Sunday, May 23, 2010

North Dakota Oil News

From: North Dakota Petroleum Council []
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 11:16 AM
To: NDPC Members
Subject: NDPC May E-News

Below, and attached, is this month’s North Dakota Petroleum Council E-News. Have a good week!

North Dakota Petroleum Council E-News

May 2010

New Members – Thanks to the new Petroleum Council members Continental Resources, Inc., ECS Group, Great Western Oil & Gas, and WB Consulting, LLC.

North Dakota Oil Activity – There are 110 rigs running as of today. In March, there were 4,736 wells producing 277,403 barrels of oil per day. The number of wells and number of barrels produced are both all-time record highs.

2,750 Registered for 2010 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference – The 18th Annual Williston Basin Petroleum Conference was a tremendous success with the total number of registrants reaching 2,750. More than 70 speakers and more than 300 exhibits helped create an exciting, informational conference and expo that were jam-packed with something for everyone. Thanks again to all of our fantastic speakers and generous sponsors. We couldn’t have done it without you! Presentations will be available online May 28. The 2011 Williston Basin Petroleum Conference will be held May 1-3, 2011, in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Split Estate Owner Information Website – The Petroleum Council has launched an online Surface Owner Information Center (SOIC). The SOIC answers several frequently asked questions regarding surface owner issues in North Dakota. The site has been developed by the Petroleum Council’s Split Estate/Surface Owner Task Force. Committee Chairman Eric Dillé says, “The site is intended to help inform split estate surface owners, legislators, policy makers, etc. of issues regarding split estate lands.” Visit the SOIC.

2009 Economic Impact Study – The Petroleum Council is funding a 2009 Economic Impact Study. Dean Bangsund of North Dakota State University is conducting the study. He did this study for the association in 2005 and 2007. The 2007 study revealed that the petroleum industry in North Dakota has an $8.3 billion economic impact. This is very valuable information for our industry and we need your support. All oil operators will be mailed a survey and a sampling of service companies will also be surveyed. All information is confidential and will be reported in aggregate only. Thank you in advance for your timely participation.

Workforce Needs Assessment – The Petroleum Council, in partnership with the Department of Commerce, is conducting an Oil Industry Workforce Needs Survey. As you may recall, we did this survey in 2004 and it was extremely helpful in building a basis for recruiting employees, creating and funding training programs at colleges, and creating a better understanding of what lies ahead in terms of workforce needs. We need your help. Many of you may be contacted by Ted Renner, the consultant for the project, who will make a personal visit to gather your workforce data. All information will be confidential.

Teacher Education Seminar – The 2010 Teacher Education Seminar will be held June 7-10 in Bismarck, ND. This event expands teachers' knowledge of the North Dakota oil and gas industry, from its prehistoric beginnings to the final product. More information is available at

Final Bakken Water Opportunities Assessment Report Released – The overall goal of the project was to provide industry with data and information on the technical and economic potential to recycle frac flowback water. View the final report on the ND Industrial Commission website.

Research Council Grant Application Deadline is June 1 – The next grant round deadline for the ND Oil & Gas Research Council (OGRC) is June 1, 2010. For more information on submitting a grant for this round, go to

$2 million available for simul-frac and micro seismic projects

I. The OGRC has authorized the Director to solicit applications from operators willing to perform simul-fracs of two horizontal Bakken wells. Note: The Council/Commission will provide $250,000 per frac project and the proposal must be submitted by November 1, 2010. The funding will have the following contingencies:

· Dependent upon geographic distribution approved by the OGRC

· Total project funding not to exceed $1,000,000

· Two simul-fracs within each geographic area

· Reporting parameters include: raw data to be available immediately to the Commission, with presentation of the data analysis to the Commission 90 days thereafter, and not to exceed 180 days

II. The OGRC has authorized the Director to seek proposals that involve vertical micro seismic techniques to evaluate fracture height of Middle Bakken and Three Forks-Sanish stimulations. The funds available for this research shall not exceed $1,000,000 and the results of the study must be made available to the Commission immediately for the public.

Scholarship recipients announced – The Petroleum Council recently awarded scholarships to three University of North Dakota students. Recipients of these scholarships for the 2010-11 school term are Amanda Krieger, Derrick Blanksma and Matthew Carns. Visit the Scholarship webpage to learn more about the recipients.

Funding, Tax Credits Available for Hiring Summer Interns – North Dakota businesses looking for summer employees can receive up to $6,000 in matching funds plus additional tax credits by tapping an underused pool of candidates: high school and college interns. Operation Intern, administered from the North Dakota Department of Commerce, is designed to expand the number of new internship, work experience, and apprenticeship positions with North Dakota employers. The program’s primary focus is employers in the state’s targeted industries: energy, advanced manufacturing, value-added agriculture, tourism, and technology. In addition to students registered at North Dakota colleges or universities, the program recently expanded eligibility to include high school students and registered apprenticeships. The Department of Commerce is accepting applications for 2010 spring and summer semester internships. For more information, visit

Oil Can! Bakken Rocks CookFests July 27, Tioga and July 29, New Town – Plans are coming together for the second Bakken Rocks CookFests which will be held July 27 in Tioga and July 29 in New Town. Operators in the Tioga and New Town areas who want to host a cooker, should contact the Petroleum Council at or call 701.223.6380 ASAP. These events are part of the Oil Can! program which focuses on industry working to educate and improve communication with landowners, policy makers and the public. The Bakken Rocks CookFests will have operators grilling a variety of great food in a cook-off competition. There will also be educational booths relating to Bakken and Three Forks geology and oil impact legislation. The event will be open to all who want to attend. As specifics are developed, they will be available at

Airport Survey – The Petroleum Council is partnering with the Bismarck Airport to improve air service in the region by recruiting expanded flights. As part of that effort, we are looking for additional information from those in the energy industry in our region. This quick five-minute survey will help us as we meet with airlines to discuss future air service opportunities. If you're not able to accurately complete this survey, please forward it to your travel coordinators.

Bakken Merchandise Available Online – The latest Bakken wear and other merchandise is now available on the Petroleum Council website. For additional information, visit and view the iGEAR order form.

Oil Can! Drive Safely Campaign – The Oil Can! program recently launched a safety campaign to remind industry members and others sharing the road that safe driving is a priority every day. The campaign includes billboards in western North Dakota, bumper stickers, safety orientation presentations for new industry employees and, eventually, a safety video. Partners in the campaign include the ND Department of Transportation and the ND Motor Carriers Association. More than 10,000 drive safe bumper stickers are available for industry members to utilize on their fleets. If your company is interested in obtaining large bumper stickers for trucks, machinery or other equipment, e-mail To view the billboard, visit the Oil Can! webpage.

Mark Your Calendars!

June 5 Williston API Golf Event

June 7-10 Petroleum Council’s Teacher Seminar – Bismarck, ND

June 8 Petroleum Council Teacher Field Tour – Stanley, ND

June 12 Kenmare Oil Golf Event

June 23 Mohall Oilman’s Open Golf Event

July 27 Bakken Rocks CookFest – Tioga, ND

July 29 Bakken Rocks CookFest – New Town, ND

Aug. 26 Legislative Tour Day – Stanley, ND

Sept. 21-23 Petroleum Council Annual Meeting – Holiday Inn (Riverside), Minot, ND

Marsha Reimnitz

North Dakota Petroleum Council

PO Box 1395

Bismarck ND 58502


701.222.0006 fax

"Only people who do things get criticized."

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