IT workforce input requested:
ITCND is in the final stages of the 2008 IT Workforce Needs Assessment. Your input is requested in order to provide real-time, quantifiable data regarding the state’s IT workforce. This data will complement the information collected through nearly 30 face-to-face interviews.
Please click here by Friday, Oct. 24, to complete the brief (5 minute) survey.
The information gathered will be used to promote North Dakota IT careers to students, parents and educators through the IT Career Awareness Program, as well as to develop additional strategies to address IT workforce issues.
Goettle addresses ITCND:
ITCND held its 2008 IT Awards Program and Annual Meeting on Oct. 14 in Fargo. The event was attended by nearly 70 IT business, education and government representatives.
Keynote speaker Shane Goettle, North Dakota Department of Commerce commissioner, provided information on IT tax and business incentives, including the sales and use tax exemption for computer and telecommunications equipment and the research expense income tax credit. He also discussed Operation Intern, Experience North Dakota and other workforce-related programs implemented by the Department of Commerce. He commended ITCND’s IT Career Awareness effort and said the Department of Commerce looks forward to working with ITCND to promote IT careers across the state.
Additional information on IT tax incentives can be found at www.nd.gov/tax or by calling the ND Tax Department at 701-328-3700. Additional information on the ND Department of Commerce programs can be found at www.ndcommerce.com.
Other keynote speakers included Clydene Stangvik with the Cisco Networking Academy and Doug McDonald with Praxis Strategy Group. Stangvik informed attendees on the results of a recent nationwide study aimed at assessing the demand for and supply of networking skills. The results indicated an increasing gap in specialty skills required for networking professionals. McDonald presented the preliminary results of the North Dakota 2008 IT Workforce Needs Assessment.
These presentations are available at the ITCND website.
IT award winners recognized:
ITCND recognized six of North Dakota’s IT leaders for outstanding achievements at the eighth annual IT Awards Program on Oct. 14 in Fargo.
“North Dakota possesses a large pool of highly-qualified and innovative IT business leaders, both individuals and business, that deserve recognition for their achievements,” says Gary Inman, ITCND president.
Inman, along with Shane Goettle, ND Department of Commerce commissioner, and Mike Eggl, ITCND vice president, presented awards in six categories to the following recipients:
· Dakota Carrier Network – Bismarck and Fargo, received the “Outstanding Achievement in Business” award. Dakota Carrier Network was recognized as a technology leader due to its creation of a statewide fiber network and its role as a key player in economic development opportunities in North Dakota.
· AgriData Inc. – Grand Forks, received the “Innovative Business User of Technology” award. AgriData Inc. was recognized as a pioneer in the concept of IT for the agricultural industry. It has been developing and providing map-based information management systems and services for agricultural applications since 2001.
· Brian Wolf, National Information Solutions Cooperative – Mandan, received the “Entrepreneur” award. Wolf was recognized for his innovative contributions to the technology industry in general and specifically at the National Information Solutions Cooperative. He has been a positive change agent, leader, teacher and mentor, contributing to the advancement of North Dakota’s IT industry.
· Eric Ripley, Red River High School – Grand Forks, received the “Outstanding Achievement in Education” award. He was recognized for his preparation of students to become leaders in the North Dakota IT industry through education, experiences and opportunities.
· North DakotaParks and Recreation Department (NDPRD) – Bismarck, received the “Outstanding Achievement in Digital Government” award. NDPRD was honored for its development and implementation of an online management system, which strengthens customer service and promotes North Dakota parks and recreation.
· Senator Tom Seymour, District 5 – Mandan, received the “Legislative” award. He was recognized for being a strong proponent of IT interests in public policy matters, as well as his contributions to technology education in North Dakota and beyond.
For additional information on the winners, visit the ITCND website.
LAST CALL: Advertise in the 2009 State of the IT Industry Guide:
Last call for advertisers in the 2009 State of the IT Industry Guide! Guarantee your spot in the guide by completing the commitment form and returning it to office@itcnd.org by Friday, Oct. 31.
In 2007, the State of the IT Industry Guide provided a voice for North Dakota’s growing information technology industry through distribution to more than 5,000 people, including legislators, other key policymakers and university officials. Your partnership is essential for an even more successful 2009 State of the IT Industry Guide.
The full-color 2009 publication will provide information about opportunities within the North Dakota information technology industry and the industry’s impact on the state. State policymakers will use the guide to develop strategies to overcome barriers and capitalize on opportunities surrounding the industry. This publication, distributed by ITCND, the North Dakota Department of Commerce and local economic developers, will also be used as a tool for information technology business and employee recruitment.
For additional information, visit the ITCND website or contact Annika Nelson at 701-355-4458.
Comparing the candidates:
The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a non-partisan group, recently released a report comparing the presidential candidates’ policies on technology and innovation. The report outlines the policy positions of Senators John McCain and Barack Obama on the issues of science, technology and innovation in regard to economic growth. View the report here.
Note: This is strictly for informational purposes as ITCND does not endorse either candidate.
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