North Dakota Department of Corrections Newsletter:

Professor Emeritus -- Dr. Tom Seymour from West Fargo, North Dakota -- Professor, Minot State University, MSU Faculty Regents Award (2015) -- PAST Peer Reviewer (Higher Learning Commission - Chicago); - Author and Presenter Board of Directors, SRT Communications, Inc and Minot City Alderman - Ward 5 (2010-June, 2016) PAST - Editor-in-Chief (North Dakota State Senator (2002-2010) 2017-Cass County Electric Cooperative- Board of Directors
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
North Dakota State Hospital Event
NEWS from the North Dakota Department of Human Services
600 East Boulevard Avenue – Department 325, Bismarck ND 58505-0250
April 28, 2010
Contact: Alex Schweitzer, Superintendent, ND State Hospital, 701-253-3964; or Heather Steffl, Public Information Officer, N.D. Department of Human Services, 701-328-4933 or 701-527-7445
N.D. State Hospital celebrates 125th year; hosts activities May 5-7
BISMARCK, N.D. – Established prior to statehood, the North Dakota State Hospital in Jamestown marks its 125th anniversary on May 1, 2010. To celebrate, the hospital is hosting activities May 5 – 7. Some events are open to the public including guided tours and the opening ceremony, which Gov. John Hoeven will attend, and other activities are private functions for patients and current and retired employees.
“We invite the public to come and see the State Hospital,” said N.D. Department of Human Services Executive Director Carol K. Olson. “This fully-accredited specialized hospital is North Dakota’s treatment safety-net for people with severe mental health and substance addiction needs. Dedicated staff members work very hard to stabilize and support people in their recovery.”
May 5-7 Activities
Hospital Superintendent Alex Schweitzer said the public is encouraged to attend the Opening Ceremony May 5, at 10 a.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. It will include brief comments by Gov. Hoeven and other dignitaries and a program about the hospital’s history. Tours of the campus and facilities will follow at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and will conclude at the newly established State Hospital Museum, which features artifacts, historical pictures, and more.
May 6 activities include a private High Tea for alumni staff at 2 p.m. at the Superintendent’s House on the campus. Later at 7 p.m., the hospital is hosting a private social with music and refreshments for patients, current staff, and alumni staff. Public events that day include tours at 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3 p.m., and a Miles for Mental Health Walk sponsored by Mental Health America of North Dakota that begins at 5:30 p.m. The mile-long route will pass by the historic State Hospital Cemetery. Registration begins at 5 p.m. at the Old Sunland/Hogan Park off Business Loop East.
On May 7, the hospital is hosting a private picnic from noon to 2 p.m., for staff, patients, and patients’ guests at the Learning Resource Center. Public tours will be offered at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.
Hospital staff will bury a time capsule at 3:30 p.m. in front of the LaHaug Building. This public event will be followed by closing ceremonies.
Individuals interested in participating in one of the scheduled public tours on May 5-7 should stop at the fourth floor of the Learning Resource Center prior to a scheduled tour.
The North Dakota State Hospital History Project, which involves the State Hospital and Mental Health America of North Dakota, was established to mark the 125th anniversary and to share the hospital’s history by developing both an on-site and virtual museum (, as well as a book: One Hundred-Twenty-Five Years: The History and Chronology of the North Dakota State Hospital. The museum project was made possible through a grant from the State Historical Society of North Dakota. The book, coauthored by Sally Van Beek, Nancy McKenzie, and Alex Schweitzer, was produced with private funds raised by the hospital’s Employee Promotions Committee.
Hospital History
Once a fully-functioning, self sustaining farm-like setting, the North Dakota State Hospital has changed significantly over the years. Because the campus was designed using a cottage plan with separate buildings without bars or grated windows, when it opened, the hospital varied greatly from existing facilities on the east coast.
The hospital owned a dairy business, raised crops, and processed its own meat. Many staff lived in housing on the grounds, and the campus was so self-sufficient, it had its own fire truck.
The hospital reached its peak population in the early 1950s with a census of about 2,100 patients. The advent of psychotropic medications and regional services has transformed the hospital and its services.
North Dakota now strives to treat people with disabilities in their communities using outpatient treatment through the Department of Human Services’ regional human service centers and other service providers.
Today about 265 people are receiving treatment at the State Hospital. Of these individuals about 120 have been admitted to the hospital for inpatient mental health and addiction treatment services. The hospital’s secure unit, which opened in 1998, is currently providing treatment to 57 civilly-committed sexually dangerous individuals and is housing about four others for evaluations. The hospital also is providing addiction treatment services on-site to about 84 other individuals who are under the care and supervision of the N.D. Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in the hospital’s 90-bed Tompkins Treatment Center located on the hospital grounds.
The hospital serves people whose needs exceed existing community resources. While some patients have chronic ongoing needs and remain in care longer, many are discharged to community services after they are stabilized and make suitable progress in their initial rehabilitation and structured treatment. It isn’t uncommon for hospital staff to begin working with community providers shortly after a person is admitted in order to transition the patient to community services. Transitional housing is provided on the campus that is coupled with supported employment services to help some people prepare to return to community living.
Some regions of North Dakota do not have not-for-profit community hospitals that provide inpatient mental health and addiction treatment services. The State Hospital is the primary provider of inpatient mental health and addiction treatment services for the Devils Lake, Dickinson, Jamestown, and Williston regions of the state.
# # #
Heather Steffl, Public Information Officer
N.D. Department of Human Services
701-328-4933 /
600 East Boulevard Avenue – Department 325, Bismarck ND 58505-0250
April 28, 2010
Contact: Alex Schweitzer, Superintendent, ND State Hospital, 701-253-3964; or Heather Steffl, Public Information Officer, N.D. Department of Human Services, 701-328-4933 or 701-527-7445
N.D. State Hospital celebrates 125th year; hosts activities May 5-7
BISMARCK, N.D. – Established prior to statehood, the North Dakota State Hospital in Jamestown marks its 125th anniversary on May 1, 2010. To celebrate, the hospital is hosting activities May 5 – 7. Some events are open to the public including guided tours and the opening ceremony, which Gov. John Hoeven will attend, and other activities are private functions for patients and current and retired employees.
“We invite the public to come and see the State Hospital,” said N.D. Department of Human Services Executive Director Carol K. Olson. “This fully-accredited specialized hospital is North Dakota’s treatment safety-net for people with severe mental health and substance addiction needs. Dedicated staff members work very hard to stabilize and support people in their recovery.”
May 5-7 Activities
Hospital Superintendent Alex Schweitzer said the public is encouraged to attend the Opening Ceremony May 5, at 10 a.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. It will include brief comments by Gov. Hoeven and other dignitaries and a program about the hospital’s history. Tours of the campus and facilities will follow at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and will conclude at the newly established State Hospital Museum, which features artifacts, historical pictures, and more.
May 6 activities include a private High Tea for alumni staff at 2 p.m. at the Superintendent’s House on the campus. Later at 7 p.m., the hospital is hosting a private social with music and refreshments for patients, current staff, and alumni staff. Public events that day include tours at 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3 p.m., and a Miles for Mental Health Walk sponsored by Mental Health America of North Dakota that begins at 5:30 p.m. The mile-long route will pass by the historic State Hospital Cemetery. Registration begins at 5 p.m. at the Old Sunland/Hogan Park off Business Loop East.
On May 7, the hospital is hosting a private picnic from noon to 2 p.m., for staff, patients, and patients’ guests at the Learning Resource Center. Public tours will be offered at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.
Hospital staff will bury a time capsule at 3:30 p.m. in front of the LaHaug Building. This public event will be followed by closing ceremonies.
Individuals interested in participating in one of the scheduled public tours on May 5-7 should stop at the fourth floor of the Learning Resource Center prior to a scheduled tour.
The North Dakota State Hospital History Project, which involves the State Hospital and Mental Health America of North Dakota, was established to mark the 125th anniversary and to share the hospital’s history by developing both an on-site and virtual museum (, as well as a book: One Hundred-Twenty-Five Years: The History and Chronology of the North Dakota State Hospital. The museum project was made possible through a grant from the State Historical Society of North Dakota. The book, coauthored by Sally Van Beek, Nancy McKenzie, and Alex Schweitzer, was produced with private funds raised by the hospital’s Employee Promotions Committee.
Hospital History
Once a fully-functioning, self sustaining farm-like setting, the North Dakota State Hospital has changed significantly over the years. Because the campus was designed using a cottage plan with separate buildings without bars or grated windows, when it opened, the hospital varied greatly from existing facilities on the east coast.
The hospital owned a dairy business, raised crops, and processed its own meat. Many staff lived in housing on the grounds, and the campus was so self-sufficient, it had its own fire truck.
The hospital reached its peak population in the early 1950s with a census of about 2,100 patients. The advent of psychotropic medications and regional services has transformed the hospital and its services.
North Dakota now strives to treat people with disabilities in their communities using outpatient treatment through the Department of Human Services’ regional human service centers and other service providers.
Today about 265 people are receiving treatment at the State Hospital. Of these individuals about 120 have been admitted to the hospital for inpatient mental health and addiction treatment services. The hospital’s secure unit, which opened in 1998, is currently providing treatment to 57 civilly-committed sexually dangerous individuals and is housing about four others for evaluations. The hospital also is providing addiction treatment services on-site to about 84 other individuals who are under the care and supervision of the N.D. Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation in the hospital’s 90-bed Tompkins Treatment Center located on the hospital grounds.
The hospital serves people whose needs exceed existing community resources. While some patients have chronic ongoing needs and remain in care longer, many are discharged to community services after they are stabilized and make suitable progress in their initial rehabilitation and structured treatment. It isn’t uncommon for hospital staff to begin working with community providers shortly after a person is admitted in order to transition the patient to community services. Transitional housing is provided on the campus that is coupled with supported employment services to help some people prepare to return to community living.
Some regions of North Dakota do not have not-for-profit community hospitals that provide inpatient mental health and addiction treatment services. The State Hospital is the primary provider of inpatient mental health and addiction treatment services for the Devils Lake, Dickinson, Jamestown, and Williston regions of the state.
# # #
Heather Steffl, Public Information Officer
N.D. Department of Human Services
701-328-4933 /
Minot State University --- North Dakota News...
April 28, 2010 Campus Announcements
Vice president for administration and finance finalists selected
Three finalists will interview for the vice president for administration and finance position at Minot State University. The campus and the public are invited to meet the first candidate, Brian Foisy, West Jordan, Utah, during an open forum Monday (May 3) and the second candidate, Marlys Magnuson, of Minot, during an open forum May 6. Troy Caserta, Layton, Utah, will visit the campus at a later date.
The candidates’ interviews will all follow the same format, and a time for questions will follow their presentations. Foisy’s open forum will be in the Missouri Room (Student Center, third floor), 2 p.m. Magnuson’s open forum will be in the Missouri Room at 9 a.m. Resumes for the three finalists are attached.
2010_Brian Foisy Resume.pdf
2010_Marlys Magnuson Resume.pdf
2010_Troy Caserta Resume.pdf
The search committee is chaired by Dick Jenkins, vice president for student affairs. For questions, contact 858-3489 or
--Darla Weigel, administrative assistant to the vice president for student affairs
Beachy discusses ‘Field Research: Amphibians of Northwest North Dakota’
Chris Beachy, professor of biology, discusses “Field Research: Amphibians of Northwest North Dakota" in a Northwest Art Center lecture tonight (April 28). Beachy will bring live specimens for audience members to see and hold if they wish. The lecture takes place in Aleshire Theater at 7 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public; refreshments are served afterward.
Beachy joined the faculty of Minot State University in 2005. An ongoing research project at MSU has been the Amphibian Growth Project, dedicated to understanding the factors that influence amphibian growth and development and to providing educational outreach opportunities in northwest North Dakota.
Celebrate spring with Lutheran Campus Ministry
Come and join Lutheran Campus Ministry as we celebrate the coming of spring at the first annual sloppy joe dinner and silent auction on Thursday (Aug. 29) at Augustana Lutheran Church, 5-7 p.m.
Highlights of the evening will include tasting different and delicious potato salads made by the area congregations. The other highlight will be the silent auction. Individuals have the opportunity to bid on wonderful items and baskets. The silent auction will start at 5 p.m. and end at 6:45 p.m. The evening will help raise awareness and funding for Lutheran Campus Ministry at Minot State University. Thank you in advance for making this a great evening!
For questions, contact 839-3949 or
--Pastor Kari Williamson, Lutheran Campus Ministry
Baseball and softball continue
The semester is winding down and so are the baseball and softball seasons. However, do not fret, this weekend has eight total opportunities to see our baseball and softball teams in action. For schedule and times, see Go Beavers!!
--Rick Heit, social networking specialist
Piano recital postponed
The recital of piano students scheduled for Friday (April 30) at 7.30 p.m. in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall is postponed until the fall semester. For questions, contact 858 3195 or
--Penny Simons, piano instructor
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
The Minot Daily News featured an editorial about the hiring of Peter Stewart as head basketball coach.
Absence Confirmation
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for golf
The following students will be unable to attend classes after 2 p.m. today (April 28) until Sunday (May 2) in order to travel to and from and participate in the national qualifier:
Justin Abele
Michael Delorme
Ben Edwards
Casey Glitch
Marion Hernandez
Jordan Kelly
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3473 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Chipper Farrell, director of golf
Notifying the Office of Student Life or faculty members through the Office of Public Information (using this format or by any other means) does not constitute an excused absence. Whenever a student anticipates an absence, he/she should contact the appropriate faculty member prior to missing class.
It is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether or not students will be excused from class or allowed to make up any missed work. Each faculty member establishes his/her own guidelines regarding class absence, and whether or not a student will be allowed to make up missed work.*
*Based upon “Class Absence Policy,” 2000 - 2002 Student Handbook - Minot State University.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Vice president for administration and finance finalists selected
Three finalists will interview for the vice president for administration and finance position at Minot State University. The campus and the public are invited to meet the first candidate, Brian Foisy, West Jordan, Utah, during an open forum Monday (May 3) and the second candidate, Marlys Magnuson, of Minot, during an open forum May 6. Troy Caserta, Layton, Utah, will visit the campus at a later date.
The candidates’ interviews will all follow the same format, and a time for questions will follow their presentations. Foisy’s open forum will be in the Missouri Room (Student Center, third floor), 2 p.m. Magnuson’s open forum will be in the Missouri Room at 9 a.m. Resumes for the three finalists are attached.
2010_Brian Foisy Resume.pdf
2010_Marlys Magnuson Resume.pdf
2010_Troy Caserta Resume.pdf
The search committee is chaired by Dick Jenkins, vice president for student affairs. For questions, contact 858-3489 or
--Darla Weigel, administrative assistant to the vice president for student affairs
Beachy discusses ‘Field Research: Amphibians of Northwest North Dakota’
Chris Beachy, professor of biology, discusses “Field Research: Amphibians of Northwest North Dakota" in a Northwest Art Center lecture tonight (April 28). Beachy will bring live specimens for audience members to see and hold if they wish. The lecture takes place in Aleshire Theater at 7 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public; refreshments are served afterward.
Beachy joined the faculty of Minot State University in 2005. An ongoing research project at MSU has been the Amphibian Growth Project, dedicated to understanding the factors that influence amphibian growth and development and to providing educational outreach opportunities in northwest North Dakota.
Celebrate spring with Lutheran Campus Ministry
Come and join Lutheran Campus Ministry as we celebrate the coming of spring at the first annual sloppy joe dinner and silent auction on Thursday (Aug. 29) at Augustana Lutheran Church, 5-7 p.m.
Highlights of the evening will include tasting different and delicious potato salads made by the area congregations. The other highlight will be the silent auction. Individuals have the opportunity to bid on wonderful items and baskets. The silent auction will start at 5 p.m. and end at 6:45 p.m. The evening will help raise awareness and funding for Lutheran Campus Ministry at Minot State University. Thank you in advance for making this a great evening!
For questions, contact 839-3949 or
--Pastor Kari Williamson, Lutheran Campus Ministry
Baseball and softball continue
The semester is winding down and so are the baseball and softball seasons. However, do not fret, this weekend has eight total opportunities to see our baseball and softball teams in action. For schedule and times, see Go Beavers!!
--Rick Heit, social networking specialist
Piano recital postponed
The recital of piano students scheduled for Friday (April 30) at 7.30 p.m. in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall is postponed until the fall semester. For questions, contact 858 3195 or
--Penny Simons, piano instructor
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
The Minot Daily News featured an editorial about the hiring of Peter Stewart as head basketball coach.
Absence Confirmation
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for golf
The following students will be unable to attend classes after 2 p.m. today (April 28) until Sunday (May 2) in order to travel to and from and participate in the national qualifier:
Justin Abele
Michael Delorme
Ben Edwards
Casey Glitch
Marion Hernandez
Jordan Kelly
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3473 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Chipper Farrell, director of golf
Notifying the Office of Student Life or faculty members through the Office of Public Information (using this format or by any other means) does not constitute an excused absence. Whenever a student anticipates an absence, he/she should contact the appropriate faculty member prior to missing class.
It is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether or not students will be excused from class or allowed to make up any missed work. Each faculty member establishes his/her own guidelines regarding class absence, and whether or not a student will be allowed to make up missed work.*
*Based upon “Class Absence Policy,” 2000 - 2002 Student Handbook - Minot State University.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Western Business Round Table
Mining to Solar Initiatives:
Breathing New Life Into Old Lands
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
10 am Pacific, 11 am Mountain, 12 pm Central, 1 pm Eastern
>>>> Register Here <<<<
Dear Colleague:
The nationwide push to deploy more renewable power systems is bringing into focus questions related to "where" to best install these systems. One innovative approach is to look at disturbed mining property as a host for new renewable installations. Three companies involved in such a project in Arizona will outline their plans and their experiences in this installment of our "Green Technologies: How They Work" webinar series.
Our three guest speakers will discuss both the challenges and benefits of an approach that promises to both minimize landscape impacts, as well as breathe new life into "old" lands. Join us for this hour-long session and learn how the mining world is increasingly seen as a foundational element of green technologies.
Speakers and topics include:
Mining Lands vs. Federal and Greenfield Lands: Permitting Issues and Benefits for Solar Projects
Travis Snider, Senior Professional, Kleinfelder Inc., and Director, Alliance Mining Corporation
The Solar Developer Perspective: The Advantages of Siting Projects on Mining Lands
Felicia Bellows, Vice President of Development, Tessera Solar
Mining Companies & Solar Projects: Could Be a Win-Win Scenario
Krishna Parameswaran, Director Environmental Services & Compliance Assurance, ASARCO LLC
This briefing will be conducted live via internet webinar, so you can listen from the comfort of your own office via computer and phone line.
How to Participate
This webinar is offered at no charge by the Western Business Roundtable, but you must register to participate. Go here to register. Information on how to participate will be emailed to you upon your successful registration.
More Information
If you have any questions, please email Michelle Hindmarch at or contact Holly Propst at / 303 577 4610.
We hope you can join us!
Jim Sims
President & CEO
Western Business Roundtable
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Breathing New Life Into Old Lands
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
10 am Pacific, 11 am Mountain, 12 pm Central, 1 pm Eastern
>>>> Register Here <<<<
Dear Colleague:
The nationwide push to deploy more renewable power systems is bringing into focus questions related to "where" to best install these systems. One innovative approach is to look at disturbed mining property as a host for new renewable installations. Three companies involved in such a project in Arizona will outline their plans and their experiences in this installment of our "Green Technologies: How They Work" webinar series.
Our three guest speakers will discuss both the challenges and benefits of an approach that promises to both minimize landscape impacts, as well as breathe new life into "old" lands. Join us for this hour-long session and learn how the mining world is increasingly seen as a foundational element of green technologies.
Speakers and topics include:
Mining Lands vs. Federal and Greenfield Lands: Permitting Issues and Benefits for Solar Projects
Travis Snider, Senior Professional, Kleinfelder Inc., and Director, Alliance Mining Corporation
The Solar Developer Perspective: The Advantages of Siting Projects on Mining Lands
Felicia Bellows, Vice President of Development, Tessera Solar
Mining Companies & Solar Projects: Could Be a Win-Win Scenario
Krishna Parameswaran, Director Environmental Services & Compliance Assurance, ASARCO LLC
This briefing will be conducted live via internet webinar, so you can listen from the comfort of your own office via computer and phone line.
How to Participate
This webinar is offered at no charge by the Western Business Roundtable, but you must register to participate. Go here to register. Information on how to participate will be emailed to you upon your successful registration.
More Information
If you have any questions, please email Michelle Hindmarch at or contact Holly Propst at / 303 577 4610.
We hope you can join us!
Jim Sims
President & CEO
Western Business Roundtable
Sent to Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Forward to a Friend
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Minot State University -- North Dakota News - Basketball Coach
April 27, 2010 Campus Announcements
WSC Concert Choir to perform at MSU
The Williston State College Concert Choir, under the direction of Herb Parker Jr., will perform on campus this Wednesday (April 28) at noon in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall. All are invited to attend and enjoy the music. For questions, call 858-3185.
--Ken Bowles, chair of the Division of Music and professor of music
General Information
Unescorted tours in Swain Hall curtailed
With Swain Hall construction nearing an end, the contractors making the changes have asked that starting May 5 that there not be any more unescorted tours until the project is completed. Any requests for walking through Swain Hall by faculty, staff or community members must come through the Office of Plant Services and be coordinated with Mattson Construction. Please contact 858-3210 if you have any questions or concerns.
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
Supervisors reminded about Vision 2013 Merit Awards
The following information was sent out to campus regarding Vision 2013 Merits Awards, which are part of the salary compensation for the upcoming fiscal year. Supervisors are reminded to be aware of the deadline of this Friday (April 30) to turn in nominations to their respective vice president.
“For the Vision 2013 merit awards, members of President’s Staff will solicit nominations from their direct reports who are supervisors (deans, directors, and other supervisors) for faculty and staff within their respective areas with exemplary records of Vision 2013 achievements documented in this current year’s performance evaluations. In response, supervisors may nominate exemplary candidates within their areas by completing a two-page nomination form, which includes a narrative explaining why the individual warrants consideration for this meritorious recognition and a descriptive list of specific activities and accomplishments noted in the performance evaluation that show measurable, meritorious achievements connected to Vision 2013. The completed 2009-2010 annual performance evaluation of the nominated individual must be attached to the nomination. Nominations b! y supervisors must be limited to two pages, entered in standard 12-point font, and entered directly on the nomination form.
Twenty individuals will be selected based on documented meritorious performance that has substantially advanced the institution’s vision of place and engagement. Specific criteria and explanations of the Vision 2013 strategies/objectives will be used to judge the meritorious performance.
Members of President’s Staff and the presidents of Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and the Student Government Association will serve as the selection committee for this year’s merit awards. Nominations from supervisors will be solicited on Monday, April 5, with deadlines for returning the completed nomination forms to the respective vice president by Friday, April 30. Reviews will occur the week of May 3-7, and announcements of those selected will be made on May 10.”
--Mark Lyman, director of public information
Items in AJ Automotive to be auctioned Thursday
Northern Auction of Minot has a contract to run an auction on surplus MSU items that are currently in storage at the old AJ Automotive property. This auction is on Thursday (April 29), starting at 10:30 a.m., at the old automotive center on North Broadway. If departments, offices or campus entities have items being stored at the old AJ building, they need to be removed before the auction. Any member of the campus or community is welcome to bid on the items that remain. Please call 858-3210 if you have any questions or concerns.
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
2010-11 parking permit information
New parking permits for the upcoming year (June 1, 2010-May 31, 2011) will be on sale starting May 4. The permits are available in the parking office, located at the Office of Plant Services. The Office of Plant Services will not be overbooking lots. The price for the annual permit is $30 for a reserved permit and $20 for an unreserved permit. When individuals come to purchase the permit, they should bring the vehicle license plate number(s), their MSU employee/student ID and driver’s license and cash or check. We will not accept any requests or payments before May 4; they will be returned to your office to make it fair to everybody. Currently, unreserved passes are for students only.
Thank you for your cooperation. For questions, contact 858-3210 or
--Sue Lommen, parking office administrative assistant
Office of Public Information
The following text is from a Department of Athletics press release given to media yesterday:
Minot State names Peter Stewart as men’s basketball coach
MINOT, N.D. – Minot State University has named Peter Stewart as its 14th head men’s basketball coach, Athletic Director Rick Hedberg announced at a press conference Monday at the MSU Student Center.
“Peter has a variety of experiences, from playing at the NCAA Division II level at UND to the playing and coaching at a professional level overseas, to the last seven years at Peninsula College,” Hedberg said. “He has a great outgoing personality that connects well with student-athletes and community members and that’s real important as we move forward to NCAA Division II.”
Stewart has been the head coach at Peninsula College in Port Angeles, Wash., for the past seven seasons. He led his team to the North Division Conference Championship three times, the most recent in 2007-08. He has a 62-18 conference record over the past five seasons, including at 36-4 record at home during that span. Stewart was named the conference coach of the year twice, first in 2003-04 and the latest in 2007-08. His Peninsula College team has played in the post season six of the past seven seasons and has placed in the post season four! of the past five years.
Stewart has coached at all levels of basketball, including stints at MSU-Bottineau (now Dakota College at Bottineau, 1987-88), Adams State (1992-93), Minot State (1993-94), the Malaysian Professional Basketball league (1995) and the Australian Professional Basketball League (1989-1996 as a player and coach). He coached his team to the 1995 Malaysian Basketball League Championship.
A 1989 graduate of the University of North Dakota, Stewart played four seasons for the Sioux, being named team captain and selected as the North Central Conference Academic Player of the Year. He is pursuing a master’s degree in exercise physiology, sport and leisure science through Adams State College
Hedberg believes Stewart will be an important part of the Beavers move to the NCAA.
“We have some challenges ahead of us with our move to DII, but I am confident that Peter will be able to meet those challenges,” he said. “We are excited about the future of our men’s basketball program and excited about our department. We have a good group of coaches in place.”
Stewart, a native of Parshall, N.D., is married to Julie Ann Stewart, and they have three children.
Stewart was named as the head coach after a national search began in March.
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
Media covered the hiring of Peter Stewart as MSU’s new head men’s basketball coach.
They also covered the North Dakota Academy of Science’s annual meeting.
Clayton Daughenbaugh, from the Sierra Club, presented “Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness” yesterday in Aleshire.
Five Minot State University students attended the Collegiate DECA International Career and Development Conference in Louisville, Ky. Jordon Lakoduk, of Minot, came away with an international award.
Former WWII internees to attend conference: Planning for a memorial at tribal college
BISMARCK (UTN) – Nine Americans who were caught up in the country’s World War II Alien Enemy Control Program are scheduled to visit Bismarck over the Memorial Holiday. They will be special guests at the Fort Lincoln Planning Conference. The gathering is scheduled for May 30 to June 2 at United Tribes Technical College, site of the former Fort Lincoln Internment Camp. UTTC-WWII Internees.pdf
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
WSC Concert Choir to perform at MSU
The Williston State College Concert Choir, under the direction of Herb Parker Jr., will perform on campus this Wednesday (April 28) at noon in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall. All are invited to attend and enjoy the music. For questions, call 858-3185.
--Ken Bowles, chair of the Division of Music and professor of music
General Information
Unescorted tours in Swain Hall curtailed
With Swain Hall construction nearing an end, the contractors making the changes have asked that starting May 5 that there not be any more unescorted tours until the project is completed. Any requests for walking through Swain Hall by faculty, staff or community members must come through the Office of Plant Services and be coordinated with Mattson Construction. Please contact 858-3210 if you have any questions or concerns.
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
Supervisors reminded about Vision 2013 Merit Awards
The following information was sent out to campus regarding Vision 2013 Merits Awards, which are part of the salary compensation for the upcoming fiscal year. Supervisors are reminded to be aware of the deadline of this Friday (April 30) to turn in nominations to their respective vice president.
“For the Vision 2013 merit awards, members of President’s Staff will solicit nominations from their direct reports who are supervisors (deans, directors, and other supervisors) for faculty and staff within their respective areas with exemplary records of Vision 2013 achievements documented in this current year’s performance evaluations. In response, supervisors may nominate exemplary candidates within their areas by completing a two-page nomination form, which includes a narrative explaining why the individual warrants consideration for this meritorious recognition and a descriptive list of specific activities and accomplishments noted in the performance evaluation that show measurable, meritorious achievements connected to Vision 2013. The completed 2009-2010 annual performance evaluation of the nominated individual must be attached to the nomination. Nominations b! y supervisors must be limited to two pages, entered in standard 12-point font, and entered directly on the nomination form.
Twenty individuals will be selected based on documented meritorious performance that has substantially advanced the institution’s vision of place and engagement. Specific criteria and explanations of the Vision 2013 strategies/objectives will be used to judge the meritorious performance.
Members of President’s Staff and the presidents of Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and the Student Government Association will serve as the selection committee for this year’s merit awards. Nominations from supervisors will be solicited on Monday, April 5, with deadlines for returning the completed nomination forms to the respective vice president by Friday, April 30. Reviews will occur the week of May 3-7, and announcements of those selected will be made on May 10.”
--Mark Lyman, director of public information
Items in AJ Automotive to be auctioned Thursday
Northern Auction of Minot has a contract to run an auction on surplus MSU items that are currently in storage at the old AJ Automotive property. This auction is on Thursday (April 29), starting at 10:30 a.m., at the old automotive center on North Broadway. If departments, offices or campus entities have items being stored at the old AJ building, they need to be removed before the auction. Any member of the campus or community is welcome to bid on the items that remain. Please call 858-3210 if you have any questions or concerns.
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
2010-11 parking permit information
New parking permits for the upcoming year (June 1, 2010-May 31, 2011) will be on sale starting May 4. The permits are available in the parking office, located at the Office of Plant Services. The Office of Plant Services will not be overbooking lots. The price for the annual permit is $30 for a reserved permit and $20 for an unreserved permit. When individuals come to purchase the permit, they should bring the vehicle license plate number(s), their MSU employee/student ID and driver’s license and cash or check. We will not accept any requests or payments before May 4; they will be returned to your office to make it fair to everybody. Currently, unreserved passes are for students only.
Thank you for your cooperation. For questions, contact 858-3210 or
--Sue Lommen, parking office administrative assistant
Office of Public Information
The following text is from a Department of Athletics press release given to media yesterday:
Minot State names Peter Stewart as men’s basketball coach
MINOT, N.D. – Minot State University has named Peter Stewart as its 14th head men’s basketball coach, Athletic Director Rick Hedberg announced at a press conference Monday at the MSU Student Center.
“Peter has a variety of experiences, from playing at the NCAA Division II level at UND to the playing and coaching at a professional level overseas, to the last seven years at Peninsula College,” Hedberg said. “He has a great outgoing personality that connects well with student-athletes and community members and that’s real important as we move forward to NCAA Division II.”
Stewart has been the head coach at Peninsula College in Port Angeles, Wash., for the past seven seasons. He led his team to the North Division Conference Championship three times, the most recent in 2007-08. He has a 62-18 conference record over the past five seasons, including at 36-4 record at home during that span. Stewart was named the conference coach of the year twice, first in 2003-04 and the latest in 2007-08. His Peninsula College team has played in the post season six of the past seven seasons and has placed in the post season four! of the past five years.
Stewart has coached at all levels of basketball, including stints at MSU-Bottineau (now Dakota College at Bottineau, 1987-88), Adams State (1992-93), Minot State (1993-94), the Malaysian Professional Basketball league (1995) and the Australian Professional Basketball League (1989-1996 as a player and coach). He coached his team to the 1995 Malaysian Basketball League Championship.
A 1989 graduate of the University of North Dakota, Stewart played four seasons for the Sioux, being named team captain and selected as the North Central Conference Academic Player of the Year. He is pursuing a master’s degree in exercise physiology, sport and leisure science through Adams State College
Hedberg believes Stewart will be an important part of the Beavers move to the NCAA.
“We have some challenges ahead of us with our move to DII, but I am confident that Peter will be able to meet those challenges,” he said. “We are excited about the future of our men’s basketball program and excited about our department. We have a good group of coaches in place.”
Stewart, a native of Parshall, N.D., is married to Julie Ann Stewart, and they have three children.
Stewart was named as the head coach after a national search began in March.
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
Media covered the hiring of Peter Stewart as MSU’s new head men’s basketball coach.
They also covered the North Dakota Academy of Science’s annual meeting.
Clayton Daughenbaugh, from the Sierra Club, presented “Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness” yesterday in Aleshire.
Five Minot State University students attended the Collegiate DECA International Career and Development Conference in Louisville, Ky. Jordon Lakoduk, of Minot, came away with an international award.
Former WWII internees to attend conference: Planning for a memorial at tribal college
BISMARCK (UTN) – Nine Americans who were caught up in the country’s World War II Alien Enemy Control Program are scheduled to visit Bismarck over the Memorial Holiday. They will be special guests at the Fort Lincoln Planning Conference. The gathering is scheduled for May 30 to June 2 at United Tribes Technical College, site of the former Fort Lincoln Internment Camp. UTTC-WWII Internees.pdf
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
A Medicare Update -- CMS
Hello Everyone,
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
2. Reminder: Fifth National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
3. CMS Announces Series of Nationwide RAC 101 Calls
4. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Provisions Impacting Institutional Providers
5. New from the Medicare Learning Network
6. Transcripts for ICD-10-CM National Provider conference Call Now Available
7. Pricer Updates for Inpatient PPS and SNF PPS
8. CMS Proposes Policy And Payment Rate Changes For Inpatient Stays In Acute Care And Long-Term Care Hospitals In FY 2011
9. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay until January 3, 2011, the implementation of Phase 2 of Change Request (CR) 6417 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Claims Processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)) and CR 6421 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Claims Processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)).
This delay will give physicians and non-physician practitioners who order items or services for Medicare beneficiaries or who refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers sufficient time to enroll in Medicare or take the action necessary to establish a current enrollment record in Medicare prior to Phase 2 implementation.
Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order items or services or refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers for services do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and contains the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under Phase 2 of the above referenced CRs, a physician or non-physician practitioner who orders or refers and who does not have a current enrollment record that contains the NPI will cause the claim submitted by the Part B provider/supplier who furnished the ordered or referred item or service to be rejected.
CMS continues to urge physicians and non-physician practitioners who are enrolled in Medicare but who have not updated their Medicare enrollment record since November 2003 to update their enrollment record now. If these physicians and non-physician practitioners have no changes to their enrollment data, they need to submit an initial enrollment application which will establish a current enrollment record in PECOS.
2. Reminder: Fifth National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
5010: Taking EDI to the Next Level
Fifth National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010 – April 28, 2010
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will be hosting its fifth national provider call regarding the implementation of HIPAA Version 5010. There will be a brief presentation given by CMS followed by a Q&A session with CMS subject matter experts. The presentation is available by clicking on the following link to the CMS website:
Please note that this call is geared towards vendors, clearinghouses, and providers who are performing their own development of 5010.
Subject: Medicare Fee-For-Service Implementation of HIPAA version 5010 For Eligibility Inquiry and Response, 270/271 Transaction
· General Overview
· Medicare Specific Changes
o Service Type Codes
o Patient Matching Rules
o Error Handling
o Response Changes
· Timelines and Deadlines
· What you need to do to prepare
· 270/271 Errata
· Q & A
Conference call details:
Date: April 28, 2010
Conference Title: HIPAA Version 5010 national provider call: CMS’ discussion of Eligibility Inquiry and Response, 270/271 Transaction
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET
In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation.
Registration will close at 2:00 p.m. ET on April 27, 2010, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.
1. To register for the call participants need to go to:
2. Fill in all required data.
3. Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.
4. Click "Register".
5. You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.
3. CMS Announces Series of Nationwide RAC 101 Calls
Please visit the CMS RAC website at for more information.
April 28, 2010 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST: Nationwide RAC 101 Call, 1-877-251-0301
May 4, 2010 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST: Nationwide RAC 101 Call for Home Health and Hospice Providers, 1-877-251-0301
May 5, 2010 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST: Nationwide RAC 101 Call for DMEPOS, 1-877-251-0301
May 12, 2010 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST: Nationwide RAC 101 Call for Physicians, 1-877-251-0301
4. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Provisions Impacting Institutional Providers
On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). PPACA Sections 3401 and 3137 contain a number of provisions affecting institutional providers. The 3401 sections discussed below are effective April 1, 2010, while Section 3137(a) has October 1, 2009, and April 1, 2010 effective dates. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is working to expeditiously implement these important provisions of PPACA. Providers will begin seeing payments under these provision in the late April/early May time frame. Be on the alert for more information about these provisions and their impact on past and future claims. What follows are brief descriptions of each provision:
Inpatient Acute Hospitals (Section 3401(a))
Section 3401(a) of PPACA imposes a 0.25 percentage point reduction to the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) hospital’s market basket for fiscal year (FY) 2010, effective for discharges on or after April 1, 2010. The reduction to the market basket will affect IPPS rates for discharges occurring on or after April 1, 2010, through September 30, 2010.
Long-Term Care Hospitals (Section 3401(c))
Section 3401(c) of PPACA imposes a 0.25 percentage point reduction to the Long Term Care Hospital’s (LTCH) market basket for FY 2010, effective for discharges on or after April 1, 2010. The reduction to the market basket will affect LTCH rates for discharges occurring on or after April 1, 2010, through September 30, 2010.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (Section 3401(d))
Section 3401(d) of PPACA imposes a 0.25 percentage point reduction to the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility market basket for FY 2010, effective for discharges on or after April 1, 2010. The reduction is also resulting in changes to the standard payment conversion factor, payment rates, and the outlier threshold amount.
Extension of Section 508 Hospital Reclassifications (Sections 3137(a) and 10317)
Sections 3137(a) and 10317 extend section 508 and special exception hospital reclassifications from October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010. Effective April 1, 2010, section 3137(a) and 10317 also require removing section 508 and special exception wage data from the calculation of the reclassified wage index if doing so raises the reclassified wage index. All hospitals affected by sections 3137(a) and 10317 will be assigned an individual special wage index effective April 1, 2010. If the section 508 or special exception hospital’s wage index applicable for the period beginning on October 1, 2009, and ending on March 31, 2010, is lower than for the period beginning on April 1, 2010, and ending on September 30, 2010, the hospital will be paid an additional amount that reflects the difference between the wage indices. The provision applies to both inpatient and outpatient hospital payments.
Be on the alert for more information pertaining to the PPACA.
5. New from the Medicare Learning Network
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a Special Edition MLN Matters article to advise providers of what glucose self-testing equipment and supplies are covered for Medicare beneficiaries and what documentation is required for the beneficiary’s medical record. The article, SE1008, “Medicare Coverage of Blood Glucose Monitors and Testing Supplies,” is available at on the CMS website.
6. Transcripts for ICD-10-CM National Provider conference Call Now Available
The written and oral transcripts of the Basic Introduction to ICD-10-CM National Provider Conference Call, which was conducted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on March 23, 2010, are now available in the Downloads Section at .
7. Pricer Updates for Inpatient PPS and SNF PPS
Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (PPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Updated
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Inpatient PPS PC Pricer has been updated on the web for FY 2010 claims with provider data from April 2010. Go to the Inpatient PPS PC Pricer page at, under the Downloads section, and download the latest version of the PC Pricer.
Skilled Nursing Facilities Prospective Payment System (SNF PPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Files Updated for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010
Due to receiving quarterly provider data for April 2010, the FY 2010 SNF PPS PC Pricer has been updated on the page:, under the “Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF PPS) PC Pricer.” Please go to the page above and download the latest version of the PC Pricer.
8. CMS Proposes Policy And Payment Rate Changes For Inpatient Stays In Acute Care And Long-Term Care Hospitals In FY 2011
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently proposed the fiscal year (FY) 2011 policies and payment rates for inpatient services furnished to people with Medicare by both acute care hospitals and long-term care hospitals. The proposals are intended to ensure that Medicare pays appropriately for high quality, efficient and safe inpatient care. The proposed rule does not address inpatient hospital related provisions of the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act (collectively referred to as the “Affordable Care Act”). CMS expects to provide further information on the implementation of health care reform provisions in these laws that affect FY 2010 and FY 2011 IPPS payments in the near future.
CMS is similarly proposing to update long-term care hospital (LTCH) rates by 2.4 percent for inflation and apply an adjustment of -2.5 percentage points for the estimated increase in spending in FYs 2008 and 2009 due to documentation and coding that did not reflect increases in patients’ severity of illness. Based on these two proposed provisions and other proposed changes, CMS estimates that payments to LTCHs would increase by 0.8 percent or $41 million.
The proposed rule was placed on display at the Federal Register today, and can be found under Special Filings at:
CMS will accept comments on this proposed rule until June 18, and will respond to them in a final rule to be issued by August 1, 2010.
For more information, including supporting documentation, please see:
Note: More information about the proposed rule, including the documentation and coding adjustment and the RHQDAPU changes and HACs discussion, can be found in Fact Sheets on our Web page at:
To read the CMS Press release issued on 4/19/10 click here:
9. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
Under a new law, more Medicare beneficiaries could qualify for Extra Help with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs because some things no longer count as income and resources. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be on Medicare, have limited income and resources, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
Please enjoy the information contained in this edition of Frontier Focus. Please be sure to share it with your members, colleagues, providers and office billing staff. Thank you for your continued efforts to broadcast Medicare information to the providers in Region VIII.
Table of Contents
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
2. Reminder: Fifth National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
3. CMS Announces Series of Nationwide RAC 101 Calls
4. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Provisions Impacting Institutional Providers
5. New from the Medicare Learning Network
6. Transcripts for ICD-10-CM National Provider conference Call Now Available
7. Pricer Updates for Inpatient PPS and SNF PPS
8. CMS Proposes Policy And Payment Rate Changes For Inpatient Stays In Acute Care And Long-Term Care Hospitals In FY 2011
9. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
1. Update on Claims Processing for Ordering/Referring Providers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay until January 3, 2011, the implementation of Phase 2 of Change Request (CR) 6417 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Claims Processed by Medicare Carriers and Part B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs)) and CR 6421 (Expansion of the Current Scope of Editing for Ordering/Referring Providers for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Supplier Claims Processed by Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs)).
This delay will give physicians and non-physician practitioners who order items or services for Medicare beneficiaries or who refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers sufficient time to enroll in Medicare or take the action necessary to establish a current enrollment record in Medicare prior to Phase 2 implementation.
Although enrolled in Medicare, many physicians and non-physician practitioners who are eligible to order items or services or refer Medicare beneficiaries to other Medicare providers or suppliers for services do not have current enrollment records in Medicare. A current enrollment record is one that is in the Medicare Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) and contains the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under Phase 2 of the above referenced CRs, a physician or non-physician practitioner who orders or refers and who does not have a current enrollment record that contains the NPI will cause the claim submitted by the Part B provider/supplier who furnished the ordered or referred item or service to be rejected.
CMS continues to urge physicians and non-physician practitioners who are enrolled in Medicare but who have not updated their Medicare enrollment record since November 2003 to update their enrollment record now. If these physicians and non-physician practitioners have no changes to their enrollment data, they need to submit an initial enrollment application which will establish a current enrollment record in PECOS.
2. Reminder: Fifth National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010
5010: Taking EDI to the Next Level
Fifth National Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Education Call on HIPAA Version 5010 – April 28, 2010
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will be hosting its fifth national provider call regarding the implementation of HIPAA Version 5010. There will be a brief presentation given by CMS followed by a Q&A session with CMS subject matter experts. The presentation is available by clicking on the following link to the CMS website:
Please note that this call is geared towards vendors, clearinghouses, and providers who are performing their own development of 5010.
Subject: Medicare Fee-For-Service Implementation of HIPAA version 5010 For Eligibility Inquiry and Response, 270/271 Transaction
· General Overview
· Medicare Specific Changes
o Service Type Codes
o Patient Matching Rules
o Error Handling
o Response Changes
· Timelines and Deadlines
· What you need to do to prepare
· 270/271 Errata
· Q & A
Conference call details:
Date: April 28, 2010
Conference Title: HIPAA Version 5010 national provider call: CMS’ discussion of Eligibility Inquiry and Response, 270/271 Transaction
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET
In order to receive the call-in information, you must register for the call. It is important to note that if you are planning to sit in with a group, only one person needs to register to receive the call-in data. This registration is solely to reserve a phone line, NOT to allow participation.
Registration will close at 2:00 p.m. ET on April 27, 2010, or when available space has been filled. No exceptions will be made, so please be sure to register prior to this time.
1. To register for the call participants need to go to:
2. Fill in all required data.
3. Verify your time zone is displayed correctly the drop down box.
4. Click "Register".
5. You will be taken to the “Thank you for registering” page and will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter. Note: Please print and save this page, in the event that your server blocks the confirmation emails. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam/junk mail filter as it may have been directed there.
3. CMS Announces Series of Nationwide RAC 101 Calls
Please visit the CMS RAC website at for more information.
April 28, 2010 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST: Nationwide RAC 101 Call, 1-877-251-0301
May 4, 2010 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST: Nationwide RAC 101 Call for Home Health and Hospice Providers, 1-877-251-0301
May 5, 2010 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST: Nationwide RAC 101 Call for DMEPOS, 1-877-251-0301
May 12, 2010 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST: Nationwide RAC 101 Call for Physicians, 1-877-251-0301
4. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Provisions Impacting Institutional Providers
On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). PPACA Sections 3401 and 3137 contain a number of provisions affecting institutional providers. The 3401 sections discussed below are effective April 1, 2010, while Section 3137(a) has October 1, 2009, and April 1, 2010 effective dates. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is working to expeditiously implement these important provisions of PPACA. Providers will begin seeing payments under these provision in the late April/early May time frame. Be on the alert for more information about these provisions and their impact on past and future claims. What follows are brief descriptions of each provision:
Inpatient Acute Hospitals (Section 3401(a))
Section 3401(a) of PPACA imposes a 0.25 percentage point reduction to the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) hospital’s market basket for fiscal year (FY) 2010, effective for discharges on or after April 1, 2010. The reduction to the market basket will affect IPPS rates for discharges occurring on or after April 1, 2010, through September 30, 2010.
Long-Term Care Hospitals (Section 3401(c))
Section 3401(c) of PPACA imposes a 0.25 percentage point reduction to the Long Term Care Hospital’s (LTCH) market basket for FY 2010, effective for discharges on or after April 1, 2010. The reduction to the market basket will affect LTCH rates for discharges occurring on or after April 1, 2010, through September 30, 2010.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (Section 3401(d))
Section 3401(d) of PPACA imposes a 0.25 percentage point reduction to the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility market basket for FY 2010, effective for discharges on or after April 1, 2010. The reduction is also resulting in changes to the standard payment conversion factor, payment rates, and the outlier threshold amount.
Extension of Section 508 Hospital Reclassifications (Sections 3137(a) and 10317)
Sections 3137(a) and 10317 extend section 508 and special exception hospital reclassifications from October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010. Effective April 1, 2010, section 3137(a) and 10317 also require removing section 508 and special exception wage data from the calculation of the reclassified wage index if doing so raises the reclassified wage index. All hospitals affected by sections 3137(a) and 10317 will be assigned an individual special wage index effective April 1, 2010. If the section 508 or special exception hospital’s wage index applicable for the period beginning on October 1, 2009, and ending on March 31, 2010, is lower than for the period beginning on April 1, 2010, and ending on September 30, 2010, the hospital will be paid an additional amount that reflects the difference between the wage indices. The provision applies to both inpatient and outpatient hospital payments.
Be on the alert for more information pertaining to the PPACA.
5. New from the Medicare Learning Network
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a Special Edition MLN Matters article to advise providers of what glucose self-testing equipment and supplies are covered for Medicare beneficiaries and what documentation is required for the beneficiary’s medical record. The article, SE1008, “Medicare Coverage of Blood Glucose Monitors and Testing Supplies,” is available at on the CMS website.
6. Transcripts for ICD-10-CM National Provider conference Call Now Available
The written and oral transcripts of the Basic Introduction to ICD-10-CM National Provider Conference Call, which was conducted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on March 23, 2010, are now available in the Downloads Section at .
7. Pricer Updates for Inpatient PPS and SNF PPS
Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (PPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Updated
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Inpatient PPS PC Pricer has been updated on the web for FY 2010 claims with provider data from April 2010. Go to the Inpatient PPS PC Pricer page at, under the Downloads section, and download the latest version of the PC Pricer.
Skilled Nursing Facilities Prospective Payment System (SNF PPS) Personal Computer (PC) Pricer Files Updated for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010
Due to receiving quarterly provider data for April 2010, the FY 2010 SNF PPS PC Pricer has been updated on the page:, under the “Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF PPS) PC Pricer.” Please go to the page above and download the latest version of the PC Pricer.
8. CMS Proposes Policy And Payment Rate Changes For Inpatient Stays In Acute Care And Long-Term Care Hospitals In FY 2011
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently proposed the fiscal year (FY) 2011 policies and payment rates for inpatient services furnished to people with Medicare by both acute care hospitals and long-term care hospitals. The proposals are intended to ensure that Medicare pays appropriately for high quality, efficient and safe inpatient care. The proposed rule does not address inpatient hospital related provisions of the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act (collectively referred to as the “Affordable Care Act”). CMS expects to provide further information on the implementation of health care reform provisions in these laws that affect FY 2010 and FY 2011 IPPS payments in the near future.
CMS is similarly proposing to update long-term care hospital (LTCH) rates by 2.4 percent for inflation and apply an adjustment of -2.5 percentage points for the estimated increase in spending in FYs 2008 and 2009 due to documentation and coding that did not reflect increases in patients’ severity of illness. Based on these two proposed provisions and other proposed changes, CMS estimates that payments to LTCHs would increase by 0.8 percent or $41 million.
The proposed rule was placed on display at the Federal Register today, and can be found under Special Filings at:
CMS will accept comments on this proposed rule until June 18, and will respond to them in a final rule to be issued by August 1, 2010.
For more information, including supporting documentation, please see:
Note: More information about the proposed rule, including the documentation and coding adjustment and the RHQDAPU changes and HACs discussion, can be found in Fact Sheets on our Web page at:
To read the CMS Press release issued on 4/19/10 click here:
9. A new "twist" in the law makes it easier to save on your prescription drug costs.
Under a new law, more Medicare beneficiaries could qualify for Extra Help with their Medicare prescription drug plan costs because some things no longer count as income and resources. The Extra Help is estimated to be worth an average of $3,900 per year. To qualify for the Extra Help, a person must be on Medicare, have limited income and resources, and reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
Monday, April 26, 2010
North Dakota Rural Water
North Dakota's Congressional Delegation Sign on to Support Rural Water
Senators Dorgan and Conrad signed National Rural Water Association's "Dear Colleague" letter in support of our federally funded programs once again this year. Congressman Pomeroy was a co-sponsor of the letters in the House. We are grateful for their continued support!
Recession is sending water bills up for many
The grim economy is hitting some consumers in the wallet in yet another way: their water bills.
Many water utilities are raising rates because water use is down, in part because manufacturers have closed or are cutting back, tourism has fallen and the real estate market is in the doldrums. Read more
National Geographic Special Water Issue
The April issue focuses on water. Visit the site for some great articles that remind us of why we work so hard to protect our water. Topics include:
Freshwater Crisis
The Burden of Thirst
Parting the Waters
Get the Salt Out
Silent Streams
The Last Drop
Breathtaking Photographs
Desktop Wallpaper
Watch for new online "STORE"
The NDRWSA website will soon have an online store! Items available for purchase include keychains and waterbottles. Watch your email for further information.
Volume 5
Issue 2
April 2010
The mission of the NDRWSA is to educate, lead, and support its members in providing quality service to their customers.
National Geographic Water Issue
Celebrate Water Week
Stage 2 DBMP
New Diamond Sponsor
Show Your Support
How to Set Proper Water Rates
Training Schedule
The Spigot
Senator Dorgan Receives Award & EXPO Highlights
Denne Memorial
Scholarship information
Water managers - take your training and experience to the next level. Become certified through the Water University Management Certification Program.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Celebrate Water! Drinking Water Week 2010
National Drinking Water Week is May 2-8, 2010. Water Week 2010 is part of a national campaign to increase the public's awareness about the vital role water plays in our daily lives and to remind everyone of the importance of the work their local water professionals perform. We often forget what a valuable commodity water is and how much effort is required in keeping it clean, safe, and accessible. Water Week is an opportunity for communities to show their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of over 55,000 local water systems that supply America with safe, clean water every day.
We invite you to join us in celebrating this important event. To help, we are pleased to provide educational materials for your use. Please contact our office if you would be interested in obtaining any of the educational materials. These are FREE of charge other than postage, but supplies are limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
Please pass this information on to your local elementary schools. National Drinking Water Week is a great time to teach kids the value of water. Our professionally trained staff would be more than willing to speak on the importance of water. We encourage your elementary schools to contact our office at 800-349-6951 to schedule a speaker.
Click the following links for more information on National Drinking Water Week:
Stage 2 DBPR - CMP
Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 2 DBPR) Compliance Monitoring Plan (CMP) - Schedule 4 Systems
The CMP requirements apply to those systems serving fewer than 10,000 people or are part of a combined distribution system where the largest system serves fewer than 10,000 people. These systems are referred to as Schedule 4 systems.
The Stage 2 DBPR builds on existing regulations by requiring water systems to meet disinfection byproduct maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) at each disinfection byproduct monitoring site in the distribution system to better protect public health. All community water systems (CWS) and non-transient noncommunity water systems (NTNCWS) that use or deliver water with a primary or residual disinfectant other than ultraviolet light are subject to the Stage 2 DBPR requirements.
The final step before a system can begin compliance monitoring for the Stage 2 DBPR is to develop a CMP and submit this plan to the state by July 1, 2010. Systems must also retain a copy of your plan on file for state and public review.
In an effort to help systems meet this requirement, the ND Department of Health has sent each system a packet to instruct and direct them through the process of completing the CMP.
If systems have any questions about the CMP, please contact Lydia Fewless at 701-328-5221.
New Diamond Sponsor!
NDRWSA would like to thank Eric Lehman and Hach Company for donating four chlorine test kits to the association. The test kits will be used to help train water system personnel on how to properly monitor chlorine within their system. All community and nontransient noncommunity water systems that chlorinate or receive chlorinated water are required to monitor and record chlorine residuals. NDRWSA truly appreciates the strong support of associate members like Hach Company.
Since 1947, Hach Company has manufactured and distributed analytical instruments, test kits, and reagents for testing the quality of water and aqueous solutions, with products for lab, process, and field. Their products are designed specifically for quality, accuracy, and simplicity, and are in use around the world.
2009 State Legislative Session Histories Available
The history of each bill and resolution introduced during the 2009 state legislative session is now available online: House Bill and Resolution History and Senate Bill and Resolution History.
Show Your Support - Become an Individual Member
The North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association (NDRWSA) would like to invite you to become an Individual Member of our association.
For only $30/year, your benefits as an individual member include:
A FREE subscription to the ND Water Magazine
The Legislative Liaison Newsletter published during each legislative session
Membership certificate suitable for framing that identifies you as an Individual Member
Annual listing in the ND Water Magazine
NDRWSA key chain identifying you as a supporter of rural water
Show your support for rural water by taking this opportunity to become an Individual Member of the NDRWSA and help us bring clean, safe water to all citizens of North Dakota. To sign up for membership online click HERE.
How to Set Proper Water Rates Training
North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association, in conjunction with the North Dakota League of Cities Regional Meetings, will be sponsoring 6 Half Day, How to Set Proper Water Rates Training Sessions. The seminars will start at 9:00 am (local time) and last until 12:00 pm.
April 27, Memorial Hall, 105 Dakota Avenue, Wilton
April 28, Fire Hall, 15 First Street NE, Bowman *MDT*
April 29, City Hall, 213 Second Street NE, Watford City
May 4, City Administrative Building, 301 Division Avenue N, Cavalier
May 5, Governors' Inn Buffet & Grill, 2050 Governor's Drive, Casselton
May 6, The Downtowner, 310 Main Avenue, Napoleon
Visit our web site for more details. Contact Eric Volk, training specialist, with specific questions.
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New Equipment
NDRWSA has recently purchased a new sewer camera and plan to purchase a second gate valve operator. We are excited to share these important tools with our members; however, due to the high cost of maintaining, repairing and replacing these items, we have found it necessary to start an equipment repair and replacement fund. Therefore, we will now be assessing a small equipment usage fee for use of the above-mentioned equipment as well as for the use of our smoke testing equipment. We are also accepting optional contributions to this fund so that we can continue to loan and maintain our current equipment and purchase new equipment. Technical assistance and training associated with this equipment will still be FREE. Please contact our office or visit our website to take advantage of these and other valuable services. A special thank you goes out to the following for their contribution to the fund:
Agassiz Water Users
City of Bowman
City of Cathay
City of Flaxton
City of McVille
City of Stanton
City of Zap
M. Kruckenberg
North Central Rural Water Consortium
Southeast Water Users
Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendar
Leadership Retreat
July 15-16
Fargo Radisson Hotel
Jay Gubrud will present this informative interactive session for board members, managers, and staff. Bring your family and enjoy the Fargo Street Fair - one of Fargo's top events of the year! Watch your mail and our website for further information.
NRWA Annual Conference
September 26-28, 2010
Nashville, TN
Contact Us:
ND Rural Water Systems Association
2718 Gateway Avenue #201
Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: 800-349-6951
Fax: 701-258-5002
Job Openings
The City of Alexander has a job opening for a full time city water/maintenance operator. Applications are available at the office or send a resume to the City of Alexander. The job is open until the position is filled. For a complete job description contact the City of Alexander, PO Box 336, Alexander, ND 58831. Phone 701-828-3461 or 701-828-3487.
Barnes Rural Water District is seeking a full time certified water treatment and/or distribution operator. Ideal candidate will have previous experience, basic computer skills, a good driving record and a minimum of Class I Water Treatment and/or Distribution certification. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. Must be able to work some nights and weekends. Send resume or pick up application at: 421 W Main, Valley City, ND 58072-3323. Phone 701- 845-1117 or Fax 701- 845-1123; Email
Consumer Confidence Reports
Believe it or not, it is already that time of year again; time for you to begin gathering information for your annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). Water systems that supply water to other systems should have provided them with all relevant information by April 1, 2010. The 2009 CCR must be delivered or made available to customers and a copy forwarded to the NDDOH by July 1, 2010. Would you like FREE assistance in completing your CCR? If so, contact Eric Volk or call 800-349-6951 as soon as possible.
Our Staff:
Melody Kruckenberg, Executive Director
Kathy Berg, Administrative Assistant
Holly Ledahl, Administrative Assistant
Andy McDonald, Sourcewater Specialist
Chuck Mischel, Operator Certification Specialist
Audrey Boe Olsen, ARRA Circuit Rider
Mike Ritteman, Circuit Rider-East
Lisa Schatz, Director of Finance & Admininstration
Tom Sieg, Circuit Rider-West
Les Sigette, Wastewater Technician
Frank Soule, Sourcewater Specialist
Rod Stroh, Drought Management Specialist
Annette Vanderschuur, Bookkeeper
Eric Volk, Training Specialist/Field Staff Supervisor
Our Board of Directors:
Gordon Blixt, President
Keith Nilson, Vice-President
LaVonne Althoff, Secretary
Joe LaFave, Treasurer
Michele Schommer, Director at Large
John Bearman, National Representative
Steve Hansen, Managers Representative
Jack Hancock, Past President
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ND Rural Water Systems Assoc | 2718 Gateway Ave #201 | Bismarck | ND | 58503
Senators Dorgan and Conrad signed National Rural Water Association's "Dear Colleague" letter in support of our federally funded programs once again this year. Congressman Pomeroy was a co-sponsor of the letters in the House. We are grateful for their continued support!
Recession is sending water bills up for many
The grim economy is hitting some consumers in the wallet in yet another way: their water bills.
Many water utilities are raising rates because water use is down, in part because manufacturers have closed or are cutting back, tourism has fallen and the real estate market is in the doldrums. Read more
National Geographic Special Water Issue
The April issue focuses on water. Visit the site for some great articles that remind us of why we work so hard to protect our water. Topics include:
Freshwater Crisis
The Burden of Thirst
Parting the Waters
Get the Salt Out
Silent Streams
The Last Drop
Breathtaking Photographs
Desktop Wallpaper
Watch for new online "STORE"
The NDRWSA website will soon have an online store! Items available for purchase include keychains and waterbottles. Watch your email for further information.
Volume 5
Issue 2
April 2010
The mission of the NDRWSA is to educate, lead, and support its members in providing quality service to their customers.
National Geographic Water Issue
Celebrate Water Week
Stage 2 DBMP
New Diamond Sponsor
Show Your Support
How to Set Proper Water Rates
Training Schedule
The Spigot
Senator Dorgan Receives Award & EXPO Highlights
Denne Memorial
Scholarship information
Water managers - take your training and experience to the next level. Become certified through the Water University Management Certification Program.
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Celebrate Water! Drinking Water Week 2010
National Drinking Water Week is May 2-8, 2010. Water Week 2010 is part of a national campaign to increase the public's awareness about the vital role water plays in our daily lives and to remind everyone of the importance of the work their local water professionals perform. We often forget what a valuable commodity water is and how much effort is required in keeping it clean, safe, and accessible. Water Week is an opportunity for communities to show their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of over 55,000 local water systems that supply America with safe, clean water every day.
We invite you to join us in celebrating this important event. To help, we are pleased to provide educational materials for your use. Please contact our office if you would be interested in obtaining any of the educational materials. These are FREE of charge other than postage, but supplies are limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
Please pass this information on to your local elementary schools. National Drinking Water Week is a great time to teach kids the value of water. Our professionally trained staff would be more than willing to speak on the importance of water. We encourage your elementary schools to contact our office at 800-349-6951 to schedule a speaker.
Click the following links for more information on National Drinking Water Week:
Stage 2 DBPR - CMP
Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 2 DBPR) Compliance Monitoring Plan (CMP) - Schedule 4 Systems
The CMP requirements apply to those systems serving fewer than 10,000 people or are part of a combined distribution system where the largest system serves fewer than 10,000 people. These systems are referred to as Schedule 4 systems.
The Stage 2 DBPR builds on existing regulations by requiring water systems to meet disinfection byproduct maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) at each disinfection byproduct monitoring site in the distribution system to better protect public health. All community water systems (CWS) and non-transient noncommunity water systems (NTNCWS) that use or deliver water with a primary or residual disinfectant other than ultraviolet light are subject to the Stage 2 DBPR requirements.
The final step before a system can begin compliance monitoring for the Stage 2 DBPR is to develop a CMP and submit this plan to the state by July 1, 2010. Systems must also retain a copy of your plan on file for state and public review.
In an effort to help systems meet this requirement, the ND Department of Health has sent each system a packet to instruct and direct them through the process of completing the CMP.
If systems have any questions about the CMP, please contact Lydia Fewless at 701-328-5221.
New Diamond Sponsor!
NDRWSA would like to thank Eric Lehman and Hach Company for donating four chlorine test kits to the association. The test kits will be used to help train water system personnel on how to properly monitor chlorine within their system. All community and nontransient noncommunity water systems that chlorinate or receive chlorinated water are required to monitor and record chlorine residuals. NDRWSA truly appreciates the strong support of associate members like Hach Company.
Since 1947, Hach Company has manufactured and distributed analytical instruments, test kits, and reagents for testing the quality of water and aqueous solutions, with products for lab, process, and field. Their products are designed specifically for quality, accuracy, and simplicity, and are in use around the world.
2009 State Legislative Session Histories Available
The history of each bill and resolution introduced during the 2009 state legislative session is now available online: House Bill and Resolution History and Senate Bill and Resolution History.
Show Your Support - Become an Individual Member
The North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association (NDRWSA) would like to invite you to become an Individual Member of our association.
For only $30/year, your benefits as an individual member include:
A FREE subscription to the ND Water Magazine
The Legislative Liaison Newsletter published during each legislative session
Membership certificate suitable for framing that identifies you as an Individual Member
Annual listing in the ND Water Magazine
NDRWSA key chain identifying you as a supporter of rural water
Show your support for rural water by taking this opportunity to become an Individual Member of the NDRWSA and help us bring clean, safe water to all citizens of North Dakota. To sign up for membership online click HERE.
How to Set Proper Water Rates Training
North Dakota Rural Water Systems Association, in conjunction with the North Dakota League of Cities Regional Meetings, will be sponsoring 6 Half Day, How to Set Proper Water Rates Training Sessions. The seminars will start at 9:00 am (local time) and last until 12:00 pm.
April 27, Memorial Hall, 105 Dakota Avenue, Wilton
April 28, Fire Hall, 15 First Street NE, Bowman *MDT*
April 29, City Hall, 213 Second Street NE, Watford City
May 4, City Administrative Building, 301 Division Avenue N, Cavalier
May 5, Governors' Inn Buffet & Grill, 2050 Governor's Drive, Casselton
May 6, The Downtowner, 310 Main Avenue, Napoleon
Visit our web site for more details. Contact Eric Volk, training specialist, with specific questions.
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New Equipment
NDRWSA has recently purchased a new sewer camera and plan to purchase a second gate valve operator. We are excited to share these important tools with our members; however, due to the high cost of maintaining, repairing and replacing these items, we have found it necessary to start an equipment repair and replacement fund. Therefore, we will now be assessing a small equipment usage fee for use of the above-mentioned equipment as well as for the use of our smoke testing equipment. We are also accepting optional contributions to this fund so that we can continue to loan and maintain our current equipment and purchase new equipment. Technical assistance and training associated with this equipment will still be FREE. Please contact our office or visit our website to take advantage of these and other valuable services. A special thank you goes out to the following for their contribution to the fund:
Agassiz Water Users
City of Bowman
City of Cathay
City of Flaxton
City of McVille
City of Stanton
City of Zap
M. Kruckenberg
North Central Rural Water Consortium
Southeast Water Users
Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendar
Leadership Retreat
July 15-16
Fargo Radisson Hotel
Jay Gubrud will present this informative interactive session for board members, managers, and staff. Bring your family and enjoy the Fargo Street Fair - one of Fargo's top events of the year! Watch your mail and our website for further information.
NRWA Annual Conference
September 26-28, 2010
Nashville, TN
Contact Us:
ND Rural Water Systems Association
2718 Gateway Avenue #201
Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: 800-349-6951
Fax: 701-258-5002
Job Openings
The City of Alexander has a job opening for a full time city water/maintenance operator. Applications are available at the office or send a resume to the City of Alexander. The job is open until the position is filled. For a complete job description contact the City of Alexander, PO Box 336, Alexander, ND 58831. Phone 701-828-3461 or 701-828-3487.
Barnes Rural Water District is seeking a full time certified water treatment and/or distribution operator. Ideal candidate will have previous experience, basic computer skills, a good driving record and a minimum of Class I Water Treatment and/or Distribution certification. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. Must be able to work some nights and weekends. Send resume or pick up application at: 421 W Main, Valley City, ND 58072-3323. Phone 701- 845-1117 or Fax 701- 845-1123; Email
Consumer Confidence Reports
Believe it or not, it is already that time of year again; time for you to begin gathering information for your annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). Water systems that supply water to other systems should have provided them with all relevant information by April 1, 2010. The 2009 CCR must be delivered or made available to customers and a copy forwarded to the NDDOH by July 1, 2010. Would you like FREE assistance in completing your CCR? If so, contact Eric Volk or call 800-349-6951 as soon as possible.
Our Staff:
Melody Kruckenberg, Executive Director
Kathy Berg, Administrative Assistant
Holly Ledahl, Administrative Assistant
Andy McDonald, Sourcewater Specialist
Chuck Mischel, Operator Certification Specialist
Audrey Boe Olsen, ARRA Circuit Rider
Mike Ritteman, Circuit Rider-East
Lisa Schatz, Director of Finance & Admininstration
Tom Sieg, Circuit Rider-West
Les Sigette, Wastewater Technician
Frank Soule, Sourcewater Specialist
Rod Stroh, Drought Management Specialist
Annette Vanderschuur, Bookkeeper
Eric Volk, Training Specialist/Field Staff Supervisor
Our Board of Directors:
Gordon Blixt, President
Keith Nilson, Vice-President
LaVonne Althoff, Secretary
Joe LaFave, Treasurer
Michele Schommer, Director at Large
John Bearman, National Representative
Steve Hansen, Managers Representative
Jack Hancock, Past President
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ND Rural Water Systems Assoc | 2718 Gateway Ave #201 | Bismarck | ND | 58503
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Bismarck-Mandan News -- North Dakota
BMDA Highlights - 4/23/10
MSNBC report - The list of positive reports from the national media continue. Last week it was Forbes Magazine. This week it is a report from the MSNBC continuing story the “Elkhart Project” ranking Bismarck as the # 5 city for new jobs created. The # 5 ranking is out of 384 MSA’s across the US, or 4 percent of the total.
The recovery remains jobless for most of the nation, with only 16 of 384 metro areas showing job gains in the past year. Of the nation's 384 metro areas, 205 had begun to recover, or 53 percent, according to the February Adversity Index. That's up from 185 metro areas in January, or 48 percent. The full article can be read here.
In addition to the article, The Adversity Index, from and Moody's, measures the economic health of 381 metro areas and all 50 states. Each area is in recession, at risk, recovering or expanding. Click here to view the Adversity Index map. On this map you can explore changes in the four components of the index: employment, housing starts, housing prices and industrial production, each shown as a percentage change from a year earlier.
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Great Plains Applied Energy Technology Center - The 2009 Legislature approved $5.0 million to be matched 2 to 1 by other public or private funding to be used for the creation of the Great Plains Applied Energy Technology Center in Bismarck. The Legislation also required that a feasibility study be completed prior to the $5.0 million being released for the GPAETC project. This feasibility study had to demonstrate that the Center would become economically viable and self supporting in the future. To accomplish the feasibility study, the steering committee made up of the primary stakeholders selected the national consulting service Deloitte Consulting LLP to guide the study. On April 21, the Steering Committee met for the first time with Deloitte to discuss the study process that would follow and to refine the GPAETC scope and priorities. The study process will take approximately two months. The BMDA is a member of the Steering Committee and will provide brief updates of the study as it moves forward.
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BMDA Executive Committee meeting - The BMDA has scheduled an Executive Committee Meeting for May 11 to discuss a proposal for the BMDA to serve as the center of liaison between public and private efforts to promote continuing economic growth in the downtown area. The discussion will cover the White Paper Proposal developed by the BMDA which outlines the BMDA’s mission as the center of liaison for this broad growth effort. The BMDA’s involvement as the center of liaison represents a 360 degree turn since the Bismarck Development Association was originally created in 1979 as a private not for profit group to provide focus in a private effort that was initiated by the founding private property and business owners in the downtown area. The first four years of the BDA’s efforts directly and indirectly resulted in investments of over $82.0 million in a wide variety of projects including Galleria I, the new Q & R Clinic, renovation of a long list of private properties in various retail and commercial office spaces, additional parking and public housing. The proposed White Paper, once adopted would see the BMDA renewing this past effort.
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Conversation with the community on retail development scheduled for May 4 - The City of Mandan will host a conversation with the community on the topic of retail development on May 4 at City Hall. The forum will run from 7 to 8 p.m. following a City Commission meeting scheduled for that evening. The public is encouraged to attend.
Business Development Director Ellen Huber will present information on typical retail site requirements, Mandan’s statistical profile, targeted retail list and recruitment efforts, and steps to becoming more retail ready. There will also be a question and answer period.
The forum will be carried live on Government Access, cable channel 2, and online at It will also be available for subsequent online viewing.
Representatives of partner organizations have been invited to attend and be available for questions. Those partners include the Bismarck-Mandan Development Association, Lewis and Clark Regional Development Council, Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce, Bismarck-Mandan Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Mandan Progress Organization.
For more information, call the City of Mandan Business Development Office at 701-667-3485.
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A long time coming - Many people wonder how long some economic development projects generally take. A standard answer is: “They almost always take longer than folks expect”! From initial inspiration or contact on a project to completion as a functioning project they can occur in months or years. Sometimes lots of years! To demonstrate the time element the BMDA and a long standing private effort are just now coming to a successful conclusion after well over ten years of discussions, more discussions and even more discussions. Because the project has not been formally announced yet, we will not use any names. We will however extend long overdue congratulations to all of the parties to the project which will see the light of the public eye in the next six to eight weeks.
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New board member orientations - Each year following the Annual Meeting, the BMDA staff will ask new board members elected to the board at the Annual Meeting to spend a couple hours with the staff discussing the things the BMDA does and does not get involved in. We share the history of the organization, talk about the strategic vision, some of the projects we are working on and any special issues we might be facing. This is done so that the new board member can develop an early understanding of the many areas of activities of the organization. We try to stress the importance of the role of the board members. They effectively become our “eyes and ears” in the community. They can alert us to areas which need attention, possible business leads and opportunities for us to follow up on and any assistance which the general business community might be in need of. The orientation meetings are generally held over the lunch hour. The most recent orientation meeting was held with Timothy Atkinson who was elected to the BMDA Board during the February 17, 2010 Annual Meeting.
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Young professionals’ regional summit to be held in Bismarck – The first Great Plains Young Professionals Summit will be held June 3-5, 2010. Networking regional young professionals together will be one of the main goals of the summit. The three-day event will be geared toward the professional development needs of 21- to 39-year-olds. A full schedule of events and activities has been planned.
If your business is interested in becoming a sponsor of the summit, visit the summit’s website at And if you have employees that fall into the Young Professionals Network’s age group, consider sending them to the summit to gain insight from the presenters and their peers from throughout the Midwest. Details of the summit’s agenda and registration information can be found at
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AWEA annual wind industry market report - The U.S. wind energy industry is expanding as established industry leaders maintain their top position and manufacturing continues to grow albeit at a slower rate than in 2008, according to the annual wind industry market report released April 8th by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).
According to the report, at the end of 2009, there were six states that received more than 5 percent of their electricity from wind, and North Dakota was one of them. Also in 2009, there were fourteen states in the “GigawattClub” with more than 1,000 MW installed (1 GW). In 2009, new club members included Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, New York, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and Wyoming.
Read more about the report HERE.
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Jobs available in the oil patch - If you are interested in the jobs in the oil patch, whether just out of curiosity or because you might know someone who might be looking for a job, this week’s list of openings can be viewed HERE. For these and other employment opportunities in Bismarck-Mandan and throughout the state, go to
This week the number of active oil rigs in North Dakota is 109. The Wall Street Journal crude oil price for today (3/26/10) is $83.70.
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MSNBC report - The list of positive reports from the national media continue. Last week it was Forbes Magazine. This week it is a report from the MSNBC continuing story the “Elkhart Project” ranking Bismarck as the # 5 city for new jobs created. The # 5 ranking is out of 384 MSA’s across the US, or 4 percent of the total.
The recovery remains jobless for most of the nation, with only 16 of 384 metro areas showing job gains in the past year. Of the nation's 384 metro areas, 205 had begun to recover, or 53 percent, according to the February Adversity Index. That's up from 185 metro areas in January, or 48 percent. The full article can be read here.
In addition to the article, The Adversity Index, from and Moody's, measures the economic health of 381 metro areas and all 50 states. Each area is in recession, at risk, recovering or expanding. Click here to view the Adversity Index map. On this map you can explore changes in the four components of the index: employment, housing starts, housing prices and industrial production, each shown as a percentage change from a year earlier.
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Great Plains Applied Energy Technology Center - The 2009 Legislature approved $5.0 million to be matched 2 to 1 by other public or private funding to be used for the creation of the Great Plains Applied Energy Technology Center in Bismarck. The Legislation also required that a feasibility study be completed prior to the $5.0 million being released for the GPAETC project. This feasibility study had to demonstrate that the Center would become economically viable and self supporting in the future. To accomplish the feasibility study, the steering committee made up of the primary stakeholders selected the national consulting service Deloitte Consulting LLP to guide the study. On April 21, the Steering Committee met for the first time with Deloitte to discuss the study process that would follow and to refine the GPAETC scope and priorities. The study process will take approximately two months. The BMDA is a member of the Steering Committee and will provide brief updates of the study as it moves forward.
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BMDA Executive Committee meeting - The BMDA has scheduled an Executive Committee Meeting for May 11 to discuss a proposal for the BMDA to serve as the center of liaison between public and private efforts to promote continuing economic growth in the downtown area. The discussion will cover the White Paper Proposal developed by the BMDA which outlines the BMDA’s mission as the center of liaison for this broad growth effort. The BMDA’s involvement as the center of liaison represents a 360 degree turn since the Bismarck Development Association was originally created in 1979 as a private not for profit group to provide focus in a private effort that was initiated by the founding private property and business owners in the downtown area. The first four years of the BDA’s efforts directly and indirectly resulted in investments of over $82.0 million in a wide variety of projects including Galleria I, the new Q & R Clinic, renovation of a long list of private properties in various retail and commercial office spaces, additional parking and public housing. The proposed White Paper, once adopted would see the BMDA renewing this past effort.
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Conversation with the community on retail development scheduled for May 4 - The City of Mandan will host a conversation with the community on the topic of retail development on May 4 at City Hall. The forum will run from 7 to 8 p.m. following a City Commission meeting scheduled for that evening. The public is encouraged to attend.
Business Development Director Ellen Huber will present information on typical retail site requirements, Mandan’s statistical profile, targeted retail list and recruitment efforts, and steps to becoming more retail ready. There will also be a question and answer period.
The forum will be carried live on Government Access, cable channel 2, and online at It will also be available for subsequent online viewing.
Representatives of partner organizations have been invited to attend and be available for questions. Those partners include the Bismarck-Mandan Development Association, Lewis and Clark Regional Development Council, Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce, Bismarck-Mandan Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Mandan Progress Organization.
For more information, call the City of Mandan Business Development Office at 701-667-3485.
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A long time coming - Many people wonder how long some economic development projects generally take. A standard answer is: “They almost always take longer than folks expect”! From initial inspiration or contact on a project to completion as a functioning project they can occur in months or years. Sometimes lots of years! To demonstrate the time element the BMDA and a long standing private effort are just now coming to a successful conclusion after well over ten years of discussions, more discussions and even more discussions. Because the project has not been formally announced yet, we will not use any names. We will however extend long overdue congratulations to all of the parties to the project which will see the light of the public eye in the next six to eight weeks.
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New board member orientations - Each year following the Annual Meeting, the BMDA staff will ask new board members elected to the board at the Annual Meeting to spend a couple hours with the staff discussing the things the BMDA does and does not get involved in. We share the history of the organization, talk about the strategic vision, some of the projects we are working on and any special issues we might be facing. This is done so that the new board member can develop an early understanding of the many areas of activities of the organization. We try to stress the importance of the role of the board members. They effectively become our “eyes and ears” in the community. They can alert us to areas which need attention, possible business leads and opportunities for us to follow up on and any assistance which the general business community might be in need of. The orientation meetings are generally held over the lunch hour. The most recent orientation meeting was held with Timothy Atkinson who was elected to the BMDA Board during the February 17, 2010 Annual Meeting.
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Young professionals’ regional summit to be held in Bismarck – The first Great Plains Young Professionals Summit will be held June 3-5, 2010. Networking regional young professionals together will be one of the main goals of the summit. The three-day event will be geared toward the professional development needs of 21- to 39-year-olds. A full schedule of events and activities has been planned.
If your business is interested in becoming a sponsor of the summit, visit the summit’s website at And if you have employees that fall into the Young Professionals Network’s age group, consider sending them to the summit to gain insight from the presenters and their peers from throughout the Midwest. Details of the summit’s agenda and registration information can be found at
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AWEA annual wind industry market report - The U.S. wind energy industry is expanding as established industry leaders maintain their top position and manufacturing continues to grow albeit at a slower rate than in 2008, according to the annual wind industry market report released April 8th by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).
According to the report, at the end of 2009, there were six states that received more than 5 percent of their electricity from wind, and North Dakota was one of them. Also in 2009, there were fourteen states in the “GigawattClub” with more than 1,000 MW installed (1 GW). In 2009, new club members included Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, New York, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and Wyoming.
Read more about the report HERE.
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Jobs available in the oil patch - If you are interested in the jobs in the oil patch, whether just out of curiosity or because you might know someone who might be looking for a job, this week’s list of openings can be viewed HERE. For these and other employment opportunities in Bismarck-Mandan and throughout the state, go to
This week the number of active oil rigs in North Dakota is 109. The Wall Street Journal crude oil price for today (3/26/10) is $83.70.
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Saturday, April 24, 2010
Midwest Energy Group
In this Issue
Welcome to the MEEA Minute, our monthly newsletter, including news from MEEA and our members and allies, efficiency news and events from around the Midwest, and more. In this issue read about:
Illinois Appliance Rebates Finish Strong in One Day
MEEA Launches BOC Pilot in Michigan
Members—Join Us for MEEA’s Annual Meeting of the Membership
Thought Leadership Roundtable Coming to Wisconsin
Join Us for the Ohio Energy Expo
Lights for Learning Partners with Local Zoos
Susan Hedman named EPA Region 5 Administrator
New U.S. Hot Water Heater Standard
US DOE Releases Energy Code Compliance Guide
New Staff at MEEA
Member News—ComEd Reaches Appliance Recycling Milestone
Illinois Appliance Rebates Finish Strong in One Day
Thanks to strong consumer demand and enthusiastic participation by 600 participating Illinois retailers, all of the state’s $6.2 million ENERGY STAR® appliance rebate funding was spent within 11 hours of the start of the program last Friday, April 16th.
"This program was an overwhelming success. Tens of thousands of consumers have new, energy efficient appliances at a savings. In the months to come, their energy consumption will be reduced and so will their energy bills," Governor Quinn said mid-day on that Friday. "Our hats are off to the retailers who participated in this program, some of whom are continuing their own sales even after the rebate program closes."
The program, a partnership between the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA), the State Energy Office at Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and the Illinois Retail Merchants Association (IRMA), enabled participating retailers to report their sales nearly real-time throughout the day to make sure the program did not overspend its funding. A final-hour decision to use funds from the state’s Energy Efficiency Trust Fund to extend the program to 7pm was made by DCEO.
"We wanted to make sure that people who worked all day were able to take advantage of this program when they got off the job. After tracking the pace of the sales, we decided to supplement the federal stimulus funding with dollars from a dedicated state energy efficiency fund, to extend the program through to 7 o'clock," said Warren Ribley, Director of DCEO.
Federally-funded rebates on ENERGY STAR® appliances totaled $6.2 million. Consumers received a 15% rebate at point-of-sale on qualified refrigerators, freezers, clothes washers, dishwashers, and room air conditioners. An estimated $31 million in new appliances were sold by 5pm on Friday, April 16. 60% of the appliances sold were refrigerators and freezers, and an additional mail-in rebate is being provided for consumers to recycle their old units,
The program was the final phase of a three-part program designed to help Illinoisans reduce their energy consumption and provide a boost to local economies. Illinois received a total of $12.4 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to implement three phases of the program. The first and second phases, which closed earlier this Spring, offered rebates on water heaters and heating and cooling equipment and pumped over $35 million into the Illinois economy.
“Due to the tremendous popularity among consumers and the support and cooperation of retailers, the program was a smashing success,” said Illinois Retail Merchants Association President & CEO David F. Vite.
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MEEA Launches BOC Pilot in Michigan
MEEA has partnered with Consumers Energy to launch a pilot Building Operator Certification (BOC) program for Consumers Energy customers in Okemos, MI. Training will begin in late May 2010 and is the first BOC program offered in the state of Michigan to date. MEEA and Consumers Energy will work together to track participant satisfaction and energy savings resulting from the program through surveys with participants and supervisors. MEEA has planned another pilot program to begin in partnership with MEEA-member DTE Energy in the fall and is currently working with the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth to make the BOC program available statewide in the near future.
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Members—Join Us for MEEA’s Annual Meeting of the Membershi
We hope you will join us on Tuesday, May 18th for MEEA's Annual Meeting of the Membership at The Allerton Hotel on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. This exclusive member-only event provides both new and existing members the chance to learn about MEEA’s current policy initiatives and program opportunities and to meet and network throughout the day with MEEA’s Board of Directors and members.
At the meeting you will vote on candidates for the FY2011 MEEA Board of Directors. We will also have a panel discussion including several of MEEA’s founding members to reflect on the growth of energy efficiency in the Midwest and MEEA since our inception. The group will share their thoughts on future opportunities for energy efficiency in our region.
Members who will be in Chicago on Monday, May 17th are also encouraged to join us at the MEEA 10th Anniversary Celebration at The Allerton Hotel. Drinks and light hors d’œuvre will be served.
Please RSVP for the Meeting and the Reception by Thursday, May 13 by emailing Gloria Swanson at, or by phone at 312-784-7421. Because of space constraints, no more than 2 people from each member company can attend. Only MEEA’s primary member contact has voting rights. If you have questions regarding who your primary member is, please email Gloria. If you are a voting member but cannot attend the meeting, the 2010 Proxy Form can be downloaded from our website.
MEEA has secured a small block of hotel rooms at The Allerton at a reduced rate. Please call 1.877.701.8111 to book a room and mention "Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance." You can also reserve a room online by visiting and use the promotional code "LOCMEEA" for the special rate.
Thank you again for your continued support, and we hope you will join us and your fellow MEEA members in May.
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Thought Leadership Roundtable Coming to Wisconsin
MEEA’s Thought Leadership Roundtable series is coming to Wisconsin on Monday, May 3. This Invitation-Only event will bring together MEEA Members, elected officials, government, nonprofit leaders, utilities, and other energy efficiency stakeholders to discuss the role of energy efficiency in Wisconsin’s energy future. Stakeholders will share their perspectives on realizing the potential of energy efficiency as a resource in Wisconsin. For more information about the Thought Leadership Roundtables, or to request an invitation, please contact Jessica Collingsworth at or Stacey Paradis at
MEEA's Wisconsin Thought Leadership Roundtables is made possible by the support of the Energy Foundation, Energy Center of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Public Utility Institute and MEEA members.
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Join Us for the Ohio Energy Expo
Join MEEA for the 2010 Ohio Energy Expo on Tuesday, May 11 at the State Capitol, West Plaza, in Columbus from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. Legislators, commissioners, regulators, MEEA members, and other guests will join exhibitors from around Ohio to demonstrate the value of energy efficiency to Ohio’s economy and to learn how Ohio companies are working to advance energy efficiency and make an impact for the state’s consumers.
Energy Expos bring together energy services companies, utilities, manufacturers, and retailers to highlight the economic development potential of energy efficiency policies. This collaborative event will bring together all of the stakeholders with policymakers to find common ground to support and advance energy efficiency policies and programs.
If you wish to RSVP for the 2010 Ohio Energy Expo, or to sign up as a sponsor or exhibitor, please download the registration form. Email completed forms, RSVPs, and questions to Jessica Collingsworth at or call her at 312.784.7247.
The 2010 Ohio Energy Expo is made possible by support from The Energy Foundation and MEEA members.
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Lights for Learning Partners with Local Zoos
As part of its annual Earth Day push, the Lights for Learning™ program is involved in two weekend events meant to inspire Chicagoland residents to make efficiency a part of their day-to-day decisions. On April 17th and 18th the program was featured at the ChicaGO Green Expo at Lincoln Park Zoo. This outdoor event allowed MEEA to showcase the L4L program and ensure that Illinois parents and students are aware that they can engage in “Fundraising with a Conscience.” Dozens of zoo visitors had the opportunity to ride the Energy Bike, take the ENERGY STAR pledge, and learn about the benefits of CFLs and LEDs.
Likewise, Lights for Learning will take part in a similar weekend event on May 1st and 2nd at Brookfield Zoo called Party for the Planet. The relationship between Lights for Learning and the Brookfield has grown over the course of the 2009-2010 school year in a variety of ways. Brookfield Zoo has now adopted a permanent CFL demonstration unit modeled after Lights for Learning’s Energy Bike. The Zoo has also agreed to feature the program in a series of more than 70 educator-oriented events taking place at the Zoo over the coming year. For more information on Lights for Learning, reach out to Chad Bulman at
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Susan Hedman named EPA Region 5 Administrator
Susan Hedman, former MEEA Board Member, has been named the Environmental Protection Agency's Regional Administrator for EPA's Region 5. This region encompasses Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin and 35 Tribal Nations.
Regional Administrators are responsible for managing the Agency's regional activities under the direction of the EPA Administrator. They promote state and local environmental protection efforts and serve as a liaison to state and local government officials. Regional Administrators are tasked with ensuring EPA's efforts to address the environmental crises of today are rooted in three fundamental values: science-based policies and programs, adherence to the rule of law, and transparency.
"I look forward to working closely with Susan Hedman on the range of urgent environmental issues we face, in Region 5 and across the nation," said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. "At this moment of great challenge and even greater opportunity, I'm thrilled that Susan will be part of our leadership team at EPA. She will certainly play an instrumental role in our Agency's mission to protect our health and the environment."
Susan Hedman has extensive experience in the environmental protection field dating back to the early 1980's when she taught environmental policy courses at Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin. Since 2005, she has served as Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan's Environmental Counsel and Senior Assistant Attorney General, playing a role as chief negotiator for litigation and legislation relating to environmental protection, energy efficiency, renewable energy, carbon capture technology and associated consumer issues. Congratulations to Ms. Hedman, we look forward to continuing our work with her to advance energy efficiency.
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New U.S. Hot Water Heater Standard
On March 31, the US Department of Energy released new standards for hot water heaters that will deliver huge nationwide energy savings. DOE estimates that a 50-gallon electric hot water heater will save 4% of annual energy use, while a 40-gallon natural gas heater will save 3%. Hot water heating accounts for 12% of the typical energy use in a home, so this will add up to a major impact nationwide. Larger capacity hot water heating needs, over 55 gallons, must be met with electric heat pumps, which will save about 50% compared to conventional technology, or natural gas condensing hot water heaters, that will save 25% over current storage hot water heating technology. The new standard will save approximately 2.6 quads (quadrillion BTUs) of energy over 30 years, and about $8.7 billion in energy bills according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
The Final Rule, which also updates standards for tankless water heaters, pool heaters, and direct heating equipment, is available from DOE’s website. The standards established in the final rule will be applied starting April 16, 2015 for residential water heaters, and April 16, 2013 for residential direct heating equipment and pool heaters.
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US DOE Releases Energy Code Compliance Guide
The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) has developed procedures and tools for measuring and reporting compliance with building energy codes in each of the states. Several drafts of proposed methodologies were shared with stakeholders from whom feedback was requested, received, and incorporated into a final document entitled Measuring State Energy Code Compliance, which has been posted on the BECP website.
BECP anticipates developing and posting a shorter “how-to” version of this document for stakeholders wanting only the high-level recommended steps for measuring compliance. Additional support tools also being developed are listed at the above site.
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New Staff at MEEA
We are thrilled to welcome another new staff member to MEEA’s office. Gloria Smith joins us as our new Senior Accountant. Before joining MEEA, she recently served as Controller for the Howard Area Community Center in Chicago. Welcome to our second “Gloria S.” on the MEEA staff!
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Member News—ComEd Reaches Appliance Recycling Milestone
MEEA-member ComEd’s Smart Ideas for Your Home℠ program has reached a significant milestone with the successful recycling of 32,000 old energy-hogging refrigerators, freezers and window air conditioners. The appliances recycled from customers represent the equivalent of removing about 6,289 cars from the road or planting 9,386 acres of trees.
“ComEd will pay you $25 for old running second refrigerators, and by getting rid of inefficient appliances customers can save anywhere from $50 to $150 a year on their electricity bill,” said Val Jensen, vice president, Marketing and Environmental Programs, ComEd. “This achievement represents annual energy savings of about $7.7 million for our customers and with spring approaching now is a good time for ComEd to take that old fridge off your hands.”
The residential appliance recycling program, part of ComEd’s Smart Ideas℠ energy efficiency programs, offers customers an opportunity to receive a $25 cash rebate to recycle their older, working, low-efficiency second appliances. Older appliances can use up to five times more electricity than newer models and taking less-efficient appliances off the electrical grid reduces electricity demand while benefiting the environment. The appliance recycling program is one of the many ways ComEd is providing customers with information and tools they need to make wiser choices that will lower their electric bills, save them money and reduce environmental impacts.
ComEd partners with JACO Environmental to ensure that old appliances are dismantled and recycled in an environmentally responsible manner. To date, the appliance recycling program has prevented 95 percent of recyclable materials in old refrigerators, freezers and window air conditioners from entering landfills.
ComEd customers can schedule a pick-up for an old refrigerator or freezer by calling 1-888-806-2273 or signing up online at
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The Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) is a collaborative network advancing energy efficiency in the Midwest to support sustainable economic development and environmental preservation.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attrib-Noncom-Share Alike 3.0 US License.
(cc)2008 Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance: a 501(c)(3) organization
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Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
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To view as a web page.
Welcome to the MEEA Minute, our monthly newsletter, including news from MEEA and our members and allies, efficiency news and events from around the Midwest, and more. In this issue read about:
Illinois Appliance Rebates Finish Strong in One Day
MEEA Launches BOC Pilot in Michigan
Members—Join Us for MEEA’s Annual Meeting of the Membership
Thought Leadership Roundtable Coming to Wisconsin
Join Us for the Ohio Energy Expo
Lights for Learning Partners with Local Zoos
Susan Hedman named EPA Region 5 Administrator
New U.S. Hot Water Heater Standard
US DOE Releases Energy Code Compliance Guide
New Staff at MEEA
Member News—ComEd Reaches Appliance Recycling Milestone
Illinois Appliance Rebates Finish Strong in One Day
Thanks to strong consumer demand and enthusiastic participation by 600 participating Illinois retailers, all of the state’s $6.2 million ENERGY STAR® appliance rebate funding was spent within 11 hours of the start of the program last Friday, April 16th.
"This program was an overwhelming success. Tens of thousands of consumers have new, energy efficient appliances at a savings. In the months to come, their energy consumption will be reduced and so will their energy bills," Governor Quinn said mid-day on that Friday. "Our hats are off to the retailers who participated in this program, some of whom are continuing their own sales even after the rebate program closes."
The program, a partnership between the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA), the State Energy Office at Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and the Illinois Retail Merchants Association (IRMA), enabled participating retailers to report their sales nearly real-time throughout the day to make sure the program did not overspend its funding. A final-hour decision to use funds from the state’s Energy Efficiency Trust Fund to extend the program to 7pm was made by DCEO.
"We wanted to make sure that people who worked all day were able to take advantage of this program when they got off the job. After tracking the pace of the sales, we decided to supplement the federal stimulus funding with dollars from a dedicated state energy efficiency fund, to extend the program through to 7 o'clock," said Warren Ribley, Director of DCEO.
Federally-funded rebates on ENERGY STAR® appliances totaled $6.2 million. Consumers received a 15% rebate at point-of-sale on qualified refrigerators, freezers, clothes washers, dishwashers, and room air conditioners. An estimated $31 million in new appliances were sold by 5pm on Friday, April 16. 60% of the appliances sold were refrigerators and freezers, and an additional mail-in rebate is being provided for consumers to recycle their old units,
The program was the final phase of a three-part program designed to help Illinoisans reduce their energy consumption and provide a boost to local economies. Illinois received a total of $12.4 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to implement three phases of the program. The first and second phases, which closed earlier this Spring, offered rebates on water heaters and heating and cooling equipment and pumped over $35 million into the Illinois economy.
“Due to the tremendous popularity among consumers and the support and cooperation of retailers, the program was a smashing success,” said Illinois Retail Merchants Association President & CEO David F. Vite.
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MEEA Launches BOC Pilot in Michigan
MEEA has partnered with Consumers Energy to launch a pilot Building Operator Certification (BOC) program for Consumers Energy customers in Okemos, MI. Training will begin in late May 2010 and is the first BOC program offered in the state of Michigan to date. MEEA and Consumers Energy will work together to track participant satisfaction and energy savings resulting from the program through surveys with participants and supervisors. MEEA has planned another pilot program to begin in partnership with MEEA-member DTE Energy in the fall and is currently working with the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth to make the BOC program available statewide in the near future.
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Members—Join Us for MEEA’s Annual Meeting of the Membershi
We hope you will join us on Tuesday, May 18th for MEEA's Annual Meeting of the Membership at The Allerton Hotel on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. This exclusive member-only event provides both new and existing members the chance to learn about MEEA’s current policy initiatives and program opportunities and to meet and network throughout the day with MEEA’s Board of Directors and members.
At the meeting you will vote on candidates for the FY2011 MEEA Board of Directors. We will also have a panel discussion including several of MEEA’s founding members to reflect on the growth of energy efficiency in the Midwest and MEEA since our inception. The group will share their thoughts on future opportunities for energy efficiency in our region.
Members who will be in Chicago on Monday, May 17th are also encouraged to join us at the MEEA 10th Anniversary Celebration at The Allerton Hotel. Drinks and light hors d’œuvre will be served.
Please RSVP for the Meeting and the Reception by Thursday, May 13 by emailing Gloria Swanson at, or by phone at 312-784-7421. Because of space constraints, no more than 2 people from each member company can attend. Only MEEA’s primary member contact has voting rights. If you have questions regarding who your primary member is, please email Gloria. If you are a voting member but cannot attend the meeting, the 2010 Proxy Form can be downloaded from our website.
MEEA has secured a small block of hotel rooms at The Allerton at a reduced rate. Please call 1.877.701.8111 to book a room and mention "Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance." You can also reserve a room online by visiting and use the promotional code "LOCMEEA" for the special rate.
Thank you again for your continued support, and we hope you will join us and your fellow MEEA members in May.
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Thought Leadership Roundtable Coming to Wisconsin
MEEA’s Thought Leadership Roundtable series is coming to Wisconsin on Monday, May 3. This Invitation-Only event will bring together MEEA Members, elected officials, government, nonprofit leaders, utilities, and other energy efficiency stakeholders to discuss the role of energy efficiency in Wisconsin’s energy future. Stakeholders will share their perspectives on realizing the potential of energy efficiency as a resource in Wisconsin. For more information about the Thought Leadership Roundtables, or to request an invitation, please contact Jessica Collingsworth at or Stacey Paradis at
MEEA's Wisconsin Thought Leadership Roundtables is made possible by the support of the Energy Foundation, Energy Center of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Public Utility Institute and MEEA members.
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Join Us for the Ohio Energy Expo
Join MEEA for the 2010 Ohio Energy Expo on Tuesday, May 11 at the State Capitol, West Plaza, in Columbus from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. Legislators, commissioners, regulators, MEEA members, and other guests will join exhibitors from around Ohio to demonstrate the value of energy efficiency to Ohio’s economy and to learn how Ohio companies are working to advance energy efficiency and make an impact for the state’s consumers.
Energy Expos bring together energy services companies, utilities, manufacturers, and retailers to highlight the economic development potential of energy efficiency policies. This collaborative event will bring together all of the stakeholders with policymakers to find common ground to support and advance energy efficiency policies and programs.
If you wish to RSVP for the 2010 Ohio Energy Expo, or to sign up as a sponsor or exhibitor, please download the registration form. Email completed forms, RSVPs, and questions to Jessica Collingsworth at or call her at 312.784.7247.
The 2010 Ohio Energy Expo is made possible by support from The Energy Foundation and MEEA members.
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Lights for Learning Partners with Local Zoos
As part of its annual Earth Day push, the Lights for Learning™ program is involved in two weekend events meant to inspire Chicagoland residents to make efficiency a part of their day-to-day decisions. On April 17th and 18th the program was featured at the ChicaGO Green Expo at Lincoln Park Zoo. This outdoor event allowed MEEA to showcase the L4L program and ensure that Illinois parents and students are aware that they can engage in “Fundraising with a Conscience.” Dozens of zoo visitors had the opportunity to ride the Energy Bike, take the ENERGY STAR pledge, and learn about the benefits of CFLs and LEDs.
Likewise, Lights for Learning will take part in a similar weekend event on May 1st and 2nd at Brookfield Zoo called Party for the Planet. The relationship between Lights for Learning and the Brookfield has grown over the course of the 2009-2010 school year in a variety of ways. Brookfield Zoo has now adopted a permanent CFL demonstration unit modeled after Lights for Learning’s Energy Bike. The Zoo has also agreed to feature the program in a series of more than 70 educator-oriented events taking place at the Zoo over the coming year. For more information on Lights for Learning, reach out to Chad Bulman at
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Susan Hedman named EPA Region 5 Administrator
Susan Hedman, former MEEA Board Member, has been named the Environmental Protection Agency's Regional Administrator for EPA's Region 5. This region encompasses Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin and 35 Tribal Nations.
Regional Administrators are responsible for managing the Agency's regional activities under the direction of the EPA Administrator. They promote state and local environmental protection efforts and serve as a liaison to state and local government officials. Regional Administrators are tasked with ensuring EPA's efforts to address the environmental crises of today are rooted in three fundamental values: science-based policies and programs, adherence to the rule of law, and transparency.
"I look forward to working closely with Susan Hedman on the range of urgent environmental issues we face, in Region 5 and across the nation," said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. "At this moment of great challenge and even greater opportunity, I'm thrilled that Susan will be part of our leadership team at EPA. She will certainly play an instrumental role in our Agency's mission to protect our health and the environment."
Susan Hedman has extensive experience in the environmental protection field dating back to the early 1980's when she taught environmental policy courses at Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin. Since 2005, she has served as Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan's Environmental Counsel and Senior Assistant Attorney General, playing a role as chief negotiator for litigation and legislation relating to environmental protection, energy efficiency, renewable energy, carbon capture technology and associated consumer issues. Congratulations to Ms. Hedman, we look forward to continuing our work with her to advance energy efficiency.
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New U.S. Hot Water Heater Standard
On March 31, the US Department of Energy released new standards for hot water heaters that will deliver huge nationwide energy savings. DOE estimates that a 50-gallon electric hot water heater will save 4% of annual energy use, while a 40-gallon natural gas heater will save 3%. Hot water heating accounts for 12% of the typical energy use in a home, so this will add up to a major impact nationwide. Larger capacity hot water heating needs, over 55 gallons, must be met with electric heat pumps, which will save about 50% compared to conventional technology, or natural gas condensing hot water heaters, that will save 25% over current storage hot water heating technology. The new standard will save approximately 2.6 quads (quadrillion BTUs) of energy over 30 years, and about $8.7 billion in energy bills according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
The Final Rule, which also updates standards for tankless water heaters, pool heaters, and direct heating equipment, is available from DOE’s website. The standards established in the final rule will be applied starting April 16, 2015 for residential water heaters, and April 16, 2013 for residential direct heating equipment and pool heaters.
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US DOE Releases Energy Code Compliance Guide
The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) has developed procedures and tools for measuring and reporting compliance with building energy codes in each of the states. Several drafts of proposed methodologies were shared with stakeholders from whom feedback was requested, received, and incorporated into a final document entitled Measuring State Energy Code Compliance, which has been posted on the BECP website.
BECP anticipates developing and posting a shorter “how-to” version of this document for stakeholders wanting only the high-level recommended steps for measuring compliance. Additional support tools also being developed are listed at the above site.
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New Staff at MEEA
We are thrilled to welcome another new staff member to MEEA’s office. Gloria Smith joins us as our new Senior Accountant. Before joining MEEA, she recently served as Controller for the Howard Area Community Center in Chicago. Welcome to our second “Gloria S.” on the MEEA staff!
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Member News—ComEd Reaches Appliance Recycling Milestone
MEEA-member ComEd’s Smart Ideas for Your Home℠ program has reached a significant milestone with the successful recycling of 32,000 old energy-hogging refrigerators, freezers and window air conditioners. The appliances recycled from customers represent the equivalent of removing about 6,289 cars from the road or planting 9,386 acres of trees.
“ComEd will pay you $25 for old running second refrigerators, and by getting rid of inefficient appliances customers can save anywhere from $50 to $150 a year on their electricity bill,” said Val Jensen, vice president, Marketing and Environmental Programs, ComEd. “This achievement represents annual energy savings of about $7.7 million for our customers and with spring approaching now is a good time for ComEd to take that old fridge off your hands.”
The residential appliance recycling program, part of ComEd’s Smart Ideas℠ energy efficiency programs, offers customers an opportunity to receive a $25 cash rebate to recycle their older, working, low-efficiency second appliances. Older appliances can use up to five times more electricity than newer models and taking less-efficient appliances off the electrical grid reduces electricity demand while benefiting the environment. The appliance recycling program is one of the many ways ComEd is providing customers with information and tools they need to make wiser choices that will lower their electric bills, save them money and reduce environmental impacts.
ComEd partners with JACO Environmental to ensure that old appliances are dismantled and recycled in an environmentally responsible manner. To date, the appliance recycling program has prevented 95 percent of recyclable materials in old refrigerators, freezers and window air conditioners from entering landfills.
ComEd customers can schedule a pick-up for an old refrigerator or freezer by calling 1-888-806-2273 or signing up online at
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The Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) is a collaborative network advancing energy efficiency in the Midwest to support sustainable economic development and environmental preservation.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attrib-Noncom-Share Alike 3.0 US License.
(cc)2008 Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance: a 501(c)(3) organization
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Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
645 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 990
Chicago IL 60611
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Friday, April 23, 2010
Minot State University - North Dakota -- Events
April 23, 2010 Campus Announcements
Symphony ends ‘Myths and Legends’ season with pops perennial
The Minot Symphony Orchestra’s 2000-2010 season wraps up Saturday evening (April 24). This is the perennial favorite pops concert, and it will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall. Maestro Dennis Simons, professor of music, conducts the orchestra.
Minot State University students, faculty and staff are admitted free with a current ID. Additional tickets for adults are $20. The price for senior citizens is $15 single; students 12-18, $10 single; children, $5 single.
--Paulette Dailey, Minot Symphony Orchestra
MSU theatre presents ‘Extremities’
The Program of Theatre Arts is presenting "Extremities" in Aleshire Theater through Sunday (April 25). Shows are at 7:30 p.m., today through Saturday, with Sunday’s matinee beginning at 2 p.m. Paula Lindekugel-Willis, professor of communication arts, is directing this spring performance.
This drama follows a potential rape victim who overcomes her assailant, and the assailant instead becomes the victim. After the Saturday performance, there will be “talk backs,” or informal discussions between the audience, the cast and professionals. Professionals from the Domestic Violence Crisis Center and the Minot legal system will discuss topics concerning domestic violence. "Extremities" is in connection with April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Lindekugel-Willis advises that a young crowd should not attend this production, for this is a play for a mature audience.
Admission for MSU students, faculty and staff is free with a current MSU ID. Admission for others is $6 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. For reservations, call 858-3172.
Sierra Club representative discusses ‘Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness’
Clayton Daughenbaugh, from the Sierra Club, will be presenting “Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness” on Monday (April 26) at 2 p.m. in Aleshire. Minot State Slideshow Poster_Slideshow Poster.pdf For questions, contact 858-3079 or
--Heidi Super, associate professor of biology
General Information
Fitness center open
Although the Spring Honor Dance and Powwow Celebration is in progress in the Dome, the MSU Fitness Center is open today and tomorrow (April 23-24). Fitness center users must take the southeast entrance to the Dome on the third floor. For questions, contact 858-3285 or
--Paul Brekke, director of the MSU Fitness Center
Office of Public Information
The Minot Daily News contains special Progress sections on Saturdays in April. Last Saturday’s Progress section featured Minot State University, and MDN posted a few of the stories online.
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
Media covered MSU Earth Day activities.
Broadcasting-public relations students organized an MSU jump-a-thon.
The Minot Daily News included the MSU Board of Regents Faculty and Staff Achievement Awards and years-of-service recipients on the Society page.
Absence Confirmation
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for golf
The following students will be unable to attend classes on Monday (April 26) in order to travel to and from Dickinson to participate in a men’s and women’s golf tournament:
Justin Aberle
A.J. Allard
Michael Delorme
Ben Edwards
Casey Gleich
Marion Hernandez
Mickhail Hernandez
Jarett Hysuik
Jordan Kelly
Lucas Stefan
Laura Bakke
Kara Dietz
Ali Hilkewich
Karen Langemo
Whitney Stanley
Kelsey Whitmore
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3473 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Chipper Farrell, director of golf
Notifying the Office of Student Life or faculty members through the Office of Public Information (using this format or by any other means) does not constitute an excused absence. Whenever a student anticipates an absence, he/she should contact the appropriate faculty member prior to missing class.
It is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether students will be excused from class or allowed to make up any missed work. Each faculty member establishes his/her own guidelines regarding class absence, and whether or not a student will be allowed to make up missed work.*
*Based upon “Class Absence Policy,” 2000 - 2002 Student Handbook - Minot State University.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Symphony ends ‘Myths and Legends’ season with pops perennial
The Minot Symphony Orchestra’s 2000-2010 season wraps up Saturday evening (April 24). This is the perennial favorite pops concert, and it will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Ann Nicole Nelson Hall. Maestro Dennis Simons, professor of music, conducts the orchestra.
Minot State University students, faculty and staff are admitted free with a current ID. Additional tickets for adults are $20. The price for senior citizens is $15 single; students 12-18, $10 single; children, $5 single.
--Paulette Dailey, Minot Symphony Orchestra
MSU theatre presents ‘Extremities’
The Program of Theatre Arts is presenting "Extremities" in Aleshire Theater through Sunday (April 25). Shows are at 7:30 p.m., today through Saturday, with Sunday’s matinee beginning at 2 p.m. Paula Lindekugel-Willis, professor of communication arts, is directing this spring performance.
This drama follows a potential rape victim who overcomes her assailant, and the assailant instead becomes the victim. After the Saturday performance, there will be “talk backs,” or informal discussions between the audience, the cast and professionals. Professionals from the Domestic Violence Crisis Center and the Minot legal system will discuss topics concerning domestic violence. "Extremities" is in connection with April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Lindekugel-Willis advises that a young crowd should not attend this production, for this is a play for a mature audience.
Admission for MSU students, faculty and staff is free with a current MSU ID. Admission for others is $6 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. For reservations, call 858-3172.
Sierra Club representative discusses ‘Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness’
Clayton Daughenbaugh, from the Sierra Club, will be presenting “Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness” on Monday (April 26) at 2 p.m. in Aleshire. Minot State Slideshow Poster_Slideshow Poster.pdf For questions, contact 858-3079 or
--Heidi Super, associate professor of biology
General Information
Fitness center open
Although the Spring Honor Dance and Powwow Celebration is in progress in the Dome, the MSU Fitness Center is open today and tomorrow (April 23-24). Fitness center users must take the southeast entrance to the Dome on the third floor. For questions, contact 858-3285 or
--Paul Brekke, director of the MSU Fitness Center
Office of Public Information
The Minot Daily News contains special Progress sections on Saturdays in April. Last Saturday’s Progress section featured Minot State University, and MDN posted a few of the stories online.
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
Media covered MSU Earth Day activities.
Broadcasting-public relations students organized an MSU jump-a-thon.
The Minot Daily News included the MSU Board of Regents Faculty and Staff Achievement Awards and years-of-service recipients on the Society page.
Absence Confirmation
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for golf
The following students will be unable to attend classes on Monday (April 26) in order to travel to and from Dickinson to participate in a men’s and women’s golf tournament:
Justin Aberle
A.J. Allard
Michael Delorme
Ben Edwards
Casey Gleich
Marion Hernandez
Mickhail Hernandez
Jarett Hysuik
Jordan Kelly
Lucas Stefan
Laura Bakke
Kara Dietz
Ali Hilkewich
Karen Langemo
Whitney Stanley
Kelsey Whitmore
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3473 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Chipper Farrell, director of golf
Notifying the Office of Student Life or faculty members through the Office of Public Information (using this format or by any other means) does not constitute an excused absence. Whenever a student anticipates an absence, he/she should contact the appropriate faculty member prior to missing class.
It is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether students will be excused from class or allowed to make up any missed work. Each faculty member establishes his/her own guidelines regarding class absence, and whether or not a student will be allowed to make up missed work.*
*Based upon “Class Absence Policy,” 2000 - 2002 Student Handbook - Minot State University.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
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Dr. Tom Seymour
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Ron Ness -- North Dakota Petroleum Council News
The Williston Basin Petroleum Conference & Expo has 2,068 registrants! All Legislators were sent a complimentary invite. Register under guest use WBPCGuest passcode.
Also, see the Surface Owner Information Center below. This is a good place to send people with questions.
Attached, and below, is the Petroleum Council’s April E-News. Have a good week!
North Dakota Petroleum Council E-News
April 2010
New Members – Thanks to the new Petroleum Council members Catalyst Capital Corporation, Inc.; North Plains Energy, LLC; Powers Energy Corporation; and Purestream Technology.
North Dakota Oil Activity – As of April 19, there are 107 rigs running. In February, there were 4,416 wells producing 261,088 barrels of oil per day, which set another record. The previous high was 245,840 in November 2009.
More than 1,900 Registered for 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – The 18th Annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference will break the attendance record of 1,400 set in 2008. The conference is quickly approaching and final preparations are being made. We have many changes planned this year and the entire event will have a new look and format with concurrent sessions. The conference agenda has been finalized and we are excited about the fantastic line-up of speakers with something for everyone. We look forward to seeing you in Bismarck! A tips and tricks list, including suggested attire and other helpful items for the conference, is posted on the conference home page. The final early-bird registration deadline is Tuesday, April 20. Register now!
Split Estate Owner Information Website – The Petroleum Council has launched an online Surface Owner Information Center (SOIC). The SOIC answers several frequently asked questions regarding surface owner issues in North Dakota. The site has been developed by the Petroleum Council’s Split Estate/Surface Owner Task Force. Committee Chairman Eric Dillé says, “The site is intended to help inform split estate surface owners, legislators, policy makers, etc. of issues regarding split estate lands.” Visit the SOIC.
State Land Commissioner Hired – Lance Gaebe has been hired as the new State Land Commissioner. Gaebe will begin his duties this summer and will serve a four-year term. Gary Preszler, the current Land Commissioner, is retiring at the end of this month. Gaebe currently serves as Governor Hoeven’s Deputy Chief of Staff and formerly served as his Senior Policy Advisor. Gaebe has extensive agricultural experience from holding numerous positions in the agriculture community. During his tenure at the Governor’s Office, he has worked with the oil and gas industry on key issues such as public lands, water, roads, etc. The Land Department has 22 employees and a two-year budget of $13.8 million and manages the Board of University and School Lands Trust, which has $1 billion in assets.
2009 Economic Impact Study – The Petroleum Council is funding a 2009 Economic Impact Study. Dean Bangsund of North Dakota State University is conducting the study. He did this study for the association in 2005 and 2007. The 2007 study revealed that the petroleum industry in North Dakota has an $8.3 billion economic impact. This is very valuable information for our industry and we need your support. All oil operators will be mailed a survey. A sampling of service companies will also be surveyed. All information is confidential and will be reported in aggregate only. Thank you in advance for your timely participation.
Workforce Needs Assessment – The Petroleum Council, in partnership with the Department of Commerce, is conducting an Oil Industry Workforce Needs Survey. As you may recall, we did this survey in 2004 and it was extremely helpful in building a basis for recruiting employees, creating and funding training programs at colleges, and creating a better understanding of what lies ahead in terms of workforce needs. We need your help. Many of you may be contacted by Ted Renner, the consultant for the project, who will make a personal visit to gather your workforce data. All information will be confidential.
ND Oil PAC Seeking Contributions – Established in 1981, the North Dakota Oil PAC aids political candidates in North Dakota who support the oil and gas industry and work to promote good government and maintain a positive business climate for the industry in North Dakota. In North Dakota, only contributions more than $200 are reportable. Sorry, but corporate contributions are not allowed. Only personal checks are accepted. For a donation application, or more information, see the Petroleum Council’s website.
Teacher Education Seminar – The 2010 Teacher Education Seminar will be held June 7-10 in Bismarck, ND. This event expands teachers' knowledge of the North Dakota oil and gas industry, from its prehistoric beginnings to the final product. Two hours of graduate level continuing education credit will be available from UND for a small fee.
Oil Can! Drive Safely Campaign – The Oil Can! Program is launching a safety campaign to remind industry members and others sharing the road that safe driving is a priority every day. The campaign will be officially launched at the 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference held May 2-4. The campaign includes billboards in western North Dakota, bumper stickers, safety orientation presentations for new industry employees and, eventually, a safety video. Partners in the campaign include the ND Department of Transportation and the ND Motor Carriers Association. More than 10,000 drive safe bumper stickers will be available for industry members to utilize on their fleets. Terry Kovacevich, Chairman of the Petroleum Council’s Oil Can! Committee, says, “Road safety is a serious issue for industry and the public. We are urging everyone in the industry to raise their employees’ awareness. The bumper stickers placed on their vehicles will serve as a reminder of our goal to help everyone return home safely every day.” To view the billboard, visit the Oil Can! webpage.
Bakken Crude Heads to Louisiana Gulf Coast – NuStar Energy recently announced that its St. James, LA, terminal has unloaded its first railcar shipment of Bakken crude oil from North Dakota. The company currently has the ability to bring in approximately 5,000 barrels per day (BPD) by rail on a manifest basis, and through a manifest rail expansion, they will have the ability to expand and bring in roughly 10,000 BPD. “The region’s crude oil producers and marketers are very excited about this project because it provides them with access to a great market that offers pipeline and water access to the refining systems in the Gulf Coast and Midwest. We think there’s a lot of potential to market this product through St. James, so we have short-term and long-term plans to increase the amount of crude oil that we can ship there,” said NuStar President and CEO Curt Anastasio. For more information, visit the NuStar Energy L.P. website. NuStar is presenting on this issue during the Midstream Session at the upcoming Williston Basin Petroleum Conference.
Bakken and Beyond Ruger Red Label Raffle – The Petroleum
Council will be selling raffle tickets for a one-of-a-kind “Bakken
and Beyond” Ruger Red Label shotgun at the WBPC. Proceeds
from the raffle will go to the Petroleum Council Scholarship Fund.
The drawing will be held May 4 at noon. Need not be present to win.
Mark Your Calendars!
May 2-4 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – Bismarck, ND
June 5 Williston API Golf Event
June 7-10 Petroleum Council’s Teacher Seminar – Bismarck, ND
June 8 Petroleum Council Teacher Field Tour – Stanley, ND
June 12 Kenmare Oil Golf Event
June 23 Mohall Oilman’s Open Golf Event
July 27 Bakken Rocks CookFest – Tioga, ND
July 29 Bakken Rocks CookFest – New Town, ND
August 26 Legislative Tour Day – Stanley, ND
Sept. 21-23 Petroleum Council Annual Meeting – Holiday Inn, Minot, ND
Marsha Reimnitz
North Dakota Petroleum Council
PO Box 1395
Bismarck ND 58502
701.222.0006 fax
"Only people who do things get criticized."
Also, see the Surface Owner Information Center below. This is a good place to send people with questions.
Attached, and below, is the Petroleum Council’s April E-News. Have a good week!
North Dakota Petroleum Council E-News
April 2010
New Members – Thanks to the new Petroleum Council members Catalyst Capital Corporation, Inc.; North Plains Energy, LLC; Powers Energy Corporation; and Purestream Technology.
North Dakota Oil Activity – As of April 19, there are 107 rigs running. In February, there were 4,416 wells producing 261,088 barrels of oil per day, which set another record. The previous high was 245,840 in November 2009.
More than 1,900 Registered for 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – The 18th Annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference will break the attendance record of 1,400 set in 2008. The conference is quickly approaching and final preparations are being made. We have many changes planned this year and the entire event will have a new look and format with concurrent sessions. The conference agenda has been finalized and we are excited about the fantastic line-up of speakers with something for everyone. We look forward to seeing you in Bismarck! A tips and tricks list, including suggested attire and other helpful items for the conference, is posted on the conference home page. The final early-bird registration deadline is Tuesday, April 20. Register now!
Split Estate Owner Information Website – The Petroleum Council has launched an online Surface Owner Information Center (SOIC). The SOIC answers several frequently asked questions regarding surface owner issues in North Dakota. The site has been developed by the Petroleum Council’s Split Estate/Surface Owner Task Force. Committee Chairman Eric Dillé says, “The site is intended to help inform split estate surface owners, legislators, policy makers, etc. of issues regarding split estate lands.” Visit the SOIC.
State Land Commissioner Hired – Lance Gaebe has been hired as the new State Land Commissioner. Gaebe will begin his duties this summer and will serve a four-year term. Gary Preszler, the current Land Commissioner, is retiring at the end of this month. Gaebe currently serves as Governor Hoeven’s Deputy Chief of Staff and formerly served as his Senior Policy Advisor. Gaebe has extensive agricultural experience from holding numerous positions in the agriculture community. During his tenure at the Governor’s Office, he has worked with the oil and gas industry on key issues such as public lands, water, roads, etc. The Land Department has 22 employees and a two-year budget of $13.8 million and manages the Board of University and School Lands Trust, which has $1 billion in assets.
2009 Economic Impact Study – The Petroleum Council is funding a 2009 Economic Impact Study. Dean Bangsund of North Dakota State University is conducting the study. He did this study for the association in 2005 and 2007. The 2007 study revealed that the petroleum industry in North Dakota has an $8.3 billion economic impact. This is very valuable information for our industry and we need your support. All oil operators will be mailed a survey. A sampling of service companies will also be surveyed. All information is confidential and will be reported in aggregate only. Thank you in advance for your timely participation.
Workforce Needs Assessment – The Petroleum Council, in partnership with the Department of Commerce, is conducting an Oil Industry Workforce Needs Survey. As you may recall, we did this survey in 2004 and it was extremely helpful in building a basis for recruiting employees, creating and funding training programs at colleges, and creating a better understanding of what lies ahead in terms of workforce needs. We need your help. Many of you may be contacted by Ted Renner, the consultant for the project, who will make a personal visit to gather your workforce data. All information will be confidential.
ND Oil PAC Seeking Contributions – Established in 1981, the North Dakota Oil PAC aids political candidates in North Dakota who support the oil and gas industry and work to promote good government and maintain a positive business climate for the industry in North Dakota. In North Dakota, only contributions more than $200 are reportable. Sorry, but corporate contributions are not allowed. Only personal checks are accepted. For a donation application, or more information, see the Petroleum Council’s website.
Teacher Education Seminar – The 2010 Teacher Education Seminar will be held June 7-10 in Bismarck, ND. This event expands teachers' knowledge of the North Dakota oil and gas industry, from its prehistoric beginnings to the final product. Two hours of graduate level continuing education credit will be available from UND for a small fee.
Oil Can! Drive Safely Campaign – The Oil Can! Program is launching a safety campaign to remind industry members and others sharing the road that safe driving is a priority every day. The campaign will be officially launched at the 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference held May 2-4. The campaign includes billboards in western North Dakota, bumper stickers, safety orientation presentations for new industry employees and, eventually, a safety video. Partners in the campaign include the ND Department of Transportation and the ND Motor Carriers Association. More than 10,000 drive safe bumper stickers will be available for industry members to utilize on their fleets. Terry Kovacevich, Chairman of the Petroleum Council’s Oil Can! Committee, says, “Road safety is a serious issue for industry and the public. We are urging everyone in the industry to raise their employees’ awareness. The bumper stickers placed on their vehicles will serve as a reminder of our goal to help everyone return home safely every day.” To view the billboard, visit the Oil Can! webpage.
Bakken Crude Heads to Louisiana Gulf Coast – NuStar Energy recently announced that its St. James, LA, terminal has unloaded its first railcar shipment of Bakken crude oil from North Dakota. The company currently has the ability to bring in approximately 5,000 barrels per day (BPD) by rail on a manifest basis, and through a manifest rail expansion, they will have the ability to expand and bring in roughly 10,000 BPD. “The region’s crude oil producers and marketers are very excited about this project because it provides them with access to a great market that offers pipeline and water access to the refining systems in the Gulf Coast and Midwest. We think there’s a lot of potential to market this product through St. James, so we have short-term and long-term plans to increase the amount of crude oil that we can ship there,” said NuStar President and CEO Curt Anastasio. For more information, visit the NuStar Energy L.P. website. NuStar is presenting on this issue during the Midstream Session at the upcoming Williston Basin Petroleum Conference.
Bakken and Beyond Ruger Red Label Raffle – The Petroleum
Council will be selling raffle tickets for a one-of-a-kind “Bakken
and Beyond” Ruger Red Label shotgun at the WBPC. Proceeds
from the raffle will go to the Petroleum Council Scholarship Fund.
The drawing will be held May 4 at noon. Need not be present to win.
Mark Your Calendars!
May 2-4 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – Bismarck, ND
June 5 Williston API Golf Event
June 7-10 Petroleum Council’s Teacher Seminar – Bismarck, ND
June 8 Petroleum Council Teacher Field Tour – Stanley, ND
June 12 Kenmare Oil Golf Event
June 23 Mohall Oilman’s Open Golf Event
July 27 Bakken Rocks CookFest – Tioga, ND
July 29 Bakken Rocks CookFest – New Town, ND
August 26 Legislative Tour Day – Stanley, ND
Sept. 21-23 Petroleum Council Annual Meeting – Holiday Inn, Minot, ND
Marsha Reimnitz
North Dakota Petroleum Council
PO Box 1395
Bismarck ND 58502
701.222.0006 fax
"Only people who do things get criticized."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Minot State University - North Dakota -- News
April 21, 2010 Campus Announcements
Items in AJ Automotive to be auctioned April 29
Northern Auction of Minot has a contract to run an auction on surplus MSU items that are currently in storage at the old AJ Automotive property. This auction is on April 29, starting at 10:30 a.m., at the old automotive center on North Broadway. If departments, offices or campus entities have items being stored at the old AJ building, they need to be removed before the auction. Any member of the campus or community is welcome to bid on the items that remain. Please call 858-3298 if you have any questions or concerns.
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
Staff Senate elections begin April 30
Electronic elections for Minot State University’s Staff Senate will begin April 30. This year, as in past years, passive nominations are being utilized. The list of MSU employees who are eligible to serve on Staff Senate is available at:
2010_Staff Senate Eligibility List.pdf
If an MSU staff member does not want to be considered for election to Staff Senate, notify Linda Benson, public information specialist, at or 858-3199 by April 29.
There seems to be a popular belief that once a representative has served a two-year term, the individual must be off Staff Senate for a year. This is not true.
--MSU Staff Senate Election Committee
Avalos talks about ‘The End of Biblical Studies’ tonight
Tonight (April 21), Hector Avalos, professor of theology and philosophy at Iowa State University, will speak on "The End of Biblical Studies." Avalos holds degrees from Harvard University and is a noted speaker on the relevance of the Bible to the modern world. The lecture will take place at the Carnegie Center in Minot (old public library) at 7 p.m. A question-and-answer session with a book signing to follow.The event is sponsored by the Minot Skeptical Society, an organization including several members from amongst MSU faculty, students and staff. For more information, call 858-3876 or 720 2716. Hope to see you there.
--Robert Kibler, associate professor of English and humanities
Thursday is Campus Cleanup Day
Thursday (April 22) is Campus Cleanup Day from 9 a.m. to noon. As part of Earth Day, the Sustainability Committee will have a table in the Quad where people can obtain gloves and trash bags. This year, volunteers will receive two bags — one for recyclable items and another for trash. Light refreshments will be available.
The cleanup ends at noon, so that volunteers can view the Earth Day poster/project/product presentations in the Atrium, noon–2 p.m.
For more information about Earth Day, visit
--Sustainability Committee
Spiritual Wellness series discusses ‘A Good Dose of God’
The Spiritual Wellness series is discussing the book “A Good Dose of God” by Nathan Anderson, College of Education and Health Sciences accreditation technology support coordinator. We will be meeting Thursday (April 22) in the Office of Housing conference room (Dakota Hall, south entrance), 12:15-1 p.m. Anderson and Kari Williamson, campus pastor, will co-lead the discussion.
For questions, comments or suggestions for future Spiritual Wellness series initiatives, contact Williamson at 839-3949 or or Anderson at 858-3082 or
--Kari Williamson, campus pastor
Minot State University students raise money for children’s advocacy
Students in the broadcasting-public relations program at Minot State University will hold a jump-a-thon on Thursday (April 22) to raise money for Northern Plains Children’s Advocacy Center. Sponsored teams have one hour to jump rope for as long as they can. The event will take place in the Quad (in front of the Administration Building) from noon to 1 p.m.
“Please come and support children’s advocacy during Child Abuse Awareness Month,” said Juan Vadell, event coordinator. “It’s for the children we don’t hear about.”
Businesses are sponsoring teams and donating prizes for the event. Some of the sponsors include Applebee’s, Homesteaders, The Exchange Club of Minot and others. Individuals wishing to make a donation can do so at the event. Airbrushed tattoos can also be purchased for $2 to help raise money.
For information about Northern Plains Children’s Advocacy Center, go to, or contact 701-240-8664 with questions regarding the jump-a-thon.
--Juan Vadell, MSU student
Beavers on winning streak
Your MSU Beavers softball team is riding a 15-game winning streak. Join us for six games this weekend to see if they can extend it to a 21-game streak. The baseball team will also play a double header against Valley City State University on Saturday (April 24). For a full schedule, see: Go Beavers!!
--Rick Heit, social networking specialist
Sierra Club representative discusses ‘Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness’
Clayton Daughenbaugh, from the Sierra Club, will be presenting “Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness” on Monday (April 26) at 2 p.m. in Aleshire. Minot State Slideshow Poster_Slideshow Poster.pdf For questions, contact 858-3079 or
--Heidi Super, associate professor of biology
Student art exhibit opening May 6
The Northwest Art Center’s Hartnett Hall Gallery is pleased to present “abstraction & interaction,” a show of recent works by Carissa Schriock. The media used by the artist are watercolor and acrylic paints. The body of work consists of both abstract and still life compositions created on paper and canvas.
Schriock, whose education includes interior design, floral design, and currently art education at Minot State University, draws her inspiration from natural materials and processes. In her still-life works, she connects to the material influences of human desires and luxuries.
A reception is slated for May 6 in Hartnett Hall Gallery, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The exhibit and reception are free and open to the public.
For questions, contact 858-3264 or
--Avis Veikley, director of the Northwest Art Center
Nursing to celebrate Scholarship Day May 7
The Department of Nursing invites all members of the MSU community to celebrate Nurses Week and the MSU Department of Nursing Scholarship Day on May 7. Please consider joining us for these activities.2010_Nursing Scholarship Day.pdf For questions, call 858-3101 or
--Rita Meyer, Nursing Student Faculty Affairs Committee chair, and Kelly Buettner-Schmidt, Department of Nursing chair
General Information
CEO Gold Standard survey
As an employee or student of Minot State University, you are invited to participate in a survey that addresses measurement standards for CEO Cancer Gold Standard organizations. The CEO Cancer Gold Standard is a series of cancer-related recommendations, developed by the CEO Roundtable on Cancer, to fight cancer by meeting three goals. These goals are risk reduction through lifestyle change, early detection and quality care. This survey will address these goals through questions concerning tobacco use, diet and nutrition, physical activity and prevention and screening behaviors.
Please click on this link to take the survey,
Please respond by May 13. Thanks for your participation.
Additional Information:
The benefit of gathering this information will assist MSU to develop, implement and offer programs that will encourage a healthy lifestyle for employees and students of the campus. You may benefit by knowing that you have assisted in providing accurate information regarding health behaviors on our campus. There are no perceivable risks for participation in this study.
Your participation is completely voluntary and confidential. Your name or e-mail address will never be associated with your responses. You may answer only some questions, or you may choose not to participate in the survey at all.
Confidentiality and anonymity is maintained through configuration of the link sent by SurveyMonkey to not save the e-mail addresses in the analyze section. Therefore, any response that comes back associated with this link will be anonymous.
This survey will ask you questions regarding your health behaviors specifically related to the CEO Cancer Gold Standard. This survey will take you approximately five minutes to complete. The data from this yearly survey will be used for data comparison from a prior survey to maintain accreditation with the CEO Cancer Gold Standard.
--Minot State University Wellness Committee and CEO Cancer Gold Standard Task Force
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
Maestro Dennis Simons talked about Saturday’s pops concert.
Absence Confirmation
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for musical performance
The following students will playing tomorrow (April 22) in the Quad:
Milo Mell
Amanda Fimreite
Justin Johnson
Elise Roberts
Josh Stevens
Alyson Gross
Angie Orluck
Caley Pieper
Daniel Wiedrich
Joel Wiedrich
Craig Zietz
Larissa Baker
Brandon Betz
Grant Johnson
Sally Podrebarac
Briana Schwan
Justin Goetz
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3185 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Cheryl Kremer, administrative assistant for the Division of Music
Notifying the Office of Student Life or faculty members through the Office of Public Information (using this format or by any other means) does not constitute an excused absence. Whenever a student anticipates an absence, he/she should contact the appropriate faculty member prior to missing class.
It is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether students will be excused from class or allowed to make up any missed work. Each faculty member establishes his/her own guidelines regarding class absence, and whether or not a student will be allowed to make up missed work.*
*Based upon “Class Absence Policy,” 2000 - 2002 Student Handbook - Minot State University.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
Public Information Campus Announcements Archives:
Items in AJ Automotive to be auctioned April 29
Northern Auction of Minot has a contract to run an auction on surplus MSU items that are currently in storage at the old AJ Automotive property. This auction is on April 29, starting at 10:30 a.m., at the old automotive center on North Broadway. If departments, offices or campus entities have items being stored at the old AJ building, they need to be removed before the auction. Any member of the campus or community is welcome to bid on the items that remain. Please call 858-3298 if you have any questions or concerns.
--Roger Kluck, director of facilities
Staff Senate elections begin April 30
Electronic elections for Minot State University’s Staff Senate will begin April 30. This year, as in past years, passive nominations are being utilized. The list of MSU employees who are eligible to serve on Staff Senate is available at:
2010_Staff Senate Eligibility List.pdf
If an MSU staff member does not want to be considered for election to Staff Senate, notify Linda Benson, public information specialist, at or 858-3199 by April 29.
There seems to be a popular belief that once a representative has served a two-year term, the individual must be off Staff Senate for a year. This is not true.
--MSU Staff Senate Election Committee
Avalos talks about ‘The End of Biblical Studies’ tonight
Tonight (April 21), Hector Avalos, professor of theology and philosophy at Iowa State University, will speak on "The End of Biblical Studies." Avalos holds degrees from Harvard University and is a noted speaker on the relevance of the Bible to the modern world. The lecture will take place at the Carnegie Center in Minot (old public library) at 7 p.m. A question-and-answer session with a book signing to follow.The event is sponsored by the Minot Skeptical Society, an organization including several members from amongst MSU faculty, students and staff. For more information, call 858-3876 or 720 2716. Hope to see you there.
--Robert Kibler, associate professor of English and humanities
Thursday is Campus Cleanup Day
Thursday (April 22) is Campus Cleanup Day from 9 a.m. to noon. As part of Earth Day, the Sustainability Committee will have a table in the Quad where people can obtain gloves and trash bags. This year, volunteers will receive two bags — one for recyclable items and another for trash. Light refreshments will be available.
The cleanup ends at noon, so that volunteers can view the Earth Day poster/project/product presentations in the Atrium, noon–2 p.m.
For more information about Earth Day, visit
--Sustainability Committee
Spiritual Wellness series discusses ‘A Good Dose of God’
The Spiritual Wellness series is discussing the book “A Good Dose of God” by Nathan Anderson, College of Education and Health Sciences accreditation technology support coordinator. We will be meeting Thursday (April 22) in the Office of Housing conference room (Dakota Hall, south entrance), 12:15-1 p.m. Anderson and Kari Williamson, campus pastor, will co-lead the discussion.
For questions, comments or suggestions for future Spiritual Wellness series initiatives, contact Williamson at 839-3949 or or Anderson at 858-3082 or
--Kari Williamson, campus pastor
Minot State University students raise money for children’s advocacy
Students in the broadcasting-public relations program at Minot State University will hold a jump-a-thon on Thursday (April 22) to raise money for Northern Plains Children’s Advocacy Center. Sponsored teams have one hour to jump rope for as long as they can. The event will take place in the Quad (in front of the Administration Building) from noon to 1 p.m.
“Please come and support children’s advocacy during Child Abuse Awareness Month,” said Juan Vadell, event coordinator. “It’s for the children we don’t hear about.”
Businesses are sponsoring teams and donating prizes for the event. Some of the sponsors include Applebee’s, Homesteaders, The Exchange Club of Minot and others. Individuals wishing to make a donation can do so at the event. Airbrushed tattoos can also be purchased for $2 to help raise money.
For information about Northern Plains Children’s Advocacy Center, go to, or contact 701-240-8664 with questions regarding the jump-a-thon.
--Juan Vadell, MSU student
Beavers on winning streak
Your MSU Beavers softball team is riding a 15-game winning streak. Join us for six games this weekend to see if they can extend it to a 21-game streak. The baseball team will also play a double header against Valley City State University on Saturday (April 24). For a full schedule, see: Go Beavers!!
--Rick Heit, social networking specialist
Sierra Club representative discusses ‘Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness’
Clayton Daughenbaugh, from the Sierra Club, will be presenting “Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness” on Monday (April 26) at 2 p.m. in Aleshire. Minot State Slideshow Poster_Slideshow Poster.pdf For questions, contact 858-3079 or
--Heidi Super, associate professor of biology
Student art exhibit opening May 6
The Northwest Art Center’s Hartnett Hall Gallery is pleased to present “abstraction & interaction,” a show of recent works by Carissa Schriock. The media used by the artist are watercolor and acrylic paints. The body of work consists of both abstract and still life compositions created on paper and canvas.
Schriock, whose education includes interior design, floral design, and currently art education at Minot State University, draws her inspiration from natural materials and processes. In her still-life works, she connects to the material influences of human desires and luxuries.
A reception is slated for May 6 in Hartnett Hall Gallery, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The exhibit and reception are free and open to the public.
For questions, contact 858-3264 or
--Avis Veikley, director of the Northwest Art Center
Nursing to celebrate Scholarship Day May 7
The Department of Nursing invites all members of the MSU community to celebrate Nurses Week and the MSU Department of Nursing Scholarship Day on May 7. Please consider joining us for these activities.2010_Nursing Scholarship Day.pdf For questions, call 858-3101 or
--Rita Meyer, Nursing Student Faculty Affairs Committee chair, and Kelly Buettner-Schmidt, Department of Nursing chair
General Information
CEO Gold Standard survey
As an employee or student of Minot State University, you are invited to participate in a survey that addresses measurement standards for CEO Cancer Gold Standard organizations. The CEO Cancer Gold Standard is a series of cancer-related recommendations, developed by the CEO Roundtable on Cancer, to fight cancer by meeting three goals. These goals are risk reduction through lifestyle change, early detection and quality care. This survey will address these goals through questions concerning tobacco use, diet and nutrition, physical activity and prevention and screening behaviors.
Please click on this link to take the survey,
Please respond by May 13. Thanks for your participation.
Additional Information:
The benefit of gathering this information will assist MSU to develop, implement and offer programs that will encourage a healthy lifestyle for employees and students of the campus. You may benefit by knowing that you have assisted in providing accurate information regarding health behaviors on our campus. There are no perceivable risks for participation in this study.
Your participation is completely voluntary and confidential. Your name or e-mail address will never be associated with your responses. You may answer only some questions, or you may choose not to participate in the survey at all.
Confidentiality and anonymity is maintained through configuration of the link sent by SurveyMonkey to not save the e-mail addresses in the analyze section. Therefore, any response that comes back associated with this link will be anonymous.
This survey will ask you questions regarding your health behaviors specifically related to the CEO Cancer Gold Standard. This survey will take you approximately five minutes to complete. The data from this yearly survey will be used for data comparison from a prior survey to maintain accreditation with the CEO Cancer Gold Standard.
--Minot State University Wellness Committee and CEO Cancer Gold Standard Task Force
MSU in the News
(To inform the MSU community of Minot State items in the media, the Office of Public Information will provide links to items.)
Maestro Dennis Simons talked about Saturday’s pops concert.
Absence Confirmation
Confirmation of anticipated student absence from class for musical performance
The following students will playing tomorrow (April 22) in the Quad:
Milo Mell
Amanda Fimreite
Justin Johnson
Elise Roberts
Josh Stevens
Alyson Gross
Angie Orluck
Caley Pieper
Daniel Wiedrich
Joel Wiedrich
Craig Zietz
Larissa Baker
Brandon Betz
Grant Johnson
Sally Podrebarac
Briana Schwan
Justin Goetz
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-3185 or Thank you for your cooperation.
--Cheryl Kremer, administrative assistant for the Division of Music
Notifying the Office of Student Life or faculty members through the Office of Public Information (using this format or by any other means) does not constitute an excused absence. Whenever a student anticipates an absence, he/she should contact the appropriate faculty member prior to missing class.
It is up to the discretion of the faculty member whether students will be excused from class or allowed to make up any missed work. Each faculty member establishes his/her own guidelines regarding class absence, and whether or not a student will be allowed to make up missed work.*
*Based upon “Class Absence Policy,” 2000 - 2002 Student Handbook - Minot State University.
Reminder: Check the campus calendar on the MSU home page for additional events at
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