Professor Emeritus -- Dr. Tom Seymour from West Fargo, North Dakota -- Professor, Minot State University, MSU Faculty Regents Award (2015) -- PAST Peer Reviewer (Higher Learning Commission - Chicago); - Author and Presenter Board of Directors, SRT Communications, Inc and Minot City Alderman - Ward 5 (2010-June, 2016) PAST - Editor-in-Chief (North Dakota State Senator (2002-2010) 2017-Cass County Electric Cooperative- Board of Directors
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Monday....October 6 ...... www.thlaw.net/about.html --- Case Law
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This additional procedure and time ups the ante for Attorney McClelland who presumably has to underwrite these unanticipated litigation expenses; including legal research costs.JUSTICE STARTS HEREThis is a job for TheLaw.net Equalizer 7.0. See, http://www.thelaw.net/software.htmlAll subscribers to TheLaw.net enjoy unfettered access to a national plan.See Coverage: http://www.thelaw.net/caselaw.htmlIf Attorney McClelland is burdened with an outmoded, expensive Pennsylvania Slice from Westlaw, he's only going to find TWO published state cases since 1950 containing the phrases "medical malpractice" and "knee replacement". But, as a subscriber to TheLaw.net, in one click he can "go national" and find 118 matching opinions from among our 315 Federal and state jurisdictions.Moreover, since he has to litigate the removal issue, as our subscriber, he can go beyond his primary Federal districts and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. With TheLaw.net, subscribers search all 97 Federal districts, all bankruptcy, all 12 Federal appellate courts and the U.S. Supreme Court. Done.The difference isn't only coverage and price. As our subscriber, Attorney McClelland would do this for $48 a month annualized. He would also receive:EXPEDITED RESULTS ANALYSIS--One Click To Most Cited Opinion--One Click To Most Recently Cited Opinion--One Click Sort By Relevancy--One Click Soft By JurisdictionONE SEARCH BOX FITS ALL SEARCHES--Boolean Search: and, or, not, near, within--Search By Statute, Rule, Regulation or Case Citation--Natural Language--One Click Citation and Multiple Citation LookupYOUR NEW LEGAL RESEARCH PLAN FROM THELAW.NET--Every plan is SUPER-SIZED to include all 315 Federal and State Jurisdictions!--One lawyer and a paralegal search from Portland ME to Portland OR for $575 annually!--Two lawyers and two paralegals search from Jacksonville to Juneau for $995 annually!--Five lawyers and their non-lawyer assistants search from Denver to D.C. for $1995 annually!--A 25 lawyer enterprise searches from Mt. Washington to Mt. 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(Try that with Westlaw!)YOU'RE FIVE MINUTES AWAY FROM USING THELAW.NET!Take advantage of America's #1 Legal Research Value Proposition!For instant access, subscribe online via our secure site:https://fog.he.net/~lawnet/subscription_list.html >>>$48 a month annualized for one attorney and one paralegal installing at work, at home and on their laptop! All subject to a 30-day, unconditional money-back guarantee! >>>Flat-rate, unlimited access! >>>No surcharges to print, cut, copy, paste, view, download. No surprises! >>>The only way you pay us more money is when you renew! >>>Subscribe in October and your renewal rate is GUARANTEED not to be higher than your original subscription rate for TWO RENEWAL TERMS!TheLaw.net Corporation is in its tenth year of making it affordable and easy for local practitioners to do their job at the highest possible level!That said, price is no longer the best reason to go with TheLaw.net. It's our search engine. It's just the best, easiest, most intuitive legal research tool available.Tech, reference and research support are included at no extra charge via TheLaw.net Virtual Assistant. It's a great free search and retrieval service for whenever you stumble or get confused.TheLaw.net Equalizer 7.0 is NOT an alternative to Westlaw. It's the solution!www.thelaw.netWe look forward to being of service!Regards,MARK WHITNEYTheLaw.net CorporationSan Diego - Chicago, USAToll Free: 1.877.4.LAWNETwww.thelaw.netmwhitney@thelaw.netJustice starts here.****************************************************************PRIVACY STATEMENT: TheLaw.net Corporation respects your time. We believe this advertisement is the fastest, least intrusive method of originating contact with busy professionals.However, we've always provided several free mechanisms allowing recipients to remove themselves easily and at no cost. This message was sent to: tseymour@state.nd.us. 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ActALL BANKRUPTCY COURTSAlabama Middle Bankruptcy CourtAlabama Northern Bankruptcy CourtAlabama Southern Bankruptcy CourtAlaska Bankruptcy CourtArizona Bankruptcy CourtArkansas Eastern Bankruptcy CourtArkansas Western Bankruptcy CourtCalifornia Central Bankruptcy CourtCalifornia Eastern Bankruptcy CourtCalifornia Northern Bankruptcy CourtCalifornia Southern Bankruptcy CourtColorado Bankruptcy CourtConnecticut Bankruptcy CourtDC Bankruptcy CourtDelaware Bankruptcy CourtFlorida Middle Bankruptcy CourtFlorida Northern Bankruptcy CourtFlorida Southern Bankruptcy CourtGeorgia Middle Bankruptcy CourtGeorgia Northern Bankruptcy CourtGeorgia Southern Bankruptcy CourtGuam Bankruptcy CourtHawaii Bankruptcy CourtIdaho Bankruptcy CourtIllinois Central Bankruptcy CourtIllinois Northern Bankruptcy CourtIllinois Southern Bankruptcy CourtIndiana Northern Bankruptcy CourtIndiana Southern Bankruptcy CourtIowa Northern Bankruptcy CourtIowa Southern Bankruptcy CourtKansas Bankruptcy CourtKentucky Eastern Bankruptcy CourtKentucky Western Bankruptcy CourtLouisiana Eastern Bankruptcy CourtLouisiana Middle Bankruptcy CourtLouisiana Western Bankruptcy CourtMaine Bankruptcy CourtMaryland Bankruptcy CourtMassachusetts Bankruptcy CourtMichigan Eastern Bankruptcy CourtMichigan Western Bankruptcy CourtMinnesota Bankruptcy CourtMississippi Northern Bankruptcy CourtMississippi Southern Bankruptcy CourtMissouri Eastern Bankruptcy CourtMissouri Western Bankruptcy CourtMontana Bankruptcy CourtNebraska Bankruptcy CourtNevada Bankruptcy CourtNew Hampshire Bankruptcy CourtNew Jersey Bankruptcy CourtNew Mexico Bankruptcy CourtNew York Eastern Bankruptcy CourtNew York Northern Bankruptcy CourtNew York Southern Bankruptcy CourtNew York Western Bankruptcy CourtN. 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