Subject: IACIS Conference in Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 6 - October 9, 2010
Wow where has the time gone. It is hard to believe that the 50th IACIS Conference is 7 short months away. Although that seems like a long ways off the time will quickly pass and we will be enjoying the sites and sounds of Las Vegas. I would like to remind you of a few important items:
1. Papers, Panels, Abstracts submitted for review by April 15. Please share the Call for Papers with any of your colleagues. The more presentations we have the better the conference will be.
2. Review process will begin by May 1. In order for the reviews to happen we need the membership to volunteer to serve as a reviewer. If you haven't already please check the box on the people page indicating your willingness to be a review.
3. Assigning session chairs will begin the middle of August. If you are willing to assist as a session chair please check the box on your people page.
As the Conference Chair your assistance is very important to me and more importantly it is very important to the success of the IACIS Conference.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me or one of the IACIS board members.
Thank you, I look forward to seeing each of you in Las Vegas.

Professor Emeritus -- Dr. Tom Seymour from West Fargo, North Dakota -- Professor, Minot State University, MSU Faculty Regents Award (2015) -- PAST Peer Reviewer (Higher Learning Commission - Chicago); - Author and Presenter Board of Directors, SRT Communications, Inc and Minot City Alderman - Ward 5 (2010-June, 2016) PAST - Editor-in-Chief (North Dakota State Senator (2002-2010) 2017-Cass County Electric Cooperative- Board of Directors
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
North Dakota China Delegation
March 29, 2010
Contact: Don Canton or Jody Link
(701) 328-2200
Jeff Zent
N.D. Trade Office
(701) 231-1155
BISMARCK, N.D. – A North Dakota trade mission to Indonesia and China last week has generated new business ties for six companies that produce and market food-grade soybeans.
Led by Lt. Gov. Jack Dalrymple, the trade mission took company officials to Jakarta, Indonesia and to the growing Chinese cities of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shanghai, where they held meetings with 26 of Asia’s largest soybean importers and soy food manufacturers. These include Amoy, a leading Asian producer of soy milk, and other soy-based foods; and PT Gerbang, Indonesia’s largest food-grade soybean dealer with annual imports of 700,000 metric tons.
In Shanghai, the North Dakota Soybean Council and North Dakota Trade Office sponsored a seminar to educate soybean importers and processors about the high quality and consistent supplies of food-grade soybeans grown in North Dakota. The seminar attracted 25 soy food industry leaders including Chen Hui Ying, president of the Shanghai Bean Curd Products Trade Association. Speakers included North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring and Dr. Sam Chang, a professor and plant scientist at North Dakota State University.
“Our producers have developed a reputation around the world for providing the highest quality supplies of food-grade soybeans and we continue to share that message so that we build long-term business ties where the best opportunities exist,” Dalrymple said.
China’s growing appetite for soy is outpacing its production, creating a trend toward long-term opportunities for the region’s producers, said Todd Sinner of SB&B Foods in Casselton, N.D. The Chinese and Indonesia markets also are ripe for development because of the countries’ growing economies, their young populations, their high consumption of tofu, soy sauces and other soy-based foods, and growing concerns over food safety.
Plans are to host in North Dakota a core group of the key importers and food processors in October to build on the relationships established during the trade mission, said Jason Martodam, a member of the North Dakota Soybean Council, which co-sponsored the trade mission’s soy foods tract.
In an effort to enhance transportation for exports, Dalrymple met in Hong Kong with C. H. Tung, the city’s first chief executive and owner of the Orient Overseas Container Lines (OOCL). Tung pledged his support in establishing economic ties between China and North Dakota.
The trade mission included leaders in the state’s energy industry, manufacturers and officials from Dickinson State University and North Dakota State University. Most of the delegates returned to North Dakota over the weekend.
The companies and organizations that participated in the trade mission are:
· SB&B Foods Inc., Casselton, N.D.
· Richland Organics, Inc., Wahpeton, N.D.
· Brushvale Seed Inc., Breckenridge, Minn.
· Unity Seed Co., Casselton, N.D.
· Buchholz Seed Farm, Durbin, N.D.
· Sun Opta, Moorhead, Minn.
· Gussiaas Farms, Carrington, N.D.
· Mattracks, Karlstad, Minn.
· Spectrum Aeromed, Fargo, N.D.
· North Dakota Soybean Council
· American Lignite Energy, LLC
· North American Coal Corp.
· North Dakota Lignite Research Council
· North Dakota State University
· Dickinson State University
· Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce
Many organizations and people in China and the United States assisted in developing the trade mission. Supporters include: AEA Holdings - Hong Kong, the North Dakota Department of Agriculture, the North Dakota Department of Commerce, the U.S. Commercial Service, USDA Foreign Agriculture Service, the North Dakota Soybean Council, the American Soybean Association and the Food Export Association of the Midwest.
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March 29, 2010
Contact: Don Canton or Jody Link
(701) 328-2200
Jeff Zent
N.D. Trade Office
(701) 231-1155
BISMARCK, N.D. – A North Dakota trade mission to Indonesia and China last week has generated new business ties for six companies that produce and market food-grade soybeans.
Led by Lt. Gov. Jack Dalrymple, the trade mission took company officials to Jakarta, Indonesia and to the growing Chinese cities of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shanghai, where they held meetings with 26 of Asia’s largest soybean importers and soy food manufacturers. These include Amoy, a leading Asian producer of soy milk, and other soy-based foods; and PT Gerbang, Indonesia’s largest food-grade soybean dealer with annual imports of 700,000 metric tons.
In Shanghai, the North Dakota Soybean Council and North Dakota Trade Office sponsored a seminar to educate soybean importers and processors about the high quality and consistent supplies of food-grade soybeans grown in North Dakota. The seminar attracted 25 soy food industry leaders including Chen Hui Ying, president of the Shanghai Bean Curd Products Trade Association. Speakers included North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring and Dr. Sam Chang, a professor and plant scientist at North Dakota State University.
“Our producers have developed a reputation around the world for providing the highest quality supplies of food-grade soybeans and we continue to share that message so that we build long-term business ties where the best opportunities exist,” Dalrymple said.
China’s growing appetite for soy is outpacing its production, creating a trend toward long-term opportunities for the region’s producers, said Todd Sinner of SB&B Foods in Casselton, N.D. The Chinese and Indonesia markets also are ripe for development because of the countries’ growing economies, their young populations, their high consumption of tofu, soy sauces and other soy-based foods, and growing concerns over food safety.
Plans are to host in North Dakota a core group of the key importers and food processors in October to build on the relationships established during the trade mission, said Jason Martodam, a member of the North Dakota Soybean Council, which co-sponsored the trade mission’s soy foods tract.
In an effort to enhance transportation for exports, Dalrymple met in Hong Kong with C. H. Tung, the city’s first chief executive and owner of the Orient Overseas Container Lines (OOCL). Tung pledged his support in establishing economic ties between China and North Dakota.
The trade mission included leaders in the state’s energy industry, manufacturers and officials from Dickinson State University and North Dakota State University. Most of the delegates returned to North Dakota over the weekend.
The companies and organizations that participated in the trade mission are:
· SB&B Foods Inc., Casselton, N.D.
· Richland Organics, Inc., Wahpeton, N.D.
· Brushvale Seed Inc., Breckenridge, Minn.
· Unity Seed Co., Casselton, N.D.
· Buchholz Seed Farm, Durbin, N.D.
· Sun Opta, Moorhead, Minn.
· Gussiaas Farms, Carrington, N.D.
· Mattracks, Karlstad, Minn.
· Spectrum Aeromed, Fargo, N.D.
· North Dakota Soybean Council
· American Lignite Energy, LLC
· North American Coal Corp.
· North Dakota Lignite Research Council
· North Dakota State University
· Dickinson State University
· Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce
Many organizations and people in China and the United States assisted in developing the trade mission. Supporters include: AEA Holdings - Hong Kong, the North Dakota Department of Agriculture, the North Dakota Department of Commerce, the U.S. Commercial Service, USDA Foreign Agriculture Service, the North Dakota Soybean Council, the American Soybean Association and the Food Export Association of the Midwest.
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Monday, March 29, 2010
North Dakota Kids Count
Dear Tom,
Our thoughts are with those who are coping with the spring floods. We are eager to see the hope of nature in full bloom.
Highlights of this newsletter include:
2010 Census - make sure children are counted!
Be an advocate for kids: advocacy training
Locating assistance for low-income families
Tax credits for North Dakota families
Week of the young child
2010 Census: Make sure children are counted!
Local communities rely on census information in planning for schools, child care, health, and other critical services. Each year the U.S. government uses census data to distribute more than $400 billion in federal funds nationwide. Unfortunately, children have been undercounted in every census since the first one in 1790. When young children are missed in the census, resources for children and communities are diminished.
All infants and children need to be recorded as residents of a household or family on April 1, which is Census Day. Children need to be counted at their usual place of residence, which is where they most often reside during the year.
For example if the child resides most of the time in one of the following situations, the adult is responsible for including the child in their census report:
Lives with grandparents
Parents are divorced and have joint custody (the primary parent should count the child)
Child custody is equally shared (the child should be reported at the parent's residence he or she is at on April 1)
Children not part of the family they live with (such as children in foster care or children living with relatives other than their parents) should be reported as a member of the household if that is their usual residence.
The 2010 census offers a chance to improve on the past and make sure the youngest members of our society are fully counted. Unlike other groups that may be undercounted in the census, young children have no voice in the process. They are totally dependent on the rest of us to make sure they are counted accurately.
Be an Advocate for Kids:
Advocacy Training across North Dakota in April
You are invited to participate in child advocacy training sponsored by North Dakota Children's Caucus and Children's Defense Fund-North Dakota. Meetings are from 6:30-8:30 p.m. with refreshments provided.
April 6 - Dickinson - Gate City Bank (lower level), 204 Sims
April 13 - Jamestown - Buffalo Mall Community Room, I-94 & 281
April 20 - Bismarck - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Fellowship Hall), Washington and Divide Avenue (park on south side of church)
April 22 - Minot - Head Start Building (gymnasium) 2815 East Burdick Expressway
April 27 - Grand Forks - County Office Building (6th floor conference room) 151 South 4th Street
April 29 - Fargo - Fargo/Cass Public Health (Room 3, lower level), 401 3rd Avenue North
You will learn:
- Key time frames for effective advocacy
- Do's and don'ts of working with public officials
- Strategies for effective communication with policy makers
- Key children's issues for 2011 Legislative session
Locating Assistance for Low-Income Families
People experiencing tough economic times need assistance and additional resources.
We all know people who have difficulty making their income stretch to meet basic needs. This online eligibility screening tool is a convenient and efficient way to help individuals and families with limited incomes determine their eligibility for assistance programs such as medicaid, children's health insurance, food assistance, home energy assistance, earned income tax credits and more.
We invite you to visit North Dakota Bridge to Benefits web site at:
Take a minute to look at this handy online screening tool and share the information with others.
Tax Credits for North Dakota Families
Families in North Dakota could get thousands of dollars in tax credits. Whether or not you owe income tax, if you work and have children you could qualify for:
The federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
Up to $5,657 from the federal Earned Income Tax Credit
Up to $1,000 per child from the federal Child Tax Credit
To get these credits, you must file a tax return. Find out how to get FREE help with your taxes by calling the IRS toll-free at 1-800-829-1040.
Our Mission
The mission of North Dakota KIDS COUNT is to provide accurate, current data on child well-being in order to inform local and state discussions about how to secure better futures for all of North Dakota's children.
If you have any suggestions about ideas for future North Dakota KIDS COUNT publications or have ideas about how we might reach new and wider audiences for our materials, please feel free to contact us at
North Dakota KIDS COUNT web site
Know someone who would benefit from using our resources?
Please forward this newsletter to them and encourage them to join our mailing list by contacting us at
Contact Information
North Dakota KIDS COUNT Staff:
Polly Fassinger, Program Director
Helen Danielson, Network Liaison
Richard Rathge, Policy Analyst
Ramona Danielson, Research Analyst
Contact us at
Phone: 701-231-5931
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North Dakota KIDS COUNT | NDSU Department 8000 | P.O. Box 6050 | Fargo | ND | 58108
Our thoughts are with those who are coping with the spring floods. We are eager to see the hope of nature in full bloom.
Highlights of this newsletter include:
2010 Census - make sure children are counted!
Be an advocate for kids: advocacy training
Locating assistance for low-income families
Tax credits for North Dakota families
Week of the young child
2010 Census: Make sure children are counted!
Local communities rely on census information in planning for schools, child care, health, and other critical services. Each year the U.S. government uses census data to distribute more than $400 billion in federal funds nationwide. Unfortunately, children have been undercounted in every census since the first one in 1790. When young children are missed in the census, resources for children and communities are diminished.
All infants and children need to be recorded as residents of a household or family on April 1, which is Census Day. Children need to be counted at their usual place of residence, which is where they most often reside during the year.
For example if the child resides most of the time in one of the following situations, the adult is responsible for including the child in their census report:
Lives with grandparents
Parents are divorced and have joint custody (the primary parent should count the child)
Child custody is equally shared (the child should be reported at the parent's residence he or she is at on April 1)
Children not part of the family they live with (such as children in foster care or children living with relatives other than their parents) should be reported as a member of the household if that is their usual residence.
The 2010 census offers a chance to improve on the past and make sure the youngest members of our society are fully counted. Unlike other groups that may be undercounted in the census, young children have no voice in the process. They are totally dependent on the rest of us to make sure they are counted accurately.
Be an Advocate for Kids:
Advocacy Training across North Dakota in April
You are invited to participate in child advocacy training sponsored by North Dakota Children's Caucus and Children's Defense Fund-North Dakota. Meetings are from 6:30-8:30 p.m. with refreshments provided.
April 6 - Dickinson - Gate City Bank (lower level), 204 Sims
April 13 - Jamestown - Buffalo Mall Community Room, I-94 & 281
April 20 - Bismarck - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Fellowship Hall), Washington and Divide Avenue (park on south side of church)
April 22 - Minot - Head Start Building (gymnasium) 2815 East Burdick Expressway
April 27 - Grand Forks - County Office Building (6th floor conference room) 151 South 4th Street
April 29 - Fargo - Fargo/Cass Public Health (Room 3, lower level), 401 3rd Avenue North
You will learn:
- Key time frames for effective advocacy
- Do's and don'ts of working with public officials
- Strategies for effective communication with policy makers
- Key children's issues for 2011 Legislative session
Locating Assistance for Low-Income Families
People experiencing tough economic times need assistance and additional resources.
We all know people who have difficulty making their income stretch to meet basic needs. This online eligibility screening tool is a convenient and efficient way to help individuals and families with limited incomes determine their eligibility for assistance programs such as medicaid, children's health insurance, food assistance, home energy assistance, earned income tax credits and more.
We invite you to visit North Dakota Bridge to Benefits web site at:
Take a minute to look at this handy online screening tool and share the information with others.
Tax Credits for North Dakota Families
Families in North Dakota could get thousands of dollars in tax credits. Whether or not you owe income tax, if you work and have children you could qualify for:
The federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
Up to $5,657 from the federal Earned Income Tax Credit
Up to $1,000 per child from the federal Child Tax Credit
To get these credits, you must file a tax return. Find out how to get FREE help with your taxes by calling the IRS toll-free at 1-800-829-1040.
Our Mission
The mission of North Dakota KIDS COUNT is to provide accurate, current data on child well-being in order to inform local and state discussions about how to secure better futures for all of North Dakota's children.
If you have any suggestions about ideas for future North Dakota KIDS COUNT publications or have ideas about how we might reach new and wider audiences for our materials, please feel free to contact us at
North Dakota KIDS COUNT web site
Know someone who would benefit from using our resources?
Please forward this newsletter to them and encourage them to join our mailing list by contacting us at
Contact Information
North Dakota KIDS COUNT Staff:
Polly Fassinger, Program Director
Helen Danielson, Network Liaison
Richard Rathge, Policy Analyst
Ramona Danielson, Research Analyst
Contact us at
Phone: 701-231-5931
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Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by
North Dakota KIDS COUNT | NDSU Department 8000 | P.O. Box 6050 | Fargo | ND | 58108
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Teacher Resources
We know buying your own supplies can be expensive so we set this web site up to help you get good quality inexpensive products.
Have extra products in your classroom? Sell them on Hoot of Loot. Here are a few products that were added to the website recently.
Only $8.95
Only $16.99 with no shipping cost.
Case of 10 only $24.95
2 for $49.95 6 cubes for $24 Preschool Coatrack only $29.95
$9.50 each when ordering 12 or more
Thank you,
Unsubscribe me from this list
Hoot of Loot
1303 S. Florence Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74119
Have extra products in your classroom? Sell them on Hoot of Loot. Here are a few products that were added to the website recently.
Only $8.95
Only $16.99 with no shipping cost.
Case of 10 only $24.95
2 for $49.95 6 cubes for $24 Preschool Coatrack only $29.95
$9.50 each when ordering 12 or more
Thank you,
Unsubscribe me from this list
Hoot of Loot
1303 S. Florence Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74119
Saturday, March 27, 2010
North Dakota - Economic Development in Bismarck-Mandan
Population increase for Burleigh and Morton Counties – The US Census Bureau has released its 2009 population estimates for the county level. The estimates show a population increase of 1,377 in Burleigh County and 280 in Morton County. The two counties combine to make the Bismarck-Mandan MSA (metropolitan statistical area). The MSA’s 2009 population is 106,286. This is an increase of more than 11,500 since the 2000 Census population number for the MSA of 94,719. Click here to read the Bismarck Tribune article about the Census release of the 2009 population estimates.
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Bismarck-Mandan MSA unemployment rate – Job Service North Dakota recently released the January 2010 unemployment rates and the Bismarck-Mandan MSA’s was 4.9%. This compares to 5.5% in January 2009. The months of December, January and February generally show slightly higher unemployment rates due to seasonal employment. Statewide, the unemployment rate for January 2010 was 5%, with the national rate still over 10%.
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New UND Center for Family Medicine - In 2009, the Legislature approved building a 30,000 square-foot residential training clinic for the University of North Dakota Center for Family Medicine in Bismarck for $5.4 million. The new clinic will be built at Medcenter One’s existing parking lot at the corner of Seventh Street and Rosser Avenue and will replace the clinic now located near the Parkade and White Drug on Fifth Street. Construction is scheduled to start before the fall freeze-up and the new facility is expected to open in the fall of 2011.
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Bismarck Vision Fund - The Bismarck Vision Fund Committee met on Tuesday to consider the BMDA's Full Application and receive the 2009 Annual Grantor Report. The Committee approved the BMDA's application and forwarded it to the Bismarck City Commission for consideration at their April 13 meeting. Brian then presented the 2009 Annual Grantor Report; the Annual Grantor Report is a State-mandated accounting of the jobs created by projects funded by the Vision Fund going back to 2006. The BMDA compiles this report for both the Vision Fund and the Mandan Growth Fund.
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Former Bobcat manufacturing facility – As previously noted, Bobcat selected the national/international real estate firm of CB Richard Ellis to market its Bismarck manufacturing facility, with the Daniel Companies in Bismarck as their local support agent. Kyle Holwagner will be the lead. Having a local contact realtor was a BMDA request to facilitate our efforts to work with possible buyers we come in contact with. This past week an information brochure about the facility was finalized. BMDA has distributed the brochure to its list of site selection consultants and business development professionals. Click here to view the brochure.
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BMDA executive committee, board of directors meet – The BMDA executive committee met Wednesday afternoon and the full board convened Thursday morning. This was the first meeting for two newly-elected board members, Tim Atkinson, ND Guaranty & Title, and Dr. Craig Lambrecht, Medcenter One.
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Jobs available in the oil patch - If you are interested in the jobs in the oil patch, whether just out of curiosity or because you might know someone who might be looking for a job, this week’s list of openings can be viewed HERE. For these and other employment opportunities in Bismarck-Mandan and throughout the state, go to
This week the number of active oil rigs in North Dakota is 105. The Wall Street Journal crude oil price for today (3/26/10) is $80.53.
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Bismarck-Mandan MSA unemployment rate – Job Service North Dakota recently released the January 2010 unemployment rates and the Bismarck-Mandan MSA’s was 4.9%. This compares to 5.5% in January 2009. The months of December, January and February generally show slightly higher unemployment rates due to seasonal employment. Statewide, the unemployment rate for January 2010 was 5%, with the national rate still over 10%.
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New UND Center for Family Medicine - In 2009, the Legislature approved building a 30,000 square-foot residential training clinic for the University of North Dakota Center for Family Medicine in Bismarck for $5.4 million. The new clinic will be built at Medcenter One’s existing parking lot at the corner of Seventh Street and Rosser Avenue and will replace the clinic now located near the Parkade and White Drug on Fifth Street. Construction is scheduled to start before the fall freeze-up and the new facility is expected to open in the fall of 2011.
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Bismarck Vision Fund - The Bismarck Vision Fund Committee met on Tuesday to consider the BMDA's Full Application and receive the 2009 Annual Grantor Report. The Committee approved the BMDA's application and forwarded it to the Bismarck City Commission for consideration at their April 13 meeting. Brian then presented the 2009 Annual Grantor Report; the Annual Grantor Report is a State-mandated accounting of the jobs created by projects funded by the Vision Fund going back to 2006. The BMDA compiles this report for both the Vision Fund and the Mandan Growth Fund.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Former Bobcat manufacturing facility – As previously noted, Bobcat selected the national/international real estate firm of CB Richard Ellis to market its Bismarck manufacturing facility, with the Daniel Companies in Bismarck as their local support agent. Kyle Holwagner will be the lead. Having a local contact realtor was a BMDA request to facilitate our efforts to work with possible buyers we come in contact with. This past week an information brochure about the facility was finalized. BMDA has distributed the brochure to its list of site selection consultants and business development professionals. Click here to view the brochure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BMDA executive committee, board of directors meet – The BMDA executive committee met Wednesday afternoon and the full board convened Thursday morning. This was the first meeting for two newly-elected board members, Tim Atkinson, ND Guaranty & Title, and Dr. Craig Lambrecht, Medcenter One.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jobs available in the oil patch - If you are interested in the jobs in the oil patch, whether just out of curiosity or because you might know someone who might be looking for a job, this week’s list of openings can be viewed HERE. For these and other employment opportunities in Bismarck-Mandan and throughout the state, go to
This week the number of active oil rigs in North Dakota is 105. The Wall Street Journal crude oil price for today (3/26/10) is $80.53.
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Click here to unsubscribe from the BMDA Newsletter
Site created and maintained by K2 Interactive | Copyright @ 2008
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Friday, March 26, 2010
North Dakota Legislative Higher Education Meeting on April 1 in Bismarck
Tentative Agenda
Thursday, April 1, 2010
House Chamber, State Capitol
Bismarck, North Dakota
8:30 a.m. Call to order
Roll call
Consideration of the minutes of the March 2, 2010, meeting
8:35 a.m. Comments by the chairman regarding the committee meeting and introduction of
members of the private sector that will be serving on the Higher Education Roundtable
8:50 a.m. Presentation by Dr. David Breneman, Professor of Economics and Education, University
of Virginia, regarding the future of higher education
9:35 a.m. Presentation by Mr. Larry Isaak, President, Midwestern Higher Education Compact,
regarding the advancement of college access and success
10:35 a.m. Comments by a representative of the North Dakota University System regarding the
information received by the committee at the March 31, 2010, joint meeting
11:00 a.m. Comments and discussion by committee members and committee guests regarding the
information received by the committee at the March 31, 2010, joint meeting and other
higher education issues
12:00 noon Luncheon recess
1:00 p.m. Presentation by a representative of the North Dakota University System regarding the
State Board of Higher Education strategic plan
1:40 p.m. Presentation by the Legislative Council staff of a memorandum comparing the
Department of Commerce's draft economic development strategic plan and the State
Board of Higher Education strategic plan
1:45 p.m. Comments and discussion by committee members and committee guests regarding the
State Board of Higher Education strategic plan and the Department of Commerce's draft
economic development strategic plan
2:10 p.m. Comments by other interested persons regarding the committee's study of Higher
2:20 p.m. Committee discussion and staff directives
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
Committee Members
Representatives Bob Skarphol (Chairman), Lois Delmore, Mark A. Dosch, Kathy Hawken, Brenda
Heller, Dennis Johnson, Nancy Johnson, RaeAnn G. Kelsch, Joe Kroeber, Bob Martinson, Darrell D.
Nottestad, Kenton Onstad, Ken Svedjan, Clark Williams
Senators John M. Andrist, Tim Flakoll, Tony S. Grindberg, Ray Holmberg, Karen K. Krebsbach,
Elroy N. Lindaas, Dave Nething, David O'Connell, Larry J. Robinson, Tom Seymour
Staff Contacts: Brady A. Larson, Fiscal Analyst
Allen H. Knudson, Legislative Budget Analyst and Auditor
Tentative Agenda
Thursday, April 1, 2010
House Chamber, State Capitol
Bismarck, North Dakota
8:30 a.m. Call to order
Roll call
Consideration of the minutes of the March 2, 2010, meeting
8:35 a.m. Comments by the chairman regarding the committee meeting and introduction of
members of the private sector that will be serving on the Higher Education Roundtable
8:50 a.m. Presentation by Dr. David Breneman, Professor of Economics and Education, University
of Virginia, regarding the future of higher education
9:35 a.m. Presentation by Mr. Larry Isaak, President, Midwestern Higher Education Compact,
regarding the advancement of college access and success
10:35 a.m. Comments by a representative of the North Dakota University System regarding the
information received by the committee at the March 31, 2010, joint meeting
11:00 a.m. Comments and discussion by committee members and committee guests regarding the
information received by the committee at the March 31, 2010, joint meeting and other
higher education issues
12:00 noon Luncheon recess
1:00 p.m. Presentation by a representative of the North Dakota University System regarding the
State Board of Higher Education strategic plan
1:40 p.m. Presentation by the Legislative Council staff of a memorandum comparing the
Department of Commerce's draft economic development strategic plan and the State
Board of Higher Education strategic plan
1:45 p.m. Comments and discussion by committee members and committee guests regarding the
State Board of Higher Education strategic plan and the Department of Commerce's draft
economic development strategic plan
2:10 p.m. Comments by other interested persons regarding the committee's study of Higher
2:20 p.m. Committee discussion and staff directives
3:00 p.m. Adjourn
Committee Members
Representatives Bob Skarphol (Chairman), Lois Delmore, Mark A. Dosch, Kathy Hawken, Brenda
Heller, Dennis Johnson, Nancy Johnson, RaeAnn G. Kelsch, Joe Kroeber, Bob Martinson, Darrell D.
Nottestad, Kenton Onstad, Ken Svedjan, Clark Williams
Senators John M. Andrist, Tim Flakoll, Tony S. Grindberg, Ray Holmberg, Karen K. Krebsbach,
Elroy N. Lindaas, Dave Nething, David O'Connell, Larry J. Robinson, Tom Seymour
Staff Contacts: Brady A. Larson, Fiscal Analyst
Allen H. Knudson, Legislative Budget Analyst and Auditor
Thursday, March 25, 2010
ITD North Dakota -- Broadband Grant
North Dakota, along with the other 49 states and 5 territories, is working
on a project to map broadband services in the state to increase broadband
access and adoption through enhanced data collection and planning. The
North Dakota Information Technology Department (ITD) is overseeing the
planning and mapping project and needs your assistance in completing the
statewide evaluation.
Citizens and businesses are encouraged to participate in one of two ways:
1. From your home or business, log into the Speed Test Site located on
ITD’s website at to capture the speed of your
internet connection; or
2. Anyone who does not have broadband internet service available at
their home or business, should report their location by calling the toll
free number 1-877-811-0471.
Funding for the project is provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s
National Telecommunications Infrastructure Administration (NTIA) under its
State Broadband Data and Development Program. The data collected from
states will be displayed on NTIA’s national broadband map, a tool policy
makers can use to plan for employment, education, and broadband services.
To learn more about this project, please visit or call Deborah Mosset,
Public Information, or Dirk Huggett, Project Manager, at (701) 328-3190.
Thank you for participating in this statewide project.
Lisa Feldner, CIO
Information Technology Department
State of North Dakota
600 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505
(701) 328-1000
North Dakota, along with the other 49 states and 5 territories, is working
on a project to map broadband services in the state to increase broadband
access and adoption through enhanced data collection and planning. The
North Dakota Information Technology Department (ITD) is overseeing the
planning and mapping project and needs your assistance in completing the
statewide evaluation.
Citizens and businesses are encouraged to participate in one of two ways:
1. From your home or business, log into the Speed Test Site located on
ITD’s website at to capture the speed of your
internet connection; or
2. Anyone who does not have broadband internet service available at
their home or business, should report their location by calling the toll
free number 1-877-811-0471.
Funding for the project is provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s
National Telecommunications Infrastructure Administration (NTIA) under its
State Broadband Data and Development Program. The data collected from
states will be displayed on NTIA’s national broadband map, a tool policy
makers can use to plan for employment, education, and broadband services.
To learn more about this project, please visit or call Deborah Mosset,
Public Information, or Dirk Huggett, Project Manager, at (701) 328-3190.
Thank you for participating in this statewide project.
Lisa Feldner, CIO
Information Technology Department
State of North Dakota
600 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505
(701) 328-1000
Minot State University - North Dakota - News
March 24, 2010 Campus Announcements
Crossroads Project holding an open house today
The Crossroads Projects invites the campus to an open house today (March 24) in Memorial 117 from 2-4 p.m. Crossroads Project is showing off their new Minot State University location and introducing the transition students from Minot High School Magic City Campus. There will be light refreshments.
--Sarah Novlesky, transition teacher
Assessment Day is Thursday
For spring semester, Assessment Day is tomorrow (March 25).
2010_Assessment Day_Spr.pdf
For further information, contact 858-3106 or
--Cheryl Nilsen, Assessment Committee chair
Spiritual Wellness series begins
The Spiritual Wellness series will start with a discussion about the book “A Good Dose of God” by Nathan Anderson, College of Education and Health Sciences accreditation technology support coordinator. We will be meeting April 8 and 22 in the Office of Housing conference room (Dakota Hall, south entrance), 12:15-1 p.m. Anderson and Kari Williamson, campus pastor, will co-lead the discussion.
Individuals may purchase the book at Gideon’s Trumpet at Dakota Square, Main Street Books downtown,, or directly from Anderson.
For questions, comments or suggestions for future Spiritual Wellness series initiatives, contact Williamson at 839-3949 or or Anderson at 858-3082 or
--Kari Williamson, campus pastor
General Information
President’s Report on Web site
The President’s Report from the March 17 University Cabinet meeting has been posted to the Office of the President’s Web site. The link is
--Deb Wentz, executive assistant to the president
Office of Public Information
The following text is from an Office of Public Information news release sent to media earlier today:
For Immediate Release: Date: March 24, 2010
“Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” selected 19 juniors and seniors from Minot State University for inclusion in the 2010 edition. A campus nomination committee and editors of the annual directory chose the MSU students based on their academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities and potential for continued success. They will be honored at a luncheon April 8 at noon in the Conference Center, third floor of the Student Center. Listed by hometown and major, they are:
Fargo — Eric Manlove, broadcasting.
Mandan — Derek Van Dyke, broadcasting.
Minot — Lexi Swallers, marketing, management and international business; Joshua Sweet, biology and chemistry; Elizabeth Walz, English education; Brendan Weidler, nursing.
Norwich — Whitney Loftesnes, marketing, management and international business.
Ray — Megan Perdue, accounting.
St. John — Jessie Allery, special education and elementary education.
Williston — Allayna Kalmik, elementary education.
Lousana, Alberta — Shannon Murray, social science.
Pilot Mound, Manitoba — Brody Pinkerton, accounting.
Toronto, Ontario — Ryan Madden, history.
Carrot River, Saskatchewan — Katelyn Wouters, communication disorders.
Colonsay, Saskatchewan — Jill Lockie, communication disorders.
Lloydminster, Saskatchewan — Sarah Holmen, communication disorders.
Major, Saskatchewan — Hayley Dommett, communication disorders.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan — Andrea Baht, communication disorders.
Ogema, Saskatchewan — Vanessa Grier, communication disorders.
To make a reservation, contact the Office of Student Affairs at 701-858-3299 or 1-800-777-0750, ext. 3299.
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
After more than a 20-year absence, Greek life is making a resurgence on MSU’s campus with the recent revival of the Mu Sigma Tau fraternity.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Crossroads Project holding an open house today
The Crossroads Projects invites the campus to an open house today (March 24) in Memorial 117 from 2-4 p.m. Crossroads Project is showing off their new Minot State University location and introducing the transition students from Minot High School Magic City Campus. There will be light refreshments.
--Sarah Novlesky, transition teacher
Assessment Day is Thursday
For spring semester, Assessment Day is tomorrow (March 25).
2010_Assessment Day_Spr.pdf
For further information, contact 858-3106 or
--Cheryl Nilsen, Assessment Committee chair
Spiritual Wellness series begins
The Spiritual Wellness series will start with a discussion about the book “A Good Dose of God” by Nathan Anderson, College of Education and Health Sciences accreditation technology support coordinator. We will be meeting April 8 and 22 in the Office of Housing conference room (Dakota Hall, south entrance), 12:15-1 p.m. Anderson and Kari Williamson, campus pastor, will co-lead the discussion.
Individuals may purchase the book at Gideon’s Trumpet at Dakota Square, Main Street Books downtown,, or directly from Anderson.
For questions, comments or suggestions for future Spiritual Wellness series initiatives, contact Williamson at 839-3949 or or Anderson at 858-3082 or
--Kari Williamson, campus pastor
General Information
President’s Report on Web site
The President’s Report from the March 17 University Cabinet meeting has been posted to the Office of the President’s Web site. The link is
--Deb Wentz, executive assistant to the president
Office of Public Information
The following text is from an Office of Public Information news release sent to media earlier today:
For Immediate Release: Date: March 24, 2010
“Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” selected 19 juniors and seniors from Minot State University for inclusion in the 2010 edition. A campus nomination committee and editors of the annual directory chose the MSU students based on their academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities and potential for continued success. They will be honored at a luncheon April 8 at noon in the Conference Center, third floor of the Student Center. Listed by hometown and major, they are:
Fargo — Eric Manlove, broadcasting.
Mandan — Derek Van Dyke, broadcasting.
Minot — Lexi Swallers, marketing, management and international business; Joshua Sweet, biology and chemistry; Elizabeth Walz, English education; Brendan Weidler, nursing.
Norwich — Whitney Loftesnes, marketing, management and international business.
Ray — Megan Perdue, accounting.
St. John — Jessie Allery, special education and elementary education.
Williston — Allayna Kalmik, elementary education.
Lousana, Alberta — Shannon Murray, social science.
Pilot Mound, Manitoba — Brody Pinkerton, accounting.
Toronto, Ontario — Ryan Madden, history.
Carrot River, Saskatchewan — Katelyn Wouters, communication disorders.
Colonsay, Saskatchewan — Jill Lockie, communication disorders.
Lloydminster, Saskatchewan — Sarah Holmen, communication disorders.
Major, Saskatchewan — Hayley Dommett, communication disorders.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan — Andrea Baht, communication disorders.
Ogema, Saskatchewan — Vanessa Grier, communication disorders.
To make a reservation, contact the Office of Student Affairs at 701-858-3299 or 1-800-777-0750, ext. 3299.
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
After more than a 20-year absence, Greek life is making a resurgence on MSU’s campus with the recent revival of the Mu Sigma Tau fraternity.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
North Dakota Legislative Workforce Committee
Tentative Agenda
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Brynhild Haugland Room, State Capitol
Bismarck, North Dakota
9:00 a.m. Call to order
Roll call
Consideration of the minutes of the previous meeting
Comments by the chairman
9:05 a.m. Presentation by the Legislative Council staff of information regarding:
• A tentative survey of center of excellence private sector partners;
• Followup information on the Wyoming Hathaway scholarship program; and
• 2009 legislation related to 2007-08 interim Workforce Committee consultant
9:20 a.m. Status report by representatives of the North Dakota Youth Council regarding the
council's activities
9:45 a.m. Committee discussion regarding the status and uses of the foundation aid stabilization
10:00 a.m. Break
10:15 a.m. Receipt of information from Mr. Peter A. Birkeland, Chief Financial Officer, RAIN Source
Capital, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Mr. Ryan A. Rauschenberger, Deputy Tax
Commissioner, regarding:
• Access to angel and seed capital in North Dakota;
• Access to angel and seed capital in other states and regions;
• Best practices in increasing access to angel and seed capital; and
• The possibility of allowing the sale or transfer of angel and seed capital tax credits,
including challenges and how other states have addressed these challenges
Comments by interested persons
Committee discussion
11:30 a.m. Presentation by Ms. Andrea Holl Pfennig, Division of Community Services, Department
of Commerce, of the annual renaissance zone progress report
Committee discussion
12:00 noon Luncheon recess
1:00 p.m. Presentation of a proposal for creating a North Dakota Technology Development
Corporation by Dr. Phyllis E. Johnson, Vice President for Research and Economic
Development, University of North Dakota
Comments by interested persons
Committee discussion
2:00 p.m. Presentation of the North Dakota University System's strategic plan by Mr. William G.
Goetz, Chancellor, North Dakota University System, and by other interested persons
3:00 p.m. Comments by interested persons
Committee discussion and directives
4:00 p.m. Adjourn
The committee will resume activities at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 31, 2010, in the House
chamber in a joint committee meeting with the Education Committee and Higher Education
Committee Members
Senators Tony S. Grindberg (Chairman), Tim Flakoll, Ray Holmberg, Karen K. Krebsbach, Dave
Nething, Larry J. Robinson, Mac Schneider, Tom Seymour, Ryan M. Taylor
Representatives Donald L. Clark, Eliot Glassheim, Nancy Johnson, Lee Kaldor, Lisa Meier, Corey
Mock, Lee Myxter, Michael R. Nathe, Ken Svedjan, Clark Williams
Staff Contact: Jennifer S. N. Clark, Counsel
Tentative Agenda
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Brynhild Haugland Room, State Capitol
Bismarck, North Dakota
9:00 a.m. Call to order
Roll call
Consideration of the minutes of the previous meeting
Comments by the chairman
9:05 a.m. Presentation by the Legislative Council staff of information regarding:
• A tentative survey of center of excellence private sector partners;
• Followup information on the Wyoming Hathaway scholarship program; and
• 2009 legislation related to 2007-08 interim Workforce Committee consultant
9:20 a.m. Status report by representatives of the North Dakota Youth Council regarding the
council's activities
9:45 a.m. Committee discussion regarding the status and uses of the foundation aid stabilization
10:00 a.m. Break
10:15 a.m. Receipt of information from Mr. Peter A. Birkeland, Chief Financial Officer, RAIN Source
Capital, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Mr. Ryan A. Rauschenberger, Deputy Tax
Commissioner, regarding:
• Access to angel and seed capital in North Dakota;
• Access to angel and seed capital in other states and regions;
• Best practices in increasing access to angel and seed capital; and
• The possibility of allowing the sale or transfer of angel and seed capital tax credits,
including challenges and how other states have addressed these challenges
Comments by interested persons
Committee discussion
11:30 a.m. Presentation by Ms. Andrea Holl Pfennig, Division of Community Services, Department
of Commerce, of the annual renaissance zone progress report
Committee discussion
12:00 noon Luncheon recess
1:00 p.m. Presentation of a proposal for creating a North Dakota Technology Development
Corporation by Dr. Phyllis E. Johnson, Vice President for Research and Economic
Development, University of North Dakota
Comments by interested persons
Committee discussion
2:00 p.m. Presentation of the North Dakota University System's strategic plan by Mr. William G.
Goetz, Chancellor, North Dakota University System, and by other interested persons
3:00 p.m. Comments by interested persons
Committee discussion and directives
4:00 p.m. Adjourn
The committee will resume activities at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 31, 2010, in the House
chamber in a joint committee meeting with the Education Committee and Higher Education
Committee Members
Senators Tony S. Grindberg (Chairman), Tim Flakoll, Ray Holmberg, Karen K. Krebsbach, Dave
Nething, Larry J. Robinson, Mac Schneider, Tom Seymour, Ryan M. Taylor
Representatives Donald L. Clark, Eliot Glassheim, Nancy Johnson, Lee Kaldor, Lisa Meier, Corey
Mock, Lee Myxter, Michael R. Nathe, Ken Svedjan, Clark Williams
Staff Contact: Jennifer S. N. Clark, Counsel
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
North Dakota - Minot State University News
March 22, 2010 Campus Announcements
Diana Anderson performs piano recital tomorrow evening
On Tuesday (March 23) at 7:30 p.m. in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall, Dianna Anderson, instructor of piano and coordinator of functional piano, will perform the second in a series of 10 concerts encompassing the 32 piano sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven. This installment includes the three sonatas from Op. 31, the first of Beethoven's sonatas to be deemed "middle period." The set is defined by extreme contrasts, from the overt humor of Op. 31, No. 1, to the soul-searching tragedy of Op. 31, No. 2 the "Tempest," to the capricious virtuosity of Op. 31, No. 3. This event is free and open to the public.
--Erik Anderson, associate professor of music
CETL holding open house
The Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning will host an open house for all students, faculty and staff Tuesday (March 23) in Main 101, 2-4 p.m. Please join us to learn more about the implementation of programs, which will assist in student success and engagement at Minot State University. For questions, contact 858-4040 or
--Beth Odahlen, CETL director
Assessment Day is March 25
For spring semester, Assessment Day is March 25.
2010_Assessment Day_Spr.pdf
For further information, contact 858-3106 or
--Cheryl Nilsen, Assessment Committee chair
CETL mini-grants available
The Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning would like to announce, to all faculty and staff, the opportunity for a CETL mini-grant. These mini-grants may be used to enhance student success through engaged teaching and learning and/or enhanced civic or community engagement. CETL encourages any interested faculty or staff to apply for this mini-grant by April 15. Those receiving mini-grants will be notified no later than May 1. Please see the following attachments for instructions, as well as the evaluation sheet that will be used.
2010_CETL Mini grant instr.pdf
2010_CETL mini-grant eval sheet.pdf
If you have any questions, contact or 858-3177.
--Beth Odahlen, CETL director
Graduate School offering thesis and project preparation workshop
The Graduate School will sponsor a one-hour workshop on thesis/project preparation for our graduate students who are in the process of completing their final requirements for graduation this spring, summer or next fall. The workshop will be held April 6 in the Westlie Room, 7-8 p.m.
Content of this workshop will be guidelines for preparing the final documents—formatting, language usage, and inclusions—including review of common errors and elements missing from the current thesis manual. Please invite and encourage your students who are approaching their final writing to attend this workshop. Program directors and committee chairs are also welcome to attend.
In order to have the appropriate number of handouts, please notify me, at 858-3250 or, by noon on Friday (March 26) with the number of potential attendees from your area.
--Lindsey VanThuyne, administrative assistant for the Graduate School and Research and Sponsored Programs
General Information
Summer and fall undergraduate graduation applications due March 26
Summer and Fall 2010 undergraduate graduation applications are due to the Registrar’s Office no later than March 26. For questions, call 858-3345.
--Jennifer Sick, registrar
Nationally renowned speaker and author of ‘Mighty Long Way’ to visit MSU
On Feb. 1, 2011, Carlotta Walls LaNier will speak at Minot State University. LaNier is a member of the Little Rock Nine and has written a powerful book, “Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School,” about her experiences (/ ). Her presentation is being co-sponsored by the University Diversity Committee and the Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning.
A one-credit elective course will be offered in the spring of 2011 for those students interested in forming book discussion groups. Free copies of the book will be made available to the first 100 students who register for the course. In addition, faculty members are encouraged to include LaNier’s presentation and/or book into courses that are a good match for the content. Faculty and staff members who are interested in obtaining a copy of the book may contact Julie Keller, CETL administrative assistant, at or 858-4040 no later than May 1, 2010.
--Laurie Geller, CETL associate director for first-year experience
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
In its Energy Insider segment, KMOT recapped the Energy Impact Symposium.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Diana Anderson performs piano recital tomorrow evening
On Tuesday (March 23) at 7:30 p.m. in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall, Dianna Anderson, instructor of piano and coordinator of functional piano, will perform the second in a series of 10 concerts encompassing the 32 piano sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven. This installment includes the three sonatas from Op. 31, the first of Beethoven's sonatas to be deemed "middle period." The set is defined by extreme contrasts, from the overt humor of Op. 31, No. 1, to the soul-searching tragedy of Op. 31, No. 2 the "Tempest," to the capricious virtuosity of Op. 31, No. 3. This event is free and open to the public.
--Erik Anderson, associate professor of music
CETL holding open house
The Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning will host an open house for all students, faculty and staff Tuesday (March 23) in Main 101, 2-4 p.m. Please join us to learn more about the implementation of programs, which will assist in student success and engagement at Minot State University. For questions, contact 858-4040 or
--Beth Odahlen, CETL director
Assessment Day is March 25
For spring semester, Assessment Day is March 25.
2010_Assessment Day_Spr.pdf
For further information, contact 858-3106 or
--Cheryl Nilsen, Assessment Committee chair
CETL mini-grants available
The Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning would like to announce, to all faculty and staff, the opportunity for a CETL mini-grant. These mini-grants may be used to enhance student success through engaged teaching and learning and/or enhanced civic or community engagement. CETL encourages any interested faculty or staff to apply for this mini-grant by April 15. Those receiving mini-grants will be notified no later than May 1. Please see the following attachments for instructions, as well as the evaluation sheet that will be used.
2010_CETL Mini grant instr.pdf
2010_CETL mini-grant eval sheet.pdf
If you have any questions, contact or 858-3177.
--Beth Odahlen, CETL director
Graduate School offering thesis and project preparation workshop
The Graduate School will sponsor a one-hour workshop on thesis/project preparation for our graduate students who are in the process of completing their final requirements for graduation this spring, summer or next fall. The workshop will be held April 6 in the Westlie Room, 7-8 p.m.
Content of this workshop will be guidelines for preparing the final documents—formatting, language usage, and inclusions—including review of common errors and elements missing from the current thesis manual. Please invite and encourage your students who are approaching their final writing to attend this workshop. Program directors and committee chairs are also welcome to attend.
In order to have the appropriate number of handouts, please notify me, at 858-3250 or, by noon on Friday (March 26) with the number of potential attendees from your area.
--Lindsey VanThuyne, administrative assistant for the Graduate School and Research and Sponsored Programs
General Information
Summer and fall undergraduate graduation applications due March 26
Summer and Fall 2010 undergraduate graduation applications are due to the Registrar’s Office no later than March 26. For questions, call 858-3345.
--Jennifer Sick, registrar
Nationally renowned speaker and author of ‘Mighty Long Way’ to visit MSU
On Feb. 1, 2011, Carlotta Walls LaNier will speak at Minot State University. LaNier is a member of the Little Rock Nine and has written a powerful book, “Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School,” about her experiences (/ ). Her presentation is being co-sponsored by the University Diversity Committee and the Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning.
A one-credit elective course will be offered in the spring of 2011 for those students interested in forming book discussion groups. Free copies of the book will be made available to the first 100 students who register for the course. In addition, faculty members are encouraged to include LaNier’s presentation and/or book into courses that are a good match for the content. Faculty and staff members who are interested in obtaining a copy of the book may contact Julie Keller, CETL administrative assistant, at or 858-4040 no later than May 1, 2010.
--Laurie Geller, CETL associate director for first-year experience
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
In its Energy Insider segment, KMOT recapped the Energy Impact Symposium.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Bismarck-Mandan Economic Development News
Annual report to the Mandan City Commission – At the March 16th Mandan City Commission meeting Brian, Richard and Russ presented a summary of the BMDA’s support for the City of Mandan during the past year. This is one of several progress reports the BMDA provides each member City or County Commission. The current report to the Mandan City Commission included a wide summary report from Russ and then more detailed reports related to both the Retail and Service Sector Business Retention & Expansion Report by Richard and the Primary Sector Business Retention & Expansion by Brian. This BRE process involves annual visits by the respective BMDA staff member to discuss a list of business-related questions. The results of all of the BRE visits in both retail and primary sectors are then consolidated to develop a community wide response. Over succeeding years this allows the BMDA to identify any trends or issues (positive or negative) which the community may need to react to. The Retail Sector BRE surveys done by Richard involving 25 retail businesses (to be increased to 50 in 2010) are only done in the Mandan business community. The Primary Sector BRE surveys done by Brian include 100 businesses in both cities.
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Joint NPCC marketing efforts - On Wednesday, Judy, Brian and Russ met with Cathy Spencer, the Mallory Alexander managing agent of the Northern Plains Commerce Centre, to begin to develop a joint strategy to market some of the non-rail served sites in the NPCC. These are sites which, because of their location in the NPCC, can not be rail-served but do have access to the transload center should they have either in-bound or out-bound freight needs. It is hoped that by combining the efforts of the BMDA and Mallory Alexander, we will be able to substantially enhance the exposure and availability of these sites to potential users.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Young Professionals Network - This week Russ, Brian and Judy met with Bismarck-Mandan Young Professionals Network representatives Jerry Haas and Patty Teagle. BMDA will be making a presentation to the YP Network to make its members more aware of the history of BMDA and what we do in the community.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Great Plains Young Professional Summit - The Bismarck-Mandan Young Professionals Network will be hosting the first ever Great Plains Young Professionals Summit June 3-5, 2010 in Bismarck. Nationally and internationally recognized speakers are lined up to share their expertise with attendees of the Summit.
The summit provides local businesses an opportunity for their employees to attend a regional event at home in Bismarck. The event will bring together young professionals from throughout the Midwest to focus on personal and professional development, enhancing one's leadership skills, and the importance of giving back to our communities.
The cost to attend the Summit is $79 until May 3rd. After May 3rd, the cost will be $99.
For more information about the event, or to register for the Summit, visit the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit website at If your business would like more information about sponsoring the event, please contact the Summit’s Chairman, Jerry Haas at 701.255.5668.
We’ll have more information about the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit in future BMDA Highlights.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BMDA Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings - A regular BMDA Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for 3:30 PM, March 23 and the Full Board will meet 7:30 AM March 24.
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Bismarck Vision Fund meeting - The Bismarck Vision Fund has scheduled a regular meeting for 3:00 p.m. March 23rd. The new business agenda for the Vision Fund Meeting is fairly short with only two items. Included is review and consideration of the BMDA’s full 2010 application to the Vision Fund. The second new business item is the consideration of the Vision Fund 2009 Annual Grantor Report.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Assistance to small business - This week, the BMDA was contacted by a Bismarck-based small business looking for potential assistance and financing programs that could be utilized in expanding its operations. Brian met with a representative from the company to learn more about the business and to explain the financing programs available for expanding small businesses and other ways the BMDA could assist. While business attraction is a part of the BMDA's overall mission to expand the community's economic base, the retention and expansion of existing businesses is equally important and the BMDA stands ready to assist all businesses looking to expand their operations here in Bismarck-Mandan. If you have any questions or would like to discuss ways in which you might expand your business, please contact the BMDA at (701) 222-5530 or
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BMDA hosts leadership webinar - During the past week BMDA hosted its third in a series of five webinars put on by the Heartland Center for Leadership Development and the Center for Rural Entrepreneurship. This session was titled “Plowing New Ground: Refreshed Leadership Development of Revitalized Economies.” Increasing the numbers of leaders is often difficult for smaller communities. The key take away from this session was 10 Ideas for Recruiting New Leaders. The 10 ideas are:
Ask the question, “Who is not here?”
Look for skills, not names
Try involvement by degrees
Appeal to self-interests
Use wide angle lens
Define the task
Use current leaders to recruit new leaders
Create a history of peoples efficient use of time
Offer membership premiums
Market your wares.
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Hebron Renaissance Zone Development Committee - On Thursday, Richard met with members of the Hebron Renaissance Zone Committee to continue the review of the draft Renaissance Zone application. A third draft of the application will be sent to committee members based upon the input received during the meeting. The group is on target to have the final application turned in and approved by the North Dakota Department of Commerce by June 2010.
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Social media – Judy and Richard sat in on a webinar about the use of social media by economic development organizations. One of the presenters is the head of an ED organization in Illinois that uses social media extensively. He was able to provide first-hand information about his experience with the various social media applications and how to best use each in the economic development arena.
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New member – BMDA welcomes the following new member:
Liberty Financial Systems, Inc.
2385 Vermont Ave.
Suite E
Bismarck, ND 58504
Contact: Kevin Lacher
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Jobs available in the oil patch - If you are interested in the jobs in the oil patch, whether just out of curiosity or because you might know someone who might be looking for a job, this week’s list of openings can be viewed HERE. For these and other employment opportunities in Bismarck-Mandan and throughout the state, go to
This week the number of active oil rigs in North Dakota is 103. The Wall Street Journal crude oil price for today (3/19/10) is $82.20.
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Joint NPCC marketing efforts - On Wednesday, Judy, Brian and Russ met with Cathy Spencer, the Mallory Alexander managing agent of the Northern Plains Commerce Centre, to begin to develop a joint strategy to market some of the non-rail served sites in the NPCC. These are sites which, because of their location in the NPCC, can not be rail-served but do have access to the transload center should they have either in-bound or out-bound freight needs. It is hoped that by combining the efforts of the BMDA and Mallory Alexander, we will be able to substantially enhance the exposure and availability of these sites to potential users.
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Young Professionals Network - This week Russ, Brian and Judy met with Bismarck-Mandan Young Professionals Network representatives Jerry Haas and Patty Teagle. BMDA will be making a presentation to the YP Network to make its members more aware of the history of BMDA and what we do in the community.
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Great Plains Young Professional Summit - The Bismarck-Mandan Young Professionals Network will be hosting the first ever Great Plains Young Professionals Summit June 3-5, 2010 in Bismarck. Nationally and internationally recognized speakers are lined up to share their expertise with attendees of the Summit.
The summit provides local businesses an opportunity for their employees to attend a regional event at home in Bismarck. The event will bring together young professionals from throughout the Midwest to focus on personal and professional development, enhancing one's leadership skills, and the importance of giving back to our communities.
The cost to attend the Summit is $79 until May 3rd. After May 3rd, the cost will be $99.
For more information about the event, or to register for the Summit, visit the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit website at If your business would like more information about sponsoring the event, please contact the Summit’s Chairman, Jerry Haas at 701.255.5668.
We’ll have more information about the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit in future BMDA Highlights.
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BMDA Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings - A regular BMDA Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for 3:30 PM, March 23 and the Full Board will meet 7:30 AM March 24.
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Bismarck Vision Fund meeting - The Bismarck Vision Fund has scheduled a regular meeting for 3:00 p.m. March 23rd. The new business agenda for the Vision Fund Meeting is fairly short with only two items. Included is review and consideration of the BMDA’s full 2010 application to the Vision Fund. The second new business item is the consideration of the Vision Fund 2009 Annual Grantor Report.
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Assistance to small business - This week, the BMDA was contacted by a Bismarck-based small business looking for potential assistance and financing programs that could be utilized in expanding its operations. Brian met with a representative from the company to learn more about the business and to explain the financing programs available for expanding small businesses and other ways the BMDA could assist. While business attraction is a part of the BMDA's overall mission to expand the community's economic base, the retention and expansion of existing businesses is equally important and the BMDA stands ready to assist all businesses looking to expand their operations here in Bismarck-Mandan. If you have any questions or would like to discuss ways in which you might expand your business, please contact the BMDA at (701) 222-5530 or
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BMDA hosts leadership webinar - During the past week BMDA hosted its third in a series of five webinars put on by the Heartland Center for Leadership Development and the Center for Rural Entrepreneurship. This session was titled “Plowing New Ground: Refreshed Leadership Development of Revitalized Economies.” Increasing the numbers of leaders is often difficult for smaller communities. The key take away from this session was 10 Ideas for Recruiting New Leaders. The 10 ideas are:
Ask the question, “Who is not here?”
Look for skills, not names
Try involvement by degrees
Appeal to self-interests
Use wide angle lens
Define the task
Use current leaders to recruit new leaders
Create a history of peoples efficient use of time
Offer membership premiums
Market your wares.
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Hebron Renaissance Zone Development Committee - On Thursday, Richard met with members of the Hebron Renaissance Zone Committee to continue the review of the draft Renaissance Zone application. A third draft of the application will be sent to committee members based upon the input received during the meeting. The group is on target to have the final application turned in and approved by the North Dakota Department of Commerce by June 2010.
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Social media – Judy and Richard sat in on a webinar about the use of social media by economic development organizations. One of the presenters is the head of an ED organization in Illinois that uses social media extensively. He was able to provide first-hand information about his experience with the various social media applications and how to best use each in the economic development arena.
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New member – BMDA welcomes the following new member:
Liberty Financial Systems, Inc.
2385 Vermont Ave.
Suite E
Bismarck, ND 58504
Contact: Kevin Lacher
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Jobs available in the oil patch - If you are interested in the jobs in the oil patch, whether just out of curiosity or because you might know someone who might be looking for a job, this week’s list of openings can be viewed HERE. For these and other employment opportunities in Bismarck-Mandan and throughout the state, go to
This week the number of active oil rigs in North Dakota is 103. The Wall Street Journal crude oil price for today (3/19/10) is $82.20.
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Monday, March 22, 2010
North Dakota Oil News from Ron News
New Members – Thank you to new North Dakota Petroleum Council members Dallas Engineering, Inc. and Lufkin Automation.
2009 North Dakota Oil Operator Rankings – Information compiled by Rocky Mountain Oil Journal.
Rank Operator Oil (bbl) Gas (mcf) No. of Wells Producing
1 EOG Resources, Inc. 13,039,929 5,432,015 152
2 Burlington Res. Oil & Gas Co. LP 10,674,304 5,024,277 201
3 Continental Resources, Inc. 8,185,163 16,753,379 319
4 Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. 6,760,500 5,932,582 254
5 Hess Corp. 6,606,082 23,383,673 422
6 Marathon Oil Co. 4,064,548 2,194,440 132
7 Encore Operating, LP 3,067,880 5,460,703 287
8 Slawson Exploration Co., Inc. 1,923,111 726,851 46
9 Murex Petroleum Corp. 1,921,142 1,167,759 117
10 XTO Energy, Inc. 1,917,865 2,489,612 109
2009 Oil and Gas Production by County Rankings
1 Mountrail 29,710,465 bbl 4 Dunn 8,868,951
2 Bowman 13,323,636 bbl 5 Williams 5,654,096
3 McKenzie 10,123,476 bbl
Bakken VOC Emission Control Solutions Session – The NDPC Bakken VOC Task Force, in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Health, is conducting an important informational meeting on March 23 concerning the venting of Bakken gases from crude oil production storage tanks. This meeting will define unacceptable VOC levels and discuss measurement techniques and options for controlling these emissions. The session will run from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The cost is $35, with lunch included.
To register, complete the PDF “Bakken VOC Meeting form” on the Petroleum Council website at and click “Submit Form.” If paying by check, mail $35/person to: NDPC - Bakken VOC
Session Agenda (available on the homepage) PO Box 1395, Bismarck, ND 58502
Petroleum Council Education Scholarships Available – The Petroleum Council will provide four $500 scholarships to students attending a North Dakota college who are pursuing a degree in petroleum engineering, geology or a related field, or who have work/internship experience in the oil and gas industry. Scholarship applications must be submitted to the Petroleum Council by April 1, 2010. Scholarship information is available on the Petroleum Council website.
Teacher Education Seminar – The 2010 Teacher Education Seminar will be held June 7-10 in Bismarck. This event expands teachers' knowledge of the North Dakota oil and gas industry, from its prehistoric beginnings to the final product. Two hours of graduate level continuing education credit will be available from UND for a small fee. Seminar information and registration forms are available online. Invite a teacher from your community to join us!
ND Oil PAC Seeking Contributions – Established in 1981, the North Dakota Oil PAC aids political candidates in North Dakota who support the oil and gas industry and work to promote good government and maintain a positive business climate for the industry in North Dakota. In North Dakota, only contributions in excess of $200 are reportable. Sorry, but corporate contributions are not allowed. Only personal checks are accepted. For a donation application or more information, see the Petroleum Council’s website.
REGISTER NOW for the 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – The 18th Williston Basin Petroleum Conference is quickly approaching and we would like you to be part of the excitement. Register now! A tentative Conference agenda, packed with more than 70 outstanding presenters on key topics, is available online.
Indoor expo booths and outdoor exhibit spaces are SOLD OUT, but sponsorships are still available online. In order to be included in printed Conference material, please register to sponsor by April 5. Be sure to reserve your hotel room and flight soon. A list of hotels with Conference rates is available on the Conference website. When making reservations, state you are with the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference room block. Flight schedules are available on the Bismarck Airport website.
Booking a flight?
Delta: 1-800-328-1111 or United: 1-800-521-4041 or
Event code: NM5BE Event code: 586RL
Jake Selinger Joins North Dakota Petroleum Council as Intern – Selinger is a Dickinson, ND, native currently attending the University of Mary in Bismarck. He will graduate in May with a degree in business administration and plans to pursue a career in the energy industry. Welcome aboard, Jake!
Fighting Oilfield Fires: Keeping Firemen Safe – Firefighters in northwest North Dakota will be able to learn about fighting oil field fires beginning this month when TrainND at Williston State College hosts classroom training in the firefighters’ backyard. Two classes will be held in the spring and fall in Stanley and/or Williston. The classes typically include about a half day of classroom instruction on safety at oil field fires, techniques for fighting the variety of oil field fires, and overviews and videos of oil field fires. The firefighters will then be ready for the hands-on training experience, which is conducted with lit props at the Williston Oilfield Fire Training facility south of Dickinson. For more information, contact Deanette Piesik at 701.774.4246 or
ND Joins The Energy Council – On March 5, North Dakota became the 12th state to join The Energy Council at its quarterly meeting in Washington, D.C. The Energy Council is a non-partisan, legislative organization consisting of state legislators from energy-producing states. Its international affiliates include representatives from five Canadian provinces and Venezuela. Mexico and China frequently send attendees as well. The purpose of The Energy Council is to participate in the development of federal energy and environmental policy, assist members and affiliates in developing such policies, and promoting dialogue on these issues at all levels – from local to global.
2010 Census: Do Your Part – The 2010 Census is now upon us and North Dakota needs your help to make sure we are getting a complete and accurate count of every person in the state. By responding to the Census, you will help (1) ensure that the state’s roads are well maintained so you are safe doing your job and so you can get home to your families after work is done; (2) ensure that quality medical care is available in our communities and that the fastest emergency response is possible in case something should go wrong on the job site; (3) businesses in your community to be better able to deliver goods and services; and (4) your community to attract new options for business, entertainment and services.
North Dakota Load Restrictions Info – Visit the North Dakota Department of Transportation website for information regarding load restrictions effective as of March 10.
For more information on any of these issues, or to be removed from the mailing list, contact the North Dakota Petroleum Council at
(701) 223-6380,, or see
2009 North Dakota Oil Operator Rankings – Information compiled by Rocky Mountain Oil Journal.
Rank Operator Oil (bbl) Gas (mcf) No. of Wells Producing
1 EOG Resources, Inc. 13,039,929 5,432,015 152
2 Burlington Res. Oil & Gas Co. LP 10,674,304 5,024,277 201
3 Continental Resources, Inc. 8,185,163 16,753,379 319
4 Whiting Oil & Gas Corp. 6,760,500 5,932,582 254
5 Hess Corp. 6,606,082 23,383,673 422
6 Marathon Oil Co. 4,064,548 2,194,440 132
7 Encore Operating, LP 3,067,880 5,460,703 287
8 Slawson Exploration Co., Inc. 1,923,111 726,851 46
9 Murex Petroleum Corp. 1,921,142 1,167,759 117
10 XTO Energy, Inc. 1,917,865 2,489,612 109
2009 Oil and Gas Production by County Rankings
1 Mountrail 29,710,465 bbl 4 Dunn 8,868,951
2 Bowman 13,323,636 bbl 5 Williams 5,654,096
3 McKenzie 10,123,476 bbl
Bakken VOC Emission Control Solutions Session – The NDPC Bakken VOC Task Force, in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Health, is conducting an important informational meeting on March 23 concerning the venting of Bakken gases from crude oil production storage tanks. This meeting will define unacceptable VOC levels and discuss measurement techniques and options for controlling these emissions. The session will run from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The cost is $35, with lunch included.
To register, complete the PDF “Bakken VOC Meeting form” on the Petroleum Council website at and click “Submit Form.” If paying by check, mail $35/person to: NDPC - Bakken VOC
Session Agenda (available on the homepage) PO Box 1395, Bismarck, ND 58502
Petroleum Council Education Scholarships Available – The Petroleum Council will provide four $500 scholarships to students attending a North Dakota college who are pursuing a degree in petroleum engineering, geology or a related field, or who have work/internship experience in the oil and gas industry. Scholarship applications must be submitted to the Petroleum Council by April 1, 2010. Scholarship information is available on the Petroleum Council website.
Teacher Education Seminar – The 2010 Teacher Education Seminar will be held June 7-10 in Bismarck. This event expands teachers' knowledge of the North Dakota oil and gas industry, from its prehistoric beginnings to the final product. Two hours of graduate level continuing education credit will be available from UND for a small fee. Seminar information and registration forms are available online. Invite a teacher from your community to join us!
ND Oil PAC Seeking Contributions – Established in 1981, the North Dakota Oil PAC aids political candidates in North Dakota who support the oil and gas industry and work to promote good government and maintain a positive business climate for the industry in North Dakota. In North Dakota, only contributions in excess of $200 are reportable. Sorry, but corporate contributions are not allowed. Only personal checks are accepted. For a donation application or more information, see the Petroleum Council’s website.
REGISTER NOW for the 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – The 18th Williston Basin Petroleum Conference is quickly approaching and we would like you to be part of the excitement. Register now! A tentative Conference agenda, packed with more than 70 outstanding presenters on key topics, is available online.
Indoor expo booths and outdoor exhibit spaces are SOLD OUT, but sponsorships are still available online. In order to be included in printed Conference material, please register to sponsor by April 5. Be sure to reserve your hotel room and flight soon. A list of hotels with Conference rates is available on the Conference website. When making reservations, state you are with the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference room block. Flight schedules are available on the Bismarck Airport website.
Booking a flight?
Delta: 1-800-328-1111 or United: 1-800-521-4041 or
Event code: NM5BE Event code: 586RL
Jake Selinger Joins North Dakota Petroleum Council as Intern – Selinger is a Dickinson, ND, native currently attending the University of Mary in Bismarck. He will graduate in May with a degree in business administration and plans to pursue a career in the energy industry. Welcome aboard, Jake!
Fighting Oilfield Fires: Keeping Firemen Safe – Firefighters in northwest North Dakota will be able to learn about fighting oil field fires beginning this month when TrainND at Williston State College hosts classroom training in the firefighters’ backyard. Two classes will be held in the spring and fall in Stanley and/or Williston. The classes typically include about a half day of classroom instruction on safety at oil field fires, techniques for fighting the variety of oil field fires, and overviews and videos of oil field fires. The firefighters will then be ready for the hands-on training experience, which is conducted with lit props at the Williston Oilfield Fire Training facility south of Dickinson. For more information, contact Deanette Piesik at 701.774.4246 or
ND Joins The Energy Council – On March 5, North Dakota became the 12th state to join The Energy Council at its quarterly meeting in Washington, D.C. The Energy Council is a non-partisan, legislative organization consisting of state legislators from energy-producing states. Its international affiliates include representatives from five Canadian provinces and Venezuela. Mexico and China frequently send attendees as well. The purpose of The Energy Council is to participate in the development of federal energy and environmental policy, assist members and affiliates in developing such policies, and promoting dialogue on these issues at all levels – from local to global.
2010 Census: Do Your Part – The 2010 Census is now upon us and North Dakota needs your help to make sure we are getting a complete and accurate count of every person in the state. By responding to the Census, you will help (1) ensure that the state’s roads are well maintained so you are safe doing your job and so you can get home to your families after work is done; (2) ensure that quality medical care is available in our communities and that the fastest emergency response is possible in case something should go wrong on the job site; (3) businesses in your community to be better able to deliver goods and services; and (4) your community to attract new options for business, entertainment and services.
North Dakota Load Restrictions Info – Visit the North Dakota Department of Transportation website for information regarding load restrictions effective as of March 10.
For more information on any of these issues, or to be removed from the mailing list, contact the North Dakota Petroleum Council at
(701) 223-6380,, or see
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Education Review
March 19, 2010
...a bi-weekly update on U.S. Department of Education activities relevant to the Intergovernmental and Corporate community and other stakeholders
On March 13, in his weekly radio and Internet address (, President Obama announced his proposal to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). “On Monday, my Administration will send to Congress our blueprint for an updated ESEA to overhaul No Child Left Behind,” he stated. “What this plan recognizes is that while the federal government can play a leading role in encouraging the reforms and high standards we need, the impetus for that change will come from the states and from local schools and school districts. So, yes, we set a high bar, but we also provide educators the flexibility to reach it.”
Under the blueprint (, which was shared with ED Review subscribers in a special note on March 15, state accountability systems will set a high bar of all students graduating from high school ready to succeed in college and careers. States will be asked to recognize and reward schools and districts making the most progress, provide flexibility for local improvement efforts, and focus the most rigorous support and interventions on the very lowest-performing schools and districts; states and districts will continue to focus on the achievement gap by identifying and intervening in schools that are persistently failing to close those gaps. The blueprint asks states and districts to develop meaningful ways of measuring teacher and principal effectiveness in order to supply better support for educators, enhance the profession through recognizing and rewarding excellence, and ensure that every classroom has a great teacher and every school has a great leader. It also supports collaborative relationships with non-profit and community organizations that partner with schools and districts to help students succeed. “We’re offering support, incentives, and national leadership,” asserted Secretary Duncan, “but not at the expense of local control.”
For additional background on the blueprint, read the Department’s press release (, listen to the Secretary’s call with reporters (, and review the Secretary’s recent testimony before both the House and Senate education authorization committees ( Also, this week, Assistant Secretary for Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development Carmel Martin and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Rural Outreach John White hosted a call with rural education stakeholders (
Last week, Secretary Duncan announced the final priorities and grant application for the $650 million Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund. The i3 Fund, part of the $5 billion investment in education reform in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), will support the development of path-breaking ideas, the validation of approaches that have demonstrated promise, and the scale-up of the most successful and proven education innovations.
School districts and non-profit organizations in partnership with districts or consortia of schools can apply for the grants. To qualify, applicants must address one of four priorities aligned with the reform areas under the ARRA: teacher and principal effectiveness; enhanced data systems; college- and career-ready standards and quality assessments; and improving achievement in persistently low-performing schools. Applicants may get competitive preference points if their projects sufficiently address one or more of following priority areas: early learning; college access and success; serving students with disabilities or limited English proficiency; and serving rural district students.
Evidence is a formal eligibility requirement. The regulations have specific definitions for what constitutes “moderate evidence” and “strong evidence,” and the i3 Fund will award three types of grants based, at least in part, on the level of evidence. Development grants (up to $5 million each) will require a reasonable hypothesis and be aimed at developing fresh ideas. Validation grants (up to $30 million each) will require moderate evidence and be aimed at validating and spreading promising programs to regional scale. Scale Up grants (up to $50 million each) will require strong evidence and be aimed at bringing proven programs to national scale.
Once identified as “highest rated,” applicants must also demonstrate that they have secured a 20% cash or in-kind match from the private sector. To assist potential grantees in their efforts to secure such a match, as well as to serve the larger purpose of creating a new innovation community, the Department launched the Open Innovation Portal (
Applications are due by May 11, with an intent to apply requested by April 1, and all grants will be awarded in September. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO (Note: A helpful fact sheet, PowerPoint presentation, and overview webinar are available at
In the coming weeks, the Department is offering three pre-application workshops and webinars:
· Today, March 19, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET in Baltimore, Maryland;
· Wednesday, March 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MT in Denver, Colorado; and
· Tuesday, March 30, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET in Atlanta, Georgia.
Applicants must register online for all events at (Note: The webinars will also be archived at
Meanwhile, the Department is seeking peer reviewers from a variety of backgrounds and professions for the competition. Reviewers should have expertise in education policy and reform, evidence, innovation, strategy, or application review and be available for approximately four weeks, in June and July, to review applications. Resumes and an information checklist are due by April 1. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
In other ARRA news:
· Six more states have been approved for State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) Phase 2 funding. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· West Virginia and Minnesota are the first states to receive their funds under the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO (Note: New Department videos [] spotlight successful school turnarounds.)
· As referenced in the previous issue, the revamped, $439 million Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) ( includes a special competition to participate in a rigorous evaluation study of TIF, with the opportunity for an additional $1 million over the course of the five-year program and access to applicant-specific evaluation results. To share more about the proposed requirements for the TIF evaluation competition and the benefits of participation, the agency will host a webinar on March 24, at 3:00 p.m. ET. (To register, please visit This webinar is one in a series of webinars designed to support potential applicants.
In a major speech at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, on the 45th anniversary of the “Bloody Sunday” civil rights protest that ultimately led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Secretary Duncan outlined ongoing impediments to equal opportunity in education and the Administration’s intentions to work with schools and postsecondary institutions to address them. “The struggle for equal opportunity in our nation’s schools and universities is not at an end,” he emphasized. “We will work with schools and enforce laws to ensure that all children, no matter what their race, gender, disability, or native origin, have a fair chance at a good future.” To that end, he vowed to reinvigorate equity and enforcement activities within the Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR’s activities include issuing guidance letters to districts and postsecondary institutions around issues of fairness and equity; conducting compliance reviews to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities, such as college-preparatory curriculum or science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses; and reviewing disciplinary policies of schools and districts to make certain that they are administered fairly. OCR also offers technical assistance and outreach to parents, community groups, and others seeking to increase equity and promote diversity. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Days later, OCR announced its first new enforcement action: examining the academic opportunities and access of English language learners in the Los Angeles Unified School District, to assess whether they are receiving equal educational opportunities. “At this time, we have reached no conclusion as to whether any violations of federal law exist,” Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali stressed. “However, the number of English language learners and children of color in Los Angeles is large, and it is critical that all students in the district receive equal access to a quality education. If civil rights violations are found, we will seek to put an end to them promptly.” The Los Angeles compliance review is part of a series of activities that OCR will be undertaking in the coming months. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Then, this week, OCR announced it will begin collecting new data to measure educational opportunity and inform enforcement of federal civil rights laws. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The Department is inviting comment on the draft National Educational Technology Plan. This plan was prepared by researchers and practitioners and represents, as Secretary Duncan explained in a recent speech at the Association of American Publishers’ meeting (, “their best ideas about how we can bring forward schools, making them centers of learning designed to close the gap between the technology-rich and exciting experiences that dominate students’ lives outside of school while preparing them for success in today’s competitive global marketplace.” In particular, the Secretary is interested in thoughts on ways to accelerate the development and adoption of tools and resources that merge education and technology. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The Departments of Education, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services are asking the public for ideas to help the new Task Force on Childhood Obesity come up with recommendations for public and private actions to solve the problem of childhood obesity. The request for information asks a series of detailed questions that will guide the task force on its final report. The work complements the efforts of First Lady Michelle Obama as she leads a public awareness campaign to tackle this critical public health issue. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· On March 15, Secretary Duncan addressed mayors and city councilmembers at the National League of Cities’ meeting, declaring it takes “an all-hands-on-deck approach in the local community” to educate a student. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· On March 17, the Secretary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) President and Chief Executive Officer Benjamin Jealous, and Richard Lapchick of the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport held a joint call with reporters to discuss the graduation rates of basketball teams in the NCAA tournament and suggest some ways to increase college completion for teams with low rates. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· The Departments of Education and Treasury have announced $11 billion in allocation authority to issue Qualified School Construction Bonds under the ARRA. The allocations include $6.6 billion of volume cap to the 50 states and $4.4 billion of volume cap to 103 large districts. Such bonds can be used to finance the construction, rehabilitation, or repair of a school facility or for the acquisition of land where a school will be built. Investors who buy these bonds receive federal income tax credits at prescribed tax credit rates, in lieu of interest, allowing state and local governments to borrow without incurring any interest costs. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
“My Administration’s blueprint for reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is not only a plan to renovate a flawed law but also an outline for a re-envisioned federal role in education. This blueprint is a framework to guide our deliberations and shared work -- with students, parents, educators, business and community leaders, elected officials, and others partners -- to strengthen America’s public education system. I look forward to working with the Congress to reauthorize ESEA, so that it will help to provide America’s students with the world-class education they need and deserve.”
-- President Barack Obama (3/13/10), introducing “A Blueprint for Reform”
On March 24 at 10:00 a.m. ET, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), will release results from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress in reading. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The deadline for educators to sign on for the National Financial Capability Challenge, an awards program designed to increase the financial knowledge and capability of high school-aged students across the country, has been extended to April 9, which is the final day to administer the exam. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Please feel free to contact the Office of Communications and Outreach with any questions:
Director, Intergovernmental Affairs -- Stacey Jordan, (202) 401-0026,
Program Analyst -- Adam Honeysett, (202) 401-3003,
To be added or removed from distribution, or submit comments (we welcome your feedback!),
contact Adam Honeysett. Or, visit
This newsletter contains hypertext links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links are provided for the user’s convenience. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Furthermore, the inclusion of links is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, on these sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.
March 19, 2010
...a bi-weekly update on U.S. Department of Education activities relevant to the Intergovernmental and Corporate community and other stakeholders
On March 13, in his weekly radio and Internet address (, President Obama announced his proposal to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). “On Monday, my Administration will send to Congress our blueprint for an updated ESEA to overhaul No Child Left Behind,” he stated. “What this plan recognizes is that while the federal government can play a leading role in encouraging the reforms and high standards we need, the impetus for that change will come from the states and from local schools and school districts. So, yes, we set a high bar, but we also provide educators the flexibility to reach it.”
Under the blueprint (, which was shared with ED Review subscribers in a special note on March 15, state accountability systems will set a high bar of all students graduating from high school ready to succeed in college and careers. States will be asked to recognize and reward schools and districts making the most progress, provide flexibility for local improvement efforts, and focus the most rigorous support and interventions on the very lowest-performing schools and districts; states and districts will continue to focus on the achievement gap by identifying and intervening in schools that are persistently failing to close those gaps. The blueprint asks states and districts to develop meaningful ways of measuring teacher and principal effectiveness in order to supply better support for educators, enhance the profession through recognizing and rewarding excellence, and ensure that every classroom has a great teacher and every school has a great leader. It also supports collaborative relationships with non-profit and community organizations that partner with schools and districts to help students succeed. “We’re offering support, incentives, and national leadership,” asserted Secretary Duncan, “but not at the expense of local control.”
For additional background on the blueprint, read the Department’s press release (, listen to the Secretary’s call with reporters (, and review the Secretary’s recent testimony before both the House and Senate education authorization committees ( Also, this week, Assistant Secretary for Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development Carmel Martin and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Rural Outreach John White hosted a call with rural education stakeholders (
Last week, Secretary Duncan announced the final priorities and grant application for the $650 million Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund. The i3 Fund, part of the $5 billion investment in education reform in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), will support the development of path-breaking ideas, the validation of approaches that have demonstrated promise, and the scale-up of the most successful and proven education innovations.
School districts and non-profit organizations in partnership with districts or consortia of schools can apply for the grants. To qualify, applicants must address one of four priorities aligned with the reform areas under the ARRA: teacher and principal effectiveness; enhanced data systems; college- and career-ready standards and quality assessments; and improving achievement in persistently low-performing schools. Applicants may get competitive preference points if their projects sufficiently address one or more of following priority areas: early learning; college access and success; serving students with disabilities or limited English proficiency; and serving rural district students.
Evidence is a formal eligibility requirement. The regulations have specific definitions for what constitutes “moderate evidence” and “strong evidence,” and the i3 Fund will award three types of grants based, at least in part, on the level of evidence. Development grants (up to $5 million each) will require a reasonable hypothesis and be aimed at developing fresh ideas. Validation grants (up to $30 million each) will require moderate evidence and be aimed at validating and spreading promising programs to regional scale. Scale Up grants (up to $50 million each) will require strong evidence and be aimed at bringing proven programs to national scale.
Once identified as “highest rated,” applicants must also demonstrate that they have secured a 20% cash or in-kind match from the private sector. To assist potential grantees in their efforts to secure such a match, as well as to serve the larger purpose of creating a new innovation community, the Department launched the Open Innovation Portal (
Applications are due by May 11, with an intent to apply requested by April 1, and all grants will be awarded in September. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO (Note: A helpful fact sheet, PowerPoint presentation, and overview webinar are available at
In the coming weeks, the Department is offering three pre-application workshops and webinars:
· Today, March 19, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET in Baltimore, Maryland;
· Wednesday, March 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MT in Denver, Colorado; and
· Tuesday, March 30, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET in Atlanta, Georgia.
Applicants must register online for all events at (Note: The webinars will also be archived at
Meanwhile, the Department is seeking peer reviewers from a variety of backgrounds and professions for the competition. Reviewers should have expertise in education policy and reform, evidence, innovation, strategy, or application review and be available for approximately four weeks, in June and July, to review applications. Resumes and an information checklist are due by April 1. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
In other ARRA news:
· Six more states have been approved for State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) Phase 2 funding. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· West Virginia and Minnesota are the first states to receive their funds under the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO (Note: New Department videos [] spotlight successful school turnarounds.)
· As referenced in the previous issue, the revamped, $439 million Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) ( includes a special competition to participate in a rigorous evaluation study of TIF, with the opportunity for an additional $1 million over the course of the five-year program and access to applicant-specific evaluation results. To share more about the proposed requirements for the TIF evaluation competition and the benefits of participation, the agency will host a webinar on March 24, at 3:00 p.m. ET. (To register, please visit This webinar is one in a series of webinars designed to support potential applicants.
In a major speech at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, on the 45th anniversary of the “Bloody Sunday” civil rights protest that ultimately led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Secretary Duncan outlined ongoing impediments to equal opportunity in education and the Administration’s intentions to work with schools and postsecondary institutions to address them. “The struggle for equal opportunity in our nation’s schools and universities is not at an end,” he emphasized. “We will work with schools and enforce laws to ensure that all children, no matter what their race, gender, disability, or native origin, have a fair chance at a good future.” To that end, he vowed to reinvigorate equity and enforcement activities within the Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR’s activities include issuing guidance letters to districts and postsecondary institutions around issues of fairness and equity; conducting compliance reviews to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities, such as college-preparatory curriculum or science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses; and reviewing disciplinary policies of schools and districts to make certain that they are administered fairly. OCR also offers technical assistance and outreach to parents, community groups, and others seeking to increase equity and promote diversity. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Days later, OCR announced its first new enforcement action: examining the academic opportunities and access of English language learners in the Los Angeles Unified School District, to assess whether they are receiving equal educational opportunities. “At this time, we have reached no conclusion as to whether any violations of federal law exist,” Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali stressed. “However, the number of English language learners and children of color in Los Angeles is large, and it is critical that all students in the district receive equal access to a quality education. If civil rights violations are found, we will seek to put an end to them promptly.” The Los Angeles compliance review is part of a series of activities that OCR will be undertaking in the coming months. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Then, this week, OCR announced it will begin collecting new data to measure educational opportunity and inform enforcement of federal civil rights laws. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The Department is inviting comment on the draft National Educational Technology Plan. This plan was prepared by researchers and practitioners and represents, as Secretary Duncan explained in a recent speech at the Association of American Publishers’ meeting (, “their best ideas about how we can bring forward schools, making them centers of learning designed to close the gap between the technology-rich and exciting experiences that dominate students’ lives outside of school while preparing them for success in today’s competitive global marketplace.” In particular, the Secretary is interested in thoughts on ways to accelerate the development and adoption of tools and resources that merge education and technology. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The Departments of Education, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services are asking the public for ideas to help the new Task Force on Childhood Obesity come up with recommendations for public and private actions to solve the problem of childhood obesity. The request for information asks a series of detailed questions that will guide the task force on its final report. The work complements the efforts of First Lady Michelle Obama as she leads a public awareness campaign to tackle this critical public health issue. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· On March 15, Secretary Duncan addressed mayors and city councilmembers at the National League of Cities’ meeting, declaring it takes “an all-hands-on-deck approach in the local community” to educate a student. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· On March 17, the Secretary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) President and Chief Executive Officer Benjamin Jealous, and Richard Lapchick of the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport held a joint call with reporters to discuss the graduation rates of basketball teams in the NCAA tournament and suggest some ways to increase college completion for teams with low rates. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
· The Departments of Education and Treasury have announced $11 billion in allocation authority to issue Qualified School Construction Bonds under the ARRA. The allocations include $6.6 billion of volume cap to the 50 states and $4.4 billion of volume cap to 103 large districts. Such bonds can be used to finance the construction, rehabilitation, or repair of a school facility or for the acquisition of land where a school will be built. Investors who buy these bonds receive federal income tax credits at prescribed tax credit rates, in lieu of interest, allowing state and local governments to borrow without incurring any interest costs. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
“My Administration’s blueprint for reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is not only a plan to renovate a flawed law but also an outline for a re-envisioned federal role in education. This blueprint is a framework to guide our deliberations and shared work -- with students, parents, educators, business and community leaders, elected officials, and others partners -- to strengthen America’s public education system. I look forward to working with the Congress to reauthorize ESEA, so that it will help to provide America’s students with the world-class education they need and deserve.”
-- President Barack Obama (3/13/10), introducing “A Blueprint for Reform”
On March 24 at 10:00 a.m. ET, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), will release results from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress in reading. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
The deadline for educators to sign on for the National Financial Capability Challenge, an awards program designed to increase the financial knowledge and capability of high school-aged students across the country, has been extended to April 9, which is the final day to administer the exam. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO
Please feel free to contact the Office of Communications and Outreach with any questions:
Director, Intergovernmental Affairs -- Stacey Jordan, (202) 401-0026,
Program Analyst -- Adam Honeysett, (202) 401-3003,
To be added or removed from distribution, or submit comments (we welcome your feedback!),
contact Adam Honeysett. Or, visit
This newsletter contains hypertext links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links are provided for the user’s convenience. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Furthermore, the inclusion of links is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, on these sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Medicare Update
Hello Everyone,
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
2. CMS Will Not Enforce Supervision Requirements for Outpatient Therapeutic Services in Critical Access Hospitals for CY 2010
3. REMINDER: Unavailability of Internet-Based PECOS Monday, March 29 through Monday, April 5
4. REMINDER – The Basic Introduction to ICD-10-CM National Provider Conference Call will be conducted on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
5. Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - Webinar Available
6. Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS)
7. Correction: Medicare Fee-For-Service Outreach Efforts
8. 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative Educational Products are Now Available!
9. 2010 Electronic Prescribing Incentive (eRx) Educational Products are Now Available!
10. New from the Medicare Learning Network
11. March 23rd is Diabetes Alert Day!
12. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay until January 3, 2011, the implementation of Phase 2 of Change Request (CR) 6417 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Claims Processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)) and CR 6421 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Claims Processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)).
This delay will give physicians and non-physician practitioners who order items or services for Medicare beneficiaries or who refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers sufficient time to enroll in Medicare or take the action necessary to establish a current enrollment record in Medicare prior to Phase 2 implementation.
Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order items or services or refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers for services do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and contains the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under Phase 2 of the above referenced CRs, a physician or non-physician practitioner who orders or refers and who does not have a current enrollment record that contains the NPI will cause the claim submitted by the Part B provider/supplier who furnished the ordered or referred item or service to be rejected.
CMS continues to urge physicians and non-physician practitioners who are enrolled in Medicare but who have not updated their Medicare enrollment record since November 2003 to update their enrollment record now. If these physicians and non-physician practitioners have no changes to their enrollment data, they need to submit an initial enrollment application which will establish a current enrollment record in PECOS.
2. CMS Will Not Enforce Supervision Requirements for Outpatient Therapeutic Services in Critical Access Hospitals for CY 2010
Release Date: Monday, March 15, 2010
Release: CMS Will Not Enforce Supervision Requirements for Outpatient Therapeutic Services in Critical Access Hospitals for CY 2010
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will instruct all of its Medicare contractors not to evaluate or enforce the supervision requirements for therapeutic services provided to outpatients in Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. CMS plans to revisit the issue of supervision for therapeutic services provided to hospital outpatients in CAHs through the annual rulemaking cycle for calendar year (CY) 2011. CMS continues to expect CAHs to fulfill all other Medicare program requirements when providing services to Medicare beneficiaries and when billing Medicare for those services. While CMS is instructing contractors not to enforce the supervision requirements in CAHs for CY 2010, we continue to emphasize quality and safety for services provided to all patients in CAHs.
This announcement can be found at on the link with the above title on the CMS Critical Access Hospital website at
3. REMINDER: Unavailability of Internet-Based PECOS Monday, March 29 through Monday, April 5
Due to scheduled maintenance, Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) will be unavailable from Monday, March 29, 2010 through Monday, April 5, 2010. Internet-based PECOS allows physicians, non-physician practitioners, providers, and other suppliers (except suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies [DMEPOS]) to enroll or make a change to their existing Medicare enrollment information over the Internet.
If you would like to enroll or make a change to your existing Medicare enrollment record, you can do either of the following:
· Use Internet-based PECOS prior to March 29, 2010 or after April 5, 2010.
For more information about Internet-based PECOS, see the appropriate “Getting Started” guide available in the Downloads section at There is a “Getting Started” guide for physicians and non-physician practitioners and one for provider and supplier organizations.
· Complete and submit the paper Medicare provider enrollment applications(s) (CMS-855) along with any required supporting documentation and mail the application(s) to the appropriate Medicare carrier, fiscal intermediary, or A/B MAC. The CMS-855 forms are downloadable from the CMS forms page:
If you need assistance or have questions, contact the Medicare fee-for-service contractor serving your State.
4. REMINDER – The Basic Introduction to ICD-10-CM National Provider Conference Call will be conducted on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Registration will close at 1:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, March 22, 2010 or when available space has been filled.
This conference call will provide an overview of ICD-10-CM/PCS requirements and a basic introduction to ICD-10-CM. The following topics will be discussed:
· Requirement to report ICD-10-CM/PCS codes for services provided on or after October 1, 2013.
· ICD-9-CM codes will not be accepted after October 1, 2013 (there will not be a grace period).
· Benefits of ICD-10-CM.
· Key similarities and differences between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM.
· General structure and characteristics of ICD-10-CM.
· New features in ICD-10-CM.
· Setting the record straight about common ICD-10-CM myths and misperceptions.
· Impact of ICD-10-CM on medical record documentation.
Registration information and discussion materials for this conference call can be accessed at .
5. Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - Webinar Available
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has called a public meeting of the Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010. The Committee generally provides advice and recommendations concerning the adequacy of scientific evidence needed to determine whether certain medical items and services can be covered under the Medicare statute. This meeting will examine currently available evidence on the use of erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) to manage anemia in patients who have chronic kidney disease. This meeting is open to the public in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2, section 10(a)).
CMS is hosting a webinar for this meeting. CMS is piloting webinar technology for use in broadcasting future MEDCAC meetings. Webinar participants will be able to view presentations and will be connected to live audio. However, live video will not be streamed. Attendance is limited and requires registration. Registration will be closed at 5pm eastern time on March 22, 2010. Participants should be advised that the webinar is a listening only session; that is, no questions or interactions will be permitted and all lines will be muted.
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Time: 7:45am -8:00am, Eastern (Webinar Login)
8:00am-4:30pm, Eastern (Live MEDCAC Meeting)
Please register by going to this link (there is no cost to register): . You will be required to develop a password. Passwords must be 8-32 characters, and contain at least one capital letter and one number.
Thank you,
6. Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS)
Attention Fee-for-Service Providers and Suppliers -- Have You Responded?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) wants to hear from you about your satisfaction with the services provided by the Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) contractor that processes and pays your Medicare claims.
CMS is now conducting the fifth national administration of the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS). The results of this annual survey are used by CMS to monitor trends, improve contractor oversight, and increase efficiency of the Medicare program. The MCPSS provides contractors with more insight into their provider communities and allows them to make process improvements based on provider feedback.
In January, CMS notified approximately 30,000 Medicare FFS providers and suppliers that they were randomly selected to participate in the 2010 study. CMS urges all selected health care providers and suppliers to take a few minutes to complete and return this important survey.
CMS recognizes that each provider and supplier’s time is limited; therefore, if you have been notified that you were selected to participate in this study and have not yet done so, we welcome you to designate a proxy who you believe to be the most knowledgeable person in your practice to answer the survey questions on your behalf. This person may be your management or billing personnel or other knowledgeable designee. You can designate a proxy to respond on your behalf by emailing the designated proxy’s name, telephone number, mailing and email addresses to SciMetrika (, the public health consulting firm, contracted by CMS to administer the MCPSS study. SciMetrika will then send survey instructions to the designee to facilitate a quick completion of the survey without interrupting your day-to-day operations.
If you prefer to personally respond to the survey questions yourself and no longer have your online survey tool access information or need help accessing the survey tool, please call the MCPSS Provider Helpline at 1-800-835-7012 or send an email to Someone on the MCPSS team will be happy to assist you.
The views of every health care professional asked to participate in the 2010 study are very important to the success of this study, as each one of you represents many other organizations that are similar in size, practice type, and geographical location. Please complete and return your survey today. CMS is waiting to hear from you!
Please Note: Only providers and suppliers already notified that they have been randomly selected to take part in the 2010 MCPSS may participate in this study. A new random sample of providers and suppliers is selected annually to participate in the MCPSS study.
For more information about the MCPSS, please visit the CMS MCPSS website at, or read the CMS MLN Matters Special Edition article at featuring the survey.
7. Correction: Medicare Fee-For-Service Outreach Efforts
Please see revised information below on how to access CMS accounts on Twitter.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to break new ground to enhance our Medicare Fee-For-Service outreach efforts. CMS is now using the following social media outlets to get information out to our audience as fast as possible.
· LinkedIn: Join the CMS group at
· YouTube: Log on to the official CMS YouTube channel at to view several videos currently available and more to come in the upcoming months.
Clarification on How to Access CMS Accounts on Twitter
· Twitter: Follow CMS’ two accounts to get the latest updates on information you need know about CMS (including Medicare Learning Network updates) and Insure Kids Now.
1. For CMS & Medicare Learning Network updates, visit
(Twitter handle = @CMSGov)
2. For Insure Kids Now updates, visit
(Twitter handle = @IKNGov)
8. 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative Educational Products are Now Available!
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce the following updated 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) educational products to the PQRI webpage at on the CMS website.
2010 PQRI – Educational Resource Documents - Several new educational resource documents for 2010 PQRI are now available on the "Educational Resources" link of the PQRI website and include the following:
· 2010 PQRI Electronic Health Record (EHR) Reporting Made Simple
· 2010 PQRI Tip Sheet: Satisfactorily Reporting 2010 PQRI Measures
· 2010 PQRI Program Tip Sheet: PQRI Made Simple – Reporting the Preventive Care Measures Group
· 2010 PQRI Fact Sheet: What's New for the 2010 PQRI
2010 EHR-Based Reporting Documents - Several documents related to EHR-based reporting for 2010 PQRI have been updated and are now available on the "Alternative Reporting Mechanisms" page of the PQRI website, which include the following:
· 2010 EHR Measure Specifications
· Updated 2010 EHR Measure Specification Release Notes
· Updated 2010 EHR Downloadable Resource Table
· Updated EHR Data Submission Specifications Utilizing QRDA Release Notes
· Updated EHR Data Submission Specifications Utilizing QRDA Header Errors and Edits
· Updated EHR Data Submission Specifications Utilizing QRDA Body Errors and Edits
2010 PQRI Measures Documents - Several documents related to reporting PQRI measures for 2010 have been updated and are now available on the "Measures Codes" page of the PQRI website, which include the following:
· 2010 Getting Started with Reporting of PQRI Measures Groups
· 2010 PQRI Implementation Guide
· 2010 PQRI QDC Categories
· 2010 PQRI Single Source Master Code Table
· 2010 PQRI Measures Specifications – Release Notes
Qualified Registries for 2010 PQRI and eRx Reporting - An updated list of registries that have become "qualified" to submit quality data to CMS on behalf of their eligible professionals for 2010 PQRI and eRx reporting is now available on the "Alternative Reporting Mechanisms" page of the PQRI website.
Qualified Electronic Health Record (EHR) Vendors for the 2010 PQRI and Electronic Prescribing Incentive Programs - An updated list of EHR vendors and their programs that have been "qualified" to submit quality data to CMS by eligible professionals for 2010 PQRI reporting is now available on the "Alternative Reporting Mechanisms" page of the PQRI website.
9. 2010 Electronic Prescribing Incentive (eRx) Educational Products are Now Available!
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce the following updated 2010 Electronic Prescribing Incentive (eRx) Program educational products to the eRx webpage at on the CMS website.
2010 eRx – Educational Resource Documents - Several new educational resource documents for 2010 eRx are now available on the “Educational Resources” link of the eRx website and include the following:
· 2010 eRx Incentive Program Fact Sheet: What’s New for the 2010 eRx Incentive Program
· 2010 eRx Incentive Program Made Simple Fact Sheet
2010 EHR-Based Reporting Documents - Several documents related to EHR-based reporting for 2010 eRx have been updated and are now available on the "Alternative Reporting Mechanism" page of the eRx website, which include the following:
· 2010 EHR Downloadable Resource
· Qualified Registries for 2010 PQRI and eRx Reporting
Qualified Electronic Health Record (EHR) Vendors for the 2010 PQRI and Electronic Prescribing Incentive Programs
10. New from the Medicare Learning Network
The Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Marketing Brochure is now available in print format!
Do you want to be “in the know” when it comes to the Medicare Learning Network? Would you like to let your colleagues and employees in on a valuable secret that can help them with their Medicare fee-for-service business transactions? Then make sure to have plenty of print copies of the MLN Marketing Brochure on hand! This brochure details the various products and services offered by the MLN and is now available in print format. To place your order free of charge, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.” You can also view the Marketing Brochure online.
# # # # #
Attention: Facilitators, Trainers, Educators, and Physicians!
The revised Medicare Resident, Practicing Physician, and Other Health Care Professional Training Facilitator's Kit (October 2009), which includes all the information and instructions necessary to prepare for and present a Medicare Resident, Practicing Physician, and Other Health Care Professional Training Program including instructions for facilitators, customization guide, a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes, pre- and post-assessments, master assessment answer keys, and a course evaluation tool, is now available from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network.
This kit contains the following materials: Medicare Physician Guide: A Resource for Residents, Practicing Physicians, and Other Health Care Professionals (CD-Rom format), Facilitator's Guide (CD-Rom format), and Medicare Resident, Practicing Physician, and Other Health Care Professional Training: An Introduction video (DVD format). To place your order, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.”
# # # # #
Revised Guided Pathways booklets now available for 1stt Quarter 2010!
The revised, Guided Pathways to Medicare Resources (1st Quarter 2010), are now available from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Medicare Learning Network. Guided Pathways leads Medicare Fee-For-Service providers through a variety of resources organized by topic. Quickly explore these 3 easy-to-navigate online guides to learn important Medicare policy and requirements. Guided Pathways information is available at on the CMS website.
· Guided Pathways Basic Booklet January 2010 [PDF, 831KB] Includes updated information on Medicare resources that provide a fundamental overview of the Medicare program.
For all Medicare providers
· Guided Pathways Intermediate Part A Booklet January 2010 [PDF, 898KB] Includes updated information on Medicare Institutional Requirements, Reimbursement and Coverage, Medicare Services such as; clinical trials, health care cost report information, MedPAC, Medicare approved facilities, demonstrations, enrollment reports, Fee-For-Service statistics, the Medicare-Medicaid relationship, program rates and statistics, sustainable growth rates & conversion factors and telehealth.
For Medicare FFS Health Care Providers who enroll in Medicare using the 855 A form
· Guided Pathways Intermediate Part B Booklet January 2010 [PDF, 1MB] Includes updated information on Medicare Professional/Practitioner/Supplier Requirements, Coverage and Reimbursement (General Intermediate Level), Coverage and Reimbursement (By Practitioner Type), Coverage and Reimbursement (By Type of Service), Services by Other Practitioners, Services by Suppliers, Coding, Billing and Reimbursement, DMEPOS (Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility), Quality, including; Medicare approved facilities, Medicare health support, PQRI, QIO and quality initiatives.
For Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) Health Care Professionals and Suppliers who enroll in Medicare using the 855 B, I or S forms
# # # # #
The NEW Medicaid Coverage of Medicare Beneficiaries (Dual Eligibles) At a Glance Fact Sheet (February 2010) is now available in downloadable and hard copy formats from the Medicare Learning Network. This fact sheet provides general information and education for providers on how to bill when a beneficiary has both Medicare and Medicaid coverage. The downloadable version can be viewed at on the CMS website. To order a hard copy, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.”
# # # # #
The revised Medicare Fraud & Abuse fact sheet (FEB 2010), directs you to a number of sources of information pertaining to Medicare fraud and abuse and helps you understand what to do if you suspect or become aware of incidents of potential Medicare fraud or abuse. It can be downloaded at from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Medicare Learning Network.
# # # # #
The revised Long Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System (LTCH PPS) Fact Sheet Series (March 2010), which help Medicare Part A providers better understand the various aspects of the LTCH Prospective Payment System, are now available from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Medicare Learning Network.
· The LTCH PPS: Interrupted Stay Fact Sheet, which includes updated information on the LTCH interrupted stay policy, is available at on the CMS website.
· The LTCH PPS: News Fact Sheet, which includes an overview of the LTCH Rate Year (RY) 2010 Final Rule, is available at on the CMS website.
· The LTCH PPS: Payment Adjustment Policy Fact Sheet, which includes updates to the LTCH 25-Percent Threshold Rule, is available at on the CMS website.
· The LTCH PPS: Short-Stay Outliers Fact Sheet, which includes updates to the LTCH short-stay outlier (SSO) payment adjustment policy, is available at on the CMS website.
· The LTCH PPS: High Cost Outliers Fact Sheet, which includes updates to the LTCH high-cost outlier payment policy, is available at on the CMS website.
# # # # #
The following revised publications from our Payment Systems Fact Sheet Series are now available in print format from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network:
· The Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Fact Sheet (January 2010), which provides general information about the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System, ambulatory payment classifications, and how payment rates are set;
· The Home Health Prospective Payment System Fact Sheet (January 2010), which provides information about coverage of home health services and elements of the Home Health Prospective Payment System;
· The Outpatient Maintenance Dialysis - End-Stage Renal Disease Fact Sheet (January 2010), which provides information about the bundled End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System for Medicare outpatient ESRD facilities that will replace the current basic case-mix adjusted composite payment system beginning January 1, 2011, the basic case-mix adjusted composite payment rate system, and separately billable items and services; and
· The Ambulatory Surgical Center Fee Schedule Fact Sheet (January 2010), which provides general information about the Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Fee Schedule, ASC payments, and how ASC payment amounts are determined.
To place your order, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.”
11. March 23rd is Diabetes Alert Day!
March 23rd is Diabetes Alert Day ~ Please join with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in promoting increased awareness of the diabetes-related preventive services covered by Medicare.
Medicare Coverage of Diabetes-Related Preventive Services
Medicare provides coverage of the following diabetes-related services for qualified Medicare beneficiaries:
· Diabetes screening tests,
· Diabetes self-management training (DSMT),
· Medical nutrition therapy (MNT),
· Glaucoma screening (e.g. dilated eye exam with an intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement), and
· Diabetes supplies (e.g. glucose monitoring equipment and therapeutic shoes) and other services (e.g. foot care).
What Can You Do?
As a trusted source of health care information, your patients rely on your recommendations. CMS requests your help to ensure that all of your eligible patients take advantage of diabetes-related preventive services covered by Medicare.
For More Information
The Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) has developed several educational products related to diabetes-related preventive services covered by Medicare:
o The Guide to Medicare Preventive Services for Physicians, Providers, Suppliers, and Other Health Care Professionals ~ this comprehensive resource provides coverage and coding information on the array of preventive services and screenings that Medicare covers, including diabetes-related services.
o The MLN Preventive Services Educational Products Web Page ~ This website provides descriptions and ordering information for MLN preventive services educational products and resources, including diabetes-related services.
o Quick Reference Information: Medicare Preventive Services ~ this chart provides coverage and coding information on Medicare-covered preventive services, including diabetes-related services.
o Diabetes-Related Services Brochure ~ This brochure provides an overview of Medicare's coverage of diabetes screening tests, diabetes self-management training, medical nutrition therapy, and supplies and other services for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes.
o Glaucoma Screening Brochure ~ This brochure provides an overview of Medicare’s coverage of glaucoma screening tests, including the dilated eye exam with an IOP measurement.
To order hardcopies of available Medicare Preventive Services products, including the brochures mentioned above, click on “MLN Product Ordering” in the “Related Links Inside CMS” section of the MLN Preventive Services Educational Products Web Page listed above.
Additional Resources
· National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) ~ This website offers numerous resources to help your patients delay or prevent the development of type 2 diabetes, as well as resources to help your patients manage diabetes to prevent serious complications. Check out “Your GAME PLAN to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: Information for Patients,” a 3-page booklet to help people assess their risk for developing diabetes and take steps to prevent diabetes. For patients with diabetes, “The Power to Control Diabetes is in Your Hands”, contains information about diabetes and related Medicare benefits, which is available at the following link:
· ~ This website contains information for employers to help them reduce health care costs and improve productivity by keeping employees healthy
· American Diabetes Association ~ This website contains a wealth of information about diabetes, treatment, and prevention.
Thank you for your support in helping CMS spread the word about the benefits diabetes-related preventive services covered by Medicare.
12. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
Under a new law, more Medicare beneficiaries could qualify for Extra Help with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs because some things no longer count as income and resources. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be on Medicare, have limited income and resources, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
2. CMS Will Not Enforce Supervision Requirements for Outpatient Therapeutic Services in Critical Access Hospitals for CY 2010
3. REMINDER: Unavailability of Internet-Based PECOS Monday, March 29 through Monday, April 5
4. REMINDER – The Basic Introduction to ICD-10-CM National Provider Conference Call will be conducted on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
5. Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - Webinar Available
6. Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS)
7. Correction: Medicare Fee-For-Service Outreach Efforts
8. 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative Educational Products are Now Available!
9. 2010 Electronic Prescribing Incentive (eRx) Educational Products are Now Available!
10. New from the Medicare Learning Network
11. March 23rd is Diabetes Alert Day!
12. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay until January 3, 2011, the implementation of Phase 2 of Change Request (CR) 6417 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Claims Processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)) and CR 6421 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Claims Processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)).
This delay will give physicians and non-physician practitioners who order items or services for Medicare beneficiaries or who refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers sufficient time to enroll in Medicare or take the action necessary to establish a current enrollment record in Medicare prior to Phase 2 implementation.
Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order items or services or refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers for services do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and contains the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under Phase 2 of the above referenced CRs, a physician or non-physician practitioner who orders or refers and who does not have a current enrollment record that contains the NPI will cause the claim submitted by the Part B provider/supplier who furnished the ordered or referred item or service to be rejected.
CMS continues to urge physicians and non-physician practitioners who are enrolled in Medicare but who have not updated their Medicare enrollment record since November 2003 to update their enrollment record now. If these physicians and non-physician practitioners have no changes to their enrollment data, they need to submit an initial enrollment application which will establish a current enrollment record in PECOS.
2. CMS Will Not Enforce Supervision Requirements for Outpatient Therapeutic Services in Critical Access Hospitals for CY 2010
Release Date: Monday, March 15, 2010
Release: CMS Will Not Enforce Supervision Requirements for Outpatient Therapeutic Services in Critical Access Hospitals for CY 2010
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will instruct all of its Medicare contractors not to evaluate or enforce the supervision requirements for therapeutic services provided to outpatients in Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. CMS plans to revisit the issue of supervision for therapeutic services provided to hospital outpatients in CAHs through the annual rulemaking cycle for calendar year (CY) 2011. CMS continues to expect CAHs to fulfill all other Medicare program requirements when providing services to Medicare beneficiaries and when billing Medicare for those services. While CMS is instructing contractors not to enforce the supervision requirements in CAHs for CY 2010, we continue to emphasize quality and safety for services provided to all patients in CAHs.
This announcement can be found at on the link with the above title on the CMS Critical Access Hospital website at
3. REMINDER: Unavailability of Internet-Based PECOS Monday, March 29 through Monday, April 5
Due to scheduled maintenance, Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) will be unavailable from Monday, March 29, 2010 through Monday, April 5, 2010. Internet-based PECOS allows physicians, non-physician practitioners, providers, and other suppliers (except suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies [DMEPOS]) to enroll or make a change to their existing Medicare enrollment information over the Internet.
If you would like to enroll or make a change to your existing Medicare enrollment record, you can do either of the following:
· Use Internet-based PECOS prior to March 29, 2010 or after April 5, 2010.
For more information about Internet-based PECOS, see the appropriate “Getting Started” guide available in the Downloads section at There is a “Getting Started” guide for physicians and non-physician practitioners and one for provider and supplier organizations.
· Complete and submit the paper Medicare provider enrollment applications(s) (CMS-855) along with any required supporting documentation and mail the application(s) to the appropriate Medicare carrier, fiscal intermediary, or A/B MAC. The CMS-855 forms are downloadable from the CMS forms page:
If you need assistance or have questions, contact the Medicare fee-for-service contractor serving your State.
4. REMINDER – The Basic Introduction to ICD-10-CM National Provider Conference Call will be conducted on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Registration will close at 1:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, March 22, 2010 or when available space has been filled.
This conference call will provide an overview of ICD-10-CM/PCS requirements and a basic introduction to ICD-10-CM. The following topics will be discussed:
· Requirement to report ICD-10-CM/PCS codes for services provided on or after October 1, 2013.
· ICD-9-CM codes will not be accepted after October 1, 2013 (there will not be a grace period).
· Benefits of ICD-10-CM.
· Key similarities and differences between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM.
· General structure and characteristics of ICD-10-CM.
· New features in ICD-10-CM.
· Setting the record straight about common ICD-10-CM myths and misperceptions.
· Impact of ICD-10-CM on medical record documentation.
Registration information and discussion materials for this conference call can be accessed at .
5. Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - Webinar Available
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has called a public meeting of the Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010. The Committee generally provides advice and recommendations concerning the adequacy of scientific evidence needed to determine whether certain medical items and services can be covered under the Medicare statute. This meeting will examine currently available evidence on the use of erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) to manage anemia in patients who have chronic kidney disease. This meeting is open to the public in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2, section 10(a)).
CMS is hosting a webinar for this meeting. CMS is piloting webinar technology for use in broadcasting future MEDCAC meetings. Webinar participants will be able to view presentations and will be connected to live audio. However, live video will not be streamed. Attendance is limited and requires registration. Registration will be closed at 5pm eastern time on March 22, 2010. Participants should be advised that the webinar is a listening only session; that is, no questions or interactions will be permitted and all lines will be muted.
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Time: 7:45am -8:00am, Eastern (Webinar Login)
8:00am-4:30pm, Eastern (Live MEDCAC Meeting)
Please register by going to this link (there is no cost to register): . You will be required to develop a password. Passwords must be 8-32 characters, and contain at least one capital letter and one number.
Thank you,
6. Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS)
Attention Fee-for-Service Providers and Suppliers -- Have You Responded?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) wants to hear from you about your satisfaction with the services provided by the Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) contractor that processes and pays your Medicare claims.
CMS is now conducting the fifth national administration of the Medicare Contractor Provider Satisfaction Survey (MCPSS). The results of this annual survey are used by CMS to monitor trends, improve contractor oversight, and increase efficiency of the Medicare program. The MCPSS provides contractors with more insight into their provider communities and allows them to make process improvements based on provider feedback.
In January, CMS notified approximately 30,000 Medicare FFS providers and suppliers that they were randomly selected to participate in the 2010 study. CMS urges all selected health care providers and suppliers to take a few minutes to complete and return this important survey.
CMS recognizes that each provider and supplier’s time is limited; therefore, if you have been notified that you were selected to participate in this study and have not yet done so, we welcome you to designate a proxy who you believe to be the most knowledgeable person in your practice to answer the survey questions on your behalf. This person may be your management or billing personnel or other knowledgeable designee. You can designate a proxy to respond on your behalf by emailing the designated proxy’s name, telephone number, mailing and email addresses to SciMetrika (, the public health consulting firm, contracted by CMS to administer the MCPSS study. SciMetrika will then send survey instructions to the designee to facilitate a quick completion of the survey without interrupting your day-to-day operations.
If you prefer to personally respond to the survey questions yourself and no longer have your online survey tool access information or need help accessing the survey tool, please call the MCPSS Provider Helpline at 1-800-835-7012 or send an email to Someone on the MCPSS team will be happy to assist you.
The views of every health care professional asked to participate in the 2010 study are very important to the success of this study, as each one of you represents many other organizations that are similar in size, practice type, and geographical location. Please complete and return your survey today. CMS is waiting to hear from you!
Please Note: Only providers and suppliers already notified that they have been randomly selected to take part in the 2010 MCPSS may participate in this study. A new random sample of providers and suppliers is selected annually to participate in the MCPSS study.
For more information about the MCPSS, please visit the CMS MCPSS website at, or read the CMS MLN Matters Special Edition article at featuring the survey.
7. Correction: Medicare Fee-For-Service Outreach Efforts
Please see revised information below on how to access CMS accounts on Twitter.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to break new ground to enhance our Medicare Fee-For-Service outreach efforts. CMS is now using the following social media outlets to get information out to our audience as fast as possible.
· LinkedIn: Join the CMS group at
· YouTube: Log on to the official CMS YouTube channel at to view several videos currently available and more to come in the upcoming months.
Clarification on How to Access CMS Accounts on Twitter
· Twitter: Follow CMS’ two accounts to get the latest updates on information you need know about CMS (including Medicare Learning Network updates) and Insure Kids Now.
1. For CMS & Medicare Learning Network updates, visit
(Twitter handle = @CMSGov)
2. For Insure Kids Now updates, visit
(Twitter handle = @IKNGov)
8. 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative Educational Products are Now Available!
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce the following updated 2010 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) educational products to the PQRI webpage at on the CMS website.
2010 PQRI – Educational Resource Documents - Several new educational resource documents for 2010 PQRI are now available on the "Educational Resources" link of the PQRI website and include the following:
· 2010 PQRI Electronic Health Record (EHR) Reporting Made Simple
· 2010 PQRI Tip Sheet: Satisfactorily Reporting 2010 PQRI Measures
· 2010 PQRI Program Tip Sheet: PQRI Made Simple – Reporting the Preventive Care Measures Group
· 2010 PQRI Fact Sheet: What's New for the 2010 PQRI
2010 EHR-Based Reporting Documents - Several documents related to EHR-based reporting for 2010 PQRI have been updated and are now available on the "Alternative Reporting Mechanisms" page of the PQRI website, which include the following:
· 2010 EHR Measure Specifications
· Updated 2010 EHR Measure Specification Release Notes
· Updated 2010 EHR Downloadable Resource Table
· Updated EHR Data Submission Specifications Utilizing QRDA Release Notes
· Updated EHR Data Submission Specifications Utilizing QRDA Header Errors and Edits
· Updated EHR Data Submission Specifications Utilizing QRDA Body Errors and Edits
2010 PQRI Measures Documents - Several documents related to reporting PQRI measures for 2010 have been updated and are now available on the "Measures Codes" page of the PQRI website, which include the following:
· 2010 Getting Started with Reporting of PQRI Measures Groups
· 2010 PQRI Implementation Guide
· 2010 PQRI QDC Categories
· 2010 PQRI Single Source Master Code Table
· 2010 PQRI Measures Specifications – Release Notes
Qualified Registries for 2010 PQRI and eRx Reporting - An updated list of registries that have become "qualified" to submit quality data to CMS on behalf of their eligible professionals for 2010 PQRI and eRx reporting is now available on the "Alternative Reporting Mechanisms" page of the PQRI website.
Qualified Electronic Health Record (EHR) Vendors for the 2010 PQRI and Electronic Prescribing Incentive Programs - An updated list of EHR vendors and their programs that have been "qualified" to submit quality data to CMS by eligible professionals for 2010 PQRI reporting is now available on the "Alternative Reporting Mechanisms" page of the PQRI website.
9. 2010 Electronic Prescribing Incentive (eRx) Educational Products are Now Available!
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce the following updated 2010 Electronic Prescribing Incentive (eRx) Program educational products to the eRx webpage at on the CMS website.
2010 eRx – Educational Resource Documents - Several new educational resource documents for 2010 eRx are now available on the “Educational Resources” link of the eRx website and include the following:
· 2010 eRx Incentive Program Fact Sheet: What’s New for the 2010 eRx Incentive Program
· 2010 eRx Incentive Program Made Simple Fact Sheet
2010 EHR-Based Reporting Documents - Several documents related to EHR-based reporting for 2010 eRx have been updated and are now available on the "Alternative Reporting Mechanism" page of the eRx website, which include the following:
· 2010 EHR Downloadable Resource
· Qualified Registries for 2010 PQRI and eRx Reporting
Qualified Electronic Health Record (EHR) Vendors for the 2010 PQRI and Electronic Prescribing Incentive Programs
10. New from the Medicare Learning Network
The Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Marketing Brochure is now available in print format!
Do you want to be “in the know” when it comes to the Medicare Learning Network? Would you like to let your colleagues and employees in on a valuable secret that can help them with their Medicare fee-for-service business transactions? Then make sure to have plenty of print copies of the MLN Marketing Brochure on hand! This brochure details the various products and services offered by the MLN and is now available in print format. To place your order free of charge, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.” You can also view the Marketing Brochure online.
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Attention: Facilitators, Trainers, Educators, and Physicians!
The revised Medicare Resident, Practicing Physician, and Other Health Care Professional Training Facilitator's Kit (October 2009), which includes all the information and instructions necessary to prepare for and present a Medicare Resident, Practicing Physician, and Other Health Care Professional Training Program including instructions for facilitators, customization guide, a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes, pre- and post-assessments, master assessment answer keys, and a course evaluation tool, is now available from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network.
This kit contains the following materials: Medicare Physician Guide: A Resource for Residents, Practicing Physicians, and Other Health Care Professionals (CD-Rom format), Facilitator's Guide (CD-Rom format), and Medicare Resident, Practicing Physician, and Other Health Care Professional Training: An Introduction video (DVD format). To place your order, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.”
# # # # #
Revised Guided Pathways booklets now available for 1stt Quarter 2010!
The revised, Guided Pathways to Medicare Resources (1st Quarter 2010), are now available from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Medicare Learning Network. Guided Pathways leads Medicare Fee-For-Service providers through a variety of resources organized by topic. Quickly explore these 3 easy-to-navigate online guides to learn important Medicare policy and requirements. Guided Pathways information is available at on the CMS website.
· Guided Pathways Basic Booklet January 2010 [PDF, 831KB] Includes updated information on Medicare resources that provide a fundamental overview of the Medicare program.
For all Medicare providers
· Guided Pathways Intermediate Part A Booklet January 2010 [PDF, 898KB] Includes updated information on Medicare Institutional Requirements, Reimbursement and Coverage, Medicare Services such as; clinical trials, health care cost report information, MedPAC, Medicare approved facilities, demonstrations, enrollment reports, Fee-For-Service statistics, the Medicare-Medicaid relationship, program rates and statistics, sustainable growth rates & conversion factors and telehealth.
For Medicare FFS Health Care Providers who enroll in Medicare using the 855 A form
· Guided Pathways Intermediate Part B Booklet January 2010 [PDF, 1MB] Includes updated information on Medicare Professional/Practitioner/Supplier Requirements, Coverage and Reimbursement (General Intermediate Level), Coverage and Reimbursement (By Practitioner Type), Coverage and Reimbursement (By Type of Service), Services by Other Practitioners, Services by Suppliers, Coding, Billing and Reimbursement, DMEPOS (Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility), Quality, including; Medicare approved facilities, Medicare health support, PQRI, QIO and quality initiatives.
For Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) Health Care Professionals and Suppliers who enroll in Medicare using the 855 B, I or S forms
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The NEW Medicaid Coverage of Medicare Beneficiaries (Dual Eligibles) At a Glance Fact Sheet (February 2010) is now available in downloadable and hard copy formats from the Medicare Learning Network. This fact sheet provides general information and education for providers on how to bill when a beneficiary has both Medicare and Medicaid coverage. The downloadable version can be viewed at on the CMS website. To order a hard copy, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.”
# # # # #
The revised Medicare Fraud & Abuse fact sheet (FEB 2010), directs you to a number of sources of information pertaining to Medicare fraud and abuse and helps you understand what to do if you suspect or become aware of incidents of potential Medicare fraud or abuse. It can be downloaded at from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Medicare Learning Network.
# # # # #
The revised Long Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System (LTCH PPS) Fact Sheet Series (March 2010), which help Medicare Part A providers better understand the various aspects of the LTCH Prospective Payment System, are now available from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Medicare Learning Network.
· The LTCH PPS: Interrupted Stay Fact Sheet, which includes updated information on the LTCH interrupted stay policy, is available at on the CMS website.
· The LTCH PPS: News Fact Sheet, which includes an overview of the LTCH Rate Year (RY) 2010 Final Rule, is available at on the CMS website.
· The LTCH PPS: Payment Adjustment Policy Fact Sheet, which includes updates to the LTCH 25-Percent Threshold Rule, is available at on the CMS website.
· The LTCH PPS: Short-Stay Outliers Fact Sheet, which includes updates to the LTCH short-stay outlier (SSO) payment adjustment policy, is available at on the CMS website.
· The LTCH PPS: High Cost Outliers Fact Sheet, which includes updates to the LTCH high-cost outlier payment policy, is available at on the CMS website.
# # # # #
The following revised publications from our Payment Systems Fact Sheet Series are now available in print format from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Learning Network:
· The Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Fact Sheet (January 2010), which provides general information about the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System, ambulatory payment classifications, and how payment rates are set;
· The Home Health Prospective Payment System Fact Sheet (January 2010), which provides information about coverage of home health services and elements of the Home Health Prospective Payment System;
· The Outpatient Maintenance Dialysis - End-Stage Renal Disease Fact Sheet (January 2010), which provides information about the bundled End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System for Medicare outpatient ESRD facilities that will replace the current basic case-mix adjusted composite payment system beginning January 1, 2011, the basic case-mix adjusted composite payment rate system, and separately billable items and services; and
· The Ambulatory Surgical Center Fee Schedule Fact Sheet (January 2010), which provides general information about the Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Fee Schedule, ASC payments, and how ASC payment amounts are determined.
To place your order, visit , scroll down to “Related Links Inside CMS” and select “MLN Product Ordering Page.”
11. March 23rd is Diabetes Alert Day!
March 23rd is Diabetes Alert Day ~ Please join with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in promoting increased awareness of the diabetes-related preventive services covered by Medicare.
Medicare Coverage of Diabetes-Related Preventive Services
Medicare provides coverage of the following diabetes-related services for qualified Medicare beneficiaries:
· Diabetes screening tests,
· Diabetes self-management training (DSMT),
· Medical nutrition therapy (MNT),
· Glaucoma screening (e.g. dilated eye exam with an intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement), and
· Diabetes supplies (e.g. glucose monitoring equipment and therapeutic shoes) and other services (e.g. foot care).
What Can You Do?
As a trusted source of health care information, your patients rely on your recommendations. CMS requests your help to ensure that all of your eligible patients take advantage of diabetes-related preventive services covered by Medicare.
For More Information
The Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) has developed several educational products related to diabetes-related preventive services covered by Medicare:
o The Guide to Medicare Preventive Services for Physicians, Providers, Suppliers, and Other Health Care Professionals ~ this comprehensive resource provides coverage and coding information on the array of preventive services and screenings that Medicare covers, including diabetes-related services.
o The MLN Preventive Services Educational Products Web Page ~ This website provides descriptions and ordering information for MLN preventive services educational products and resources, including diabetes-related services.
o Quick Reference Information: Medicare Preventive Services ~ this chart provides coverage and coding information on Medicare-covered preventive services, including diabetes-related services.
o Diabetes-Related Services Brochure ~ This brochure provides an overview of Medicare's coverage of diabetes screening tests, diabetes self-management training, medical nutrition therapy, and supplies and other services for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes.
o Glaucoma Screening Brochure ~ This brochure provides an overview of Medicare’s coverage of glaucoma screening tests, including the dilated eye exam with an IOP measurement.
To order hardcopies of available Medicare Preventive Services products, including the brochures mentioned above, click on “MLN Product Ordering” in the “Related Links Inside CMS” section of the MLN Preventive Services Educational Products Web Page listed above.
Additional Resources
· National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) ~ This website offers numerous resources to help your patients delay or prevent the development of type 2 diabetes, as well as resources to help your patients manage diabetes to prevent serious complications. Check out “Your GAME PLAN to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: Information for Patients,” a 3-page booklet to help people assess their risk for developing diabetes and take steps to prevent diabetes. For patients with diabetes, “The Power to Control Diabetes is in Your Hands”, contains information about diabetes and related Medicare benefits, which is available at the following link:
· ~ This website contains information for employers to help them reduce health care costs and improve productivity by keeping employees healthy
· American Diabetes Association ~ This website contains a wealth of information about diabetes, treatment, and prevention.
Thank you for your support in helping CMS spread the word about the benefits diabetes-related preventive services covered by Medicare.
12. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
Under a new law, more Medicare beneficiaries could qualify for Extra Help with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs because some things no longer count as income and resources. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be on Medicare, have limited income and resources, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
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