
7. CMS Updates Ambulatory Surgery Center Payment Information for Value-Driven Health Care
8. MEDICARE Provider Enrollment Reminder For Physicians, Non-Physician Practitioners and Group Practices
9. THIRD National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
10. Medicare Fee-for-Service Emergency Preparedness Questions and Answers
11. Analysis of 2006-2007 Home Health Case-Mix Change" Final Report
12. Calendar Year (CY) 2009 Home Health PPS (HH PPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Update
13. Important Update on Status of the Revised HHABN, Form CMS-R-296
14. Request for Resubmission of Comments on Two Medicare Program Rules (CMS-1413-P and CMS-1414-P)
15. New from the Medicare Learning Network
16. Extra Help for Beneficiaries Paying for Prescription Drugs
1. REMINDER: Special Open Door Forum on DMEPOS Competitive Bidding: Learn the Rules to Submit a Bid Successfully!
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Special Open Door Forum:
Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program Bidders’ Conference:
Learn the Rules to Submit a Bid Successfully
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
2:00 pm-3:00 pm Eastern Time
Conference Call Only
Please join us for the second in a series of eight Special Open Door Forum (ODF) bidders’ conferences for the Round 1 Rebid of the Medicare durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) competitive bidding program. At this Special ODF, we will provide an overview of the competitive bidding areas (CBAs), product categories, and important rules to remember when submitting your bid(s). In addition, we will discuss eligibility requirements such as supplier standards, subcontracting, licensure, bonding, and accreditation. We will also provide an overview of special rules for physicians and treating practitioners, skilled nursing facilities, and hospitals.
Reminder: Registration for user IDs and passwords is open. It’s important for suppliers to register early to avoid delays in accessing the online bidding system when bidding opens.
On August 3, 2009, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) issued the bidding timeline for the Round 1 Rebid of the DMEPOS competitive bidding program and initiated a comprehensive bidder education campaign. CMS’ Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) is the focal point for bidder education. Please visit the CBIC's dedicated website,, for important information, including bidding rules, user guides, frequently asked questions, policy fact sheets, checklists, and bidding information charts. The CBIC toll-free help desk, 1‑877‑577‑5331, is open to help bidders with all of their questions and concerns. All suppliers interested in bidding are urged to sign up for e-mail updates on the home page of the CBIC website.
We look forward to your participation.
Special Open Door Participation Instructions:
Dial: 1-800-837-1935 & Reference Conference ID: 23044340
Note: TTY Communications Relay Services are available for the Hearing Impaired. For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880. A Relay Communications Assistant will help.
An audio recording of this Special Forum will be posted to the Special Open Door Forum website at and will be accessible for downloading beginning Friday, September 11, 2009.
For Open Door Forum schedule updates, E-Mailing list subscriptions, and to view Frequently Asked Questions please visit our website at .
Thank you for your interest in CMS Open Door Forums.
2. Get Ready for DMEPOS Competitive Bidding!
The Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS)
Competitive Bidding Program Round 1 Rebid is Coming Soon!!
Summer 2009
Ø CMS announces bidding schedule/schedule of education events
Ø CMS begins bidder education campaign
Ø Bidder registration period to obtain user ID and passwords begins
Fall 2009
Ø Bidding begins
If you are a supplier interested in bidding, prepare now – don’t wait!
Ø UPDATE YOUR NSC FILES: DMEPOS supplier standard # 2 requires ALL suppliers to notify the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC) of any change to the information provided on the Medicare enrollment application (CMS-855S) within 30 days of the change. DMEPOS suppliers should use the 3/09 version of the CMS-855S and should review and update:
• The list of products and services found in section 2.D;
• The Authorized Official(s) information in sections 6A and 15; and
• The correspondence address in section 2A2 of the CMS-855S.
This is especially important for suppliers who will be involved in the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program. These suppliers must ensure the information listed on their supplier files is accurate to enable participation in this program. Information and instructions on how to submit a change of information may be found on the NSC Web site ( and by following this path: Supplier Enrollment/Change of Information/Change of Information Guide.
Ø GET LICENSED: Suppliers submitting a bid for a product category in a competitive bidding area (CBA) must meet all DMEPOS state licensure requirements and other applicable state licensure requirements, if any, for that product category for every state in that CBA. Prior to submitting a bid for a CBA and product category, the supplier must have a copy of the applicable state licenses on file with the NSC. As part of the bid evaluation we will verify with the NSC that the supplier has on file a copy of all applicable required state license(s).
Ø GET ACCREDITED: CMS would like to remind DMEPOS suppliers that time is running out to obtain accreditation by the September 30, 2009 deadline or risk having their Medicare Part B billing privileges revoked on October 1, 2009. Accreditation takes an average of 6 months to complete. DMEPOS suppliers should contact a CMS deemed accreditation organization to obtain information about the accreditation process and the application process. Suppliers must be accredited for a product category in order to submit a bid for that product category. CMS cannot contract with suppliers that are not accredited by a CMS-approved accreditation organization.
Further information on the DMEPOS accreditation requirements along with a list of the accreditation organizations and those professionals and other persons exempted from accreditation may be found at the CMS website: .
Ø GET BONDED: CMS would like to remind DMEPOS suppliers that certain suppliers will need to obtain and submit a surety bond by the October 2, 2009 deadline or risk having their Medicare Part B billing privileges revoked. Suppliers subject to the bonding requirement must be bonded in order to bid in the DMEPOS competitive bidding program. A list of sureties from which a bond can be secured is found at the Department of the Treasury’s “List of Certified (Surety Bond) Companies;” the web site is located at:
Visit the CMS website at for the latest information on the DMEPOS competitive bidding program.
# # # # #
DMEPOS Supplier Accreditation and Surety Bond Requirement Deadlines Coming In October
Suppliers May Choose to Voluntarily Terminate Enrollment If They Do Not Plan To Comply
Medicare suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS), unless exempt, must be accredited and obtain a surety bond by October 1, 2009 and October 2, 2009, respectively.
If you have made the decision not to obtain accreditation or a surety bond when required, you may want to voluntarily terminate your enrollment in the Medicare program before the implementation dates above. You can voluntary terminate your enrollment with the Medicare program by completing the sections associated with voluntary termination on page 4 of the Medicare enrollment application (CMS-855S). Once complete, you should sign, date and send the completed application to the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC). By voluntarily terminating your Medicare enrollment, you will preserve your right to re-enroll in Medicare once you meet the requirements to participate in the Medicare program.
If you do not comply with the accreditation and surety bond requirements and do not submit a voluntary termination, your Medicare billing privileges will be revoked. A revocation will bar you from re-enrolling in Medicare for at least one year after the date of revocation.
Suppliers who do not plan to stay enrolled in Medicare are strongly encouraged to notify their beneficiaries as soon as possible so the beneficiary can find another supplier.
For additional information regarding DMEPOS accreditation or the provisions associated with a surety bond, go to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the surety bond requirement can be found on the NSC’s FAQ page at
# # # # #
Take Action Now to Prepare for the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics,
and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program!
A Special Edition MLN Matters education article identifying steps suppliers should take in preparation for the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program to ensure successful bidder registration is available at
The article highlights specific sections of the CMS-855S, Medicare Enrollment Application, where the accuracy of the Authorized Official information and correspondence mailing address are critical for successful bidder registration. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) urges suppliers planning to bid in the 2009 bidding cycle to read this article and make sure their most recent CMS-855S submission is still current and accurate.
3. Registration System and Help Desk Closed Labor Day Weekend
The CMS registration system for the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program will be unavailable due to routine maintenance from Friday, September 4, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time until Tuesday, September 8, at 9 a.m. Eastern Time. The Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) toll-free help desk will close for the Labor Day holiday on Friday, September 4, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time and will reopen on Tuesday, September 8, at 9 a.m. Eastern Time. The CBIC website,, and the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) unit will be available for registration and bidding information.
4. MEDICARE Provider Enrollment Reminder For Suppliers Of Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics And Supplies
With the implementation of the surety bond requirements for certain suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) in October 2009, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reminds DMEPOS suppliers that each practice location of a DMEPOS supplier must be enrolled in the Medicare program. Each practice location of a DMEPOS supplier is required by Medicare regulations to be uniquely identified; as a result, each practice location must have its own unique National Provider Identifier (NPI) and its own Medicare-assigned Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). With the exception described below in the IMPORTANT NOTE, there should be a 1-to-1 relationship between a DMEPOS supplier’s NPI and its PTAN. The PTAN is assigned to a DMEPOS supplier by the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC) upon its enrollment in the Medicare program. (The PTAN has previously been referred to as the NSC Number.)
IMPORTANT NOTE: DMEPOS suppliers who are sole proprietorship business structures with more than one practice location must ensure that each location is enrolled in Medicare. Each practice location would be assigned a PTAN upon its enrollment. However, as a sole proprietorship, the business is legally one and the same as the person who is the sole proprietor and, therefore, like any individual, is eligible for only a single NPI.
5. DMEPOS Supplier Accreditation Deadline Coming In October 2009!
Medicare suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS), unless exempt, must be accredited and secure a surety bond by October 1, 2009 and October 2, 2009, respectively.
What you need to do if you have already obtained DMEPOS accreditation from an approved accrediting organization
If you have already been notified by an approved accrediting organization that each of your practice locations have been accredited, you do not need to take any additional actions to notify the National Supplier Clearinghouse that your DMEPOS supplier practice locations have been accredited..
What you need to do if you are in the process of being accredited
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) encourages all DMEPOS suppliers currently in the midst of the accreditation process to correct all outstanding deficiencies on your accreditation report so that a site visit or accreditation decision can be rendered by the October 1, 2009 deadline. Moreover, DMEPOS suppliers who obtain accreditation after September 1, 2009 but before October 1, 2009, should submit proof of accreditation to NSC via submission of an amendment to their CMS-855S (Medicare Enrollment Application). This form is available on our website. Sections 1, 2 and 15 or 16 should be completed. In particular section 2G should provide the accreditation information.
6. Encore Available for the Information Exchange with HHS on H1N1 Healthcare System Preparedness and Response on August 20, 2009
Did you miss the Information Exchange with HHS on H1N1 Healthcare System Preparedness and Response on August 20? You can still listen to the exchange using the Encore feature – Dial 800-642-1687, conference identification is H1N1. Also – you can continue to send questions and comment to .
While questions cannot be answered individually, these questions will help shape the content and subject matter of the next call, scheduled for September 14.
7. CMS Updates Ambulatory Surgery Center Payment Information for Value-Driven Health Care
To support the delivery of high-quality, efficient health care and enable consumers to make more informed health care decisions, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is making cost and quality data available to all Americans. As part of this initiative, Medicare posted information in 2007 and 2008 about the payments it made during the previous year for common and elective procedures and services provided by Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs), Hospital Outpatient Departments, and Physicians.
The Hospital information is posted on the Hospital Compare Website where it can be viewed along with hospital quality information. The Hospital compare website may be found at
On August 28, 2009, Medicare posted an update to the Ambulatory Surgery Center data. Hospital Outpatient Department and Physician payment data will be updated later this year. The information is being displayed in the same format as in previous years, updated with calendar year (CY) 2008 data. The posting updates may be found at:
8. MEDICARE Provider Enrollment Reminder For Physicians, Non-Physician Practitioners and Group Practices
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reminds physicians and non-physician practitioners, and group practices that they are required to notify their designated Medicare contractor regarding (a) a change in ownership, (2) a change in practice location, including a change in reassignment of benefits, or (3) any final adverse action (e.g., license suspension/revocation or felony conviction) within 30 days of the reportable event. By reporting changes as soon as possible, but within 30 days of the reportable event, physicians, non-physician practitioners, and group practices will help to ensure that their claims are processed correctly.
Physicians, non-physician practitioners, and group practices are also encouraged to update their Medicare enrollment information on file with the Medicare contractor if the physician, non-physician practitioner, or group practice has not done so since November 2003.
Physicians, non-physicians practitioners, and group practices can use CMS’ electronic enrollment process, known as Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS), to enroll or make a change in an existing enrollment record.
Information regarding physician, non-physician practitioner, and group practice reporting responsibility and other informational material regarding provider enrollment can be found on the Medicare Provider/Supplier Enrollment web site,, and in the documents available for downloading in the Downloads section of each web page.
9. THIRD National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
Third National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
Conference call details:
Date: September 9, 2009
Conference Title: Third National Medicare FFS Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will present the third in a series of National Education Conference Calls focused on Medicare’s Fee-for-Service (FFS) implementation of HIPAA Version 5010. The presentation will cover Medicare FFS error handling transactions (TA1, 999, and 277CA), planned use of each transaction and applicable rules and exceptions for the Medicare FFS program. The presentation is geared to billing software programmers or developers that reside within provider organizations. A Question & Answer (Q&A) session will follow the presentation that will give participants an opportunity to ask questions of CMS’ subject matter experts.
In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation.
Registration will close at 2:00 p.m. ET on September 8, 2009, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.
1. To register for the call participants need to go to:
2. Fill in all required data.
3. Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.
4. Click "Register".
5. You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.
6. A few days prior to the call (not before September 6th), check the Educational Resources page on CMS’ 5010 web page at to obtain a copy of the presentation that will be used during the call.
Learn more about 5010, visit CMS’ dedicated page at on the web.
10. Medicare Fee-for-Service Emergency Preparedness Questions and Answers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has updated the Medicare Fee-for-Service Emergency Preparedness Questions and Answers (Qs & As). The Emergency Qs & As are posted in a document at These Qs & As include a section applicable to the H1N1 flu virus.
The document is dated to reflect the posting date. As additions and changes are made to the document, the download name will change to reflect the date. Please take note that these Qs & As do not address a Section 1135 waiver situation.
11. Analysis of 2006-2007 Home Health Case-Mix Change" Final Report
CMS is posting Abt Associates' "Analysis of 2006-2007 Home Health Case-Mix Change" final report. This report describes updates to the home health case-mix change analysis since the CY 2008 HH PPS Final Rule, up to and through the recently published CY 2010 proposed rule (CMS-1560-P).
For additional information on Home Health Agency (HHA), visit
12. Calendar Year (CY) 2009 Home Health PPS (HH PPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Update
The CY 2009 Home Health PPS (HH PPS) PC Pricer requires a revised release level. The HH PPS PC Pricer has been updated as of August 27, 2009. If you use the HH PPS PC Pricer, go to the web page,, under the "Downloads" section and download the latest version of the PC Pricer.
13. Important Update on Status of the Revised HHABN, Form CMS-R-296
The Home Health Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (HHABN), Form CMS-R-296 is currently undergoing the final stages of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). OMB issued an extension of the expiration date on the current HHABN pending approval of the revised form.
Home Health Agencies should continue using the existing HHABN until the revised HHABN receives final OMB approval at which time it will be posted on the CMS website along with the revised instructions and the date for its mandatory use at:
14. Request for Resubmission of Comments on Two Medicare Program Rules (CMS-1413-P and CMS-1414-P)
Electronic Public Comment Transmission Error for Two Medicare Program Rules (CMS-1413-P and CMS-1414-P) -- ACTION
The following is a notice that appeared in the Federal Register requesting resubmission of comments on the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule or CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule before the close of the comment period for these rules (that is, August 31, 2009) if comments were originally submitted via during the period from July 26, 2009 through July 30, 2009.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Parts 410, 411, 414, 415, 485, and 489
Electronic Public Comment Transmission Error for Two Medicare Program Rules
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Request for resubmission of comments.
SUMMARY: This document requests that the public resubmit their comments on the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule or CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule before the close of the comment period for these rules (that is, August 31, 2009) if their comments were originally submitted via during the period from July 26, 2009 through July 30, 2009.
DATES: To be assured consideration, comments on the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule published July 13, 2009 (74 FR 33520) and the CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule published July 20, 2009, (74 FR 35232) must be received at one of the addresses provided below, no later than 5 p.m. on August 31, 2009.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer to file code--
· CMS-1413-P (for the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule); or
· CMS-1414-P (for the CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule).
Because of staff and resource limitations, we cannot accept comments by facsimile (FAX) transmission.
You may submit comments in one of four ways (please choose only one of the ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may submit electronic comments on either of these proposed rules via Enter one of the following docket identification numbers in the keyword search field:
a. CMS-2009-0058, for the CY 2010 Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule.
b. CMS‑2009‑0060, for the CY 2010 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule.
2. By regular mail. You may mail written comments to the following address ONLY:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Attention: CMS-1413-P or CMS-1414-P
P.O. Box 8013,
Baltimore, MD 21244-8013.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed comments to be received before the close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You may send written comments to the following address ONLY:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Attention: CMS-1413-P or CMS-1414-P,
Mail Stop C4-26-05,
7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
4. By hand or courier. If you prefer, you may deliver (by hand or courier) your written comments before the close of the comment period to either of the following addresses:
a. For delivery in Washington, DC--
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services,
Room 445-G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building,
200 Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20201
(Because access to the interior of the Hubert H. Humphrey Building is not readily available to persons without Federal government identification, commenters are encouraged to leave their comments in the CMS drop slots located in the main lobby of the building. A stamp-in clock is available for persons wishing to retain a proof of filing by stamping in and retaining an extra copy of the comments being filed.)
b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD--
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Department of Health and Human Services,
7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
If you intend to deliver your comments to the Baltimore address, please call telephone number (410) 786‑9994 in advance to schedule your arrival with one of our staff members.
Comments mailed to the addresses indicated as appropriate for hand or courier delivery may be delayed and received after the comment period.
Shawn Braxton, (410) 786-7292.
In January 2003, the interagency eRulemaking Program launched to provide citizens with an online portal to learn about proposed regulations and to have their comments shape the rulemaking process. For the first time ever, American citizens could access and comment on all proposed Federal regulations from a single web site.
A minor software problem resulted in the nontransmittal of some public comments from July 26, 2009 through July 30, 2009. The software error affected only a few Federal agencies, one of which was the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. We were informed that this error affected the receipt of public comments on the following proposed rules (1) Medicare Program; Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2010 ( docket identification (ID) number (CMS‑2009‑0058)); and (2) Medicare Program; Proposed Changes to the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and CY 2010 Payment Rates; Proposed Changes to the Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System and CY 2010 Payment Rates ( docket ID number (CMS‑2009‑0060).) (These proposed rules were published in the July 13, 2009 (74 FR 33520) and the July 20, 2009 (74 FR 35232 Federal Register respectively) Therefore, we are requesting that persons who transmitted comments on either of the aforementioned proposed rules during the period from July 26, 2009 through July 30, 2009 resubmit their comments before the close of the comment period for the proposed rules which is August 31, 2009. Persons wishing to resubmit comments may do so electronically, via mail, hand delivery, or courier as specified in the ADDRESSES section of this notice.
We note that the software problem has been corrected and safeguards are now in place to ensure this error will not occur for future rulemaking documents.
The above notice was published in the proposed rule section of the Federal Register on August 26, 2009.
15. New from the Medicare Learning Network
The revised publication titled ICD-10-CM/PCS: An Introduction Fact Sheet (August 2009), which was previously titled ICD-10-Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System Fact Sheet, is now available in downloadable format from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network at . This fact sheet provides general information about the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-CM/PCS) including benefits of adopting the new coding system, structural differences between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM/PCS, and implementation planning recommendations.
The revised ICD-10-CM/PCS Bookmark (August 2009), which provides information about the ICD-10-Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-CM/PCS) including the benefits of adopting the coding system, recommended steps to be taken in order to plan and prepare for implementation of the coding system, and where additional information about the coding system can be found, is now available in print format from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network. To place your order, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.”
16. Extra Help for Beneficiaries Paying for Prescription Drugs
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If an individual has limited income and resources, they may qualify for extra help from Medicare. It could be worth over $3,300 in savings on prescription drug costs per year.
Encourage people with Medicare to file for Extra Help online: or by calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 to apply over the phone.
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Friday, August 28, 2009
News from Mayville State University in North Dakota -- Tom Seymour Awarded
Mayville State Alumni Association Awards Luncheon
Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 11:30 a.m.
MSU Campus Center Luckasen Room
Enjoy a delicious meal and celebrate the achievements of the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients. Broc Lietz, William Rindy, and Thomas Seymour are this year's recipients.
To add to the festivities, the MSU Concert Choir will perform and lead the audience in singing the Alma Mater and the Comet Fight Song.
RSVP by September 30 to or 701-788-4750.
Mayville State University’s First-Day Headcount Enrollment Is Up by 13.5%
First-day figures show that Mayville State University is experiencing significant enrollment increases in all categories this fall. The first-day headcount enrollment is 824. This represents a 13.5% increase over the first-day headcount for the fall of 2008, and the largest headcount at Mayville State since 2005.
The first-day enrollment numbers are preliminary. Official final fall semester 2009 enrollment figures will not be computed until mid-September, when all North Dakota University System institutions calculate final enrollment data. Fall Semester 2009 classes began at Mayville State University on Monday, August 24.
“It looks as though our freshman class will increase appreciably this year,” said MSU President Dr. Gary Hagen. “We expect this will be the largest freshman class at Mayville State since the fall of 2005. This is very exciting, and we are confident that our new programs and initiatives geared toward retaining students will be beneficial.”
Through a new program which began last fall, freshmen at Mayville State have the opportunity to enroll in a course developed especially for them. The course, Seminar on Success (SOS), is a one-credit class designed to help students become acclimated to the university and community, and to teach skills that will help students achieve their goals while attending Mayville State, and beyond. The course is one of the benefits of the U.S. Department of Education Title III grant that Mayville State was awarded in the spring of 2007.
The increase in the number of freshmen is contributing to the fact that the number of full time students enrolled and the full time equivalent figures are up considerably, according to first-day figures. The number of full time students enrolled has increased by 22% when compared with fall 2008 first-day figures, and the full time equivalent has increased by just over 18%.
“We’ve initiated a number of campus projects over that last couple of years that are making a difference at Mayville State. These include not only physical plant improvements, but program offerings and changes in the way our programs are delivered. We are making great strides toward providing meaningful and flexible educational opportunities for the people we serve,” said Dr. Keith Stenehjem, MSU Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Mayville State is in the midst of several significant physical plant projects, including the construction of a new coal-fueled heating plant and an addition to the science and library buildings that will provide a new home for the Division of Education and Psychology. In addition, the university’s largest residence hall will be renovated to provide apartment-style living arrangements for students.
Mayville State University, the nation’s first Tablet PC campus, is a personable rural campus. Featuring technology-enriched education in which full-time, on-campus students are issued a Tablet PC notebook computer, MSU is nationally identified for teacher education, the largest academic program on campus. Business administration and computer information systems are also popular majors on a campus known for the personal attention provided to its students. Newest programs include clinical lab science, fitness and wellness, sports management, communication, and a teaching major in early childhood education.
The mission of Mayville State University is to educate and guide students, as individuals, so that they may realize their full career potential and enhance their lives. This is done in an environment that reflects that university’s tradition of personal service, commitment to innovative technology-enriched education, and dynamic learning relationships with community, employers, and society.
Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 11:30 a.m.
MSU Campus Center Luckasen Room
Enjoy a delicious meal and celebrate the achievements of the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients. Broc Lietz, William Rindy, and Thomas Seymour are this year's recipients.
To add to the festivities, the MSU Concert Choir will perform and lead the audience in singing the Alma Mater and the Comet Fight Song.
RSVP by September 30 to or 701-788-4750.
Mayville State University’s First-Day Headcount Enrollment Is Up by 13.5%
First-day figures show that Mayville State University is experiencing significant enrollment increases in all categories this fall. The first-day headcount enrollment is 824. This represents a 13.5% increase over the first-day headcount for the fall of 2008, and the largest headcount at Mayville State since 2005.
The first-day enrollment numbers are preliminary. Official final fall semester 2009 enrollment figures will not be computed until mid-September, when all North Dakota University System institutions calculate final enrollment data. Fall Semester 2009 classes began at Mayville State University on Monday, August 24.
“It looks as though our freshman class will increase appreciably this year,” said MSU President Dr. Gary Hagen. “We expect this will be the largest freshman class at Mayville State since the fall of 2005. This is very exciting, and we are confident that our new programs and initiatives geared toward retaining students will be beneficial.”
Through a new program which began last fall, freshmen at Mayville State have the opportunity to enroll in a course developed especially for them. The course, Seminar on Success (SOS), is a one-credit class designed to help students become acclimated to the university and community, and to teach skills that will help students achieve their goals while attending Mayville State, and beyond. The course is one of the benefits of the U.S. Department of Education Title III grant that Mayville State was awarded in the spring of 2007.
The increase in the number of freshmen is contributing to the fact that the number of full time students enrolled and the full time equivalent figures are up considerably, according to first-day figures. The number of full time students enrolled has increased by 22% when compared with fall 2008 first-day figures, and the full time equivalent has increased by just over 18%.
“We’ve initiated a number of campus projects over that last couple of years that are making a difference at Mayville State. These include not only physical plant improvements, but program offerings and changes in the way our programs are delivered. We are making great strides toward providing meaningful and flexible educational opportunities for the people we serve,” said Dr. Keith Stenehjem, MSU Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Mayville State is in the midst of several significant physical plant projects, including the construction of a new coal-fueled heating plant and an addition to the science and library buildings that will provide a new home for the Division of Education and Psychology. In addition, the university’s largest residence hall will be renovated to provide apartment-style living arrangements for students.
Mayville State University, the nation’s first Tablet PC campus, is a personable rural campus. Featuring technology-enriched education in which full-time, on-campus students are issued a Tablet PC notebook computer, MSU is nationally identified for teacher education, the largest academic program on campus. Business administration and computer information systems are also popular majors on a campus known for the personal attention provided to its students. Newest programs include clinical lab science, fitness and wellness, sports management, communication, and a teaching major in early childhood education.
The mission of Mayville State University is to educate and guide students, as individuals, so that they may realize their full career potential and enhance their lives. This is done in an environment that reflects that university’s tradition of personal service, commitment to innovative technology-enriched education, and dynamic learning relationships with community, employers, and society.
Understanding Social Media Communities
Understanding Social Media Communities
By Liana Evans, Search Engine Watch, Aug 3, 2009
Related Reading
Social Media Informs Planning and Buying
SES: Managing Social Media
Social Media Integration Fuels Whole Foods Boycotters
Social Media Advertising Barriers Eroding
Suggested Searches
social media - black hat - social web - white hat
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Post a comment (4 posted)
Social communities, whether they're online or offline, have interesting dynamics. To make any kind of headway, you must understand and respect how each individual community functions before charging in and saying, "Hey, can I join the party, too?" Several factors can affect whether you're accepted into the community, or left on the outside looking in.
Companies entering the social media space must first figure out where their audience is, but that's only the beginning of any type of strategy. A lot more goes into developing the type of respect, authority, and relationships in communities that generate successful strategies and attained goals for companies.
When working with communities in social media, it isn't as easy as signing up for an account and announcing that you've arrived in the space. If you charge in with your marketing message waving in your hands like old-time paperboys on street corners, shouting your message, you'll garner more than just a few cold shoulders. You'll be branded an ignorant marketer and likely won't ever find acceptance in the community.
Working with communities of any kind, whether it's a forum, a group on Facebook, or a bunch of people on Twitter discussing a particular subject every week, takes care and time. It involves developing true relationships with your audience by helping community members with information they need or solving their problems.
By taking this approach, you can slowly establish their trust in you, and build a solid foundation of a great consumer relationship. However, it doesn't happen overnight, no matter what brand or company you are. Along the way, here are a few tips you can follow:
Read the Rules
Almost every social media site has rules. Whether it's a Flickr photo group or a new account on a forum, rules are posted somewhere on the site.
The best first step you should take is finding those rules and printing them for your whole social media team to read. These rules will clearly define what is acceptable in posts, profiles, and actions on the site.
For example, some forums allow two links in your signature, some don't allow any. Some communities want you to establish your profile before you can reply with links in your conversations. If you start by posting a link to your site or media, you could very well find yourself booted out of the community.
Observe, Look, Listen, and Learn
We were given eyes and ears to observe and listen to what's going on around us. Taking the time to understand what's going on in a community can better help you formulate and tweak your approach. It can also help you better define your goals, as you can possibly find other ways to successfully engage your audience in that particular community.
This can also be a great way to observe a true focus group in action. Sitting back and watching can teach you a lot about how people use, work with, recommend, as well as criticize your products and services. All of this happens unabated; they don't feel like they have to provide a "right" answer like focus groups do.
Obey the Norms
Every community has those unwritten rules. The only way to learn those unwritten rules is by first observing, and then by interacting and engaging community members.
These norms can be as simple as jargon, that special language a particular company or industry uses to describe everyday things. It could also be as complicated as how you link to sites (i.e., when are you allowed to and how do you do it if there's a certain method).
Communities can be very fickle. If you break one of their unwritten rules, you'll find yourself dealing with an incredibly cold shoulder.
Learn the Pecking Order
There are influencers, administrators, leaders, followers, and "newbies" in all communities. By observing, you can get a handle on who's who in a community. Understanding that can help you better strategize how to approach the community when you're ready to engage them.
You certainly don't want to insult the influencers and leaders of the community, so understanding how to approach them is critical. Administrators have the power to boot you right out of the community, so it's wise to have a plan to approach that group as well. Providing information to the followers and newbies is also key to a successful engagement in social media, but you need to take care in planning that approach, too.
Don't Market to Communities
Last, and probably the toughest for all marketers, is the fact that you need to learn that communities don't want to be marketed to. They came online to these communities to share their experiences with their hobbies, passions, and interests with other like-minded individuals, and to escape the constant droning of marketing messages on the TV and radio. Come in to their safe haven waving marketing messages, and they'll hate you.
Community members really decide the value you provide. It's not through a carefully crafted marketing message that you're going to have these members finding value. It's through establishing trusted relationships and providing them with the information they need that you will find the success you seek in social media.
Join us for Search Engine Strategies San Jose, August 10-14, 2009, at the McEnery Convention Center.
Post a Comment@Controls
(Powered by JS-Kit)
Monday, August 10, 2009I think the hardest shift for a marketer is from promoting a product to influencing a consumer by providing useful information. Adding value to the discussion is the key to gaining respect of the other participants.
In addition, tracking and monitoring social media communities is key to "Observe, Look, Listen, and Learn." I found the following to be a great list of tools for tracking and monitoring social media communities:
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Monday, August 03, 2009Great advice. I would like to add that monitoring Social Media at first might be another good way to get started. Use a subject or brand to monitor and you will learn a lot!
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Monday, August 03, 2009I think the best way to gain acceptance to a group is to offer a service that has specific value to members. For example, suppose your web site supports an automotive parts business. You could hook up with a social group of vintage auto car buffs. Your job would be to link members of the group who need advice to experts you line up. Eventually, these relationships lead back to your auto parts website where those auto buffs can find specialized parts!
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Sunday, August 02, 2009Maybe you should consider learning about 4chan before you start looking into "understandiing social media communities". Granted, it's an imageboard, but there's (unfortunately) quite a community there, possibly one larger than those that follow this website.
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Contact Liana Evans
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BiographyLiana Evans Since 1999, Liana "Li" Evans has been active full-time in the search marketing arena, becoming well versed in all avenues of social media and search marketing. Li runs the Search Marketing Gurus blog, and is the director of social media for Serengeti Communications, a Washington, DC-based online marketing firm that focuses on building social media strategies for companies and training companies to bring online marketing in-house.
Li has led the SEO strategy for an Internet Retailer 500 company, and was the SEO and social media architect for a Fortune 500 multi-million page entertainment Web site. As a database designer and programmer since 1992, Liana has developed technical expertise in dealing with large-scale retail sites and their dynamic natures.
She holds degrees in both public relations and information technology, which lend well to working with client strategies in social media and search marketing. She speaks and trains social media and SEO at Search Engine Strategies and other industry conferences.
Article Archives by Liana Evans
In Social Media, Come Bearing Gifts - Aug 17, 2009
Bring Legal in Early on Your Social Media Strategy - Jul 20, 2009
Customer Service in Social Media - Jul 6, 2009
Get Your Head Out of the Sand - Jun 22, 2009
More article archives
Archives by Author... Tim Ash Andy Atkins-Krüger Chris Boggs Michael Boland Michael Bonfils Jessica Bowman Grant Crowell Fionn Downhill Eric Enge Liana Evans William Flaiz Justilien Gaspard Herndon Hasty Carrie Hill Bill Hunt Mark Jackson Ron Jones Sage Lewis Melissa Mackey Kevin Newcomb Elisabeth Osmeloski Joshua Palau Erik Qualman Matt Spiegel Gregg Stewart David Szetela Frank Watson
Expert Archives by Topic... SEM 101 Organic SEO Profitable PPC By the Numbers Promotion & Link Building Local & Mobile Search Social Media Marketing Little Biz Big Biz Outsourced International SEM Searching for Meaning SEM Crossfire
Search Engine Watch Yesterday
Have We Lost All Control? - Aug 27, 2009
Search Engine Watch News Headlines
What Was Really Burning On Google UK HQ Rooftop? - Aug 28, 2009
Is Google Looking To Add Lead Captures Into Organic Search? Or Change The World - Aug 27, 2009
U.S. Online Video Market Soars in July to 21.4 Billion Videos Viewed - Aug 27, 2009
Facebook Looking At Payment Processing - Aug 27, 2009
Search Engine Watch Stat Headlines
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, May 2009 - Jun 12, 2009
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, April 2009 - May 21, 2009
Advertising Placements by Industry and Top Sponsored Links, March 2009 - Apr 28, 2009
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, March 2009 - Apr 21, 2009
Search Engine Watch SearchDay Headlines
SearchDay | Use International Search Marketing -- Just Like Google! - Aug 26, 2009
SearchDay | Social, Search, and Branding - Aug 25, 2009
SearchDay | Socialnomics: It's a People-Driven Economy, Stupid - Aug 24, 2009
SearchDay | Is Google the Lazy Man's Marketing Method? - Aug 21, 2009
Top Jobsmore JobsInteractive Director
Doe-Anderson Louisville, United States
Director, Search Engine Marketing
Los Angeles, United States
Senior SEM Specialist
All Star Directories Seattle, United States
Director of Sales, LA
Federated Media Publishing Los Angeles, United States White Papersmore ResearchThe Economic Necessity of Customer Service...
Written by: Forrester Research and Sponsored by...
Evolving from multi-channel to true cross-channel direct marketing ...
Multi-channel or cross-channel marketing: which...
Exploiting Behavioral Analytics Throughout Internet Sites...
Learn how you can get new website visitors, kee...
By Liana Evans, Search Engine Watch, Aug 3, 2009
Related Reading
Social Media Informs Planning and Buying
SES: Managing Social Media
Social Media Integration Fuels Whole Foods Boycotters
Social Media Advertising Barriers Eroding
Suggested Searches
social media - black hat - social web - white hat
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Post a comment (4 posted)
Social communities, whether they're online or offline, have interesting dynamics. To make any kind of headway, you must understand and respect how each individual community functions before charging in and saying, "Hey, can I join the party, too?" Several factors can affect whether you're accepted into the community, or left on the outside looking in.
Companies entering the social media space must first figure out where their audience is, but that's only the beginning of any type of strategy. A lot more goes into developing the type of respect, authority, and relationships in communities that generate successful strategies and attained goals for companies.
When working with communities in social media, it isn't as easy as signing up for an account and announcing that you've arrived in the space. If you charge in with your marketing message waving in your hands like old-time paperboys on street corners, shouting your message, you'll garner more than just a few cold shoulders. You'll be branded an ignorant marketer and likely won't ever find acceptance in the community.
Working with communities of any kind, whether it's a forum, a group on Facebook, or a bunch of people on Twitter discussing a particular subject every week, takes care and time. It involves developing true relationships with your audience by helping community members with information they need or solving their problems.
By taking this approach, you can slowly establish their trust in you, and build a solid foundation of a great consumer relationship. However, it doesn't happen overnight, no matter what brand or company you are. Along the way, here are a few tips you can follow:
Read the Rules
Almost every social media site has rules. Whether it's a Flickr photo group or a new account on a forum, rules are posted somewhere on the site.
The best first step you should take is finding those rules and printing them for your whole social media team to read. These rules will clearly define what is acceptable in posts, profiles, and actions on the site.
For example, some forums allow two links in your signature, some don't allow any. Some communities want you to establish your profile before you can reply with links in your conversations. If you start by posting a link to your site or media, you could very well find yourself booted out of the community.
Observe, Look, Listen, and Learn
We were given eyes and ears to observe and listen to what's going on around us. Taking the time to understand what's going on in a community can better help you formulate and tweak your approach. It can also help you better define your goals, as you can possibly find other ways to successfully engage your audience in that particular community.
This can also be a great way to observe a true focus group in action. Sitting back and watching can teach you a lot about how people use, work with, recommend, as well as criticize your products and services. All of this happens unabated; they don't feel like they have to provide a "right" answer like focus groups do.
Obey the Norms
Every community has those unwritten rules. The only way to learn those unwritten rules is by first observing, and then by interacting and engaging community members.
These norms can be as simple as jargon, that special language a particular company or industry uses to describe everyday things. It could also be as complicated as how you link to sites (i.e., when are you allowed to and how do you do it if there's a certain method).
Communities can be very fickle. If you break one of their unwritten rules, you'll find yourself dealing with an incredibly cold shoulder.
Learn the Pecking Order
There are influencers, administrators, leaders, followers, and "newbies" in all communities. By observing, you can get a handle on who's who in a community. Understanding that can help you better strategize how to approach the community when you're ready to engage them.
You certainly don't want to insult the influencers and leaders of the community, so understanding how to approach them is critical. Administrators have the power to boot you right out of the community, so it's wise to have a plan to approach that group as well. Providing information to the followers and newbies is also key to a successful engagement in social media, but you need to take care in planning that approach, too.
Don't Market to Communities
Last, and probably the toughest for all marketers, is the fact that you need to learn that communities don't want to be marketed to. They came online to these communities to share their experiences with their hobbies, passions, and interests with other like-minded individuals, and to escape the constant droning of marketing messages on the TV and radio. Come in to their safe haven waving marketing messages, and they'll hate you.
Community members really decide the value you provide. It's not through a carefully crafted marketing message that you're going to have these members finding value. It's through establishing trusted relationships and providing them with the information they need that you will find the success you seek in social media.
Join us for Search Engine Strategies San Jose, August 10-14, 2009, at the McEnery Convention Center.
Post a Comment@Controls
(Powered by JS-Kit)
Monday, August 10, 2009I think the hardest shift for a marketer is from promoting a product to influencing a consumer by providing useful information. Adding value to the discussion is the key to gaining respect of the other participants.
In addition, tracking and monitoring social media communities is key to "Observe, Look, Listen, and Learn." I found the following to be a great list of tools for tracking and monitoring social media communities:
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Monday, August 03, 2009Great advice. I would like to add that monitoring Social Media at first might be another good way to get started. Use a subject or brand to monitor and you will learn a lot!
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Monday, August 03, 2009I think the best way to gain acceptance to a group is to offer a service that has specific value to members. For example, suppose your web site supports an automotive parts business. You could hook up with a social group of vintage auto car buffs. Your job would be to link members of the group who need advice to experts you line up. Eventually, these relationships lead back to your auto parts website where those auto buffs can find specialized parts!
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Sunday, August 02, 2009Maybe you should consider learning about 4chan before you start looking into "understandiing social media communities". Granted, it's an imageboard, but there's (unfortunately) quite a community there, possibly one larger than those that follow this website.
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Contact Liana Evans
Articles by Liana Evans View print-friendly version
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BiographyLiana Evans Since 1999, Liana "Li" Evans has been active full-time in the search marketing arena, becoming well versed in all avenues of social media and search marketing. Li runs the Search Marketing Gurus blog, and is the director of social media for Serengeti Communications, a Washington, DC-based online marketing firm that focuses on building social media strategies for companies and training companies to bring online marketing in-house.
Li has led the SEO strategy for an Internet Retailer 500 company, and was the SEO and social media architect for a Fortune 500 multi-million page entertainment Web site. As a database designer and programmer since 1992, Liana has developed technical expertise in dealing with large-scale retail sites and their dynamic natures.
She holds degrees in both public relations and information technology, which lend well to working with client strategies in social media and search marketing. She speaks and trains social media and SEO at Search Engine Strategies and other industry conferences.
Article Archives by Liana Evans
In Social Media, Come Bearing Gifts - Aug 17, 2009
Bring Legal in Early on Your Social Media Strategy - Jul 20, 2009
Customer Service in Social Media - Jul 6, 2009
Get Your Head Out of the Sand - Jun 22, 2009
More article archives
Archives by Author... Tim Ash Andy Atkins-Krüger Chris Boggs Michael Boland Michael Bonfils Jessica Bowman Grant Crowell Fionn Downhill Eric Enge Liana Evans William Flaiz Justilien Gaspard Herndon Hasty Carrie Hill Bill Hunt Mark Jackson Ron Jones Sage Lewis Melissa Mackey Kevin Newcomb Elisabeth Osmeloski Joshua Palau Erik Qualman Matt Spiegel Gregg Stewart David Szetela Frank Watson
Expert Archives by Topic... SEM 101 Organic SEO Profitable PPC By the Numbers Promotion & Link Building Local & Mobile Search Social Media Marketing Little Biz Big Biz Outsourced International SEM Searching for Meaning SEM Crossfire
Search Engine Watch Yesterday
Have We Lost All Control? - Aug 27, 2009
Search Engine Watch News Headlines
What Was Really Burning On Google UK HQ Rooftop? - Aug 28, 2009
Is Google Looking To Add Lead Captures Into Organic Search? Or Change The World - Aug 27, 2009
U.S. Online Video Market Soars in July to 21.4 Billion Videos Viewed - Aug 27, 2009
Facebook Looking At Payment Processing - Aug 27, 2009
Search Engine Watch Stat Headlines
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, May 2009 - Jun 12, 2009
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, April 2009 - May 21, 2009
Advertising Placements by Industry and Top Sponsored Links, March 2009 - Apr 28, 2009
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, March 2009 - Apr 21, 2009
Search Engine Watch SearchDay Headlines
SearchDay | Use International Search Marketing -- Just Like Google! - Aug 26, 2009
SearchDay | Social, Search, and Branding - Aug 25, 2009
SearchDay | Socialnomics: It's a People-Driven Economy, Stupid - Aug 24, 2009
SearchDay | Is Google the Lazy Man's Marketing Method? - Aug 21, 2009
Top Jobsmore JobsInteractive Director
Doe-Anderson Louisville, United States
Director, Search Engine Marketing
Los Angeles, United States
Senior SEM Specialist
All Star Directories Seattle, United States
Director of Sales, LA
Federated Media Publishing Los Angeles, United States White Papersmore ResearchThe Economic Necessity of Customer Service...
Written by: Forrester Research and Sponsored by...
Evolving from multi-channel to true cross-channel direct marketing ...
Multi-channel or cross-channel marketing: which...
Exploiting Behavioral Analytics Throughout Internet Sites...
Learn how you can get new website visitors, kee...
Thousands Apply for Broadband Grants
News: Technology
August 28, 2009
The Nation
Thousands Apply for Broadband Grants
USA Today
The federal government has received more than 2,200 applications asking for $28 billion in stimulus funding aimed at driving deployment of high-speed Internet access in underserved areas. The avalanche of applications from state, local and tribal governments, as well as nonprofit and other groups, has eased concerns that there might not be much interest in the program, which will eventually hand out $7.2 billion.
From Governing: Stimulus and Recovery
Bandwidth on the Bayou Governing
A Louisiana community wanted to build its own high-speed network to attract business. Pretty soon, it was stuck in court.
August 27, 2009
The Nation
State CIOs Urged to Guide Health Info Exchanges
Washington Technology
State chief information officers ought to move quickly to assert a key role in deploying health information technology under the economic stimulus law in their states, according to a new report from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers. The federal Health and Human Services Department has announced the availability of $564 million in state grants to promote health information exchanges.
From Governing: Tech and Telecom
Technology | Federal
The Nation
$37 Million to Target Clean-Energy Tech
Government Computer News
The Energy Department plans to release $37 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to small businesses to stimulate research and development into clean-energy technologies. Topic areas being considered for the program, which targets companies with fewer than 500 employees, include sensors, controls, wireless networks and controllers for smart-grid applications.
From Governing: Stimulus and Recovery
August 26, 2009
The Nation
GIS Crossing Government Lines
Government Computer News
As powerful as they are, most geographical information system developed during the past decade were created in isolation from one another. However, that situation is changing quickly. GIS applications and the data they deliver are increasingly being linked thanks to informal information-sharing efforts at local and state agencies and more formal, federally funded programs.
From Governing: Tech and Telecom
Technology | Federal
Los Angeles Times
County May Force Contractors to Use E-Verify
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles County is exploring the possibility of requiring future contractors to participate in a federal program that checks whether employees are legal residents authorized to work in the United States. The Board of Supervisors voted to have county officials review the free, online E-Verify program and make a recommendation on mandating the program for contractors.
August 25, 2009
The Nation
Report Finds Wide Gaps in Internet Speeds
USA Today
The average Internet download speed in the United States is 5.1 megabits per second, though consumers' online experiences can vary dramatically depending on where they happen to live, according to a new report from the Communications Workers of America saying speeds in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic were faster and those in the South and in rural areas were markedly slower.
From Governing: Tech and Telecom
Prince George's County, Md.
Glitch Plays Havoc with Student Schedules
Washington Post
Students at many Prince George's County middle and high schools began their year on the sidelines when a problem with the county's new computer system left hundreds of them with gaps in their class schedules. Superintendent William R. Hite Jr. said he did not know how many students were affected by the problem, but he said "most" of the county's 22 high schools had reported problems.
August 28, 2009
The Nation
Thousands Apply for Broadband Grants
USA Today
The federal government has received more than 2,200 applications asking for $28 billion in stimulus funding aimed at driving deployment of high-speed Internet access in underserved areas. The avalanche of applications from state, local and tribal governments, as well as nonprofit and other groups, has eased concerns that there might not be much interest in the program, which will eventually hand out $7.2 billion.
From Governing: Stimulus and Recovery
Bandwidth on the Bayou Governing
A Louisiana community wanted to build its own high-speed network to attract business. Pretty soon, it was stuck in court.
August 27, 2009
The Nation
State CIOs Urged to Guide Health Info Exchanges
Washington Technology
State chief information officers ought to move quickly to assert a key role in deploying health information technology under the economic stimulus law in their states, according to a new report from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers. The federal Health and Human Services Department has announced the availability of $564 million in state grants to promote health information exchanges.
From Governing: Tech and Telecom
Technology | Federal
The Nation
$37 Million to Target Clean-Energy Tech
Government Computer News
The Energy Department plans to release $37 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to small businesses to stimulate research and development into clean-energy technologies. Topic areas being considered for the program, which targets companies with fewer than 500 employees, include sensors, controls, wireless networks and controllers for smart-grid applications.
From Governing: Stimulus and Recovery
August 26, 2009
The Nation
GIS Crossing Government Lines
Government Computer News
As powerful as they are, most geographical information system developed during the past decade were created in isolation from one another. However, that situation is changing quickly. GIS applications and the data they deliver are increasingly being linked thanks to informal information-sharing efforts at local and state agencies and more formal, federally funded programs.
From Governing: Tech and Telecom
Technology | Federal
Los Angeles Times
County May Force Contractors to Use E-Verify
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles County is exploring the possibility of requiring future contractors to participate in a federal program that checks whether employees are legal residents authorized to work in the United States. The Board of Supervisors voted to have county officials review the free, online E-Verify program and make a recommendation on mandating the program for contractors.
August 25, 2009
The Nation
Report Finds Wide Gaps in Internet Speeds
USA Today
The average Internet download speed in the United States is 5.1 megabits per second, though consumers' online experiences can vary dramatically depending on where they happen to live, according to a new report from the Communications Workers of America saying speeds in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic were faster and those in the South and in rural areas were markedly slower.
From Governing: Tech and Telecom
Prince George's County, Md.
Glitch Plays Havoc with Student Schedules
Washington Post
Students at many Prince George's County middle and high schools began their year on the sidelines when a problem with the county's new computer system left hundreds of them with gaps in their class schedules. Superintendent William R. Hite Jr. said he did not know how many students were affected by the problem, but he said "most" of the county's 22 high schools had reported problems.
Today's News
California | Governor Ends Furloughs of 911 Dispatchers
Utah | Governor Opposes Gay-Bias Protections
New Jersey | Feds: Environmental Agency Programs Flawed
Vermont | Governor Won't Run for Fifth Term
The Nation | Thousands Apply for Broadband Grants
Arizona | Fixes Vowed for Jobless-Benefits System
Starr County, Texas | Ex-Sheriff Sentenced for Helping Drug Cartel
Southern California | Thousands Evacuated as Wildfires Rage
Houston | Pension Board Votes Down Staff Raises
Illinois | Governor Vetoes Campaign-Finance Overhaul
California | Deal May Keep Kids on Public Health Insurance
The Nation | Poll: Most Back Obama on Energy
Got Those Media-Hates-Me Blues?
Available now:
De-Pressed: Governing's Media Survival Guide for Public Officials
is Measuring Up author Jonathan Walters' roadmap for public officials who want to do a better job of dealing with the media, from getting the word out when good things happen to avoiding becoming media roadkill when things go bad. To learn more and order copies now, click here.
• Sept. 10, 1 p.m. ET: Online forum on emergency communications
• Sept. 17, 1 p.m. ET: Webinar on broadband and the stimulus
• Sept. 30-Oct. 4: Managing Performance conference
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California | Governor Ends Furloughs of 911 Dispatchers
Utah | Governor Opposes Gay-Bias Protections
New Jersey | Feds: Environmental Agency Programs Flawed
Vermont | Governor Won't Run for Fifth Term
The Nation | Thousands Apply for Broadband Grants
Arizona | Fixes Vowed for Jobless-Benefits System
Starr County, Texas | Ex-Sheriff Sentenced for Helping Drug Cartel
Southern California | Thousands Evacuated as Wildfires Rage
Houston | Pension Board Votes Down Staff Raises
Illinois | Governor Vetoes Campaign-Finance Overhaul
California | Deal May Keep Kids on Public Health Insurance
The Nation | Poll: Most Back Obama on Energy
Got Those Media-Hates-Me Blues?
Available now:
De-Pressed: Governing's Media Survival Guide for Public Officials
is Measuring Up author Jonathan Walters' roadmap for public officials who want to do a better job of dealing with the media, from getting the word out when good things happen to avoiding becoming media roadkill when things go bad. To learn more and order copies now, click here.
• Sept. 10, 1 p.m. ET: Online forum on emergency communications
• Sept. 17, 1 p.m. ET: Webinar on broadband and the stimulus
• Sept. 30-Oct. 4: Managing Performance conference
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Copyright 2009, Congressional Quarterly Inc. GOVERNING, City & State and are registered trademarks.
Address: 1100 Connecticut Ave. NW, #1300, Washington, DC 20036. Congressional Quarterly is a registered trademark of Roll Call Inc. and is used pursuant to a limited use license. GOVERNING is not an affiliate of Roll Call or its parent, The Economist Group.
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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Teacher Education in the US
AACTE Weekly News Briefs | August 26, 2009
. . . delivered to your inbox so you can enjoy up-to-date news on colleges of education, teaching and the classroom, legislation, STEM teacher issues, grants, and upcoming events. Please click on linked headlines for full story.
AACTE Web Conference: "Lessons From Practice in Teacher Education: Teacher Residency Models"
September 15-17
Join thought leaders and successful teacher residency program developers as they share their motivations and lessons. Education school deans and their school district and community-based partners will discuss roles, pitfalls, and essential elements of residency programs that prepare teachers for challenging schools. Model profiles, how-to steps, "dos and don'ts," and funding sources will help you on your way.
Early Bird Registration Open for 62nd Annual Meeting & Exhibits
Come to Atlanta for AACTE's 2010 Annual Meeting & Exhibits! Register by October 30 and save $70.
Programs to Prepare Teachers for Some Student Populations Lack Oversight, GAO Says
From The Chronicle of Higher Education
The majority of teacher-preparation programs require course work and field experience in teaching students with disabilities, while less than one-third require such training for those who teach English-language learners, says a report released Wednesday by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
U.S. Education Secretary Briefs Stakeholders on 'Investing in Innovation Fund' at Symposium held by ACT, Inc. and America's Choice
From PRNewswire
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan kicked off an August 20 symposium for superintendents with a keynote address that highlighted the Department of Education's "Investing in Innovation Fund," or "i3 Fund," formerly known as the "Invest in What Works and Innovation Fund." The Department will look for programs that (1) expand proven and scalable models regionally and nationally to inspire public and decision makers; (2) build scaling capacity of key, high-impact programs and organizations; (3) demonstrate, validate, and codify promising evidence-supported models; (4) create platforms that facilitate innovation efforts and broad adoption of "what works;" and (5) create new breakthrough models.
STEM Teaching Pool Growing as Vacancies Shrink
From Education Week (LOGIN REQUIRED)
Across the nation, alternative-route program officials say they are seeing increasing enrollments from career-changers with strong backgrounds in the highly sought-after fields of math, science, and technology. But the extent to which school district officials are primed to take advantage of larger – and in some cases stronger – talent pools in those fields depends on those officials' ability to negotiate the factors affecting the teacher labor market.
Gates Foundation Seeks Education's Magic Pill
From the Associated Press
Nine years and $2 billion into its work to improve America's public schools, the Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is turning its focus to teacher effectiveness. Over the next five years, the foundation plans to spend another half a billion dollars in its quest to figure out what qualities make the best teachers and how to measure those qualities in the classroom. The project has two parts: research to develop and test methods to rate teachers and experiments at a handful of school districts around the nation to try out new ways of recruiting, training, assigning and assessing teachers.
U.S. Students Middling on International Exams
From the Washington Examiner
American students are slogging along in the middle of the pack compared with their contemporaries around the world, according to test data released Tuesday by the U.S. government's National Center for Education Statistics. Among fourth-graders tested for reading literacy, 14 countries of 45 that participated scored higher than the United States, including Hungary and Bulgaria. Math results were more dire. Among 15-year-olds in 30 developed countries, the U.S. scored sixth-worst, ahead only of a handful of countries in southern Europe, and Mexico.
When a Gifted Teacher Has to Jump Through Hoops Just to Keep His Job, Change Is Needed
From The Washington Post
Our current teacher pay upgrade and certification system, based largely on education school credits, is dumb and should be changed.
NEA Attacks Administration's Education Reform Plan
From The Washington Post
The nation's largest teachers union sharply attacked President Obama's most significant school improvement initiative on Friday evening, saying that it puts too much emphasis on a "narrow agenda" centered on charter schools and echoes the Bush administration's "top-down approach" to reform.
Opinion on Race to the Top From The New York Times
Rethinking Teaching
From the Evansville Courier & Press (IN)
A plan to overhaul teacher licensure requirements in Indiana remains controversial, but some changes made last week might have pushed it closer to becoming law. Tony Bennett, Indiana superintendent for public instruction, has said his plan strives to improve teachers' content knowledge and bring more people with private sector experience into Indiana classrooms. Bennett said the plan would improve teacher quality, but some groups, especially university teacher educators, argue it would weaken standards for new teachers.
Changes to Education Plan Please State Panel
From the Indianapolis Star
Members of the Indiana Professional Standards Board on Thursday said they were much more comfortable with the process of overhauling teacher preparation and licensing in Indiana after changes to a proposal and more time to review documents.
A Focus on Education
From the Omaha World-Herald
Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman Monday unveiled eight goals, developed by the state's P-16 Initiative, that include closing the achievement gap between minority and white students and making Nebraska one of the top states for getting high school students into college. Raising the number of teacher education graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics is one of the goals.
Academy for Principals Helped Raise English Scores, Study Says
From The New York Times
Graduates of the New York City Leadership Academy, designed to inculcate school principals with unconventional thinking, have gone on to help drive up English test scores even though the graduates were often placed at schools with histories of academic failure, according to a study released on Monday.
Teacher Pay Could Be Linked to Student Performance, Graduation Rate
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
After lifting the 16-year-old controls on teacher compensation in the state, known as the qualified economic offer, Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle recently said he hoped the move would prompt more innovative approaches to paying teachers. And state Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) has announced she is working on a proposal to give extra money to school systems that create pay systems for teachers based on student performance.
Teachers Take Alternate Route Into Classroom
From the San Francisco Chronicle
More than 8,000 teachers each year participate in 70 California internship programs, including 10 in the San Francisco Bay Area, said Catherine Kearney, president of the California Teacher Corps, a nonprofit organization launched Wednesday to support alternative certification. Participants get about 160 hours of preclassroom training before starting the school year and then they are heavily coached and supported once they get assigned to a school, Kearney said.
Cultivating Teachers
From the Tulsa World
Tulsa Community College is second in the nation among two-year schools in education graduates, a sign that the college's efforts to fill the state's teacher shortage may be succeeding. TCC has agreements with several four-year universities for a seamless transition to a degree and the ability to be certified.
Last Chance: Race to the Top Feedback Due August 28
The U.S. Department of Education seeks public comment on proposed priorities for the $4.35 billion Race to the Top Fund as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Comments must be received by August 28.
Final Reminder: Proposals Due September 1 for 54th ICET World Assembly
The 54th World Assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) will be held December 14-17 in Muscat, Oman. The theme of the conference is Maintaining Strategic Agility: Managing Change and Assuring Quality in Education for Teaching. Paper proposals are due September 1.
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. . . delivered to your inbox so you can enjoy up-to-date news on colleges of education, teaching and the classroom, legislation, STEM teacher issues, grants, and upcoming events. Please click on linked headlines for full story.
AACTE Web Conference: "Lessons From Practice in Teacher Education: Teacher Residency Models"
September 15-17
Join thought leaders and successful teacher residency program developers as they share their motivations and lessons. Education school deans and their school district and community-based partners will discuss roles, pitfalls, and essential elements of residency programs that prepare teachers for challenging schools. Model profiles, how-to steps, "dos and don'ts," and funding sources will help you on your way.
Early Bird Registration Open for 62nd Annual Meeting & Exhibits
Come to Atlanta for AACTE's 2010 Annual Meeting & Exhibits! Register by October 30 and save $70.
Programs to Prepare Teachers for Some Student Populations Lack Oversight, GAO Says
From The Chronicle of Higher Education
The majority of teacher-preparation programs require course work and field experience in teaching students with disabilities, while less than one-third require such training for those who teach English-language learners, says a report released Wednesday by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
U.S. Education Secretary Briefs Stakeholders on 'Investing in Innovation Fund' at Symposium held by ACT, Inc. and America's Choice
From PRNewswire
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan kicked off an August 20 symposium for superintendents with a keynote address that highlighted the Department of Education's "Investing in Innovation Fund," or "i3 Fund," formerly known as the "Invest in What Works and Innovation Fund." The Department will look for programs that (1) expand proven and scalable models regionally and nationally to inspire public and decision makers; (2) build scaling capacity of key, high-impact programs and organizations; (3) demonstrate, validate, and codify promising evidence-supported models; (4) create platforms that facilitate innovation efforts and broad adoption of "what works;" and (5) create new breakthrough models.
STEM Teaching Pool Growing as Vacancies Shrink
From Education Week (LOGIN REQUIRED)
Across the nation, alternative-route program officials say they are seeing increasing enrollments from career-changers with strong backgrounds in the highly sought-after fields of math, science, and technology. But the extent to which school district officials are primed to take advantage of larger – and in some cases stronger – talent pools in those fields depends on those officials' ability to negotiate the factors affecting the teacher labor market.
Gates Foundation Seeks Education's Magic Pill
From the Associated Press
Nine years and $2 billion into its work to improve America's public schools, the Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is turning its focus to teacher effectiveness. Over the next five years, the foundation plans to spend another half a billion dollars in its quest to figure out what qualities make the best teachers and how to measure those qualities in the classroom. The project has two parts: research to develop and test methods to rate teachers and experiments at a handful of school districts around the nation to try out new ways of recruiting, training, assigning and assessing teachers.
U.S. Students Middling on International Exams
From the Washington Examiner
American students are slogging along in the middle of the pack compared with their contemporaries around the world, according to test data released Tuesday by the U.S. government's National Center for Education Statistics. Among fourth-graders tested for reading literacy, 14 countries of 45 that participated scored higher than the United States, including Hungary and Bulgaria. Math results were more dire. Among 15-year-olds in 30 developed countries, the U.S. scored sixth-worst, ahead only of a handful of countries in southern Europe, and Mexico.
When a Gifted Teacher Has to Jump Through Hoops Just to Keep His Job, Change Is Needed
From The Washington Post
Our current teacher pay upgrade and certification system, based largely on education school credits, is dumb and should be changed.
NEA Attacks Administration's Education Reform Plan
From The Washington Post
The nation's largest teachers union sharply attacked President Obama's most significant school improvement initiative on Friday evening, saying that it puts too much emphasis on a "narrow agenda" centered on charter schools and echoes the Bush administration's "top-down approach" to reform.
Opinion on Race to the Top From The New York Times
Rethinking Teaching
From the Evansville Courier & Press (IN)
A plan to overhaul teacher licensure requirements in Indiana remains controversial, but some changes made last week might have pushed it closer to becoming law. Tony Bennett, Indiana superintendent for public instruction, has said his plan strives to improve teachers' content knowledge and bring more people with private sector experience into Indiana classrooms. Bennett said the plan would improve teacher quality, but some groups, especially university teacher educators, argue it would weaken standards for new teachers.
Changes to Education Plan Please State Panel
From the Indianapolis Star
Members of the Indiana Professional Standards Board on Thursday said they were much more comfortable with the process of overhauling teacher preparation and licensing in Indiana after changes to a proposal and more time to review documents.
A Focus on Education
From the Omaha World-Herald
Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman Monday unveiled eight goals, developed by the state's P-16 Initiative, that include closing the achievement gap between minority and white students and making Nebraska one of the top states for getting high school students into college. Raising the number of teacher education graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics is one of the goals.
Academy for Principals Helped Raise English Scores, Study Says
From The New York Times
Graduates of the New York City Leadership Academy, designed to inculcate school principals with unconventional thinking, have gone on to help drive up English test scores even though the graduates were often placed at schools with histories of academic failure, according to a study released on Monday.
Teacher Pay Could Be Linked to Student Performance, Graduation Rate
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
After lifting the 16-year-old controls on teacher compensation in the state, known as the qualified economic offer, Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle recently said he hoped the move would prompt more innovative approaches to paying teachers. And state Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) has announced she is working on a proposal to give extra money to school systems that create pay systems for teachers based on student performance.
Teachers Take Alternate Route Into Classroom
From the San Francisco Chronicle
More than 8,000 teachers each year participate in 70 California internship programs, including 10 in the San Francisco Bay Area, said Catherine Kearney, president of the California Teacher Corps, a nonprofit organization launched Wednesday to support alternative certification. Participants get about 160 hours of preclassroom training before starting the school year and then they are heavily coached and supported once they get assigned to a school, Kearney said.
Cultivating Teachers
From the Tulsa World
Tulsa Community College is second in the nation among two-year schools in education graduates, a sign that the college's efforts to fill the state's teacher shortage may be succeeding. TCC has agreements with several four-year universities for a seamless transition to a degree and the ability to be certified.
Last Chance: Race to the Top Feedback Due August 28
The U.S. Department of Education seeks public comment on proposed priorities for the $4.35 billion Race to the Top Fund as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Comments must be received by August 28.
Final Reminder: Proposals Due September 1 for 54th ICET World Assembly
The 54th World Assembly of the International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) will be held December 14-17 in Muscat, Oman. The theme of the conference is Maintaining Strategic Agility: Managing Change and Assuring Quality in Education for Teaching. Paper proposals are due September 1.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Activities at Minot State University in North Dakota
Aug. 26, 2009 Campus Announcements
MSU Walking Club going to Oak Park
Since Mother Nature has been good to us with great outdoor walking weather, the MSU Walking Club will walk to Oak Park on Thursday (Aug. 27). They will meet at the steps of Old Main at 10 a.m., and there will be a drawing for a prize at the beginning of the walk. Also, the Farmers’ Market will be going on in Oak Park for those who would like to stop and make a purchase. For questions, contact 858-4490 or
--Karen Humphreys, MSU Walking Club member
General Information
Repair of fire hydrant needed
During work on the water line to Swain, it was found that the fire hydrant next to the library needs repair. The repair is set to take place Thursday (Aug. 27) from 7 a.m. to noon. This may necessitate turning off the water to the library for up to half a day. Thank you for your patience. For questions, call 858-3210.
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
Office of Public Information
The following text is from an Office of Public Information news release sent to media yesterday:
For Immediate Release: Date: Aug. 25, 2009
Fall 2009 enrollment numbers from the first day of class show positive growth at Minot State University. Unofficial enrollment at the university is up 5.1 percent, compared to the first day of class in 2008.
“We are very pleased with the positive enrollment growth in many key areas, including Ward County, North Dakota and outside of our state and region,” said David Fuller, president of Minot State University. “This growth is a reflection of our outstanding programs, increased visibility and new recruitment efforts.”
Minot State has experienced an increase in students from larger counties across the state, including 50 percent up in Cass County and 64 percent up in Grand Forks County. As well, the counties of Burleigh, Morton, Pierce, Rolette, Ward and Williams all saw an increase of students. In Ward County alone, almost 100 additional students are attending this year, compared to 2008.
Recruiting and marketing efforts have also netted an increase in students from neighboring states, such as Minnesota, South Dakota and Wyoming. In addition, the number of new students from California, Florida and Washington is on the rise.
Early fall 2009 enrollment numbers show new five-year highs among Native American populations, students from Canada and non-Canadian international students.
“We are happy to see an increase in both students from Ward County as well as from our targeted markets outside of North Dakota,” said Kevin Harmon, dean of admissions at Minot State University. “I am also proud of the overall academic depth of this incoming group.”
Minot State welcomes a large group of new transfer students, as a 25 percent increase is bringing more than 300 additional transfers from other colleges and universities.
Growth in MSU online students also reached a new five-year high, compared to recent first- day enrollments. Along with this growth comes an additional boost from Minot State campuses across the state, at the Minot Air Force Base, in Bismarck, Williston and Fargo. At the MAFB alone, 15 percent more students are now taking university-level courses.
These numbers can fluctuate over the first couple weeks of classes as first day enrollment numbers are not official. Enrollment figures become official after the fourth full week of classes, when they are reported to the North Dakota University System.
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
KMOT featured a John Morrow, a new faculty member, in a story.
KMOT also did a story about MSU’s first-day enrollment. The video link does not work properly, but the story is there.
Absence Confirmation
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for football
The following Minot State University students will be unable to attend classes after 9 a.m. on Thursday (Aug. 27) to Friday (Aug. 28) at 5 p.m. in order to travel to and from and participate in a football game in Bemidji, Minn.:
Bart Archdekin Brock Awalt Bryan Boychuk Alex Boyeff
Chris Compton Derek Cottle John Denne Blair Dinsdale
George Duenas Blake Eggl Aaron Esquibel Kristopher Firey
Justin Flatland Zach Gaugler Mitch Haugeberg Eric Henke
Lance Hollinger Quinton Hooks Layvester James Ryan Kasper
Mark Kennedy Jeremy Kessler Jordan Kizima Kalvin Larson
Johnny Lester Nik Levnaich Serigo Magana Chad Marshall
Kirk Mason Gino Maxi Casey Meadows Jon Meier
T.J. Menahan BrettMohr Kyle Nichols Ben Pease
Josh Pettinger Martel Pope Chris Rae Hazeez Rafiu
Ozzie Reinholz Nik Richardson Brian Rholes Zac Rudolph
Tyson Schatz Adrian Smith Tyson Snelling Brian Sorensen
Kris Strang Nick Trumble Evan Warnert Brendan Weidler
Tommy Weidler Nico Youngren
Support Staff: Anthony Hauf and Zach Robinson
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3366 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Jeff Miller, assistant football coach
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for volleyball
The following students will be unable to attend classes from 5 a.m. on Friday (Aug. 28) until midnight on Sunday (Aug. 30) in order to travel to and from and participate in volleyball matches in Billings, Mont.:
Abbey Aide
Shari Dueck
Jori Fladeland
Sara Friesen
Emily Hoehn
Ashley Holmen
Jill Lockie
Molly Lundeen
Keri Nelson
Suzy Paradine
Rylie Ringeon
Kara Schumacher
Leah Wesoloski
Jennifer Yausie
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3472 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Johnna Lewis, head volleyball coach
Notifying the Office of Student Life or faculty members through the Office of Public Information (using this format or by any other means) does not constitute an excused absence. Whenever a student anticipates an absence, he/she should contact the appropriate faculty member prior to missing class.
It is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether students will be excused from class or allowed to make up any missed work. Each faculty member establishes his/her own guidelines regarding class absence, and whether or not a student will be allowed to make up missed work.*
*Based upon “Class Absence Policy,” 2000 - 2002 Student Handbook - Minot State University.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
MSU Walking Club going to Oak Park
Since Mother Nature has been good to us with great outdoor walking weather, the MSU Walking Club will walk to Oak Park on Thursday (Aug. 27). They will meet at the steps of Old Main at 10 a.m., and there will be a drawing for a prize at the beginning of the walk. Also, the Farmers’ Market will be going on in Oak Park for those who would like to stop and make a purchase. For questions, contact 858-4490 or
--Karen Humphreys, MSU Walking Club member
General Information
Repair of fire hydrant needed
During work on the water line to Swain, it was found that the fire hydrant next to the library needs repair. The repair is set to take place Thursday (Aug. 27) from 7 a.m. to noon. This may necessitate turning off the water to the library for up to half a day. Thank you for your patience. For questions, call 858-3210.
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
Office of Public Information
The following text is from an Office of Public Information news release sent to media yesterday:
For Immediate Release: Date: Aug. 25, 2009
Fall 2009 enrollment numbers from the first day of class show positive growth at Minot State University. Unofficial enrollment at the university is up 5.1 percent, compared to the first day of class in 2008.
“We are very pleased with the positive enrollment growth in many key areas, including Ward County, North Dakota and outside of our state and region,” said David Fuller, president of Minot State University. “This growth is a reflection of our outstanding programs, increased visibility and new recruitment efforts.”
Minot State has experienced an increase in students from larger counties across the state, including 50 percent up in Cass County and 64 percent up in Grand Forks County. As well, the counties of Burleigh, Morton, Pierce, Rolette, Ward and Williams all saw an increase of students. In Ward County alone, almost 100 additional students are attending this year, compared to 2008.
Recruiting and marketing efforts have also netted an increase in students from neighboring states, such as Minnesota, South Dakota and Wyoming. In addition, the number of new students from California, Florida and Washington is on the rise.
Early fall 2009 enrollment numbers show new five-year highs among Native American populations, students from Canada and non-Canadian international students.
“We are happy to see an increase in both students from Ward County as well as from our targeted markets outside of North Dakota,” said Kevin Harmon, dean of admissions at Minot State University. “I am also proud of the overall academic depth of this incoming group.”
Minot State welcomes a large group of new transfer students, as a 25 percent increase is bringing more than 300 additional transfers from other colleges and universities.
Growth in MSU online students also reached a new five-year high, compared to recent first- day enrollments. Along with this growth comes an additional boost from Minot State campuses across the state, at the Minot Air Force Base, in Bismarck, Williston and Fargo. At the MAFB alone, 15 percent more students are now taking university-level courses.
These numbers can fluctuate over the first couple weeks of classes as first day enrollment numbers are not official. Enrollment figures become official after the fourth full week of classes, when they are reported to the North Dakota University System.
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
KMOT featured a John Morrow, a new faculty member, in a story.
KMOT also did a story about MSU’s first-day enrollment. The video link does not work properly, but the story is there.
Absence Confirmation
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for football
The following Minot State University students will be unable to attend classes after 9 a.m. on Thursday (Aug. 27) to Friday (Aug. 28) at 5 p.m. in order to travel to and from and participate in a football game in Bemidji, Minn.:
Bart Archdekin Brock Awalt Bryan Boychuk Alex Boyeff
Chris Compton Derek Cottle John Denne Blair Dinsdale
George Duenas Blake Eggl Aaron Esquibel Kristopher Firey
Justin Flatland Zach Gaugler Mitch Haugeberg Eric Henke
Lance Hollinger Quinton Hooks Layvester James Ryan Kasper
Mark Kennedy Jeremy Kessler Jordan Kizima Kalvin Larson
Johnny Lester Nik Levnaich Serigo Magana Chad Marshall
Kirk Mason Gino Maxi Casey Meadows Jon Meier
T.J. Menahan BrettMohr Kyle Nichols Ben Pease
Josh Pettinger Martel Pope Chris Rae Hazeez Rafiu
Ozzie Reinholz Nik Richardson Brian Rholes Zac Rudolph
Tyson Schatz Adrian Smith Tyson Snelling Brian Sorensen
Kris Strang Nick Trumble Evan Warnert Brendan Weidler
Tommy Weidler Nico Youngren
Support Staff: Anthony Hauf and Zach Robinson
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3366 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Jeff Miller, assistant football coach
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for volleyball
The following students will be unable to attend classes from 5 a.m. on Friday (Aug. 28) until midnight on Sunday (Aug. 30) in order to travel to and from and participate in volleyball matches in Billings, Mont.:
Abbey Aide
Shari Dueck
Jori Fladeland
Sara Friesen
Emily Hoehn
Ashley Holmen
Jill Lockie
Molly Lundeen
Keri Nelson
Suzy Paradine
Rylie Ringeon
Kara Schumacher
Leah Wesoloski
Jennifer Yausie
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3472 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Johnna Lewis, head volleyball coach
Notifying the Office of Student Life or faculty members through the Office of Public Information (using this format or by any other means) does not constitute an excused absence. Whenever a student anticipates an absence, he/she should contact the appropriate faculty member prior to missing class.
It is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether students will be excused from class or allowed to make up any missed work. Each faculty member establishes his/her own guidelines regarding class absence, and whether or not a student will be allowed to make up missed work.*
*Based upon “Class Absence Policy,” 2000 - 2002 Student Handbook - Minot State University.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
North Dakota's United Tribes Wins Award
August 25, 2009
Contact: Sarah Werner, ND League of Cities
(701) 223-3518
BISMARCK, N.D. – The United Tribes Technical College Citizen Corps Council was recognized as the nation’s “Outstanding Tribal Citizen Corps Council” at an awards ceremony in Arlington, Va. August 11, 2009.
During a ceremony at the 2009 National Conference on Community Preparedness (NCCP), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Deputy Administrator of the National Preparedness Directorate Timothy Manning recognized eight outstanding Citizen Corps Councils from across the nation as winners of first annual National Citizen Corps Achievement Awards-Celebrating Resilient Communities. The councils were recognized for their innovative practices and achievements in making their communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to manage any emergency situation.
“As the state Citizen Corps Council chair, I am proud of the hard work and achievements of United Tribes Technical College as this recognition demonstrates their superior dedication and commitment to ensuring their community is prepared and safe from harm,” said North Dakota First Lady Mikey Hoeven. “As a winner, they exemplify excellence in community emergency planning and implement sound programs that can be modeled for use by other communities.”
The Citizen Corps program is FEMA's grassroots strategy to bring together government and community leaders to involve citizens in all-hazards emergency preparedness and resilience.
United Tribes Technical College was chosen as a national 2009 winner due to its dedication to implementing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program on each of North Dakota's reservations. The CERT program teaches citizens to take care of themselves, their neighbors and their communities in the event of a disaster.
The winning Councils were featured during the conference of over 750 community preparedness conference stakeholders from across the nation, recognized on the national Citizen Corps Web site, and received an award certificate and holder signed by FEMA Administrator W. Craig Fugate. Additionally, National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) Incoming President David Maxwell and International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) President Russ Decker recognized and congratulated the award winners.
The Citizen Corps program in North Dakota is jointly sponsored by the North Dakota League of Cities and the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services. For information on North Dakota's Citizen Corps program, visit For information on Citizen Corps across the nation visit
August 25, 2009
Contact: Sarah Werner, ND League of Cities
(701) 223-3518
BISMARCK, N.D. – The United Tribes Technical College Citizen Corps Council was recognized as the nation’s “Outstanding Tribal Citizen Corps Council” at an awards ceremony in Arlington, Va. August 11, 2009.
During a ceremony at the 2009 National Conference on Community Preparedness (NCCP), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Deputy Administrator of the National Preparedness Directorate Timothy Manning recognized eight outstanding Citizen Corps Councils from across the nation as winners of first annual National Citizen Corps Achievement Awards-Celebrating Resilient Communities. The councils were recognized for their innovative practices and achievements in making their communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to manage any emergency situation.
“As the state Citizen Corps Council chair, I am proud of the hard work and achievements of United Tribes Technical College as this recognition demonstrates their superior dedication and commitment to ensuring their community is prepared and safe from harm,” said North Dakota First Lady Mikey Hoeven. “As a winner, they exemplify excellence in community emergency planning and implement sound programs that can be modeled for use by other communities.”
The Citizen Corps program is FEMA's grassroots strategy to bring together government and community leaders to involve citizens in all-hazards emergency preparedness and resilience.
United Tribes Technical College was chosen as a national 2009 winner due to its dedication to implementing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program on each of North Dakota's reservations. The CERT program teaches citizens to take care of themselves, their neighbors and their communities in the event of a disaster.
The winning Councils were featured during the conference of over 750 community preparedness conference stakeholders from across the nation, recognized on the national Citizen Corps Web site, and received an award certificate and holder signed by FEMA Administrator W. Craig Fugate. Additionally, National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) Incoming President David Maxwell and International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) President Russ Decker recognized and congratulated the award winners.
The Citizen Corps program in North Dakota is jointly sponsored by the North Dakota League of Cities and the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services. For information on North Dakota's Citizen Corps program, visit For information on Citizen Corps across the nation visit
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Minot State University News
Aug. 24, 2009 Campus Announcements
State motor pool policy
The state motor pool has changed how the parking office dispatches cars. The state motor pool implemented a new computer system that does not allow state cars to be pre-dispatched. Cars can be reserved as it has always done, but the person requesting a car must come into the parking office and show their driver’s license, and then, the needed paperwork can be processed. These new procedures will cause delays in getting a car. If someone does not have their driver’s license or if a supervisor has a staff member pick up the car, the parking office will need the driver’s license faxed to them before the car is released. The person picking up the car will also need to show their license.
Because of this change, the parking office is asking individuals to come in for car dispatches from 8 to 9:30 a.m. to help office work flow more efficiently. If other times are needed to pick up a car, this needs to be coordinated with me in advance.
I apologize for this inconvenience, but the state motor pool mandated these changes. Thank you for your patience. If there are questions, please call 858-3210
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
General Information
Guidelines concerning upcoming flu season
The Centers for Disease Control has recently released additional guidelines and helps for institutes of higher education to follow in managing the upcoming flu season. The following link provides students, faculty and staff with important information regarding their health.
For questions, call the Student Health Center at 858-3371.
--Mark Lyman, director of public information
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
On Friday (Aug. 21), KXMC interviewed Frank Moseley, associate professor of finance, and Mark Lyman, director of public information.
Partner News
Powwow Youth Day is Friday, Sept. 11
BISMARCK (UTN) – School classes and youth groups are invited to Youth Day at the United Tribes International Powwow on Friday, Sept. 11 on the college campus in Bismarck.
The music and cultural event is offered as an educational experience for young people and visitors interested in Native American culture.
Included are cultural presentations, flute music, hoop dancing and a performance by the powwow’s featured cultural group.
This is the 16th annual Youth Day. During past events, school groups from Bismarck-Mandan, surrounding towns and outlying reservation communities have attended as part of organized outings.
Funding for Youth Day is provided by the Bismarck Public Schools, Theodore Jamerson Elementary School and Standing Rock Water and Sewer.
Youth Day begins with at 9 a.m. and runs through the morning near the college administration building on Sisseton Road. The event will be held in the gymnasium in case of rain. The schedule concludes with the 1 p.m. Grand Entry of powwow dancers at Lone Star Arena.
Groups are advised to bring lunches, partake in a lunch at Youth Day, or plan to purchase lunch at the food court. Vendor stands will also be open. There is no admission fee for students, teachers or escorts.
Teachers are encouraged to register in advance by contacting coordinator Bernadette 858-3285, ext 1286.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
State motor pool policy
The state motor pool has changed how the parking office dispatches cars. The state motor pool implemented a new computer system that does not allow state cars to be pre-dispatched. Cars can be reserved as it has always done, but the person requesting a car must come into the parking office and show their driver’s license, and then, the needed paperwork can be processed. These new procedures will cause delays in getting a car. If someone does not have their driver’s license or if a supervisor has a staff member pick up the car, the parking office will need the driver’s license faxed to them before the car is released. The person picking up the car will also need to show their license.
Because of this change, the parking office is asking individuals to come in for car dispatches from 8 to 9:30 a.m. to help office work flow more efficiently. If other times are needed to pick up a car, this needs to be coordinated with me in advance.
I apologize for this inconvenience, but the state motor pool mandated these changes. Thank you for your patience. If there are questions, please call 858-3210
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
General Information
Guidelines concerning upcoming flu season
The Centers for Disease Control has recently released additional guidelines and helps for institutes of higher education to follow in managing the upcoming flu season. The following link provides students, faculty and staff with important information regarding their health.
For questions, call the Student Health Center at 858-3371.
--Mark Lyman, director of public information
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
On Friday (Aug. 21), KXMC interviewed Frank Moseley, associate professor of finance, and Mark Lyman, director of public information.
Partner News
Powwow Youth Day is Friday, Sept. 11
BISMARCK (UTN) – School classes and youth groups are invited to Youth Day at the United Tribes International Powwow on Friday, Sept. 11 on the college campus in Bismarck.
The music and cultural event is offered as an educational experience for young people and visitors interested in Native American culture.
Included are cultural presentations, flute music, hoop dancing and a performance by the powwow’s featured cultural group.
This is the 16th annual Youth Day. During past events, school groups from Bismarck-Mandan, surrounding towns and outlying reservation communities have attended as part of organized outings.
Funding for Youth Day is provided by the Bismarck Public Schools, Theodore Jamerson Elementary School and Standing Rock Water and Sewer.
Youth Day begins with at 9 a.m. and runs through the morning near the college administration building on Sisseton Road. The event will be held in the gymnasium in case of rain. The schedule concludes with the 1 p.m. Grand Entry of powwow dancers at Lone Star Arena.
Groups are advised to bring lunches, partake in a lunch at Youth Day, or plan to purchase lunch at the food court. Vendor stands will also be open. There is no admission fee for students, teachers or escorts.
Teachers are encouraged to register in advance by contacting coordinator Bernadette 858-3285, ext 1286.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Monday, August 24, 2009
North Dakota Petroleum Council News
New Members – Thanks to the new Petroleum Council members: Pioneer Drilling Company; BNC National Bank; FMC Technologies, Inc.; Falco Energy Transportation, LLC; Spotted Hawk Development, LLC; Pure Energy Services (USA); Dorchester Minerals Operating, LP; and, Slawson Exploration Company.
Energy Citizens’ Rally August 27 - With the recent Waxman-Markey Bill (a.k.a. Cap n Trade) passing through the U.S. House of Representatives, the issue of federal energy policy has been brought to the forefront. In addition, Congress is considering new taxes and regulations on the energy industry that will potentially have significant impacts on North Dakota’s economy, create job losses, and increase energy prices. In an effort to create awareness about the impacts of proposed energy legislation on North Dakotans, the North Dakota Petroleum Council, along with other trade associations, businesses, and citizens, is organizing an Energy Citizens’ Rally. The rally is intended to generate a call to action by North Dakota citizens to oppose the current bills in Congress and encourage a common sense approach to energy legislation. The rally is open to the public. Bring your family and enjoy hot dogs, brats, live music, and ice cream while learning how federal energy policy affects the people of North Dakota. For more information, visit the Energy Citizens’ Rally page on the Petroleum Council website. Hope to see you there!
For those who cannot attend, we urge you to send an email to the North Dakota Congressional Delegation in support for their current opposition to these federal energy policies. Congress needs to start over on an energy policy and use common sense and develop a bill that will encourage domestic energy production which will create jobs, wealth, and stimulate the economy in our state. For a draft letter and mailing information to send to North Dakota’s congressmen, please visit the draft letter and congressmen contact information page.
Royalty Owner Information Center Now Available Through Oil Can! - Mineral rights and royalty payments are difficult to understand and comprehend. The Petroleum Council, through the Oil Can! program, is taking steps to improve communications and provide royalty and mineral owners with more information to provide a better understanding of how the process works and to provide direct contacts to North Dakota oil operators with their questions and concerns. The site also includes frequently asked questions that should be helpful to mineral owners. This is a work in progress and we hope to continue to enhance and improve the site. Royalty Owner Information Center
State Land Departmentt Proposes Rule Establishing Royalty Escrow Account -- The State Land Board is holding a public hearing for comments on Thursday, August 27 at 3:00 p.m. at the State Land Department office to take comments on a new administrative rule governing state oil and gas leases. Written comments may also be submitted to the North Dakota Land Department by September 15, 2009. The proposed rule would require any operator, lessee, or purchaser that intends to suspend royalties resulting from a title dispute to establish an escrow account with the Bank of North Dakota and to deposit the disputed royalties in this account. The Petroleum Council has concerns about this proposed rule because there are always two sides in a royalty dispute and both may want funds set aside. In addition, title disputes are not the problem of the operator, but a responsibility of the owners to resolve their title problems either by agreement or judicial action. We urge you to provide comments to the Land Department on this rule. Notice of Intent.
Register Now for the Petroleum Council Annual Meeting – The Petroleum Council’s Annual Meeting will be held in Medora, ND September 1–3, 2009. Early-bird registration ends August 21. Chuck VanAllen, Vice-President for Hess, will provide the keynote luncheon address on September 3. Take advantage of Medora’s activities and don’t miss the Medora Musical on September 1. Reserve your hotel room now and remember to say you’re with the North Dakota Petroleum Council Annual Meeting. North Dakota legislators Rick Berg and David O’Connell will be recognized for their “Outstanding Public Service” during the event and the next inductee into the Petroleum Council Hall of Fame will be announced during the banquet on September 2. Register soon for the ND Oil PAC Golf Event. The 144 slots are filling fast. Registration, agenda, golf, and sponsorship information is available on the Annual Meeting page of the Petroleum Council website. Please contact us with any questions at 701.223.6380 or email
Navigating Oil Development on Tribal Lands Meeting in Medora – AGENDA Following the Petroleum Council Annual Meeting on September 3, there will be a meeting from 2:00–4:30 p.m. MST that will focus on key issues related to oil development on tribal lands. Speakers are from, and include, the North Dakota Governor’s Office, Tribal officials, the North Dakota Tax Commissioner, Senator Dorgan’s Office, BIA officials including Mike Black, Regional Director for BIA, along with other BIA officials, Tribal regulatory and legal officials, and BLM. Any operator or service company operating on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation should attend this meeting to get a better understanding of the activity and the permitting process along with other tips and tricks. This meeting is not a part of the Petroleum Council Annual Meeting. However, if you would like to attend the Petroleum Council Annual Meeting, please register online on the Annual Meeting home page . If you would like to attend the Thursday luncheon only, the cost is $30. Again, for planning purposes, please let us know at or by calling 701.223.6380 if you plan to attend the luncheon.
Petroleum Council Awards Four $500 Scholarships - A key component of sustaining North Dakota’s oil production is encouraging North Dakota students to pursue degrees related to the oil and gas industry. For this reason, the North Dakota Petroleum Council established a scholarship program in 2008 to encourage and support students with an interest in working in North Dakota’s energy industry. This year’s recipients are Adam Ries and Seth Trobec. In addition, Roy Neset Jr. and Micheal Totenhagen will receive a $500 scholarship again this year. Ries is a junior majoring in geological engineering at the University of North Dakota (UND). He has experience in the oil fields as a mudlogger for Neset Consulting and plans to continue his career in the oil fields of North Dakota. Trobec is also a junior majoring in geological engineering at UND. He hasn’t had experience in the oil field, but says that he hopes to in the near future and is intrigued by the processes involved in oil exploration. Neset is a junior majoring in geology at Minot State. He has extensive experience working in the oil and gas industry as a rig hand, welder, relief consultant, and a mudlogger. Totenhagen is a senior majoring in geology at North Dakota State University. Totenhagen has previously interned as a mine geologist with Hibbing Taconite Company out of Minnesota and as a field engineer with Baker Hughes-Inteq.
Oil Can! Safety Alert – In an effort to ensure safety around oil industry-related facilities, the Petroleum Council, through the Oil Can! program, has developed a safety alert flyer that is posted on the Petroleum Council website, will be distributed to schools in western North Dakota, will be available for industry members to post and use as desired, and will be used in school presentations through the Energy Career Awareness Partnership. The flyer emphasizes that oil well facilities are private property and should not be used by anyone other than trained industry personnel.
Oil Can! Bakken Rocks CookFest - On July 29 and 30, the North Dakota Petroleum Council hosted a two-day event in the heart of North Dakota oil country - Killdeer and Stanley - to bring together the oil operators of the state with the communities they are involved in. The event brought together over 1,800 people from the area (approximately 600 in Killdeer and 1,200 in Stanley), where they ate the oil field’s best barbecue, met face to face with the people of the oil industry, and learned a little about what is going on in the Bakken. At each location, ballots were collected and counted, and the team that provided the best experience was awarded a plaque. To see more information and photos from the event, visit the CookFest page on the Petroleum Council website. Thank you to everyone involved in the planning and execution of the CookFest to make it a successful event.
For more information on any of these issues or to be removed from the mailing list, contact the North Dakota Petroleum Council at
(701) 223-6380,, or see
Energy Citizens’ Rally August 27 - With the recent Waxman-Markey Bill (a.k.a. Cap n Trade) passing through the U.S. House of Representatives, the issue of federal energy policy has been brought to the forefront. In addition, Congress is considering new taxes and regulations on the energy industry that will potentially have significant impacts on North Dakota’s economy, create job losses, and increase energy prices. In an effort to create awareness about the impacts of proposed energy legislation on North Dakotans, the North Dakota Petroleum Council, along with other trade associations, businesses, and citizens, is organizing an Energy Citizens’ Rally. The rally is intended to generate a call to action by North Dakota citizens to oppose the current bills in Congress and encourage a common sense approach to energy legislation. The rally is open to the public. Bring your family and enjoy hot dogs, brats, live music, and ice cream while learning how federal energy policy affects the people of North Dakota. For more information, visit the Energy Citizens’ Rally page on the Petroleum Council website. Hope to see you there!
For those who cannot attend, we urge you to send an email to the North Dakota Congressional Delegation in support for their current opposition to these federal energy policies. Congress needs to start over on an energy policy and use common sense and develop a bill that will encourage domestic energy production which will create jobs, wealth, and stimulate the economy in our state. For a draft letter and mailing information to send to North Dakota’s congressmen, please visit the draft letter and congressmen contact information page.
Royalty Owner Information Center Now Available Through Oil Can! - Mineral rights and royalty payments are difficult to understand and comprehend. The Petroleum Council, through the Oil Can! program, is taking steps to improve communications and provide royalty and mineral owners with more information to provide a better understanding of how the process works and to provide direct contacts to North Dakota oil operators with their questions and concerns. The site also includes frequently asked questions that should be helpful to mineral owners. This is a work in progress and we hope to continue to enhance and improve the site. Royalty Owner Information Center
State Land Departmentt Proposes Rule Establishing Royalty Escrow Account -- The State Land Board is holding a public hearing for comments on Thursday, August 27 at 3:00 p.m. at the State Land Department office to take comments on a new administrative rule governing state oil and gas leases. Written comments may also be submitted to the North Dakota Land Department by September 15, 2009. The proposed rule would require any operator, lessee, or purchaser that intends to suspend royalties resulting from a title dispute to establish an escrow account with the Bank of North Dakota and to deposit the disputed royalties in this account. The Petroleum Council has concerns about this proposed rule because there are always two sides in a royalty dispute and both may want funds set aside. In addition, title disputes are not the problem of the operator, but a responsibility of the owners to resolve their title problems either by agreement or judicial action. We urge you to provide comments to the Land Department on this rule. Notice of Intent.
Register Now for the Petroleum Council Annual Meeting – The Petroleum Council’s Annual Meeting will be held in Medora, ND September 1–3, 2009. Early-bird registration ends August 21. Chuck VanAllen, Vice-President for Hess, will provide the keynote luncheon address on September 3. Take advantage of Medora’s activities and don’t miss the Medora Musical on September 1. Reserve your hotel room now and remember to say you’re with the North Dakota Petroleum Council Annual Meeting. North Dakota legislators Rick Berg and David O’Connell will be recognized for their “Outstanding Public Service” during the event and the next inductee into the Petroleum Council Hall of Fame will be announced during the banquet on September 2. Register soon for the ND Oil PAC Golf Event. The 144 slots are filling fast. Registration, agenda, golf, and sponsorship information is available on the Annual Meeting page of the Petroleum Council website. Please contact us with any questions at 701.223.6380 or email
Navigating Oil Development on Tribal Lands Meeting in Medora – AGENDA Following the Petroleum Council Annual Meeting on September 3, there will be a meeting from 2:00–4:30 p.m. MST that will focus on key issues related to oil development on tribal lands. Speakers are from, and include, the North Dakota Governor’s Office, Tribal officials, the North Dakota Tax Commissioner, Senator Dorgan’s Office, BIA officials including Mike Black, Regional Director for BIA, along with other BIA officials, Tribal regulatory and legal officials, and BLM. Any operator or service company operating on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation should attend this meeting to get a better understanding of the activity and the permitting process along with other tips and tricks. This meeting is not a part of the Petroleum Council Annual Meeting. However, if you would like to attend the Petroleum Council Annual Meeting, please register online on the Annual Meeting home page . If you would like to attend the Thursday luncheon only, the cost is $30. Again, for planning purposes, please let us know at or by calling 701.223.6380 if you plan to attend the luncheon.
Petroleum Council Awards Four $500 Scholarships - A key component of sustaining North Dakota’s oil production is encouraging North Dakota students to pursue degrees related to the oil and gas industry. For this reason, the North Dakota Petroleum Council established a scholarship program in 2008 to encourage and support students with an interest in working in North Dakota’s energy industry. This year’s recipients are Adam Ries and Seth Trobec. In addition, Roy Neset Jr. and Micheal Totenhagen will receive a $500 scholarship again this year. Ries is a junior majoring in geological engineering at the University of North Dakota (UND). He has experience in the oil fields as a mudlogger for Neset Consulting and plans to continue his career in the oil fields of North Dakota. Trobec is also a junior majoring in geological engineering at UND. He hasn’t had experience in the oil field, but says that he hopes to in the near future and is intrigued by the processes involved in oil exploration. Neset is a junior majoring in geology at Minot State. He has extensive experience working in the oil and gas industry as a rig hand, welder, relief consultant, and a mudlogger. Totenhagen is a senior majoring in geology at North Dakota State University. Totenhagen has previously interned as a mine geologist with Hibbing Taconite Company out of Minnesota and as a field engineer with Baker Hughes-Inteq.
Oil Can! Safety Alert – In an effort to ensure safety around oil industry-related facilities, the Petroleum Council, through the Oil Can! program, has developed a safety alert flyer that is posted on the Petroleum Council website, will be distributed to schools in western North Dakota, will be available for industry members to post and use as desired, and will be used in school presentations through the Energy Career Awareness Partnership. The flyer emphasizes that oil well facilities are private property and should not be used by anyone other than trained industry personnel.
Oil Can! Bakken Rocks CookFest - On July 29 and 30, the North Dakota Petroleum Council hosted a two-day event in the heart of North Dakota oil country - Killdeer and Stanley - to bring together the oil operators of the state with the communities they are involved in. The event brought together over 1,800 people from the area (approximately 600 in Killdeer and 1,200 in Stanley), where they ate the oil field’s best barbecue, met face to face with the people of the oil industry, and learned a little about what is going on in the Bakken. At each location, ballots were collected and counted, and the team that provided the best experience was awarded a plaque. To see more information and photos from the event, visit the CookFest page on the Petroleum Council website. Thank you to everyone involved in the planning and execution of the CookFest to make it a successful event.
For more information on any of these issues or to be removed from the mailing list, contact the North Dakota Petroleum Council at
(701) 223-6380,, or see
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