Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ron Ness -- North Dakota Petroleum Council News

The Williston Basin Petroleum Conference & Expo has 2,068 registrants! All Legislators were sent a complimentary invite. Register under guest use WBPCGuest passcode.

Also, see the Surface Owner Information Center below. This is a good place to send people with questions.

Attached, and below, is the Petroleum Council’s April E-News. Have a good week!

North Dakota Petroleum Council E-News

April 2010

New Members – Thanks to the new Petroleum Council members Catalyst Capital Corporation, Inc.; North Plains Energy, LLC; Powers Energy Corporation; and Purestream Technology.

North Dakota Oil Activity – As of April 19, there are 107 rigs running. In February, there were 4,416 wells producing 261,088 barrels of oil per day, which set another record. The previous high was 245,840 in November 2009.

More than 1,900 Registered for 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – The 18th Annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference will break the attendance record of 1,400 set in 2008. The conference is quickly approaching and final preparations are being made. We have many changes planned this year and the entire event will have a new look and format with concurrent sessions. The conference agenda has been finalized and we are excited about the fantastic line-up of speakers with something for everyone. We look forward to seeing you in Bismarck! A tips and tricks list, including suggested attire and other helpful items for the conference, is posted on the conference home page. The final early-bird registration deadline is Tuesday, April 20. Register now!

Split Estate Owner Information Website – The Petroleum Council has launched an online Surface Owner Information Center (SOIC). The SOIC answers several frequently asked questions regarding surface owner issues in North Dakota. The site has been developed by the Petroleum Council’s Split Estate/Surface Owner Task Force. Committee Chairman Eric Dillé says, “The site is intended to help inform split estate surface owners, legislators, policy makers, etc. of issues regarding split estate lands.” Visit the SOIC.

State Land Commissioner Hired – Lance Gaebe has been hired as the new State Land Commissioner. Gaebe will begin his duties this summer and will serve a four-year term. Gary Preszler, the current Land Commissioner, is retiring at the end of this month. Gaebe currently serves as Governor Hoeven’s Deputy Chief of Staff and formerly served as his Senior Policy Advisor. Gaebe has extensive agricultural experience from holding numerous positions in the agriculture community. During his tenure at the Governor’s Office, he has worked with the oil and gas industry on key issues such as public lands, water, roads, etc. The Land Department has 22 employees and a two-year budget of $13.8 million and manages the Board of University and School Lands Trust, which has $1 billion in assets.

2009 Economic Impact Study – The Petroleum Council is funding a 2009 Economic Impact Study. Dean Bangsund of North Dakota State University is conducting the study. He did this study for the association in 2005 and 2007. The 2007 study revealed that the petroleum industry in North Dakota has an $8.3 billion economic impact. This is very valuable information for our industry and we need your support. All oil operators will be mailed a survey. A sampling of service companies will also be surveyed. All information is confidential and will be reported in aggregate only. Thank you in advance for your timely participation.

Workforce Needs Assessment – The Petroleum Council, in partnership with the Department of Commerce, is conducting an Oil Industry Workforce Needs Survey. As you may recall, we did this survey in 2004 and it was extremely helpful in building a basis for recruiting employees, creating and funding training programs at colleges, and creating a better understanding of what lies ahead in terms of workforce needs. We need your help. Many of you may be contacted by Ted Renner, the consultant for the project, who will make a personal visit to gather your workforce data. All information will be confidential.

ND Oil PAC Seeking Contributions – Established in 1981, the North Dakota Oil PAC aids political candidates in North Dakota who support the oil and gas industry and work to promote good government and maintain a positive business climate for the industry in North Dakota. In North Dakota, only contributions more than $200 are reportable. Sorry, but corporate contributions are not allowed. Only personal checks are accepted. For a donation application, or more information, see the Petroleum Council’s website.

Teacher Education Seminar – The 2010 Teacher Education Seminar will be held June 7-10 in Bismarck, ND. This event expands teachers' knowledge of the North Dakota oil and gas industry, from its prehistoric beginnings to the final product. Two hours of graduate level continuing education credit will be available from UND for a small fee.

Oil Can! Drive Safely Campaign – The Oil Can! Program is launching a safety campaign to remind industry members and others sharing the road that safe driving is a priority every day. The campaign will be officially launched at the 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference held May 2-4. The campaign includes billboards in western North Dakota, bumper stickers, safety orientation presentations for new industry employees and, eventually, a safety video. Partners in the campaign include the ND Department of Transportation and the ND Motor Carriers Association. More than 10,000 drive safe bumper stickers will be available for industry members to utilize on their fleets. Terry Kovacevich, Chairman of the Petroleum Council’s Oil Can! Committee, says, “Road safety is a serious issue for industry and the public. We are urging everyone in the industry to raise their employees’ awareness. The bumper stickers placed on their vehicles will serve as a reminder of our goal to help everyone return home safely every day.” To view the billboard, visit the Oil Can! webpage.

Bakken Crude Heads to Louisiana Gulf Coast – NuStar Energy recently announced that its St. James, LA, terminal has unloaded its first railcar shipment of Bakken crude oil from North Dakota. The company currently has the ability to bring in approximately 5,000 barrels per day (BPD) by rail on a manifest basis, and through a manifest rail expansion, they will have the ability to expand and bring in roughly 10,000 BPD. “The region’s crude oil producers and marketers are very excited about this project because it provides them with access to a great market that offers pipeline and water access to the refining systems in the Gulf Coast and Midwest. We think there’s a lot of potential to market this product through St. James, so we have short-term and long-term plans to increase the amount of crude oil that we can ship there,” said NuStar President and CEO Curt Anastasio. For more information, visit the NuStar Energy L.P. website. NuStar is presenting on this issue during the Midstream Session at the upcoming Williston Basin Petroleum Conference.

Bakken and Beyond Ruger Red Label Raffle – The Petroleum
Council will be selling raffle tickets for a one-of-a-kind “Bakken
and Beyond” Ruger Red Label shotgun at the WBPC. Proceeds
from the raffle will go to the Petroleum Council Scholarship Fund.
The drawing will be held May 4 at noon. Need not be present to win.

Mark Your Calendars!

May 2-4 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – Bismarck, ND

June 5 Williston API Golf Event

June 7-10 Petroleum Council’s Teacher Seminar – Bismarck, ND

June 8 Petroleum Council Teacher Field Tour – Stanley, ND

June 12 Kenmare Oil Golf Event

June 23 Mohall Oilman’s Open Golf Event

July 27 Bakken Rocks CookFest – Tioga, ND

July 29 Bakken Rocks CookFest – New Town, ND

August 26 Legislative Tour Day – Stanley, ND

Sept. 21-23 Petroleum Council Annual Meeting – Holiday Inn, Minot, ND

Marsha Reimnitz

North Dakota Petroleum Council

PO Box 1395

Bismarck ND 58502


701.222.0006 fax

"Only people who do things get criticized."

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