Tentative Agenda
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Harvest Room, State Capitol
Bismarck, North Dakota
9:00 a.m. Call to order
Roll call
Consideration of the minutes of the January 27, 2010, meeting
9:05 a.m. Presentations by Ms. Lisa Feldner, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology
Department, and representatives of the Information Technology Department of:
• A glossary of information technology terms and acronyms
• Information regarding the value of information technology to state government
• A report on the department's level of outsourcing information technology services,
former employees who provide consulting services, and the department's efforts to
assist in the creation of North Dakota technology-related companies pursuant to
Section 9 of 2009 Senate Bill No. 2021
• A report on the status of the Statewide Longitudinal Data System Initiative pursuant
to North Dakota Century Code Section 15.1-02-18
• A report on the status of health information technology activities pursuant to 2009
Senate Bill No. 2332
• Recommended information technology statutory changes, including any changes
relating to health information technology
10:00 a.m. Presentation by a representative of the Educational Technology Council regarding
elementary and secondary education information technology initiatives, including the
estimated cost of updating video classrooms and providing recording equipment
10:15 a.m. Presentation by a representative of the North Dakota University System regarding
higher education information technology planning, services, and major projects
10:30 a.m. Presentation by a representative of the North Dakota Association of Counties regarding
the coordination of services between the Information Technology Department and
political subdivisions
10:45 a.m. Presentation by a representative of the North Dakota League of Cities regarding the
coordination of services between the Information Technology Department and political
11:00 a.m. Presentation by Ms. Feldner regarding the Information Technology Department's
current large project oversight process and potential changes
11:15 a.m. Presentation by a representative of the Legislative Council staff regarding the status of
the legislative enterprise system North Dakota (LEGEND) project
11:30 a.m. Presentation by a representative of Workforce Safety and Insurance regarding the
status of the agency's information technology transformation project
11:45 a.m. Presentation by a representative of the Information Technology Department regarding a
project startup report for the broadband mapping project
11:50 a.m. Presentation by a representative of the Bank of North Dakota regarding a project
startup report for the student loan lender system project
11:55 a.m. Presentation by a representative of the Department of Human Services regarding a
project startup report for the minimum data set project
12:00 noon Presentation by a representative of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
• A project closeout report for the electronic medical records system project
• A project startup report for the inmate trust and commissary software project
12:10 p.m. Presentation by a representative of the State Treasurer's office regarding a project
closeout report for the tax distribution rewrite project
12:15 p.m. Committee discussion and staff directives, including discussion on any recommended
information technology statutory changes
12:30 p.m. Adjourn
Committee Members
Senators Larry J. Robinson (Chairman), Randel Christmann, Joe Miller, Tom Seymour, Rich Wardner
Representatives Craig Headland, Corey Mock, Bob Skarphol, Gary R. Sukut, Robin Weisz, Lonny
Chief Information Officer Lisa Feldner
Staff Contacts: Roxanne Woeste, Assistant Legislative Budget Analyst and Auditor
Allen H. Knudson, Legislative Budget Analyst and Auditor

Professor Emeritus -- Dr. Tom Seymour from West Fargo, North Dakota -- Professor, Minot State University, MSU Faculty Regents Award (2015) -- PAST Peer Reviewer (Higher Learning Commission - Chicago); - Author and Presenter Board of Directors, SRT Communications, Inc and Minot City Alderman - Ward 5 (2010-June, 2016) PAST - Editor-in-Chief (North Dakota State Senator (2002-2010) 2017-Cass County Electric Cooperative- Board of Directors
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tom Seymour on OPASTCO Education Committee
2010 Legislative and Regulatory Conference
Washington, D.C.
May 17-19, 2010
47th Annual OPASTCO Summer Convention and Tradeshow
Seattle, Wash.
July 24-28, 2010
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Submissions due March 5
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Do view their Web site:
2010 Legislative and Regulatory Conference
Washington, D.C.
May 17-19, 2010
47th Annual OPASTCO Summer Convention and Tradeshow
Seattle, Wash.
July 24-28, 2010
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Call for Topics!
Submissions due March 5
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Do view their Web site:
Hello Everyone,
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
2. CMS Needs Your Feedback
3. CMS Releases 12 Medicaid HITECH Grants for VT, AL, AR, AZ, FL, IL, KS, ME, MI, NE, OK, and VA
4. Registration Now Open for Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) Meeting on Competitive Acquisition for DMEPOS
5. 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative & Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program National Provider Call with Question & Answer Session
6. New from the Medicare Learning Network
7. March Is National Nutrition Month
8. Your February Flu Message
9. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay until January 3, 2011, the implementation of Phase 2 of Change Request (CR) 6417 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Claims Processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)) and CR 6421 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Claims Processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)).
This delay will give physicians and non-physician practitioners who order items or services for Medicare beneficiaries or who refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers sufficient time to enroll in Medicare or take the action necessary to establish a current enrollment record in Medicare prior to Phase 2 implementation.
Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order items or services or refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers for services do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and contains the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under Phase 2 of the above referenced CRs, a physician or non-physician practitioner who orders or refers and who does not have a current enrollment record that contains the NPI will cause the claim submitted by the Part B provider/supplier who furnished the ordered or referred item or service to be rejected.
CMS continues to urge physicians and non-physician practitioners who are enrolled in Medicare but who have not updated their Medicare enrollment record since November 2003 to update their enrollment record now. If these physicians and non-physician practitioners have no changes to their enrollment data, they need to submit an initial enrollment application which will establish a current enrollment record in PECOS.
2. CMS Needs Your Feedback
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is conducting the fifth national administration of the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS). This survey is designed to collect quantifiable data on providers’ satisfaction with the performance of the Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) contractors that process and pay their Medicare claims. CMS conducts the MCPSS on an annual basis and uses the results for Medicare contractor oversight and process improvement initiatives.
In January, CMS notified approximately 30,000 Medicare FFS providers and suppliers that they had been randomly selected to participate in the 2010 MCPSS study. As representatives of the more than 1.5 million providers nationwide who serve Medicare beneficiaries across the country, these providers and suppliers have an opportunity to give CMS valuable feedback on their satisfaction, attitudes, perceptions, and opinions about the services provided by their respective contractor.
If you have been notified that you were selected to participate in this study and have not yet done so, CMS is listening and wants to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to go online and complete your survey via a secure online Internet survey tool. Responding online is a convenient, easy, and quick way to provide CMS with your feedback. Survey questionnaires can also be submitted by mail, secure fax, and over the telephone. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
CMS has contracted with SciMetrika, a public health consulting firm, to administer this important survey and report statistical data to CMS. If you received notification that you were selected to participate in the MCPSS study and you no longer have your online survey tool access information or need help accessing the survey tool, please call the MCPSS Provider Helpline at 1-800-835-7012 or send an email to
Please Note: Only providers and suppliers notified that they have been randomly selected to take part in the 2010 MCPSS may participate in this study. A new random sample of providers and suppliers is selected annually to participate in the MCPSS study.
For more information about the MCPSS, please visit the CMS MCPSS website at, or read the CMS MLN Matters Special Edition article at featuring the survey.
CMS urges you to please take a few moments to complete your survey today. Thank you.
3. CMS Releases 12 Medicaid HITECH Grants for VT, AL, AR, AZ, FL, IL, KS, ME, MI, NE, OK, and VA
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: CMS Office of Media Affairs
February 26, 2010 (202) 690-6145
Twelve States (VT, AL, AR, AZ, FL, IL, KS, ME, MI, NE, OK, and VA) to Receive Federal Matching Funds for Electronic Health Record Incentives Program
In another key step to further states’ role in developing a robust U.S. health information technology (HIT) infrastructure, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced today additional federal matching funds for certain state planning activities necessary to implement the electronic health record (EHR) incentive program established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act).
The Recovery Act provides a 90 percent federal match for state planning activities to administer the incentive payments to Medicaid providers, to ensure their proper payments through audits and to participate in statewide efforts to promote interoperability and meaningful use of EHR technology statewide and, eventually, across the nation.
EHRs will improve the quality of health care for the citizens of the recipient states and make their care more efficient. The records make it easier for the many providers who may be treating a Medicaid patient to coordinate care. Additionally, EHRs make it easier for patients to access the information they need to make decisions about their health care.
This batch is part of a rolling announcement CMS began in November 2009. To date, including the new states, we will have awarded a total of $43.56 million.
Alabama - $269,000
Arkansas - $815,000
Arizona - $2.89 million
Florida - $1.69 million
Illinois - $2.18 million
Kansas - $1.70 million
Maine - $1.40 million
Michigan - $1.52 million
Nebraska - $894,000
Oklahoma - $587,000
Vermont - $294,000
Virginia - $1.66 million
Additional information on implementation of the Medicaid-related provisions of the Recovery Act’s EHR incentive payment program may be found at:
The Press Release is available at:
4. Registration Now Open for Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) Meeting on Competitive Acquisition for DMEPOS
March 17, 2010
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. (Eastern Daylight Time)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will be hosting a meeting with the Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) on March 17, 2010 to discuss the Round 1 Rebid and upcoming Rounds of the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program. The agenda for the meeting is available on the CMS website at: .
Registration for the meeting is now open. To register for the meeting, please visit: Registrations must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on March 12, 2010.
Meeting attendees should allow plenty of time to ensure access to the CMS facility. CMS security procedures require that all visitors are subject to a vehicular search and can only gain access through the Central Building Main Lobby. All visitors must also be in possession of a valid, government-issued form of photo identification, such as a driver's license, age of majority card, passport or visa.
For more information about the DMEPOS competitive bidding program, including information about the PAOC, please visit:
5. 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative & Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program National Provider Call with Question & Answer Session
2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative & Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program
National Provider Call with Question & Answer Session
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Provider Communications Group will host a national provider conference call on the 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) and Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program (eRx). This toll-free call will take place from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., EST, on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
The PQRI is voluntary quality reporting program that provides an incentive payment to identified individual eligible professionals (EPs), and beginning with the 2010 PQRI, group practices who satisfactorily report data on quality measures for covered Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) services furnished to Medicare Part B Fee-For-Service (FFS) beneficiaries.
The PQRI was first implemented in 2007 as a result of section 101 of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (TRHCA), and further expanded as a result of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (MMSEA), and the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA). The eRx Incentive Program is an incentive program for eligible professionals initially implemented in 2009 as a result of section 132(b) of the MIPPA. The eRx Incentive Program promotes the adoption and use of eRx systems by individual eligible professionals (and beginning with the 2010 eRx Incentive Program, group practices).
Following a few program announcements and updates, the lines will be opened to allow participants to ask questions of CMS PQRI and eRx subject matter experts.
Educational products are available on the PQRI dedicated web page located at, , on the CMS website, in the Educational Resources section, as well as educational products are available on the eRx dedicated web page located at on the CMS website.
Feel free to download the resources prior to the call so that you may ask questions of the CMS presenters.
Conference call details:
Date: March 10, 2010
Conference Title: Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) - National Provider Call
Time: 1:30 p.m. EST
In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation.
Registration will close at 1:30 p.m. EST on March 9, 2010, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.
1. To register for the call participants need to go to:
2. Fill in all required data.
3. Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.
4. Click "Register".
5. You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.
For those of who will be unable to attend, a transcript of the call will be available at least one week after the call at on the CMS website.
If you require services for the hearing impaired please send an email to:
6. New from the Medicare Learning Network
New MLN Matters Article Regarding "Questions and Answers on Reporting Physician Consultation Services"
The MLN Matters Special Edition Article #SE1010 entitled, “Questions and Answers on Reporting Physician Consultation Services,” has just been released and is available at on the CMS website. This article is intended for physicians and non-physician practitioners (NPPs) who perform initial evaluation and management (E/M) services previously reported by Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) consultation codes for Medicare beneficiaries and submit claims to Medicare Carriers and/or Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) for those services. The article pertains to change request (CR) 6740, which alerts providers that effective January 1, 2010, the CPT consultation codes (ranges 99241-99245 and 99251-99255) are no longer recognized for Medicare Part B payment.
Consequently, MLN Matters Article #MM6740 entitled, “Revisions to Consultation Services Payment Policy,” is being revised to clarify language contained in the original CR and to add a reference to MLN Matters Article #SE1010. All other information remains the same. The revised article is available at on the CMS website.
7. March Is National Nutrition Month
Please join with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in promoting increased awareness of nutrition, healthful eating and the medical nutrition therapy (MNT) benefit covered by Medicare. More than 13.7 million Americans at least 60 years or older are diagnosed with diabetes or chronic kidney disease[1]. MNT provided by a registered dietitian or nutrition professional may result in improved diabetes and renal disease management and other health outcomes and may help delay disease progression.
Medicare Coverage
Medicare provides coverage of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for beneficiaries diagnosed with diabetes and/or renal disease (except for those receiving dialysis) and post renal transplant when provided by a registered dietitian or nutrition professional who meets the provider qualifications requirement. A referral by the beneficiary’s treating physician indicating a diagnosis of diabetes or renal disease is required. Medicare provides coverage for 3 hours of MNT in the first year and 2 hours in subsequent years, and additional hours in certain situations.
NOTE: For the purpose of this benefit, renal disease means chronic renal insufficiency or the medical condition of a beneficiary who has been discharged from the hospital after a successful renal transplant for up to 36 months post transplant. Chronic renal insufficiency means a reduction in renal function not severe enough to require dialysis or transplantation [Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) 13-50 ml/min/1.73m2].
What Can You Do?
As a trusted source of health care information, your patients rely on their physician’s or other health care professional’s recommendations. CMS requests your help to ensure that all eligible people with Medicare take full advantage of the medical nutrition therapy benefit. Talk with your eligible Medicare patients about the benefits of managing diabetes and renal disease through MNT and encourage them to make an appointment with a registered dietitian or nutrition professional qualified to provide MNT services covered by Medicare.
For More Information
CMS has developed several educational products related to Medicare-covered preventive services:
o The Guide to Medicare Preventive Services for Physicians, Providers, Suppliers, and Other Health Care Professionals ~ this newly revised comprehensive resource provides coverage and coding information on the array of preventive services and screenings that Medicare covers, including medical nutrition therapy and other services for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes.
o The MLN Preventive Services Educational Products Web Page ~ provides descriptions and ordering information for Medicare Learning Network (MLN) preventive services educational products and resources for health care professionals and their staff.
o Quick Reference Information: Medicare Preventive Services ~ this double-sided chart provides coverage and coding information on Medicare-covered preventive services, including medical nutrition therapy.
o Diabetes-Related Services Brochure ~ This tri-fold brochure provides health care professionals with an overview of Medicare's coverage of diabetes screening tests, diabetes self-management training, medical nutrition therapy, and supplies and other services for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes.
o The CMS website provides additional information about the MNT benefit at
o To order copies of Medicare Preventive Services products, select the link for “MLN Product Ordering Page” on the MLN Products page at:
· For information to share with your Medicare patients, visit
· For more information about National Nutrition Month®, or to “Find a Registered Dietitian” consumers and health care professionals can visit the American Dietetic Association’s website to locate downloadable nutrition information for handouts and presentations.
· For more information on diabetes, including additional publications to help educate your patients about diabetes prevention and treatment, please visit the National Diabetes Education Program website at:
Thank you for your support in helping CMS spread the word about the benefits of good nutrition, healthful eating and the medical nutrition therapy benefit covered by Medicare that may help people with Medicare learn to control and manage their medical conditions.
[1] Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “2007 National Diabetes Fact Sheet,” accessed at: The United States Renal Data System, “2008 USRDS Annual Data Report (ADR) Atlas,” accessed at:
8. Your February Flu Message
There’s still time to get the seasonal flu shot! Although influenza activity has declined recently, it still may continue for several months. The Centers for Disease Control continues to recommend that patients and health care providers and caregivers be vaccinated against seasonal influenza[1].
CMS encourages health care providers to use each office visit as an opportunity to talk with Medicare your patients about the importance of getting a seasonal flu shot. And remember, it is also important to immunize yourself and your staff.
Remember – Seasonal influenza vaccinations and their administration are covered Part B benefits. Note that influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are NOT Part D covered drugs.
For information about Medicare’s coverage of the seasonal influenza virus vaccine and its administration, as well as related educational resources for health care professionals and their staff, please go to on the CMS website. You will find a variety of resources that explain Medicare coverage and claims submission policies related to the seasonal influenza vaccine.
For information on Medicare policies related to H1N1 influenza, please go to on the CMS website.
[1] Seasonal Influenza (Flu). [online]. Atlanta, GA: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, January 19, 2010 [cited 21 January 2010]. Available from the World Wide Web: (
9. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
Under a new law, more Medicare beneficiaries could qualify for Extra Help with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs because some things no longer count as income and resources. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be on Medicare, have limited income and resources, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
[1] Seasonal Influenza (Flu). [online]. Atlanta, GA: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, January 19, 2010 [cited 21 January 2010]. Available from the World Wide Web: (
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
2. CMS Needs Your Feedback
3. CMS Releases 12 Medicaid HITECH Grants for VT, AL, AR, AZ, FL, IL, KS, ME, MI, NE, OK, and VA
4. Registration Now Open for Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) Meeting on Competitive Acquisition for DMEPOS
5. 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative & Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program National Provider Call with Question & Answer Session
6. New from the Medicare Learning Network
7. March Is National Nutrition Month
8. Your February Flu Message
9. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay until January 3, 2011, the implementation of Phase 2 of Change Request (CR) 6417 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Claims Processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)) and CR 6421 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Claims Processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)).
This delay will give physicians and non-physician practitioners who order items or services for Medicare beneficiaries or who refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers sufficient time to enroll in Medicare or take the action necessary to establish a current enrollment record in Medicare prior to Phase 2 implementation.
Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order items or services or refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers for services do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and contains the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under Phase 2 of the above referenced CRs, a physician or non-physician practitioner who orders or refers and who does not have a current enrollment record that contains the NPI will cause the claim submitted by the Part B provider/supplier who furnished the ordered or referred item or service to be rejected.
CMS continues to urge physicians and non-physician practitioners who are enrolled in Medicare but who have not updated their Medicare enrollment record since November 2003 to update their enrollment record now. If these physicians and non-physician practitioners have no changes to their enrollment data, they need to submit an initial enrollment application which will establish a current enrollment record in PECOS.
2. CMS Needs Your Feedback
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is conducting the fifth national administration of the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS). This survey is designed to collect quantifiable data on providers’ satisfaction with the performance of the Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) contractors that process and pay their Medicare claims. CMS conducts the MCPSS on an annual basis and uses the results for Medicare contractor oversight and process improvement initiatives.
In January, CMS notified approximately 30,000 Medicare FFS providers and suppliers that they had been randomly selected to participate in the 2010 MCPSS study. As representatives of the more than 1.5 million providers nationwide who serve Medicare beneficiaries across the country, these providers and suppliers have an opportunity to give CMS valuable feedback on their satisfaction, attitudes, perceptions, and opinions about the services provided by their respective contractor.
If you have been notified that you were selected to participate in this study and have not yet done so, CMS is listening and wants to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to go online and complete your survey via a secure online Internet survey tool. Responding online is a convenient, easy, and quick way to provide CMS with your feedback. Survey questionnaires can also be submitted by mail, secure fax, and over the telephone. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
CMS has contracted with SciMetrika, a public health consulting firm, to administer this important survey and report statistical data to CMS. If you received notification that you were selected to participate in the MCPSS study and you no longer have your online survey tool access information or need help accessing the survey tool, please call the MCPSS Provider Helpline at 1-800-835-7012 or send an email to
Please Note: Only providers and suppliers notified that they have been randomly selected to take part in the 2010 MCPSS may participate in this study. A new random sample of providers and suppliers is selected annually to participate in the MCPSS study.
For more information about the MCPSS, please visit the CMS MCPSS website at, or read the CMS MLN Matters Special Edition article at featuring the survey.
CMS urges you to please take a few moments to complete your survey today. Thank you.
3. CMS Releases 12 Medicaid HITECH Grants for VT, AL, AR, AZ, FL, IL, KS, ME, MI, NE, OK, and VA
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: CMS Office of Media Affairs
February 26, 2010 (202) 690-6145
Twelve States (VT, AL, AR, AZ, FL, IL, KS, ME, MI, NE, OK, and VA) to Receive Federal Matching Funds for Electronic Health Record Incentives Program
In another key step to further states’ role in developing a robust U.S. health information technology (HIT) infrastructure, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced today additional federal matching funds for certain state planning activities necessary to implement the electronic health record (EHR) incentive program established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act).
The Recovery Act provides a 90 percent federal match for state planning activities to administer the incentive payments to Medicaid providers, to ensure their proper payments through audits and to participate in statewide efforts to promote interoperability and meaningful use of EHR technology statewide and, eventually, across the nation.
EHRs will improve the quality of health care for the citizens of the recipient states and make their care more efficient. The records make it easier for the many providers who may be treating a Medicaid patient to coordinate care. Additionally, EHRs make it easier for patients to access the information they need to make decisions about their health care.
This batch is part of a rolling announcement CMS began in November 2009. To date, including the new states, we will have awarded a total of $43.56 million.
Alabama - $269,000
Arkansas - $815,000
Arizona - $2.89 million
Florida - $1.69 million
Illinois - $2.18 million
Kansas - $1.70 million
Maine - $1.40 million
Michigan - $1.52 million
Nebraska - $894,000
Oklahoma - $587,000
Vermont - $294,000
Virginia - $1.66 million
Additional information on implementation of the Medicaid-related provisions of the Recovery Act’s EHR incentive payment program may be found at:
The Press Release is available at:
4. Registration Now Open for Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) Meeting on Competitive Acquisition for DMEPOS
March 17, 2010
8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. (Eastern Daylight Time)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will be hosting a meeting with the Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) on March 17, 2010 to discuss the Round 1 Rebid and upcoming Rounds of the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program. The agenda for the meeting is available on the CMS website at: .
Registration for the meeting is now open. To register for the meeting, please visit: Registrations must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on March 12, 2010.
Meeting attendees should allow plenty of time to ensure access to the CMS facility. CMS security procedures require that all visitors are subject to a vehicular search and can only gain access through the Central Building Main Lobby. All visitors must also be in possession of a valid, government-issued form of photo identification, such as a driver's license, age of majority card, passport or visa.
For more information about the DMEPOS competitive bidding program, including information about the PAOC, please visit:
5. 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative & Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program National Provider Call with Question & Answer Session
2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative & Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program
National Provider Call with Question & Answer Session
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Provider Communications Group will host a national provider conference call on the 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) and Electronic Prescribing Incentive Program (eRx). This toll-free call will take place from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., EST, on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
The PQRI is voluntary quality reporting program that provides an incentive payment to identified individual eligible professionals (EPs), and beginning with the 2010 PQRI, group practices who satisfactorily report data on quality measures for covered Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) services furnished to Medicare Part B Fee-For-Service (FFS) beneficiaries.
The PQRI was first implemented in 2007 as a result of section 101 of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (TRHCA), and further expanded as a result of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 (MMSEA), and the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA). The eRx Incentive Program is an incentive program for eligible professionals initially implemented in 2009 as a result of section 132(b) of the MIPPA. The eRx Incentive Program promotes the adoption and use of eRx systems by individual eligible professionals (and beginning with the 2010 eRx Incentive Program, group practices).
Following a few program announcements and updates, the lines will be opened to allow participants to ask questions of CMS PQRI and eRx subject matter experts.
Educational products are available on the PQRI dedicated web page located at, , on the CMS website, in the Educational Resources section, as well as educational products are available on the eRx dedicated web page located at on the CMS website.
Feel free to download the resources prior to the call so that you may ask questions of the CMS presenters.
Conference call details:
Date: March 10, 2010
Conference Title: Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) - National Provider Call
Time: 1:30 p.m. EST
In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation.
Registration will close at 1:30 p.m. EST on March 9, 2010, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.
1. To register for the call participants need to go to:
2. Fill in all required data.
3. Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.
4. Click "Register".
5. You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.
For those of who will be unable to attend, a transcript of the call will be available at least one week after the call at on the CMS website.
If you require services for the hearing impaired please send an email to:
6. New from the Medicare Learning Network
New MLN Matters Article Regarding "Questions and Answers on Reporting Physician Consultation Services"
The MLN Matters Special Edition Article #SE1010 entitled, “Questions and Answers on Reporting Physician Consultation Services,” has just been released and is available at on the CMS website. This article is intended for physicians and non-physician practitioners (NPPs) who perform initial evaluation and management (E/M) services previously reported by Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) consultation codes for Medicare beneficiaries and submit claims to Medicare Carriers and/or Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) for those services. The article pertains to change request (CR) 6740, which alerts providers that effective January 1, 2010, the CPT consultation codes (ranges 99241-99245 and 99251-99255) are no longer recognized for Medicare Part B payment.
Consequently, MLN Matters Article #MM6740 entitled, “Revisions to Consultation Services Payment Policy,” is being revised to clarify language contained in the original CR and to add a reference to MLN Matters Article #SE1010. All other information remains the same. The revised article is available at on the CMS website.
7. March Is National Nutrition Month
Please join with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in promoting increased awareness of nutrition, healthful eating and the medical nutrition therapy (MNT) benefit covered by Medicare. More than 13.7 million Americans at least 60 years or older are diagnosed with diabetes or chronic kidney disease[1]. MNT provided by a registered dietitian or nutrition professional may result in improved diabetes and renal disease management and other health outcomes and may help delay disease progression.
Medicare Coverage
Medicare provides coverage of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for beneficiaries diagnosed with diabetes and/or renal disease (except for those receiving dialysis) and post renal transplant when provided by a registered dietitian or nutrition professional who meets the provider qualifications requirement. A referral by the beneficiary’s treating physician indicating a diagnosis of diabetes or renal disease is required. Medicare provides coverage for 3 hours of MNT in the first year and 2 hours in subsequent years, and additional hours in certain situations.
NOTE: For the purpose of this benefit, renal disease means chronic renal insufficiency or the medical condition of a beneficiary who has been discharged from the hospital after a successful renal transplant for up to 36 months post transplant. Chronic renal insufficiency means a reduction in renal function not severe enough to require dialysis or transplantation [Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) 13-50 ml/min/1.73m2].
What Can You Do?
As a trusted source of health care information, your patients rely on their physician’s or other health care professional’s recommendations. CMS requests your help to ensure that all eligible people with Medicare take full advantage of the medical nutrition therapy benefit. Talk with your eligible Medicare patients about the benefits of managing diabetes and renal disease through MNT and encourage them to make an appointment with a registered dietitian or nutrition professional qualified to provide MNT services covered by Medicare.
For More Information
CMS has developed several educational products related to Medicare-covered preventive services:
o The Guide to Medicare Preventive Services for Physicians, Providers, Suppliers, and Other Health Care Professionals ~ this newly revised comprehensive resource provides coverage and coding information on the array of preventive services and screenings that Medicare covers, including medical nutrition therapy and other services for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes.
o The MLN Preventive Services Educational Products Web Page ~ provides descriptions and ordering information for Medicare Learning Network (MLN) preventive services educational products and resources for health care professionals and their staff.
o Quick Reference Information: Medicare Preventive Services ~ this double-sided chart provides coverage and coding information on Medicare-covered preventive services, including medical nutrition therapy.
o Diabetes-Related Services Brochure ~ This tri-fold brochure provides health care professionals with an overview of Medicare's coverage of diabetes screening tests, diabetes self-management training, medical nutrition therapy, and supplies and other services for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes.
o The CMS website provides additional information about the MNT benefit at
o To order copies of Medicare Preventive Services products, select the link for “MLN Product Ordering Page” on the MLN Products page at:
· For information to share with your Medicare patients, visit
· For more information about National Nutrition Month®, or to “Find a Registered Dietitian” consumers and health care professionals can visit the American Dietetic Association’s website to locate downloadable nutrition information for handouts and presentations.
· For more information on diabetes, including additional publications to help educate your patients about diabetes prevention and treatment, please visit the National Diabetes Education Program website at:
Thank you for your support in helping CMS spread the word about the benefits of good nutrition, healthful eating and the medical nutrition therapy benefit covered by Medicare that may help people with Medicare learn to control and manage their medical conditions.
[1] Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “2007 National Diabetes Fact Sheet,” accessed at: The United States Renal Data System, “2008 USRDS Annual Data Report (ADR) Atlas,” accessed at:
8. Your February Flu Message
There’s still time to get the seasonal flu shot! Although influenza activity has declined recently, it still may continue for several months. The Centers for Disease Control continues to recommend that patients and health care providers and caregivers be vaccinated against seasonal influenza[1].
CMS encourages health care providers to use each office visit as an opportunity to talk with Medicare your patients about the importance of getting a seasonal flu shot. And remember, it is also important to immunize yourself and your staff.
Remember – Seasonal influenza vaccinations and their administration are covered Part B benefits. Note that influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are NOT Part D covered drugs.
For information about Medicare’s coverage of the seasonal influenza virus vaccine and its administration, as well as related educational resources for health care professionals and their staff, please go to on the CMS website. You will find a variety of resources that explain Medicare coverage and claims submission policies related to the seasonal influenza vaccine.
For information on Medicare policies related to H1N1 influenza, please go to on the CMS website.
[1] Seasonal Influenza (Flu). [online]. Atlanta, GA: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, January 19, 2010 [cited 21 January 2010]. Available from the World Wide Web: (
9. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
Under a new law, more Medicare beneficiaries could qualify for Extra Help with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs because some things no longer count as income and resources. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be on Medicare, have limited income and resources, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
[1] Seasonal Influenza (Flu). [online]. Atlanta, GA: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, January 19, 2010 [cited 21 January 2010]. Available from the World Wide Web: (
Friday, February 26, 2010
Dickinson State University News - North Dakota
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DSU Theatre Dept. presents "Is He Dead?" At Dorothy Stickney
Auditorium Feb. 25, 26 and 27 at 7:30 p.m. and on Feb. 28 at 2:30 p.m. For details click on
New Theodore Roosevelt documentary film debut
TR, A cowboy on his way to the White House
Monday, March 1 @ 7:00 p.m., DSU Beck Auditorium
For details call the ND Humanities Council @ 800-338-6543
Native Voices: Conversations on Culture
Featuring authors Diane Glancy & Joseph Marshall III
A MUST SEE event.!! Click here for details:
DSU Chorale will be on tour March 7-10.
For details click here:
DSU business students receive high scores on major field
exit exams. Click here for details:
Interesting Statistic: DSU teacher education students
are usually employed prior to graduation. Click here
DSU men's basketball ousted in overtime. Click here for the full story:
Vikings end DSU women's basketball season. Click here for full details:
DSU wrestling sets new region record, wins seven titles. Click here for full details:
Blue Hawk men's track team wins 6th straight DAC indoor track title:
Click here for details:
Click here for a individual awards summary:
DSU wrestling coach Thadd O'Donnell is DAC Coach of the Year!
For Thadd O'Donnel Bio click here:
DSU track coach Pete Stanton is DAC Coach of the Year!
For Pete Stanton Bio click here:
DSU alums and Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association World Champions
Wayne Herman and Brad Gjermundson are holding a bucking school at the
DSU AG indoor arena from Friday, Feb. 26 - Sunday, Feb. 28. Come out on
Sunday and watch 37 students compete in a end of session rodeo. For
details call the DSU Ag Dept. (Eudell Larsen) at (701) 483.2185.
DSU Alum and Dickinson resident, Shaun Stroh, is hovering near the top
in the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association World Standings. For a
look at the rankings, click here:
For Shaun Stroh Bio click here:
DSU Rodeo Team Spring Schedule:
March 28 - DSU vs. High School Rodeo Challenge - Dickinson, ND
April 8, 9,10,11 - South Dakota State U (double rodeo) - Brookings, SD
April 16,17 - University of Nebraska Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
April 23,24 - Black Hills State University - Spearfish, SD
Apr 30, May 1 - Dickinson State University - Dickinson, ND
June 13-19 - College National Finals Rodeo - Casper, WY
Call DSU Ag Dept. (Jenn Obregewitch) for details @ (701) 483.2185
DSU Women's Softball voted #2 in nation in preseason poll. For their schedule click here:
DSU Men's Baseball team is already in season. For their schedule click here:
For the DSU Golf team's schedule, click here:
See the latest edition of the DSU RODEO NEWS by
clicking on this link
and then clicking on the front cover!!
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newsletter by clicking on this link
and then clicking on the cover!!
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and then clicking on "February 2010."
See the latest edition of BLUE HAWK BASKETBALL by clicker on this link
and then clicking on the cover.
See the latest edition of DSU WRESTLING REVIEW by clicking on this
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See the latest edition of SIGNAL BUTTE by clickin on this link
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Latest BAC Photos. Click here for up-to-the-minute
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Class Notes
Orville Dodge
Added: 1/30/2010 3:33 PM
Class Notes Archive
I left DSU in 1939 when the 164th Nation...
Jody Gratz
Added: 1/24/2010 9:10 PM
Jody Michels Gratz(1984) and Rob Gratz(1...
Tom Gunderson
Added: 1/10/2010 8:28 PM
Class Notes Archive
2010 is our 50th!!...
Loren Werchau
Added: 1/5/2010 11:24 PM
Loren and his wife, Pamala, recently mov...
Denise Shepherd+
Added: 1/4/2010 12:22 PM
Funeral Service for Denise Sue Shepherd,...
Dickinson State University Alumni and Foundation
230 Eighth Avenue West | Dickinson, ND 58601
Ph: 701-483-2004 |
Dickinson State University
230 Eighth Avenue West
Dickinson, ND 58601
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New to By logging into the community, you'll be able to find friends, share personal updates, get the latest scoop about DSU news and events, and more! If you are visiting for the first time, you will need your Constituent ID to log in, which is 204009. Please contact if you need assistance.
DSU Theatre Dept. presents "Is He Dead?" At Dorothy Stickney
Auditorium Feb. 25, 26 and 27 at 7:30 p.m. and on Feb. 28 at 2:30 p.m. For details click on
New Theodore Roosevelt documentary film debut
TR, A cowboy on his way to the White House
Monday, March 1 @ 7:00 p.m., DSU Beck Auditorium
For details call the ND Humanities Council @ 800-338-6543
Native Voices: Conversations on Culture
Featuring authors Diane Glancy & Joseph Marshall III
A MUST SEE event.!! Click here for details:
DSU Chorale will be on tour March 7-10.
For details click here:
DSU business students receive high scores on major field
exit exams. Click here for details:
Interesting Statistic: DSU teacher education students
are usually employed prior to graduation. Click here
DSU men's basketball ousted in overtime. Click here for the full story:
Vikings end DSU women's basketball season. Click here for full details:
DSU wrestling sets new region record, wins seven titles. Click here for full details:
Blue Hawk men's track team wins 6th straight DAC indoor track title:
Click here for details:
Click here for a individual awards summary:
DSU wrestling coach Thadd O'Donnell is DAC Coach of the Year!
For Thadd O'Donnel Bio click here:
DSU track coach Pete Stanton is DAC Coach of the Year!
For Pete Stanton Bio click here:
DSU alums and Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association World Champions
Wayne Herman and Brad Gjermundson are holding a bucking school at the
DSU AG indoor arena from Friday, Feb. 26 - Sunday, Feb. 28. Come out on
Sunday and watch 37 students compete in a end of session rodeo. For
details call the DSU Ag Dept. (Eudell Larsen) at (701) 483.2185.
DSU Alum and Dickinson resident, Shaun Stroh, is hovering near the top
in the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association World Standings. For a
look at the rankings, click here:
For Shaun Stroh Bio click here:
DSU Rodeo Team Spring Schedule:
March 28 - DSU vs. High School Rodeo Challenge - Dickinson, ND
April 8, 9,10,11 - South Dakota State U (double rodeo) - Brookings, SD
April 16,17 - University of Nebraska Lincoln - Lincoln, NE
April 23,24 - Black Hills State University - Spearfish, SD
Apr 30, May 1 - Dickinson State University - Dickinson, ND
June 13-19 - College National Finals Rodeo - Casper, WY
Call DSU Ag Dept. (Jenn Obregewitch) for details @ (701) 483.2185
DSU Women's Softball voted #2 in nation in preseason poll. For their schedule click here:
DSU Men's Baseball team is already in season. For their schedule click here:
For the DSU Golf team's schedule, click here:
See the latest edition of the DSU RODEO NEWS by
clicking on this link
and then clicking on the front cover!!
See the latest edition of the LADY BLUE HAWK BASKETBALL
newsletter by clicking on this link
and then clicking on the cover!!
See the latest edition of DSU Men's Basketball GAME DAY BUZZ by clicking
on this link
and then clicking on "February 2010."
See the latest edition of BLUE HAWK BASKETBALL by clicker on this link
and then clicking on the cover.
See the latest edition of DSU WRESTLING REVIEW by clicking on this
link and
then clicking on the cover!!
See the latest edition of SIGNAL BUTTE by clickin on this link
and then clicking on the cover!
Latest BAC Photos. Click here for up-to-the-minute
Badlands Activities Center photographs:
Class Notes
Orville Dodge
Added: 1/30/2010 3:33 PM
Class Notes Archive
I left DSU in 1939 when the 164th Nation...
Jody Gratz
Added: 1/24/2010 9:10 PM
Jody Michels Gratz(1984) and Rob Gratz(1...
Tom Gunderson
Added: 1/10/2010 8:28 PM
Class Notes Archive
2010 is our 50th!!...
Loren Werchau
Added: 1/5/2010 11:24 PM
Loren and his wife, Pamala, recently mov...
Denise Shepherd+
Added: 1/4/2010 12:22 PM
Funeral Service for Denise Sue Shepherd,...
Dickinson State University Alumni and Foundation
230 Eighth Avenue West | Dickinson, ND 58601
Ph: 701-483-2004 |
Dickinson State University
230 Eighth Avenue West
Dickinson, ND 58601
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Raising Funds for Political Campaigns
Sometimes, those of us who work in politics get tied to thinking “inside the box.” We follow the herd – using the same tried and true tactics in this campaign that we did in the last campaign, and in the campaign before that. Nowhere is this truer than in political fundraising.
In this article, we present seven creative political fundraising ideas for campaigns and candidates who are willing to think “outside the box.” I’m not saying you should reinvent the wheel… and all campaigns, no matter how large or small, should make sure the fundamentals are covered first: that means personal solicitation, events, major donor groups, etc. are all covered. But for those campaigns that are looking for some fresh new political fundraising ideas, here are seven you can try:
1. Chain Fundraising Letters
These work on the same principal as those old fashioned annoying chain letters: sent out 500 letters to your supporters, asking them each to send in $5 and to forward the letter to 10 friends with a personal note asking their friends to send in $5 and forward the letter on as well.
2. Certified Mailing
Here’s a unique political fundraising idea for direct mail: send out a mailing to your top donors asking for major contributions – include some breaking news, like recent poll results – and send it out certified mail (this costs more money, but generates tons of excitement and gets through the clutter and straight to the decision maker). Tell your top contributors you need immediate donations to act on the breaking news you included in the letter.
3. TV Ad Role Auction
Is your campaign running TV spots? At your next big event, auction off the chance for the winner to have a walk-on role in the ad.
4. A-Thons
Walk-a-thons, read-a-thons, dance-a-thons: they work well for non-profit fundraising, why not for political fundraising? Ask your supporters to solicit pledges and participate in an a-thon for your campaign
5. Family Events
Events are a staple of campaigns, but too many are plain cocktail parties and rallies. For your next event, use this political fundraising idea: hold a family-friendly event, like a barbeque or roller skating party. Keep the cost low, and charge per family, not per individual. Keep costs low, and make extra money by finding individuals to sponsor the event.
6. Money Bombs
These are becoming a standard fundraising technique among conservative and liberal grassroots groups, so why not adapt them to your campaign? Set a doable fundraising goal for a concrete purpose (for example, raising $1,500 to buy yard signs or $20,000 to buy TV ads) and tell people you want to raise the money all on a single day, and all through your website. Promote this “money bomb” for several weeks with as much hoopla and energy as you can.
7. Multi-Donation Commitments
This political fundraising idea works particularly well for individual one-to-one asks. Take a page from non-profit fundraising and instead of asking a supporter to make a $500 donation, ask him to make a $1,000 donation spread out for the whole year – get his credit card number, and bill him $250 per quarter for 4 quarters (or $84 per month). Often, people will give more because it is spread out. Offer them great recognition for moving up to a higher level of giving.
Keep it Legal
Remember, no matter what political fundraising ideas you are using, be sure to keep your fundraising legal by knowing and following the relevant laws and regulations in your area!
For More Information
If you’re looking for more information and advice on political fundraising, be sure to read How to Raise Money from High Dollar Donors, a Local Victory special report available as part of our Complete Guide to Getting Your Campaign Off the Ground.
This Issue Sponsored by
For signs, palm cards, brochures and more, check out the #1 campaign signs website on the Internet:!
In this article, we present seven creative political fundraising ideas for campaigns and candidates who are willing to think “outside the box.” I’m not saying you should reinvent the wheel… and all campaigns, no matter how large or small, should make sure the fundamentals are covered first: that means personal solicitation, events, major donor groups, etc. are all covered. But for those campaigns that are looking for some fresh new political fundraising ideas, here are seven you can try:
1. Chain Fundraising Letters
These work on the same principal as those old fashioned annoying chain letters: sent out 500 letters to your supporters, asking them each to send in $5 and to forward the letter to 10 friends with a personal note asking their friends to send in $5 and forward the letter on as well.
2. Certified Mailing
Here’s a unique political fundraising idea for direct mail: send out a mailing to your top donors asking for major contributions – include some breaking news, like recent poll results – and send it out certified mail (this costs more money, but generates tons of excitement and gets through the clutter and straight to the decision maker). Tell your top contributors you need immediate donations to act on the breaking news you included in the letter.
3. TV Ad Role Auction
Is your campaign running TV spots? At your next big event, auction off the chance for the winner to have a walk-on role in the ad.
4. A-Thons
Walk-a-thons, read-a-thons, dance-a-thons: they work well for non-profit fundraising, why not for political fundraising? Ask your supporters to solicit pledges and participate in an a-thon for your campaign
5. Family Events
Events are a staple of campaigns, but too many are plain cocktail parties and rallies. For your next event, use this political fundraising idea: hold a family-friendly event, like a barbeque or roller skating party. Keep the cost low, and charge per family, not per individual. Keep costs low, and make extra money by finding individuals to sponsor the event.
6. Money Bombs
These are becoming a standard fundraising technique among conservative and liberal grassroots groups, so why not adapt them to your campaign? Set a doable fundraising goal for a concrete purpose (for example, raising $1,500 to buy yard signs or $20,000 to buy TV ads) and tell people you want to raise the money all on a single day, and all through your website. Promote this “money bomb” for several weeks with as much hoopla and energy as you can.
7. Multi-Donation Commitments
This political fundraising idea works particularly well for individual one-to-one asks. Take a page from non-profit fundraising and instead of asking a supporter to make a $500 donation, ask him to make a $1,000 donation spread out for the whole year – get his credit card number, and bill him $250 per quarter for 4 quarters (or $84 per month). Often, people will give more because it is spread out. Offer them great recognition for moving up to a higher level of giving.
Keep it Legal
Remember, no matter what political fundraising ideas you are using, be sure to keep your fundraising legal by knowing and following the relevant laws and regulations in your area!
For More Information
If you’re looking for more information and advice on political fundraising, be sure to read How to Raise Money from High Dollar Donors, a Local Victory special report available as part of our Complete Guide to Getting Your Campaign Off the Ground.
This Issue Sponsored by
For signs, palm cards, brochures and more, check out the #1 campaign signs website on the Internet:!
Energy Conference at Minot State University - North Dakota
Just a reminder about the March 1 registration deadline for the Minot State University Energy Impact Symposium: Energy Independence and Security, scheduled for March 14-16 on the MSU campus! The symposium will examine energy issues from global, national and local perspectives as it lays the foundation for identifying the challenges and opportunities that accompany the development of North Dakota’s immense energy resources.
If you are able to join us, please go to and complete the online registration.
The registration deadline is March 1.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Joanne Beckman
DSU/MSU Energy Impact Symposia Coordinator
Dickinson State University
291 Campus Drive - CB 183
Dickinson, ND 58601
(701) 483-2754
If you are able to join us, please go to and complete the online registration.
The registration deadline is March 1.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Joanne Beckman
DSU/MSU Energy Impact Symposia Coordinator
Dickinson State University
291 Campus Drive - CB 183
Dickinson, ND 58601
(701) 483-2754
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Social Media Metrics
Twitter’s Greatest GiftStudy: Volume of Brain Structures Predicts Gaming Success »The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
Posted by Raj Dash on February 24th, 2010 1:34 PMWhile companies are starting to adopt Social Media for online marketing campaigns, and even letting employees participate, the question of ROI (Return on Investment) arises, along with doubts about what metrics to measure. How do you know how effective your social media campaigns are if you’re not measuring any metrics, let alone an overall ROI? Below, we discuss ten important Social Metrics for companies.
According to 2009 Mzinga & Babson Executive Education study, over 80% of professionals do not measure ROI for their company’s social media programs. Granted, Social Metrics and their measurement techniques are relatively new, and this might account for the lag in tracking. However, there are some organizations measuring social metrics, which enables them to eventually measure ROI. Marketing Sherpa’s survey of 2,000+ marketers shows the following three social metrics at the top of what’s being measured:
1.Visitors and sources of traffic
2.Network size (followers, fans, members)
3.Quantity of commentary about brand or product
These are easily understandable common social metrics. However, with some C-level executives saying that they want to measure ROI from social media but don’t yet know the value of certain types of social media, there has to be more measurement and analysis. Monitoring data is only valuable if metrics relevant to a company are being tracked, analyzed, then applied to improving a Social Media Marketing (SMM) strategy. Each company may have some specific requirements, but here are ten important social media metrics to measure:
1.Social media leads. Track web traffic breakdowns from all social media sources, and chart the top few sources over time. If members of your social media networks are sending referrals, consider measuring this data as well.
2.Engagement duration. For some companies, engagement duration is more important than page views. For example, if you have a Facebook application, how much time are social network members spending using it? Is per-member usage increasing over time? Alternately, if people visit your your company websites from SM (Social Media) sites, how long are they spending? (Also consider tracking which pages they visit.)
3.Bounce rate. Are visitors coming to your site from SM sites but quickly leaving? Maybe your landing page needs better, more relevant copy. Maybe the information they’re seeking isn’t easily found.
4.Membership increase and active network size. This is the portion of your company’s social networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) that actively engages with your social media content (e.g., Twitter, Facebook Pages, etc.) Is your collective members, followers, fans network growing, and is there interaction with your content?
5.Activity ratio. How active is your company’s collective social network? Compare the ratio of active members vs total members, and chart this over time. There’ll always be some social network members who are inactive, but if you initiate a campaign to increase interaction, you should also measure the resulting data. Activity can be measured in a variety of ways, including usage of social applications.
6.Conversions. You want social network members to convert: into subscriptions, sales (direct or through affiliates), Facebook application use, or whatever other offerings you have in your overall sales funnel and that can somehow be directly or indirectly monetized. (E.g., subscription to a weekly e-newsletter can be monetized by giving other companies access to your list in the form of advertising.) Measure all types of conversions and chart them over time.
7.Brand mentions in social media. So, you have a highly active social network and members are talking about your company or the company’s brands. Measure and track both positive and negative mentions, and their quantities.
8.Loyalty. Are social members interacting in the network repeatedly, sharing content and links, mentioning your brands, evangelizing? How many members reshare? How often do they reshare?
9.Virality. Social members might be sharing Twitter tweets and Facebook updates relevant to your company, but is this info being reshared by their networks? How soon afterwards are they resharing? How many FoaFs (Friends of Friends) are resharing your links and content?
10.Blog interaction. This is actually more than one metric lumped together. Blogs ARE part of an SMM (Social Media Marketing) toolkit, but only if you allow comments and interact with readers by responding. If you’re doing this, encourage responses either directly in the comments section of blog posts, or via Twitter. (Use a blog widget that allows this.) If your blog’s content is suitable for social voting (Digg, Propeller, Mixx, etc.) or social bookmarking (Delicious, Stumbleupon) sites, install a blog plugin that displays the necessary sharing “buttons”, then track referrals back from those sites.
You can see from the above list that there are both key metrics and variations that you’ll probably want to monitor and analyze, depending on your business objectives. Not all of them are simple metrics to track, and as such do require either or both custom tools and custom reports. Supplement your metrics reports by noting any milestones in your SMM plan. Also, if you run any sort of social campaigns, measure the ROI on specific goals. Social campaigns could use applications (E.g., Facebook applications like Mob the Rainbow) to encourage social participation. Measure application usage and resulting conversions. Finally, the use of complex measurements such as Multiple Moving Averages (MMAs) can show both short- and long-term trends, thus providing you with an overall view of the health of your sites and social networks.
Are there other metrics you measure that you feel are more important for your company? What tools do you use to measure social metrics? Let us know in the comments.
Tags:Lists, Metrics, Social Media
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PermalinkAdmin Remove PostBlock usernameBlock emailBlock IP addresskatiamorango 8 hours ago 1 point Please login to rate.
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I really enjoyed your article, I tweet!
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PermalinkAdmin Remove PostBlock usernameBlock emailBlock IP addresskatiamorango 8 hours ago 1 point Please login to rate.
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I really enjoyed your article, I tweet!
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PermalinkAdmin Remove PostBlock emailBlock IP addressSarah Nelson 5 hours ago 1 point Please login to rate.
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Thanks for the great ideas. With brand mentions, I think it is also important to track the sentiment of what is being said (especially if you are changing your offerings or launching new products or services.)
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PermalinkAdmin Remove PostBlock usernameBlock emailBlock IP addressHiking_Hribi 4 hours ago 1 point Please login to rate.
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Thanks, Good article!
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Posted by Raj Dash on February 24th, 2010 1:34 PMWhile companies are starting to adopt Social Media for online marketing campaigns, and even letting employees participate, the question of ROI (Return on Investment) arises, along with doubts about what metrics to measure. How do you know how effective your social media campaigns are if you’re not measuring any metrics, let alone an overall ROI? Below, we discuss ten important Social Metrics for companies.
According to 2009 Mzinga & Babson Executive Education study, over 80% of professionals do not measure ROI for their company’s social media programs. Granted, Social Metrics and their measurement techniques are relatively new, and this might account for the lag in tracking. However, there are some organizations measuring social metrics, which enables them to eventually measure ROI. Marketing Sherpa’s survey of 2,000+ marketers shows the following three social metrics at the top of what’s being measured:
1.Visitors and sources of traffic
2.Network size (followers, fans, members)
3.Quantity of commentary about brand or product
These are easily understandable common social metrics. However, with some C-level executives saying that they want to measure ROI from social media but don’t yet know the value of certain types of social media, there has to be more measurement and analysis. Monitoring data is only valuable if metrics relevant to a company are being tracked, analyzed, then applied to improving a Social Media Marketing (SMM) strategy. Each company may have some specific requirements, but here are ten important social media metrics to measure:
1.Social media leads. Track web traffic breakdowns from all social media sources, and chart the top few sources over time. If members of your social media networks are sending referrals, consider measuring this data as well.
2.Engagement duration. For some companies, engagement duration is more important than page views. For example, if you have a Facebook application, how much time are social network members spending using it? Is per-member usage increasing over time? Alternately, if people visit your your company websites from SM (Social Media) sites, how long are they spending? (Also consider tracking which pages they visit.)
3.Bounce rate. Are visitors coming to your site from SM sites but quickly leaving? Maybe your landing page needs better, more relevant copy. Maybe the information they’re seeking isn’t easily found.
4.Membership increase and active network size. This is the portion of your company’s social networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook) that actively engages with your social media content (e.g., Twitter, Facebook Pages, etc.) Is your collective members, followers, fans network growing, and is there interaction with your content?
5.Activity ratio. How active is your company’s collective social network? Compare the ratio of active members vs total members, and chart this over time. There’ll always be some social network members who are inactive, but if you initiate a campaign to increase interaction, you should also measure the resulting data. Activity can be measured in a variety of ways, including usage of social applications.
6.Conversions. You want social network members to convert: into subscriptions, sales (direct or through affiliates), Facebook application use, or whatever other offerings you have in your overall sales funnel and that can somehow be directly or indirectly monetized. (E.g., subscription to a weekly e-newsletter can be monetized by giving other companies access to your list in the form of advertising.) Measure all types of conversions and chart them over time.
7.Brand mentions in social media. So, you have a highly active social network and members are talking about your company or the company’s brands. Measure and track both positive and negative mentions, and their quantities.
8.Loyalty. Are social members interacting in the network repeatedly, sharing content and links, mentioning your brands, evangelizing? How many members reshare? How often do they reshare?
9.Virality. Social members might be sharing Twitter tweets and Facebook updates relevant to your company, but is this info being reshared by their networks? How soon afterwards are they resharing? How many FoaFs (Friends of Friends) are resharing your links and content?
10.Blog interaction. This is actually more than one metric lumped together. Blogs ARE part of an SMM (Social Media Marketing) toolkit, but only if you allow comments and interact with readers by responding. If you’re doing this, encourage responses either directly in the comments section of blog posts, or via Twitter. (Use a blog widget that allows this.) If your blog’s content is suitable for social voting (Digg, Propeller, Mixx, etc.) or social bookmarking (Delicious, Stumbleupon) sites, install a blog plugin that displays the necessary sharing “buttons”, then track referrals back from those sites.
You can see from the above list that there are both key metrics and variations that you’ll probably want to monitor and analyze, depending on your business objectives. Not all of them are simple metrics to track, and as such do require either or both custom tools and custom reports. Supplement your metrics reports by noting any milestones in your SMM plan. Also, if you run any sort of social campaigns, measure the ROI on specific goals. Social campaigns could use applications (E.g., Facebook applications like Mob the Rainbow) to encourage social participation. Measure application usage and resulting conversions. Finally, the use of complex measurements such as Multiple Moving Averages (MMAs) can show both short- and long-term trends, thus providing you with an overall view of the health of your sites and social networks.
Are there other metrics you measure that you feel are more important for your company? What tools do you use to measure social metrics? Let us know in the comments.
Tags:Lists, Metrics, Social Media
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PermalinkAdmin Remove PostBlock usernameBlock emailBlock IP addresskatiamorango 8 hours ago 1 point Please login to rate.
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I really enjoyed your article, I tweet!
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PermalinkAdmin Remove PostBlock usernameBlock emailBlock IP addresskatiamorango 8 hours ago 1 point Please login to rate.
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I really enjoyed your article, I tweet!
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PermalinkAdmin Remove PostBlock emailBlock IP addressSarah Nelson 5 hours ago 1 point Please login to rate.
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Thanks for the great ideas. With brand mentions, I think it is also important to track the sentiment of what is being said (especially if you are changing your offerings or launching new products or services.)
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PermalinkAdmin Remove PostBlock usernameBlock emailBlock IP addressHiking_Hribi 4 hours ago 1 point Please login to rate.
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Thanks, Good article!
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Former North Dakota House Member Alice Olson from Cavalier Passes Away
Alice Olson-Byron
(Died February 21, 2010)
Guest Book | Sign Guest Book
Alice Olson-Byron, 81, of Cavalier, ND passed away on Sunday, February 21, 2010, at the Wedgewood Manor, Cavalier. Funeral services will be held Thursday, February 25, 2010, at 10:30 a.m. at the Cavalier Presbyterian Church, Cavalier, ND. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, February 24th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Jensen-Askew Funeral Home, Cavalier, ND. In lieu of flowers friends and family are invited to contribute to a musical scholarship that will be established in her name. Alice Adele Sandgren was born May 24, 1928, in Winnipeg, Manitoba to Ames and Olga (Lutz) Sandgren. She grew up on a farm near Bathgate, ND and graduated from Bathgate High School. Alice attended Aakers Business College in Grand Forks and then worked for Swift in St. Paul, MN. On April 16, 1948, she married Keith Olson. After their marriage, they farmed in the Bathgate area. They lived in Bathgate until 1969, and then moved to Cavalier. Keith died in November of 1981. Alice was an Elder in the Bathgate Presbyterian Church and often provided music as an organist and vocal soloist. She loved sharing her musical talents with others in the Handbell Choir and playing programs for nursing homes in the area. She was active in District 11 Republican Women, Homemakers, Pioneer Daughters, and the American Legion Auxiliary. She was a 4-H leader and PTA President. She served for 26 years in the North Dakota House of Representatives in Bismarck. She was Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee for several terms. Alice also served on the Board of Directors for the International Peace Garden and was President of the Northeast North Dakota Heritage Association for 10 years. Alice retired from the State Legislature in 1998, and married Alfred Byron on October 24th of that year. They both enjoyed serving on the Board of the Heritage Center at Icelandic State Park as well as traveling and family events. Survivors include her husband, Alfred; children, Linda (Jim) Dupre, Rapid City, SD and Douglas (Mary Beth) Olson, Cavalier, ND; grandchildren, Traci (Justin) Elder, Tricia Olson (fiancée, Stasha Ler), Tyler Olson, Danielle Dupre, and Tori (Greg) Dupre-Wilson; great granddaughter, Alexandra Wilson; stepchildren, Alfred (Carrie) Byron, Joan (Ernie) Olson, Kathy Stokke, Ralph (Pam) Byron, Gerald (Lisa) Byron, Norine (Bill) McDevitt, Lila (Ross) Blair, and Joyce (Scott) Hanson, 24 step-grandchildren, and 30 step-great grandchildren. Preceding her in death were her parents, sister, Ruth Mandery and brother, John Sandgren. Clergy: Rev. John Werth. Casket Bearers: Kelly Brown, Alfred Byron, Jr, Gerald Byron, Ralph Byron, Mark Ramsay, and Tim Timian. Music: Lon Flage, Dave McCurdy, Charlie Morrison, Kirk Morrison, Quartet; Jan Morrison, Accompianist; Cleone Whelan, Organist.
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©2005-10 Askew Funeral Homes and WebFH
Alice Olson-Byron
(Died February 21, 2010)
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Alice Olson-Byron, 81, of Cavalier, ND passed away on Sunday, February 21, 2010, at the Wedgewood Manor, Cavalier. Funeral services will be held Thursday, February 25, 2010, at 10:30 a.m. at the Cavalier Presbyterian Church, Cavalier, ND. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, February 24th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Jensen-Askew Funeral Home, Cavalier, ND. In lieu of flowers friends and family are invited to contribute to a musical scholarship that will be established in her name. Alice Adele Sandgren was born May 24, 1928, in Winnipeg, Manitoba to Ames and Olga (Lutz) Sandgren. She grew up on a farm near Bathgate, ND and graduated from Bathgate High School. Alice attended Aakers Business College in Grand Forks and then worked for Swift in St. Paul, MN. On April 16, 1948, she married Keith Olson. After their marriage, they farmed in the Bathgate area. They lived in Bathgate until 1969, and then moved to Cavalier. Keith died in November of 1981. Alice was an Elder in the Bathgate Presbyterian Church and often provided music as an organist and vocal soloist. She loved sharing her musical talents with others in the Handbell Choir and playing programs for nursing homes in the area. She was active in District 11 Republican Women, Homemakers, Pioneer Daughters, and the American Legion Auxiliary. She was a 4-H leader and PTA President. She served for 26 years in the North Dakota House of Representatives in Bismarck. She was Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee for several terms. Alice also served on the Board of Directors for the International Peace Garden and was President of the Northeast North Dakota Heritage Association for 10 years. Alice retired from the State Legislature in 1998, and married Alfred Byron on October 24th of that year. They both enjoyed serving on the Board of the Heritage Center at Icelandic State Park as well as traveling and family events. Survivors include her husband, Alfred; children, Linda (Jim) Dupre, Rapid City, SD and Douglas (Mary Beth) Olson, Cavalier, ND; grandchildren, Traci (Justin) Elder, Tricia Olson (fiancée, Stasha Ler), Tyler Olson, Danielle Dupre, and Tori (Greg) Dupre-Wilson; great granddaughter, Alexandra Wilson; stepchildren, Alfred (Carrie) Byron, Joan (Ernie) Olson, Kathy Stokke, Ralph (Pam) Byron, Gerald (Lisa) Byron, Norine (Bill) McDevitt, Lila (Ross) Blair, and Joyce (Scott) Hanson, 24 step-grandchildren, and 30 step-great grandchildren. Preceding her in death were her parents, sister, Ruth Mandery and brother, John Sandgren. Clergy: Rev. John Werth. Casket Bearers: Kelly Brown, Alfred Byron, Jr, Gerald Byron, Ralph Byron, Mark Ramsay, and Tim Timian. Music: Lon Flage, Dave McCurdy, Charlie Morrison, Kirk Morrison, Quartet; Jan Morrison, Accompianist; Cleone Whelan, Organist.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
North Dakota Retirement Systems Need A Review
Dear Tom,
This newsletter tackles two very important issues, public pensions and property taxes. The two different articles present problems and solutions. Sunshine on Schools has some new features. For example, users will be able to email charts to their friends. There's also some fresh BS.
If you haven't seen our new "Support" page, click HERE to check it out. Also, if you have a Facebook account you should become a "fan" of the NDPC by clicking HERE.
“Pension Reform: Patching the Hole in the Sinking Ship
Current and retired state and local public employees participating in the public pension system in North Dakota must soon come to grips with the fact that the system many of them are relying on for retirement is headed towards insolvency. Legislators will soon have to make tough choices about the future of the pension system. This report is intended to be a primer on the system and offer a solution to the problem.
Click HERE to read more.
“Problems with Property Tax Relief and Options for Reform
The problem with the recently passed "property tax relief" bill is that it's just that: relief. The system needs reform. Debating these issues over the next couple of years will be key as fundamental reform is needed before SB2199 runs out of money. The range of debate on this issue should not be limited, and legislators need to come to the table with open minds. Taxpayers deserve nothing less.
Click HERE to read more.
O Toole: TIF is Not Free Money
Originally created with good intentions, tax-increment financing (TIF) has become a way for city officials to enhance their power by taking money from schools and other essential urban services and giving it to politically connected developers. It is also often used to promote the social engineering goals of urban planners.
Click HERE to read more.
BS Alert: Misleading Journalism Regarding NPCC
The bottom line is that the millions of taxpayers dollars poured into the NPCC have resulted in no freight traffic, which was one of the biggest selling points of the center. Either Eckroth purposely misled Bismarck Tribune readers, or she dropped the ball on the real story. Either way, the quality of journalism here is BS.
Click HERE to read more.
Taking the Next Step in Government Transparency
By putting every expenditure online, citizens will be able to examine where their money is being spent and be in a better position to judge that spending. Shining sunlight on government spending is not only a legitimate function of government; it's necessary.
Click HERE to read more.
Cap & Trade and North Dakota's Economic Future
Today, the NDPC released a study detailing the effects that a cap and trade system would have on ND's economy.
Click HERE to watch the video and read the study.
Tax Deductible Support
Please, consider supporting the North Dakota Policy Council. You can make a tax deductible online contribution by clicking HERE, or simply send your tax deductible contribution to:
North Dakota Policy Council
PO Box 3007
Bismarck, ND 58502
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North Dakota Policy Council | PO Box 3007 | Bismarck | ND | 58502
This newsletter tackles two very important issues, public pensions and property taxes. The two different articles present problems and solutions. Sunshine on Schools has some new features. For example, users will be able to email charts to their friends. There's also some fresh BS.
If you haven't seen our new "Support" page, click HERE to check it out. Also, if you have a Facebook account you should become a "fan" of the NDPC by clicking HERE.
“Pension Reform: Patching the Hole in the Sinking Ship
Current and retired state and local public employees participating in the public pension system in North Dakota must soon come to grips with the fact that the system many of them are relying on for retirement is headed towards insolvency. Legislators will soon have to make tough choices about the future of the pension system. This report is intended to be a primer on the system and offer a solution to the problem.
Click HERE to read more.
“Problems with Property Tax Relief and Options for Reform
The problem with the recently passed "property tax relief" bill is that it's just that: relief. The system needs reform. Debating these issues over the next couple of years will be key as fundamental reform is needed before SB2199 runs out of money. The range of debate on this issue should not be limited, and legislators need to come to the table with open minds. Taxpayers deserve nothing less.
Click HERE to read more.
O Toole: TIF is Not Free Money
Originally created with good intentions, tax-increment financing (TIF) has become a way for city officials to enhance their power by taking money from schools and other essential urban services and giving it to politically connected developers. It is also often used to promote the social engineering goals of urban planners.
Click HERE to read more.
BS Alert: Misleading Journalism Regarding NPCC
The bottom line is that the millions of taxpayers dollars poured into the NPCC have resulted in no freight traffic, which was one of the biggest selling points of the center. Either Eckroth purposely misled Bismarck Tribune readers, or she dropped the ball on the real story. Either way, the quality of journalism here is BS.
Click HERE to read more.
Taking the Next Step in Government Transparency
By putting every expenditure online, citizens will be able to examine where their money is being spent and be in a better position to judge that spending. Shining sunlight on government spending is not only a legitimate function of government; it's necessary.
Click HERE to read more.
Cap & Trade and North Dakota's Economic Future
Today, the NDPC released a study detailing the effects that a cap and trade system would have on ND's economy.
Click HERE to watch the video and read the study.
Tax Deductible Support
Please, consider supporting the North Dakota Policy Council. You can make a tax deductible online contribution by clicking HERE, or simply send your tax deductible contribution to:
North Dakota Policy Council
PO Box 3007
Bismarck, ND 58502
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Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by
North Dakota Policy Council | PO Box 3007 | Bismarck | ND | 58502
Monday, February 22, 2010
North Dakota Petroleum News
From: North Dakota Petroleum Council []
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 9:59 AM
To: NDPC Members
Subject: NDPC February E-News
Attached and below is this month’s Petroleum Council E-News.
North Dakota Petroleum Council E-News
February 2010
New Members – Thank you to new Petroleum Council members Bartlett & West, Inc.; ENGlobal; Patchfolks, Inc.; PennPacific Onshore, LLC; Rangeland Energy, LLC; Spartan Engineering, Inc.; Tec, Inc.; TriTec Steel Fab; and, UMC Automation.
Bakken VOC Emission Control Solutions Session – The Bakken VOC Task Force, in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Health, is conducting an important informational meeting on March 23 concerning the venting of Bakken gases from crude oil production storage tanks. The gases contain potentially harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which contribute to ground level ozone. This informational meeting will define unacceptable VOC levels and discuss measurement techniques and options for controlling these emissions. Industry is working collaboratively with the ND Health Department on this issue. The session will run from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The cost is $35, with lunch included.
To register, complete the PDF “Bakken VOC Meeting form” on the Petroleum Council website at and click “Submit Form.” If paying by check, mail $35/person to: NDPC - Bakken VOC,
PO Box 1395, Bismarck, ND 58502.
Session Agenda (available on the homepage)
Petroleum Council Social in Denver on March 16 – Denver-based Petroleum Council members will host a social at the Brown Palace on March 16 from 5-7 p.m. Industry members with an interest in North Dakota are invited to attend. RSVP to
Petroleum Council Education Scholarships Available – The Petroleum Council will provide four $500 scholarships to students attending a North Dakota college who are pursuing a degree in petroleum engineering, geology or a related field, or who have work/internship experience in the oil and gas industry. Scholarship applications must be submitted to the Petroleum Council by April 1, 2010. Scholarship information is available on the Petroleum Council website.
Changes to EPCRA Tier II reports – Please see the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services materials. This information relates to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Tier II reports for Reporting Year 2009, which are due March 1, 2010. There are several major changes required this year, including the use of a state specific software program; the furnishing of latitudes and longitudes for facility locations instead of just section, township and range; and, the reporting of annual storage capacity in pounds. These changes, combined with the March 1 deadline, may present some challenges to industry.
REGISTER NOW for the 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference & Expo – The 18th Annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference & Expo is quickly approaching and we would like you to be part of the excitement. Register now! A tentative Conference agenda, packed with more than 70 outstanding presenters on key topics, is available online.
Indoor expo booths and outdoor exhibit spaces are SOLD OUT; but, sponsorships are still available online. Be sure to reserve your hotel room and flight soon. A list of hotels with Conference rates is available on the Conference website. When making reservations, state you are with the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference room block. Flight schedules are available on the Bismarck Airport website.
Teacher Education Seminar – The 2010 NDPC Teacher Education Seminar will be held June 7-10 in Bismarck, ND. This event expands participating teachers' knowledge of the North Dakota oil and gas industry from its prehistoric beginnings to the final product. Two hours of graduate level continuing education credit is available from UND for a small fee. Seminar information and registration forms are available online. Space is limited – Register Now!
United Adds Flights to Minot – United Airlines announced it will add Minot, ND, to its global network with twice daily nonstop service to Denver beginning June 9, 2010. United Express carrier SkyWest will operate the service using 50-seat Bombardier CRJ aircrafts. The two daily flights will begin June 10, 2009. “Service to western destinations in the United States is important to individual travelers, but it is also important as we continue to build our energy industry and other businesses in North Dakota,” said ND Gov. John Hoeven. We agree! This is big news for the oil industry. Delta has also added flights to Salt Lake, UT, from Minot and Bismarck, which provides options to Denver and other areas for industry members.
Williston Job Service Holds Job Fair – Due to high demand for employees with various CDL licenses and endorsements, Job Service North Dakota and Williston Economic Development will be sponsoring a CDL Job Fair on March 4 and 5 at the Airport International Inn in Williston, ND. This job fair is exclusively for individuals who possess a commercial driver’s license or permit. For more information, visit the CDL Job fair article on or call Ginger or Tanya at (701)774-7900 or (800) 247-0989.
Montana Hosts Keystone XL On-ramp Meeting – Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and North Dakota Governor John Hoeven are hosting a special Keystone XL “on-ramp” meeting in Billings, MT on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 from 10:30 until 3:00 PM at the Lewis and Clark Room in the student union building at Montana State University Billings. The meeting will provide the opportunity for oil producers in Montana and North Dakota to discuss the possibility of an on-ramp for the TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline. If you plan to attend, RSVP to Jackie at or call 406-444-5634.
New ND Energy Website – The Great Plains Energy Corridor website is available for viewing at The web site brings most of the elements of North Dakota’s energy development activity onto one site.
Ad Hoc Committee Participation Growing – Thank you to all who have volunteered to be a member of one or more Petroleum Council ad hoc committees. We appreciate your interest in issues facing the oil and gas industry, and we are still accepting volunteers. If you are interested in any of these committees, visit the Petroleum Council website and complete the Ad Hoc Committee Sign-Up Form.
Washington On-Slaught – The oil and gas industry is being bombarded with proposed taxes, regulations, and limitations on access to public lands. The Obama budget included $80 billion in tax hits for industry. EPA is out of control with what seems to be a new regulation every day as it tries to impose climate legislation through new rules, and the Department of Interior continues to add new fees, regulations, and time delays to make access to federal lands more burdensome. Attacking an industry that is creating high-wage jobs and increasing domestic oil and gas production while creating great wealth without needing subsidies, TARP funds, or stimulus dollars doesn’t make much sense. We will provide more information and urge you to contact your Congressman as details unfold.
Mark Your Calendars!
June 8 Petroleum Council Teacher Field Tour – Stanley, ND
July 27 Bakken Rocks CookFest – Tioga, ND
July 29 Bakken Rocks CookFest – New Town, ND
Aug. 26 Legislative Tour Day – Stanley, ND
Sept. 21-23 Petroleum Council Annual Meeting – Holiday Inn, Minot, ND
For more information on any of these issues, or to be removed from the mailing list, contact the North Dakota Petroleum Council at
(701) 223-6380,, or see
North Dakota Petroleum Council
PO Box 1395
Bismarck ND 58502
701.222.0006 fax
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 9:59 AM
To: NDPC Members
Subject: NDPC February E-News
Attached and below is this month’s Petroleum Council E-News.
North Dakota Petroleum Council E-News
February 2010
New Members – Thank you to new Petroleum Council members Bartlett & West, Inc.; ENGlobal; Patchfolks, Inc.; PennPacific Onshore, LLC; Rangeland Energy, LLC; Spartan Engineering, Inc.; Tec, Inc.; TriTec Steel Fab; and, UMC Automation.
Bakken VOC Emission Control Solutions Session – The Bakken VOC Task Force, in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Health, is conducting an important informational meeting on March 23 concerning the venting of Bakken gases from crude oil production storage tanks. The gases contain potentially harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which contribute to ground level ozone. This informational meeting will define unacceptable VOC levels and discuss measurement techniques and options for controlling these emissions. Industry is working collaboratively with the ND Health Department on this issue. The session will run from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The cost is $35, with lunch included.
To register, complete the PDF “Bakken VOC Meeting form” on the Petroleum Council website at and click “Submit Form.” If paying by check, mail $35/person to: NDPC - Bakken VOC,
PO Box 1395, Bismarck, ND 58502.
Session Agenda (available on the homepage)
Petroleum Council Social in Denver on March 16 – Denver-based Petroleum Council members will host a social at the Brown Palace on March 16 from 5-7 p.m. Industry members with an interest in North Dakota are invited to attend. RSVP to
Petroleum Council Education Scholarships Available – The Petroleum Council will provide four $500 scholarships to students attending a North Dakota college who are pursuing a degree in petroleum engineering, geology or a related field, or who have work/internship experience in the oil and gas industry. Scholarship applications must be submitted to the Petroleum Council by April 1, 2010. Scholarship information is available on the Petroleum Council website.
Changes to EPCRA Tier II reports – Please see the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services materials. This information relates to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Tier II reports for Reporting Year 2009, which are due March 1, 2010. There are several major changes required this year, including the use of a state specific software program; the furnishing of latitudes and longitudes for facility locations instead of just section, township and range; and, the reporting of annual storage capacity in pounds. These changes, combined with the March 1 deadline, may present some challenges to industry.
REGISTER NOW for the 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference & Expo – The 18th Annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference & Expo is quickly approaching and we would like you to be part of the excitement. Register now! A tentative Conference agenda, packed with more than 70 outstanding presenters on key topics, is available online.
Indoor expo booths and outdoor exhibit spaces are SOLD OUT; but, sponsorships are still available online. Be sure to reserve your hotel room and flight soon. A list of hotels with Conference rates is available on the Conference website. When making reservations, state you are with the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference room block. Flight schedules are available on the Bismarck Airport website.
Teacher Education Seminar – The 2010 NDPC Teacher Education Seminar will be held June 7-10 in Bismarck, ND. This event expands participating teachers' knowledge of the North Dakota oil and gas industry from its prehistoric beginnings to the final product. Two hours of graduate level continuing education credit is available from UND for a small fee. Seminar information and registration forms are available online. Space is limited – Register Now!
United Adds Flights to Minot – United Airlines announced it will add Minot, ND, to its global network with twice daily nonstop service to Denver beginning June 9, 2010. United Express carrier SkyWest will operate the service using 50-seat Bombardier CRJ aircrafts. The two daily flights will begin June 10, 2009. “Service to western destinations in the United States is important to individual travelers, but it is also important as we continue to build our energy industry and other businesses in North Dakota,” said ND Gov. John Hoeven. We agree! This is big news for the oil industry. Delta has also added flights to Salt Lake, UT, from Minot and Bismarck, which provides options to Denver and other areas for industry members.
Williston Job Service Holds Job Fair – Due to high demand for employees with various CDL licenses and endorsements, Job Service North Dakota and Williston Economic Development will be sponsoring a CDL Job Fair on March 4 and 5 at the Airport International Inn in Williston, ND. This job fair is exclusively for individuals who possess a commercial driver’s license or permit. For more information, visit the CDL Job fair article on or call Ginger or Tanya at (701)774-7900 or (800) 247-0989.
Montana Hosts Keystone XL On-ramp Meeting – Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and North Dakota Governor John Hoeven are hosting a special Keystone XL “on-ramp” meeting in Billings, MT on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 from 10:30 until 3:00 PM at the Lewis and Clark Room in the student union building at Montana State University Billings. The meeting will provide the opportunity for oil producers in Montana and North Dakota to discuss the possibility of an on-ramp for the TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline. If you plan to attend, RSVP to Jackie at or call 406-444-5634.
New ND Energy Website – The Great Plains Energy Corridor website is available for viewing at The web site brings most of the elements of North Dakota’s energy development activity onto one site.
Ad Hoc Committee Participation Growing – Thank you to all who have volunteered to be a member of one or more Petroleum Council ad hoc committees. We appreciate your interest in issues facing the oil and gas industry, and we are still accepting volunteers. If you are interested in any of these committees, visit the Petroleum Council website and complete the Ad Hoc Committee Sign-Up Form.
Washington On-Slaught – The oil and gas industry is being bombarded with proposed taxes, regulations, and limitations on access to public lands. The Obama budget included $80 billion in tax hits for industry. EPA is out of control with what seems to be a new regulation every day as it tries to impose climate legislation through new rules, and the Department of Interior continues to add new fees, regulations, and time delays to make access to federal lands more burdensome. Attacking an industry that is creating high-wage jobs and increasing domestic oil and gas production while creating great wealth without needing subsidies, TARP funds, or stimulus dollars doesn’t make much sense. We will provide more information and urge you to contact your Congressman as details unfold.
Mark Your Calendars!
June 8 Petroleum Council Teacher Field Tour – Stanley, ND
July 27 Bakken Rocks CookFest – Tioga, ND
July 29 Bakken Rocks CookFest – New Town, ND
Aug. 26 Legislative Tour Day – Stanley, ND
Sept. 21-23 Petroleum Council Annual Meeting – Holiday Inn, Minot, ND
For more information on any of these issues, or to be removed from the mailing list, contact the North Dakota Petroleum Council at
(701) 223-6380,, or see
North Dakota Petroleum Council
PO Box 1395
Bismarck ND 58502
701.222.0006 fax
Trollwood Performing Arts School in Fargo, North Dakota
Whether you are bound for Hollywood or just heading next door,
Trollwood can help you realize your dreams!
Trollwood has something for ALL students, grades K through 12!
There's lots of "new" just for you at Trollwood Performing Arts School, whether you are a veteran Trollwood student, or just checking us out for the first time. What hasn't changed is our commitment to providing excellent theatre arts programs that will help you grow in your creativity and confidence—true success skills, no matter your goal in life!
Trollwood Information Open House
Got Questions? We've got the answers!
Thursday, March 4 and Tuesday, March 9
7:00 to 8:30 PM
Stop in any time!
Trollwood's South Moorhead Campus
801 50th Ave SW, at the Red River
2010 Highlights:
Fargo Public School students, grades 10-12 still attend TPAS for FREE!
ONE Program Fee for the WHOLE summer!
ArtSpark (ages 6-11/grade 5) $185 per session
Participate in as many Trollwood programs, and take as many classes as you'd like!
Fargo Public Schools (6-9 grades) $275
Fargo Public Schools (10-12 grades) FREE!
Everyone Else (6-12 grades) $375
West Fargo students eligible for $100 tuition voucher from West Fargo Public Schools
Save $$$: Register by April 1!
ArtSpark, save $10
All other programs, save $50
TPAS 2010 Registration Form is now available online at
Expanded middle school programming, grades 6-8, for June and July!
Two separate programs offer classes plus performance opportunities
Less expensive and easy-to-use JUNE bus transportation!
2010 Shows:
The musical genius of Cole Porter takes center stage in Anything Goes for Trollwood's 32nd annual Mainstage Musical.
Trollwood's Second Stage in partnership with Theatre B and FutureBuilders will present Shipwrecked!—An Entertainment.
Totally Trollwood Musical, our performance-based middle school program, will present Seussical Junior
For full 2010 program details, refer to the Trollwood Web site AFTER February 25,
or the PERFORMER Program catalog, available at area schools and community outlets AFTER March 1.
Share this communication with families who have students grades K through 12!
(use the "Forward to a Friend" link at the bottom of the email)
This message was sent to by:
Trollwood Performing Arts (
801 50th Ave SW, Moorhead, MN 56560, Fargo, ND 58102 • 218-477-6500
Subscribe • Unsubscribe • Forward To A Friend
Trollwood can help you realize your dreams!
Trollwood has something for ALL students, grades K through 12!
There's lots of "new" just for you at Trollwood Performing Arts School, whether you are a veteran Trollwood student, or just checking us out for the first time. What hasn't changed is our commitment to providing excellent theatre arts programs that will help you grow in your creativity and confidence—true success skills, no matter your goal in life!
Trollwood Information Open House
Got Questions? We've got the answers!
Thursday, March 4 and Tuesday, March 9
7:00 to 8:30 PM
Stop in any time!
Trollwood's South Moorhead Campus
801 50th Ave SW, at the Red River
2010 Highlights:
Fargo Public School students, grades 10-12 still attend TPAS for FREE!
ONE Program Fee for the WHOLE summer!
ArtSpark (ages 6-11/grade 5) $185 per session
Participate in as many Trollwood programs, and take as many classes as you'd like!
Fargo Public Schools (6-9 grades) $275
Fargo Public Schools (10-12 grades) FREE!
Everyone Else (6-12 grades) $375
West Fargo students eligible for $100 tuition voucher from West Fargo Public Schools
Save $$$: Register by April 1!
ArtSpark, save $10
All other programs, save $50
TPAS 2010 Registration Form is now available online at
Expanded middle school programming, grades 6-8, for June and July!
Two separate programs offer classes plus performance opportunities
Less expensive and easy-to-use JUNE bus transportation!
2010 Shows:
The musical genius of Cole Porter takes center stage in Anything Goes for Trollwood's 32nd annual Mainstage Musical.
Trollwood's Second Stage in partnership with Theatre B and FutureBuilders will present Shipwrecked!—An Entertainment.
Totally Trollwood Musical, our performance-based middle school program, will present Seussical Junior
For full 2010 program details, refer to the Trollwood Web site AFTER February 25,
or the PERFORMER Program catalog, available at area schools and community outlets AFTER March 1.
Share this communication with families who have students grades K through 12!
(use the "Forward to a Friend" link at the bottom of the email)
This message was sent to by:
Trollwood Performing Arts (
801 50th Ave SW, Moorhead, MN 56560, Fargo, ND 58102 • 218-477-6500
Subscribe • Unsubscribe • Forward To A Friend
Williston Basin Petroleum Conference in Bismarck - North Dakota
North Dakota Legislators and Elected Officials,
It’s an exciting time in the Williston Basin as the Bakken continues to produce great results and attract much investment and attention. We invite you to be part of the excitement and join us May 2-4 for the 18th annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference & Expo.
This international conference brings together a wide array of industry representatives, regulators and political leaders from across the United States and Canada, all with a vested interest in the Williston Basin. The Conference will include nearly 75 presenters covering a wide array of topics such as the latest technology, engineering, geology, drilling, frac techniques, pipelines, and marketing.
The 2010 Conference will be held at the Bismarck Civic Center. Check out the Conference website for agenda, hotel, transportation, and other general information.
We hope to see you in Bismarck! The 2010 expo booths are already sold out. You won’t want to miss out on the action as industry leaders from across North America come together to discuss important issues facing one of North Dakota’s largest industries.
Hotel Reservations
If you have not already made a hotel reservation, we suggest that you do so immediately. A full list of hotels with Conference room blocks is available online.
Ron Ness
North Dakota Petroleum Council
PO Box 1395
Bismarck, ND 58502
It’s an exciting time in the Williston Basin as the Bakken continues to produce great results and attract much investment and attention. We invite you to be part of the excitement and join us May 2-4 for the 18th annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference & Expo.
This international conference brings together a wide array of industry representatives, regulators and political leaders from across the United States and Canada, all with a vested interest in the Williston Basin. The Conference will include nearly 75 presenters covering a wide array of topics such as the latest technology, engineering, geology, drilling, frac techniques, pipelines, and marketing.
The 2010 Conference will be held at the Bismarck Civic Center. Check out the Conference website for agenda, hotel, transportation, and other general information.
We hope to see you in Bismarck! The 2010 expo booths are already sold out. You won’t want to miss out on the action as industry leaders from across North America come together to discuss important issues facing one of North Dakota’s largest industries.
Hotel Reservations
If you have not already made a hotel reservation, we suggest that you do so immediately. A full list of hotels with Conference room blocks is available online.
Ron Ness
North Dakota Petroleum Council
PO Box 1395
Bismarck, ND 58502
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Medicare Update
Hello Everyone,
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
2. CMS Invites You to HITECH Teleconference on Medicare & Medicaid Incentives Program NPRM
3. A Message from Dr. David Blumenthal on Advancing Health Information Exchange
4. POSTPONED - Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) Update Meeting on Competitive Acquisition for DMEPOS
5. 2010 Part D Data Symposium Invitation
6. The Medicare Learning Network--Quality You Can Trust!
7. New from the Medicare Learning Network
8. Medicare Claims Crossover to Supplemental Payer Problem
9. Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) PC Pricers Updates
10. Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Updated
11. Nursing home Five-Star Quality Rating System – February News
12. Your February Flu Message
13. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay until January 3, 2011, the implementation of Phase 2 of Change Request (CR) 6417 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Claims Processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)) and CR 6421 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Claims Processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)).
This delay will give physicians and non-physician practitioners who order items or services for Medicare beneficiaries or who refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers sufficient time to enroll in Medicare or take the action necessary to establish a current enrollment record in Medicare prior to Phase 2 implementation.
Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order items or services or refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers for services do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and contains the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under Phase 2 of the above referenced CRs, a physician or non-physician practitioner who orders or refers and who does not have a current enrollment record that contains the NPI will cause the claim submitted by the Part B provider/supplier who furnished the ordered or referred item or service to be rejected.
CMS continues to urge physicians and non-physician practitioners who are enrolled in Medicare but who have not updated their Medicare enrollment record since November 2003 to update their enrollment record now. If these physicians and non-physician practitioners have no changes to their enrollment data, they need to submit an initial enrollment application which will establish a current enrollment record in PECOS.
2. CMS Invites You to HITECH Teleconference on Medicare & Medicaid Incentives Program NPRM
Have you heard about HITECH and Meaningful Use?
Do you want to learn more about the upcoming Medicare and
Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) incentive programs?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) invites you to join us
For a teleconference on Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentives NPRM--
Implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs established by the Recovery Act. The HITECH provisions are a subset of the Recovery Act. The rule, sometimes called the “meaningful use NPRM,” proposes a definition for the meaningful use of certified EHR technology as well as many other policy proposals. Join us to learn the basics of the rule from the CMS experts.
Learn about
· CMS’ proposed rule for the EHR incentive programs including:
o Who is eligible
o What constitutes meaningful use
o How to demonstrate meaningful use
o What incentives are available under Medicare and Medicaid
· How to make comments
· Where to find additional resources
Hear first hand from the CMS Experts
When: Tuesday, February 23rd
Time: 1:30-2:30 pm EST
We suggest you call in early as lines are limited.
To join the meeting, dial 1-866-501-5502
The conference ID is 58353012
Materials will be available on the morning of the call at
3. A Message from Dr. David Blumenthal on Advancing Health Information Exchange
Advancing Health Information Exchange
February 12, 2010
A Message from Dr. David Blumenthal, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Today we announce the first cooperative agreement awards authorized by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. It marks a major milestone in our journey towards nationwide adoption and meaningful use of health information technology (health IT). One set of awards provides $386 million to 40 States and qualified State-Designated Entities to rapidly build capacity for exchanging health information across the health care system both within and between states through the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program. The other awards provide $375 million to create 32 Regional Extension Centers (RECs) that will support the efforts of health professionals, starting with priority primary care providers, to become meaningful users of electronic health records (EHRs). Additional awards will be made in both programs over the coming weeks. Together, these programs will help modernize the use of health information, improving the quality and efficiency of care for all Americans.
As part of the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program, states will play a leadership role in achieving HIE to meet health reform goals. The funds awarded will be used to establish and implement plans for statewide HIE by creating the appropriate governance, policies, and technical services required to support HIE. Developing this state-level capability will help us break down the current barriers to HIE and help providers to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid incentives under the HITECH Act. The awards will also strongly encourage states to consider participating in the Nationwide Health Information Network as an approach to HIE. This would create a pathway toward seamless, nationwide health information exchange.
While the State HIE awards will strengthen capacity for health information exchange, the Health Information Technology Extension Program awards will establish RECs to deliver direct outreach, education, and technical assistance services to health care providers in their regions. Each REC will focus most intensively on the physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners who work as part of individual and small group primary care practices, as well as those who dedicate themselves to providing health care to the underserved. Primary care providers in small practices provide the great majority of such services in the U.S. but have limited resources to implement, meaningfully use, and maintain EHR systems. On-site technical assistance for these priority primary care providers will be a key service offered by the RECs. RECs will assist providers who have not adopted EHRs, as well as those who have but need help progressing to meaningful use. Regional extension centers will also help providers keep health information private and secure.
The Health Information Technology Extension Program and the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program are critical components to the end of a nation-wide interoperable, private and secure electronic health information system. I look forward to working in collaboration with each state and REC as they establish their programs, begin work within their communities, and promote the transformation of our health care system. I applaud each awarded entity for its dedication to the mission of improving the quality of health care and for the leadership and guidance it will provide.
David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P.
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) encourages you to share this information as we work together to enhance the quality, safety and value of care and the health of all Americans through the use of electronic health records and health information technology.
4. POSTPONED - Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) Update Meeting on Competitive Acquisition for DMEPOS
The Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) meeting originally scheduled for February 23, 2010 has been postponed until March 17, 2010 due to logistical issues, including meeting registration delays, caused by the recent severe winter storms affecting the Baltimore area. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regrets any inconvenience but believes this postponement is necessary to ensure all interested members of the public have sufficient time to register for the meeting.
CMS will send a more detailed listserv notification about the March 17, 2010 meeting along with registration information shortly. For more information about the DMEPOS competitive bidding program, including information about the PAOC, please visit: .
5. 2010 Part D Data Symposium Invitation
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce that the 2010 Part D Data Symposium will be held on March 18, 2010. Located at CMS in Baltimore, Maryland, the conference will offer educational sessions on Part D research and outcomes presented by both CMS and external industry experts.
Prior online registration is required for entry into the Symposium. You may register from February 5, 2010 through March 5, 2010 at:
Please do not reply back to this listserv. For more information, please see the link to registration web site above.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
6. The Medicare Learning Network--Quality You Can Trust!
There Is Information. And Then There Is Quality Information You Can Trust From The Medicare Learning Network.
All Medicare Learning Network products are thoroughly researched and cleared by the experts at CMS.
What does that mean to you?
It means there is official Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Program information always available for your immediate use to assist you with your business needs. The Medicare Learning Network knows how to translate complex language into easier to understand language and in various formats, e.g., guides, booklets, web-based training courses, brochures, national articles and fact sheets.
Test the quality of our products for yourself and begin obtaining information regarding billing and Medicare coverage & payment – or even basic information such as office management. Visit the MLN Publications page on the CMS website to view downloadable publications or click on the Product Ordering Page to see what is available in hard copy.
Remember… there’s never a charge for Medicare Learning Network products!
7. New from the Medicare Learning Network
The MLN Matters Article #MM6782 - Dialysis Adequacy, Infection and Vascular Access Reporting - has recently been released and is available at . This article is of particular interest to Renal Dialysis Facilities (RDFs) who need to be aware of some new quality data reporting for dialysis adequacy, infection and vascular access on all End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) claims and all ESRD Hemodialysis claims with dates of service on or after July 1, 2010. This new data reporting will allow the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to implement an accurate quality incentive payment for dialysis providers by January 1, 2012.
Read it now to find out more!
# # # # #
The revised Medicare Appeals Process brochure (January 2010), which provides an overview of the Medicare Part A and Part B administrative appeals process available to providers, physicians and other suppliers who provide services and supplies to Medicare beneficiaries, as well as details on where to obtain more information about this appeals process, is now available in downloadable format from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network at .
# # # # #
“We Heard the Bells: The Influenza of 1918”, a documentary that explores the experiences of Americans during the influenza pandemic of 1918, is now available to order, free of charge, on DVD.
The documentary features stories from survivors of the influenza pandemic that swept the United States in 1918. These stories serve to frame the key questions that apply to the current H1N1 pandemic. Award-winning actress S. Epatha Merkerson (Law & Order) narrates the documentary that includes information about seasonal vs. pandemic influenza, symptoms, immunizations, treatment, and research.
To order a copy of the DVD, please visit our product ordering website by first visiting our Medicare Learning Network page at:, then click on “MLN Product Ordering Page” in the “Related Links Inside CMS” section.
This product will also be available in a Spanish language translation at a later date.
8. Medicare Claims Crossover to Supplemental Payer Problem
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has identified a problem where claims were not automatically crossing over to supplemental payers even though the provider remittance advice indicated otherwise. This problem began January 5, 2010. Part A institutional claims and Part B professional claims, with the exception of supplier claims processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs), were impacted by this problem. Claims processed by DME MACs were not impacted.
Part A Institutional Claims
No action is required by Part A institutional providers. As of February 2, 2010, CMS successfully implemented a systems fix to ensure that all Part A institutional claims are now crossing over to supplemental payers as indicated on the remittance advice received by providers. As part of the fix, CMS’ Medicare contractors were able to identify claims processed between January 5 and February 1, 2010, where the provider remittance advice indicated that the affected claims were crossed over to various supplemental payers but were not. On February 2, 2010, the affected Medicare contractors began to send the affected claims to the Coordination of Benefits Contractor (COBC) to be crossed over to supplemental payers. This effort is now largely completed. Please allow until March 1, 2010, for supplemental payers to receive and process these claims before attempting to balance bill them for any remaining balances after Medicare.
Part B Professional Claims
Action is required on behalf of Part B professional providers where a remittance advice with an issue date between January 5, 2010, and February 12, 2010, has two or more service lines for a beneficiary where both of the following apply:
· One service line is 100 percent reimbursable (i.e., the approved amount and amount to be paid are equal,) AND
· One service line where part of or the entire Medicare approved amount is applied to the Part B deductible and/or carries co-insurance amounts.
CMS is not able to forward these beneficiary claims to supplemental payers even though the remittance advice may indicate otherwise. Providers will need to identify these claims by reviewing their remittance advice with an issue date between January 5, 2010, and February 12, 2010, that contain the criteria noted above. Once identified, providers will need to take action to balance bill the beneficiary’s supplemental payer. As of February 12, 2010, this system problem was fixed and all claims are crossing over to supplemental payers as indicated on the provider remittance advice.
The CMS has already notified supplemental payers of these issues. We regret any inconvenience you may experience related to this Medicare claim supplemental payer crossover problem.
9. Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) PC Pricers Updates
The FY 2010 and FY 2009 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) PC Pricers have been updated with January 2010 Provider Specific data and are ready for download from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) web page at If you use the IRF PPS PC Pricers, please go to the page above and download the latest versions of the Pricers, posted 02/05/10, in the Downloads section.
10. Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Updated
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 IPPS PC Pricer has been updated for FY 2009 claims with corrected provider data from January 2010. If you use the FY 2009 IPPS PC Pricer, go to the IPPS PC Pricer page,, and download the latest version of the FY 2009 PC Pricer.
11. Nursing home Five-Star Quality Rating System – February News
1. The Five-Star provider preview reports will be available now for viewing. Providers can access the report from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) State Welcome pages available at the State servers for submission of Minimum Data Set data.
Provider Preview access information:
· Visit the MDS State Welcome page available on the State servers where you submit MDS data to review your results.
· To access these reports, select the Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reports (CASPER) Reporting link located at the bottom of the login page.
· Once in the CASPER Reporting system,
i. Click on the 'Folders' button and access the Five-Star Report in your 'st LTC facid' folder,
ii. Where st is the 2-digit postal code of the state in which your facility is located, and
iii. Facid is the state assigned facid of your facility.
2. is available to address any Five Star rating questions and concerns.
3. Nursing Home Compare will update with February’s Five-Star data on Thursday, February 25, 2010.
4. Please visit for the latest Five-Star Quality Rating system information.
12. Your February Flu Message
There’s still time to get the seasonal flu shot! Although influenza activity has declined recently, it still may continue for several months.[1] The Centers for Disease Control continues to recommend that patients and health care providers and caregivers be vaccinated against seasonal influenza.
CMS encourages health care providers to use each office visit as an opportunity to talk with Medicare your patients about the importance of getting a seasonal flu shot. And remember, it is also important to immunize yourself and your staff.
Remember – Seasonal influenza vaccinations and their administration are covered Part B benefits. Note that influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are NOT Part D covered drugs.
For information about Medicare’s coverage of the seasonal influenza virus vaccine and its administration, as well as related educational resources for health care professionals and their staff, please go to on the CMS website. You will find a variety of resources that explain Medicare coverage and claims submission policies related to the seasonal influenza vaccine.
For information on Medicare policies related to H1N1 influenza, please go to on the CMS website.
[1] Seasonal Influenza (Flu). [online]. Atlanta, GA: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, January 19, 2010 [cited 21 January 2010]. Available from the World Wide Web: (
13. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
Under a new law, more Medicare beneficiaries could qualify for Extra Help with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs because some things no longer count as income and resources. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be on Medicare, have limited income and resources, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
2. CMS Invites You to HITECH Teleconference on Medicare & Medicaid Incentives Program NPRM
3. A Message from Dr. David Blumenthal on Advancing Health Information Exchange
4. POSTPONED - Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) Update Meeting on Competitive Acquisition for DMEPOS
5. 2010 Part D Data Symposium Invitation
6. The Medicare Learning Network--Quality You Can Trust!
7. New from the Medicare Learning Network
8. Medicare Claims Crossover to Supplemental Payer Problem
9. Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) PC Pricers Updates
10. Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Updated
11. Nursing home Five-Star Quality Rating System – February News
12. Your February Flu Message
13. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay until January 3, 2011, the implementation of Phase 2 of Change Request (CR) 6417 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Claims Processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)) and CR 6421 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Claims Processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)).
This delay will give physicians and non-physician practitioners who order items or services for Medicare beneficiaries or who refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers sufficient time to enroll in Medicare or take the action necessary to establish a current enrollment record in Medicare prior to Phase 2 implementation.
Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order items or services or refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers for services do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and contains the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under Phase 2 of the above referenced CRs, a physician or non-physician practitioner who orders or refers and who does not have a current enrollment record that contains the NPI will cause the claim submitted by the Part B provider/supplier who furnished the ordered or referred item or service to be rejected.
CMS continues to urge physicians and non-physician practitioners who are enrolled in Medicare but who have not updated their Medicare enrollment record since November 2003 to update their enrollment record now. If these physicians and non-physician practitioners have no changes to their enrollment data, they need to submit an initial enrollment application which will establish a current enrollment record in PECOS.
2. CMS Invites You to HITECH Teleconference on Medicare & Medicaid Incentives Program NPRM
Have you heard about HITECH and Meaningful Use?
Do you want to learn more about the upcoming Medicare and
Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) incentive programs?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) invites you to join us
For a teleconference on Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentives NPRM--
Implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs established by the Recovery Act. The HITECH provisions are a subset of the Recovery Act. The rule, sometimes called the “meaningful use NPRM,” proposes a definition for the meaningful use of certified EHR technology as well as many other policy proposals. Join us to learn the basics of the rule from the CMS experts.
Learn about
· CMS’ proposed rule for the EHR incentive programs including:
o Who is eligible
o What constitutes meaningful use
o How to demonstrate meaningful use
o What incentives are available under Medicare and Medicaid
· How to make comments
· Where to find additional resources
Hear first hand from the CMS Experts
When: Tuesday, February 23rd
Time: 1:30-2:30 pm EST
We suggest you call in early as lines are limited.
To join the meeting, dial 1-866-501-5502
The conference ID is 58353012
Materials will be available on the morning of the call at
3. A Message from Dr. David Blumenthal on Advancing Health Information Exchange
Advancing Health Information Exchange
February 12, 2010
A Message from Dr. David Blumenthal, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Today we announce the first cooperative agreement awards authorized by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. It marks a major milestone in our journey towards nationwide adoption and meaningful use of health information technology (health IT). One set of awards provides $386 million to 40 States and qualified State-Designated Entities to rapidly build capacity for exchanging health information across the health care system both within and between states through the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program. The other awards provide $375 million to create 32 Regional Extension Centers (RECs) that will support the efforts of health professionals, starting with priority primary care providers, to become meaningful users of electronic health records (EHRs). Additional awards will be made in both programs over the coming weeks. Together, these programs will help modernize the use of health information, improving the quality and efficiency of care for all Americans.
As part of the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program, states will play a leadership role in achieving HIE to meet health reform goals. The funds awarded will be used to establish and implement plans for statewide HIE by creating the appropriate governance, policies, and technical services required to support HIE. Developing this state-level capability will help us break down the current barriers to HIE and help providers to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid incentives under the HITECH Act. The awards will also strongly encourage states to consider participating in the Nationwide Health Information Network as an approach to HIE. This would create a pathway toward seamless, nationwide health information exchange.
While the State HIE awards will strengthen capacity for health information exchange, the Health Information Technology Extension Program awards will establish RECs to deliver direct outreach, education, and technical assistance services to health care providers in their regions. Each REC will focus most intensively on the physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners who work as part of individual and small group primary care practices, as well as those who dedicate themselves to providing health care to the underserved. Primary care providers in small practices provide the great majority of such services in the U.S. but have limited resources to implement, meaningfully use, and maintain EHR systems. On-site technical assistance for these priority primary care providers will be a key service offered by the RECs. RECs will assist providers who have not adopted EHRs, as well as those who have but need help progressing to meaningful use. Regional extension centers will also help providers keep health information private and secure.
The Health Information Technology Extension Program and the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program are critical components to the end of a nation-wide interoperable, private and secure electronic health information system. I look forward to working in collaboration with each state and REC as they establish their programs, begin work within their communities, and promote the transformation of our health care system. I applaud each awarded entity for its dedication to the mission of improving the quality of health care and for the leadership and guidance it will provide.
David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P.
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) encourages you to share this information as we work together to enhance the quality, safety and value of care and the health of all Americans through the use of electronic health records and health information technology.
4. POSTPONED - Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) Update Meeting on Competitive Acquisition for DMEPOS
The Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) meeting originally scheduled for February 23, 2010 has been postponed until March 17, 2010 due to logistical issues, including meeting registration delays, caused by the recent severe winter storms affecting the Baltimore area. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regrets any inconvenience but believes this postponement is necessary to ensure all interested members of the public have sufficient time to register for the meeting.
CMS will send a more detailed listserv notification about the March 17, 2010 meeting along with registration information shortly. For more information about the DMEPOS competitive bidding program, including information about the PAOC, please visit: .
5. 2010 Part D Data Symposium Invitation
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce that the 2010 Part D Data Symposium will be held on March 18, 2010. Located at CMS in Baltimore, Maryland, the conference will offer educational sessions on Part D research and outcomes presented by both CMS and external industry experts.
Prior online registration is required for entry into the Symposium. You may register from February 5, 2010 through March 5, 2010 at:
Please do not reply back to this listserv. For more information, please see the link to registration web site above.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
6. The Medicare Learning Network--Quality You Can Trust!
There Is Information. And Then There Is Quality Information You Can Trust From The Medicare Learning Network.
All Medicare Learning Network products are thoroughly researched and cleared by the experts at CMS.
What does that mean to you?
It means there is official Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Program information always available for your immediate use to assist you with your business needs. The Medicare Learning Network knows how to translate complex language into easier to understand language and in various formats, e.g., guides, booklets, web-based training courses, brochures, national articles and fact sheets.
Test the quality of our products for yourself and begin obtaining information regarding billing and Medicare coverage & payment – or even basic information such as office management. Visit the MLN Publications page on the CMS website to view downloadable publications or click on the Product Ordering Page to see what is available in hard copy.
Remember… there’s never a charge for Medicare Learning Network products!
7. New from the Medicare Learning Network
The MLN Matters Article #MM6782 - Dialysis Adequacy, Infection and Vascular Access Reporting - has recently been released and is available at . This article is of particular interest to Renal Dialysis Facilities (RDFs) who need to be aware of some new quality data reporting for dialysis adequacy, infection and vascular access on all End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) claims and all ESRD Hemodialysis claims with dates of service on or after July 1, 2010. This new data reporting will allow the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to implement an accurate quality incentive payment for dialysis providers by January 1, 2012.
Read it now to find out more!
# # # # #
The revised Medicare Appeals Process brochure (January 2010), which provides an overview of the Medicare Part A and Part B administrative appeals process available to providers, physicians and other suppliers who provide services and supplies to Medicare beneficiaries, as well as details on where to obtain more information about this appeals process, is now available in downloadable format from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network at .
# # # # #
“We Heard the Bells: The Influenza of 1918”, a documentary that explores the experiences of Americans during the influenza pandemic of 1918, is now available to order, free of charge, on DVD.
The documentary features stories from survivors of the influenza pandemic that swept the United States in 1918. These stories serve to frame the key questions that apply to the current H1N1 pandemic. Award-winning actress S. Epatha Merkerson (Law & Order) narrates the documentary that includes information about seasonal vs. pandemic influenza, symptoms, immunizations, treatment, and research.
To order a copy of the DVD, please visit our product ordering website by first visiting our Medicare Learning Network page at:, then click on “MLN Product Ordering Page” in the “Related Links Inside CMS” section.
This product will also be available in a Spanish language translation at a later date.
8. Medicare Claims Crossover to Supplemental Payer Problem
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has identified a problem where claims were not automatically crossing over to supplemental payers even though the provider remittance advice indicated otherwise. This problem began January 5, 2010. Part A institutional claims and Part B professional claims, with the exception of supplier claims processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs), were impacted by this problem. Claims processed by DME MACs were not impacted.
Part A Institutional Claims
No action is required by Part A institutional providers. As of February 2, 2010, CMS successfully implemented a systems fix to ensure that all Part A institutional claims are now crossing over to supplemental payers as indicated on the remittance advice received by providers. As part of the fix, CMS’ Medicare contractors were able to identify claims processed between January 5 and February 1, 2010, where the provider remittance advice indicated that the affected claims were crossed over to various supplemental payers but were not. On February 2, 2010, the affected Medicare contractors began to send the affected claims to the Coordination of Benefits Contractor (COBC) to be crossed over to supplemental payers. This effort is now largely completed. Please allow until March 1, 2010, for supplemental payers to receive and process these claims before attempting to balance bill them for any remaining balances after Medicare.
Part B Professional Claims
Action is required on behalf of Part B professional providers where a remittance advice with an issue date between January 5, 2010, and February 12, 2010, has two or more service lines for a beneficiary where both of the following apply:
· One service line is 100 percent reimbursable (i.e., the approved amount and amount to be paid are equal,) AND
· One service line where part of or the entire Medicare approved amount is applied to the Part B deductible and/or carries co-insurance amounts.
CMS is not able to forward these beneficiary claims to supplemental payers even though the remittance advice may indicate otherwise. Providers will need to identify these claims by reviewing their remittance advice with an issue date between January 5, 2010, and February 12, 2010, that contain the criteria noted above. Once identified, providers will need to take action to balance bill the beneficiary’s supplemental payer. As of February 12, 2010, this system problem was fixed and all claims are crossing over to supplemental payers as indicated on the provider remittance advice.
The CMS has already notified supplemental payers of these issues. We regret any inconvenience you may experience related to this Medicare claim supplemental payer crossover problem.
9. Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) PC Pricers Updates
The FY 2010 and FY 2009 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) PC Pricers have been updated with January 2010 Provider Specific data and are ready for download from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) web page at If you use the IRF PPS PC Pricers, please go to the page above and download the latest versions of the Pricers, posted 02/05/10, in the Downloads section.
10. Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Updated
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 IPPS PC Pricer has been updated for FY 2009 claims with corrected provider data from January 2010. If you use the FY 2009 IPPS PC Pricer, go to the IPPS PC Pricer page,, and download the latest version of the FY 2009 PC Pricer.
11. Nursing home Five-Star Quality Rating System – February News
1. The Five-Star provider preview reports will be available now for viewing. Providers can access the report from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) State Welcome pages available at the State servers for submission of Minimum Data Set data.
Provider Preview access information:
· Visit the MDS State Welcome page available on the State servers where you submit MDS data to review your results.
· To access these reports, select the Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reports (CASPER) Reporting link located at the bottom of the login page.
· Once in the CASPER Reporting system,
i. Click on the 'Folders' button and access the Five-Star Report in your 'st LTC facid' folder,
ii. Where st is the 2-digit postal code of the state in which your facility is located, and
iii. Facid is the state assigned facid of your facility.
2. is available to address any Five Star rating questions and concerns.
3. Nursing Home Compare will update with February’s Five-Star data on Thursday, February 25, 2010.
4. Please visit for the latest Five-Star Quality Rating system information.
12. Your February Flu Message
There’s still time to get the seasonal flu shot! Although influenza activity has declined recently, it still may continue for several months.[1] The Centers for Disease Control continues to recommend that patients and health care providers and caregivers be vaccinated against seasonal influenza.
CMS encourages health care providers to use each office visit as an opportunity to talk with Medicare your patients about the importance of getting a seasonal flu shot. And remember, it is also important to immunize yourself and your staff.
Remember – Seasonal influenza vaccinations and their administration are covered Part B benefits. Note that influenza and pneumococcal vaccines are NOT Part D covered drugs.
For information about Medicare’s coverage of the seasonal influenza virus vaccine and its administration, as well as related educational resources for health care professionals and their staff, please go to on the CMS website. You will find a variety of resources that explain Medicare coverage and claims submission policies related to the seasonal influenza vaccine.
For information on Medicare policies related to H1N1 influenza, please go to on the CMS website.
[1] Seasonal Influenza (Flu). [online]. Atlanta, GA: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, January 19, 2010 [cited 21 January 2010]. Available from the World Wide Web: (
13. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
Under a new law, more Medicare beneficiaries could qualify for Extra Help with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs because some things no longer count as income and resources. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be on Medicare, have limited income and resources, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
United States Education Review
February 19, 2010
...a bi-weekly update on U.S. Department of Education activities relevant to the Intergovernmental and Corporate community and other stakeholders
In a wide-ranging speech to superintendents at the American Association of School Administrators’ National Conference on Education, Secretary Duncan addressed reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the Administration’s recent budget proposal, and rethinking policies that are not serving the best interests of students and teachers in the classroom. “An opportunity like this -- the chance to make far-reaching changes to boost student achievement and truly get students college- and career-ready -- may not come along again in our lifetime,” he noted. “What [we] do…over the next several years could have an impact on education for decades to come.” Below are some key excerpts:
“I am optimistic that the three principles I have outlined for ESEA reauthorization -- higher standards, rewarding excellence, and a smarter, less prescriptive federal role -- have widespread support among both Democrats and Republicans. We very much look forward to working on ESEA reauthorization in a bipartisan manner. Education must be [an] issue when we put politics and ideology to the side and simply do what is best for children.”
“Now, most [federal] money will stay in formula programs under the budget. Title I and IDEA are untouched…. But it is also true we are shifting toward more competitive grants in some areas. However, we are going to administer competitions in ways that ensure a level playing field for rural districts…. In some programs, we will be looking at set-asides for rural areas and providing technical assistance to ensure small districts can successfully compete. Geographic location should not dictate results.”
“It takes courage to do the right thing for children, even in the face of attacks from stakeholders and the media. I’m not talking about foolhardy courage, about getting carried out on your shield. But, I don’t agree that superintendents are trapped today, without good options or the ability to exercise independence. A superintendent who leads also finds ways to successfully consult and collaborate to bring out the best in others in support of students. That includes working with teachers and unions to revisit provisions of code and collective bargaining agreements in ways that are fair to teachers and better serve the interests of children.”
“Let us always remember our True North,” the Secretary concluded, “the answer to why we signed up for the superintendent’s job: to change our students’ lives for the better.” FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Also, yesterday (February 18), Democratic and Republican leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Education and Labor announced plans for a bipartisan reform of ESEA. “It will start with a series of hearings in the coming weeks to explore the challenges and opportunities ahead as we work to ensure an excellent education is available to every student in America,” the leadership declared, adding that “With a real commitment to innovation, we invite all stakeholders who share our serious interest in building a world-class education system to email us their suggestions.” The committee’s first hearing, focused on charter schools, will be held February 24. Stakeholders can send their input and suggestions on reauthorization to the committee at The deadline for comments is March 26. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
On February 10, First Lady Michelle Obama announced a national goal of solving the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight and unveiled a nationwide campaign -- Let’s Move -- to help achieve it. “The physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake,” she said. “This isn’t the kind of problem that can be solved overnight, but, with everyone working together, it can be solved. So, let’s move.” Let’s Move will combat the epidemic through a comprehensive approach that builds on effective strategies and mobilizes public and private sector resources, providing schools, families, and communities with simple tools to help children be more active, eat better, and get healthy. Moreover, to support the campaign and coordinate partnerships with states, communities, and both the for- and non-profit sectors, the nation’s leading children’s health foundations have created an independent foundation -- the Partnership for a Healthier America -- which will accelerate existing efforts and facilitate new commitments targeting childhood obesity. FOR MORE INFORAMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The challenge is great. Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in the U.S. have tripled, and, today, one in three children in America are overweight or obese. One-third of all children born in 2000 or later will suffer from diabetes at some point in their lives. Many others will face chronic obesity-related health problems, like heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. A recent study put the health care costs of obesity-related diseases at $147 billion per year. This epidemic also impacts the nation’s security, as obesity is now one of the most common disqualifiers for military service.
President Obama kicked off the Lets Move campaign by signing a Presidential Memorandum creating the first-ever Task Force on Childhood Obesity, including the Department of Education. Within 90 days, the task force will conduct a review of every federal policy and program relating to child nutrition and physical activity and develop an action plan that maximizes federal resources and sets benchmarks toward the First Lady’s national goal. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
In a related issue, Secretary Duncan joined Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on a conference call to discuss reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act. This law sets nutrition standards for what children eat at school. Outlining the Administration’s plans, Secretary Vilsack stated the goals are two-fold: to improve access to free or reduced-price meals and to boost their nutritional value. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Earlier this month, following a video message from the Secretary, Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education Thelma Melendez spoke to some 2,300 members of the National Association for Bilingual Education. In her remarks, speaking as a former English learner, she explained why the success of this diverse and fast-growing student group is vital to this nation’s prosperity. She also noted that roughly one in 10 students in the U.S. are English learners, that 78% of English learners are born in the U.S., and that these English learners speak more than 400 languages. The Administration’s FY 2011 budget requests $800 million for English Language Learner programs. These funds aim to increase students’ English language proficiency, as well as encourage student bi-literacy. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The deadlines for several grant competitions are fast approaching:
· Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Program (closes 3/16). This program supports the enhancement, expansion, documentation, evaluation, and dissemination of innovative, cohesive models. These models must demonstrate effectiveness in: integrating into and strengthening arts in the core elementary and middle school curricula; strengthening arts instruction in those grades; and improving students’ academic performance, including their skills in creating, performing, and responding to the arts. Estimated awards: 28. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· Teaching American History Grant Program (closes 3/22). This program supports projects that aim to raise student achievement by improving teachers’ knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of traditional American history. Awards assist districts, in partnership with entities that have extensive content expertise (colleges and universities, history and humanities organizations, and libraries and museums) to develop, implement, document, evaluate, and disseminate innovative, cohesive models of professional development. Estimated awards: 120-125. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· School Leadership Grant Program (closes 4/6). This program supports the development, enhancement, or expansion of innovative programs to recruit, train, and mentor principals (including assistant principals) for high-need districts. A high-need district is one that (1) either serves at least 10,000 children from low-income families or serves a community in which at least 20% of children are from low-income families and (2) has a high percentage of teachers teaching either outside of their certification or with emergency, provisional, or temporary certification. Estimated awards: 15-20. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Also, be sure to review the Department’s Fiscal Year 2010 Grants Forecast (as of January 29), which lists virtually all programs and competitions under which the agency has invited or expects to invite applications for awards and provides actual or estimated dates for the transmittal of applications under these programs. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO (Note: This document is advisory only and not an official application notice of the Department of Education.)
· On February 17, marking the one-year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Secretary Duncan highlighted the ARRA’s positive impact at Riverside Elementary School in Alexandria, Virginia. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO (Note: The full ARRA report is available at
· According to the College Board’s sixth annual “Advanced Placement Report to the Nation,” 15.9% of the Class of 2009 achieved mastery (at least a 3 on a 5-point scale) on one or more AP exams -- up from 12.7% in 2004 and 15.2% in 2008. Yet, while eight states have more than 20% of their students graduate from high school having earned an AP exam grade of 3 or higher, 15 states have less than 10%. Also, though 15 states have successfully closed the equity and excellence gap for Hispanic students, only two states have closed the gap for African-American students, and no state with significant numbers of American Indian students have closed the gap. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· As part of developing the Fiscal Year 2011 budget, the Department has identified a limited number of high-priority performance goals that will be a particular focus over the next two years. These goals, which will help measure the success of the Department’s cradle-to-career education strategy, reflect the importance of teaching and learning, at all levels of the system. These goals are consistent with the agency’s five-year strategic plan that is under development and will be used to monitor and report progress. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
“For all the uniqueness of rural and small town districts, they share a lot of the challenges of urban districts. Surveys suggest that rural high school students are more likely to use cocaine and meth and abuse alcohol than their urban peers. Teen birthrates are higher in rural areas than urban ones. More than one-fifth of the nation’s poorest-performing high schools, the so-called dropout factories, are located within rural regions. In short, today’s rural schools are not the pastoral institutions of a simpler yesteryear that many Americans imagine. We’re going to be making new resources available to superintendents to turn those troubling youth indicators around and support your role in improving teaching and learning within every district.”
-- Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (2/12/10), addressing school superintendents
Now through April 8, the Department’s Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) is hosting a series of Regional Direct Loan Training Conferences. The free, one-day workshops will provide financial aid professionals at domestic schools with the essential skills necessary to administer the Direct Loan program at their institutions. Due to capacity limits at each location, attendees must pre-register online. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
On March 3, the What Works Clearinghouse will host a webinar concerning the recommendations of its “Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom” practice guide. During the webinar, authors of the guide will discuss how educators can develop and implement effective strategies that promote positive student behavior. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the authors. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Teachers have until March 14 to sign-up for the National Financial Capability Challenge, an effort to help high school students develop the knowledge and skills needed to take real control of their financial futures. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Nominations are being accepted for the 2010 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education. This year’s award will recognize individuals who have mastered the art of “scaling up” successful education strategies, resulting in a growth and expansion of student achievement, at three levels: elementary, secondary, and postsecondary. The deadline for nominations (which can be completed online) is March 19. Winners are honored at a dinner in New York City and receive $25,000. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO
March 6-8, the Department will exhibit at the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’s Annual Conference in San Antonio. If you are attending this event, please stop by the agency’s booth.
Please feel free to contact the Office of Communications and Outreach with any questions:
Director, Intergovernmental Affairs -- Stacey Jordan, (202) 401-0026,
Program Analyst -- Adam Honeysett, (202) 401-3003,
To be added or removed from distribution, or submit comments (we welcome your feedback!),
contact Adam Honeysett. Or, visit
This newsletter contains hypertext links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links are provided for the user’s convenience. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Furthermore, the inclusion of links is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, on these sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.
February 19, 2010
...a bi-weekly update on U.S. Department of Education activities relevant to the Intergovernmental and Corporate community and other stakeholders
In a wide-ranging speech to superintendents at the American Association of School Administrators’ National Conference on Education, Secretary Duncan addressed reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the Administration’s recent budget proposal, and rethinking policies that are not serving the best interests of students and teachers in the classroom. “An opportunity like this -- the chance to make far-reaching changes to boost student achievement and truly get students college- and career-ready -- may not come along again in our lifetime,” he noted. “What [we] do…over the next several years could have an impact on education for decades to come.” Below are some key excerpts:
“I am optimistic that the three principles I have outlined for ESEA reauthorization -- higher standards, rewarding excellence, and a smarter, less prescriptive federal role -- have widespread support among both Democrats and Republicans. We very much look forward to working on ESEA reauthorization in a bipartisan manner. Education must be [an] issue when we put politics and ideology to the side and simply do what is best for children.”
“Now, most [federal] money will stay in formula programs under the budget. Title I and IDEA are untouched…. But it is also true we are shifting toward more competitive grants in some areas. However, we are going to administer competitions in ways that ensure a level playing field for rural districts…. In some programs, we will be looking at set-asides for rural areas and providing technical assistance to ensure small districts can successfully compete. Geographic location should not dictate results.”
“It takes courage to do the right thing for children, even in the face of attacks from stakeholders and the media. I’m not talking about foolhardy courage, about getting carried out on your shield. But, I don’t agree that superintendents are trapped today, without good options or the ability to exercise independence. A superintendent who leads also finds ways to successfully consult and collaborate to bring out the best in others in support of students. That includes working with teachers and unions to revisit provisions of code and collective bargaining agreements in ways that are fair to teachers and better serve the interests of children.”
“Let us always remember our True North,” the Secretary concluded, “the answer to why we signed up for the superintendent’s job: to change our students’ lives for the better.” FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Also, yesterday (February 18), Democratic and Republican leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Education and Labor announced plans for a bipartisan reform of ESEA. “It will start with a series of hearings in the coming weeks to explore the challenges and opportunities ahead as we work to ensure an excellent education is available to every student in America,” the leadership declared, adding that “With a real commitment to innovation, we invite all stakeholders who share our serious interest in building a world-class education system to email us their suggestions.” The committee’s first hearing, focused on charter schools, will be held February 24. Stakeholders can send their input and suggestions on reauthorization to the committee at The deadline for comments is March 26. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
On February 10, First Lady Michelle Obama announced a national goal of solving the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight and unveiled a nationwide campaign -- Let’s Move -- to help achieve it. “The physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our nation is at stake,” she said. “This isn’t the kind of problem that can be solved overnight, but, with everyone working together, it can be solved. So, let’s move.” Let’s Move will combat the epidemic through a comprehensive approach that builds on effective strategies and mobilizes public and private sector resources, providing schools, families, and communities with simple tools to help children be more active, eat better, and get healthy. Moreover, to support the campaign and coordinate partnerships with states, communities, and both the for- and non-profit sectors, the nation’s leading children’s health foundations have created an independent foundation -- the Partnership for a Healthier America -- which will accelerate existing efforts and facilitate new commitments targeting childhood obesity. FOR MORE INFORAMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The challenge is great. Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in the U.S. have tripled, and, today, one in three children in America are overweight or obese. One-third of all children born in 2000 or later will suffer from diabetes at some point in their lives. Many others will face chronic obesity-related health problems, like heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer. A recent study put the health care costs of obesity-related diseases at $147 billion per year. This epidemic also impacts the nation’s security, as obesity is now one of the most common disqualifiers for military service.
President Obama kicked off the Lets Move campaign by signing a Presidential Memorandum creating the first-ever Task Force on Childhood Obesity, including the Department of Education. Within 90 days, the task force will conduct a review of every federal policy and program relating to child nutrition and physical activity and develop an action plan that maximizes federal resources and sets benchmarks toward the First Lady’s national goal. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
In a related issue, Secretary Duncan joined Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on a conference call to discuss reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act. This law sets nutrition standards for what children eat at school. Outlining the Administration’s plans, Secretary Vilsack stated the goals are two-fold: to improve access to free or reduced-price meals and to boost their nutritional value. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Earlier this month, following a video message from the Secretary, Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education Thelma Melendez spoke to some 2,300 members of the National Association for Bilingual Education. In her remarks, speaking as a former English learner, she explained why the success of this diverse and fast-growing student group is vital to this nation’s prosperity. She also noted that roughly one in 10 students in the U.S. are English learners, that 78% of English learners are born in the U.S., and that these English learners speak more than 400 languages. The Administration’s FY 2011 budget requests $800 million for English Language Learner programs. These funds aim to increase students’ English language proficiency, as well as encourage student bi-literacy. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The deadlines for several grant competitions are fast approaching:
· Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Program (closes 3/16). This program supports the enhancement, expansion, documentation, evaluation, and dissemination of innovative, cohesive models. These models must demonstrate effectiveness in: integrating into and strengthening arts in the core elementary and middle school curricula; strengthening arts instruction in those grades; and improving students’ academic performance, including their skills in creating, performing, and responding to the arts. Estimated awards: 28. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· Teaching American History Grant Program (closes 3/22). This program supports projects that aim to raise student achievement by improving teachers’ knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of traditional American history. Awards assist districts, in partnership with entities that have extensive content expertise (colleges and universities, history and humanities organizations, and libraries and museums) to develop, implement, document, evaluate, and disseminate innovative, cohesive models of professional development. Estimated awards: 120-125. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· School Leadership Grant Program (closes 4/6). This program supports the development, enhancement, or expansion of innovative programs to recruit, train, and mentor principals (including assistant principals) for high-need districts. A high-need district is one that (1) either serves at least 10,000 children from low-income families or serves a community in which at least 20% of children are from low-income families and (2) has a high percentage of teachers teaching either outside of their certification or with emergency, provisional, or temporary certification. Estimated awards: 15-20. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Also, be sure to review the Department’s Fiscal Year 2010 Grants Forecast (as of January 29), which lists virtually all programs and competitions under which the agency has invited or expects to invite applications for awards and provides actual or estimated dates for the transmittal of applications under these programs. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO (Note: This document is advisory only and not an official application notice of the Department of Education.)
· On February 17, marking the one-year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Secretary Duncan highlighted the ARRA’s positive impact at Riverside Elementary School in Alexandria, Virginia. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO (Note: The full ARRA report is available at
· According to the College Board’s sixth annual “Advanced Placement Report to the Nation,” 15.9% of the Class of 2009 achieved mastery (at least a 3 on a 5-point scale) on one or more AP exams -- up from 12.7% in 2004 and 15.2% in 2008. Yet, while eight states have more than 20% of their students graduate from high school having earned an AP exam grade of 3 or higher, 15 states have less than 10%. Also, though 15 states have successfully closed the equity and excellence gap for Hispanic students, only two states have closed the gap for African-American students, and no state with significant numbers of American Indian students have closed the gap. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· As part of developing the Fiscal Year 2011 budget, the Department has identified a limited number of high-priority performance goals that will be a particular focus over the next two years. These goals, which will help measure the success of the Department’s cradle-to-career education strategy, reflect the importance of teaching and learning, at all levels of the system. These goals are consistent with the agency’s five-year strategic plan that is under development and will be used to monitor and report progress. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
“For all the uniqueness of rural and small town districts, they share a lot of the challenges of urban districts. Surveys suggest that rural high school students are more likely to use cocaine and meth and abuse alcohol than their urban peers. Teen birthrates are higher in rural areas than urban ones. More than one-fifth of the nation’s poorest-performing high schools, the so-called dropout factories, are located within rural regions. In short, today’s rural schools are not the pastoral institutions of a simpler yesteryear that many Americans imagine. We’re going to be making new resources available to superintendents to turn those troubling youth indicators around and support your role in improving teaching and learning within every district.”
-- Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (2/12/10), addressing school superintendents
Now through April 8, the Department’s Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) is hosting a series of Regional Direct Loan Training Conferences. The free, one-day workshops will provide financial aid professionals at domestic schools with the essential skills necessary to administer the Direct Loan program at their institutions. Due to capacity limits at each location, attendees must pre-register online. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
On March 3, the What Works Clearinghouse will host a webinar concerning the recommendations of its “Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom” practice guide. During the webinar, authors of the guide will discuss how educators can develop and implement effective strategies that promote positive student behavior. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the authors. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Teachers have until March 14 to sign-up for the National Financial Capability Challenge, an effort to help high school students develop the knowledge and skills needed to take real control of their financial futures. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Nominations are being accepted for the 2010 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education. This year’s award will recognize individuals who have mastered the art of “scaling up” successful education strategies, resulting in a growth and expansion of student achievement, at three levels: elementary, secondary, and postsecondary. The deadline for nominations (which can be completed online) is March 19. Winners are honored at a dinner in New York City and receive $25,000. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO
March 6-8, the Department will exhibit at the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’s Annual Conference in San Antonio. If you are attending this event, please stop by the agency’s booth.
Please feel free to contact the Office of Communications and Outreach with any questions:
Director, Intergovernmental Affairs -- Stacey Jordan, (202) 401-0026,
Program Analyst -- Adam Honeysett, (202) 401-3003,
To be added or removed from distribution, or submit comments (we welcome your feedback!),
contact Adam Honeysett. Or, visit
This newsletter contains hypertext links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links are provided for the user’s convenience. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Furthermore, the inclusion of links is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, on these sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.
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