Information Technology Department
600 E Boulevard Ave., Dept 112 Bismarck, ND 58505-0100 (701) 328-3190
August 22, 2008
TO: Members of the Legislative IT Committee
Legislative Council
RE: Large Project Summary Report
Attached to this cover letter is the Large Project Summary Report for the period ending June 30, 2008.
8 projects were reported in the planning stage this quarter.
• Secretary of State – Data Processing System (DPS)
• Department of Human Services – Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Re-procurement
• Department of Health – Disease Surveillance and Management System (DSMS)
• Department of Public Instruction – Direct Certification
• Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) – Statewide Automated Victim Information Notification
System (SAVIN)
• Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) – Portal 2.0
• Department of Emergency Services – Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)
• Office of Management and Budget – ConnectND – Absence Management
4 projects moved into the execution phase this quarter.
• Department of Human Services – Continuous Eligibility (CE)
• Department of Human Services – Master Client Index (MCI)
• Department of Public Instruction – Foundation Aid (FA)
• Department of Public Instruction – Mainframe Rewrite
3 projects were reported complete or terminated.
Agency Project Budget Schedule
Dept of Human Services
Early Management and
Administration Reporting
Within Variance
Attorney General
Automated Fingerprint
Identification System (AFIS)
Within Variance
Secretary of State Central Voter File
Under Budget /
Within Variance
The following 5 project(s) reported budget or schedule variances and/or are being monitored closely.
Department of Human Services – Medicaid Systems Project (MMIS) – The agency is reporting an overall
Yellow status. Currently the state is working with the vendors to revise the schedule. The project has made
progress in developing an integrated schedule but it remains incomplete. Without this the LPO analyst is
unable to verify any schedule variance. The integrated schedule is a critical component for estimating
variance per NDCC 54.59.23 as well as estimating the need for the DHS resources.
Job Service ND – Case Management System (CMS) – The project rolled out on schedule. However, JSND
is still trying to get full expected functionality from the system. In order to leverage holdback funds, JSND has
decided to extend the schedule of the project to September 30th.
Information Technology Department
600 E Boulevard Ave., Dept 112 Bismarck, ND 58505-0100 (701) 328-3190
Large Project Summary Report
August 22, 2008
Page 2 of 2
State of North Dakota
Legislative Council – Legislative Applications Replacement - This project has experienced critical
schedule delays and reports that it will not complete prior to the next legislative session. The project team
was not able to provide a reliable end date at the time of this report. The vendor has indicated the original
project architecture cannot be delivered and is preparing an alternative solution to be reviewed by the project
CJIS – Portal 2.0 - This project was still in the planning phase for this quarter but was out of compliance
because execution was entered without a project plan on file with Large Project Oversight. However, a
project plan has now been filed with Large Project Oversight and the project is proceeding on track. The
project involves ITD software development. A project plan was developed by ITD software development and
is being followed.
Please refer to the report for more information about each project, and feel free to contact me with any
Nancy Walz
Nancy Walz
Director, ITD Policy & Planning Division
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Attorney General Automated
System (AFIS)
BCI is a remote user of the Minnesota Bureau of
Criminal Apprehension (BCA) Automated Fingerprint
Identification Network (MAFIN) and provides
centralized fingerprint identification services for the
State of ND. This project is a joint effort between
ND, MN, and SD to upgrade system components and
increase capacity to meet present and future law
enforcement needs.
07/07 - 06/08
(Revised: 03/08
Rev 1 - 02/08
Revised: 12/07
Original end date -
This project was reported complete on June 30, 2008.
The project was 3% over budget due to the need to
purchase licenses for two new FTE's that were not
projected during the planning phase. The project was
100% over schedule, as the project was originally
scheduled for 6 months and completed at 12 months.
$ 385,025 $ 394,825 $ 394,825
This project will update the state radio system to
digital technology.
01/04 - 06/07
Original end date:
All equipment is installed, and the state is receiving
beneficial use from the new system. The end date for
when all installation bugs will be repaired has been
extended due to unsafe conditions (ice, wind, snow).
This is an acceptable delay.
$3,614,627 $4,377,300 $4,377,300
Phase 1 is the RFP phase. 01/04 - 08/04
The Intent to Award was given to Motorola. No formal
protest was registered.
$89,280 $89,280 $89,280
Phase 2 is the Contract phase 08/04
The contract and lease agreements were signed on
$0 $0 $0
Phase 3 is equipment delivery and related
deployment/installation of equipment at the central
and remote radio sites.
01/05 - Q2 2008
(Rev. 12/07 2nd
Revision - 12/07
Revised 06/07 1st
Revision - 06/07
Revised: 06/06
Completion Date:
The State has not closed out the project in order to
ensure the remaining UPS item is resolved satisfactorily
by the vendor. Due to this, the schedule variance
continues to accrue:
Schedule variance against the original baseline,
Schedule variance against the re-plan baseline,
Given that the State and Motorola are making good
progress negotiating a settlement agreement, it is very
likely the project will be closed out in the third quarter.
(Rev. 12/07
Rev. 06/06
Total lease
(Rev. 03/06
Original =
$4,288,020 $4,288,020
Dept of Human
This project is to enhance the Vision eligibility system
and appropriate dependent systems to accommodate
Continuous Eligibility coverage for Medicaid
recipients providing up to 12 months of continuous
coverage for children through age 18 enrolled in
Medicaid as authorized by the 2007 legislature.
04/04 - 11/08
(Rev. 2Q08
Orig. End: 10/08)
The project is on track to the revised budget and
schedule. DHS decided to implement a manual process
until this project could be completed. This caused the
project to add some scope to accommodate; as reflected
in the schedule/budget changes.
(Rev. 2Q08
$133,062 $378,472
Dept of Human
FRAME (formerly
CFS Front End)
This project is to build a single case management
web application for the Child Abuse and Neglect, In-
Home Treatment/Wraparound, and Foster Care
12/06 - 08/09 The project is on schedule and on budget.
The Planning & Analysis phase took a little over a year
and accounts for $158,804 dollars spent.
$1,021,257 $250,217 $1,021,257
Department of
Public Safety
Page 1 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Dept of Human
Early EMAR
Management &
This project will Implement a selected subgroup of
the ACS Enterprise Management and Administrative
Reporting (EMAR) solution to be used for monitoring
monthly operations and provide the basis for budget
08/07 - 06/08
(Rev. 1Q08
Prev. End: 02/08
Rev. 4Q07
Orig. End:
This project was closed and has completed the Post
Implementation Report.
$337,114 $374,642 $374,642
Project shows as Yellow Overall. The schedule was listed
as Red. The State is working with the vendors to
determine a rescheduling of the project. While work has
progressed, there continues to be a lack of an overall
project schedule including all of the vendors.
Temp Salaries: $600,000 $58,840 $600,000
ITD Costs: $11,225,047 $3,302,249 $11,225,047
IT Contractual: $44,576,102 $8,666,157 $44,576,102
Other: $448,222 $268,293 $448,222
Subtotal: $56,849,371 $12,295,539 $56,849,371
Contingency: $5,680,000 $0 $0
Grand Total: $62,529,371 $12,295,539 $56,849,371
Dept of Human
Master Client
Index (MCI)
The Master Client Index Project will provide the base
architecture needed to create a single client view
across DHS services and programs. In the 2005-
2007 biennium, this project was identified as a piece
of the Client Information Sharing System (CISS). In
the 2007-2009 biennium, DHS will implement a MCI
and expose eligibility information through a "hub"
infrastructure. Initially, this system will provide a
means to share eligibility information to the new
MMIS, but it will provide a basis to extend the
architecture to all DHS systems.
12/07 - 08/08 Project is on schedule and 28.3% under budget. A major
scope change occurred on 6/30/08. The State of North
Dakota will upgrade Initiate Systems Applications from
v7.5 to v8.1. Re-planning will happen and Q3 reporting
will reflect the changes in schedule and cost.
$686,603 $417,431 $686,603
Department of
Public Instruction
Special Education
Program (IEP)
The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction,
Office of Special Education in collaboration with local
school districts and special education unit personnel
will implement a statewide web based special
education case management system.
11/07 - 12/08 The project is currently on schedule and on budget. $1,000,000 $616,910 $913,264
Department of
Public Instruction
Foundation Aid This project will replace and create financial data
collections and reports needed to compute
Foundation Aid calculations. The new system will
modernize the current payment system allowing for
better integration with existing online reporting
system used by school districts today. Moving this
system to a modern architecture will allow for more
cost effective maintenance and flexible reporting.
10/07 - 06/09 Planning for the project was completed during this
quarter and the project is progressing on schedule and
within budget. The Education Portal and Taxable
Valuation were removed from the scope, schedule and
cost of the project via the change control process. Also,
the cost estimate for Student Contracts was received and
is being evaluated.
$223,613 (Rev.
06/08 Original -
$130,598 $221,311
Department of
Human Services
Medicaid Systems
This project is to replace the current Medicaid
MMIS, POS & DSS/DW systems.
07/05 - 07/09
Page 2 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Department of
Public Instruction
This project involves the rewrite of the Education
Standards and Practices Board (ESPB) and DPI
systems from the mainframe to a modern
architecture capable of meeting the data reporting
demands that are required by federal and state laws
today and in the future. The ultimate goals of this
project are to provide services to school districts and
teachers to reduce their reporting burdens and
provide quality and timely information to data
02/08 - 06/09 Project moved into the execution phase during this
quarter. The project is currently on schedule and on
$665,400 $135,725 $660,913
The objective of this project is to migrate existing
Mainframe applications from the State’s existing
Mainframe environment to another computing
environment. Note that this does not entail rewriting
existing applications, but rather is a port, or
migration, of existing applications to a new
computing environment with little if any change in
functionality. This project is a preparatory stage to
eliminating the legacy mainframe. However,
completion of this project will not result in the ability
to shut down the mainframe due to the continued
existence of major applications that are in the
process of being re-written.
(Revised 06/08
2nd Revision 12/06
1st Revision -
Original end date:
The determination was made to remove Phase IV (DHS
Applications) from the project scope. The project
completed planning and began execution of Phase IIIb.
With the removal of Phase IV, the project is expected to
complete in Q3 2008. There have been several major
reductions in scope throughout the project. It will be
necessary for the project team to conduct the analysis
required to determine the actual variance to budget and
schedule based on the remaining scope.
(Rev. 03/06
Original -
$5,449,950 $8,271,274
Job Service ND Case
Replace the existing customized Oracle Forms case
management NDWorks application with a
commercial off the shelf (COTS) application from
Geographic Solutions Inc. (GSI) called the Case
Management System (CMS).
03/06 - 09/08
(Rev. 2Q08 Prev.
End: ??/08
Rev. 1Q08 Prev.
End: 03/08
Rev. 3Q07 Prev.
End: 08/07
Rev. 1Q07 Prev.
End: 06/07
Rev. 4Q06
Orig. End: 02/07 )
The project is reporting Yellow overall. The execution
date is being extended due to quality issues with the
delivered product. A new end date of September 30 has
been agreed upon.
(Rev. 1Q08
Rev. 2Q07
Rev. 4Q06
Original =
$672,535 $854,919
Page 3 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Job Service ND UI Modernization This program covers numerous projects, most below
LPO threshold, that comprise the updating of the UI
Modernization effort. Individual projects that do meet
the LPO threshold will be tracked and monitored
separately and shown below.
It is not anticipated that UI Modernization will be
completed this biennium or will use all of the
appropriated funds during the biennium. The whole
program is estimated to cost over $15 million to
consist of Reed Act and other Federal funding, of
which $7.3 million is yet to be requested for
appropriation. The current program budget is what
has been appropriated to date. The Estimated cost at
Completion is the dollars allocated to currently
planned projects or otherwise obligated funds and will
change as projects are added to the program.
07/07 - est. 12/14 The program was impacted by a Federal mandate that
caused staff to be pulled away from projects. However,
the delays are not expected to cause significant variance.
(Rev. 2Q08
Original =
$1,164,887 $1,642,564
Job Service ND Appeals/UI Easy
This project is part of the UI Modernization program.
Its purpose is to make enhancements to the UI EASY
and UI ICE applications, providing new functionality
in two main areas:
1) New Processes to allow the Appeals documents
from FileNet to be displayed on-line through the web
2) Multiple enhancements to the UI EASY
all allowing for additional self-service capabilities,
increased user friendly features that are easy to
learn, and increase internal efficiencies through the
automation of manual processes.
08/07 - 01/09 The project is on schedule and within budget. $ 235,264 $ 135,812 $ 233,764
Judicial Unified Court
Unified Court Information System (UCIS) is a system
originally developed in Minnesota in the 1980’s and
was brought to Burleigh County in North Dakota in
the early 1990’s. The Judicial Branch identified in the
late 1990s the need to modernize the case
management system to meet the needs of the
Judiciary and its stakeholders. Phase 1 includes
requirements gathering, RFP development, vendor
selection, and implementation budget determination.
Phase 2 would include implementation.
(Phase 1)
Project is proceeding well. The project has not had any
changes to cost, schedule, or scope.
(Phase 1)
(Phase 1)
(Phase 1)
Page 4 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
This project represents the replacement of software
systems with a modern, user-friendly editing product,
replacement of the mainframe-based print rendering
engine with a cost effective rendering engine, and
the replacement of legacy custom code with new
solutions developed by a team of State and 3rd-party
developers using modern tools, languages and
12/06 - 08/08 $ 4,648,224 $ 2,319,113 $ 4,648,194
Phase I - Stage 0 12/06-06/07
This stage completed on schedule and slightly under
budget. The end result of this phase was a contract to
begin the implementation phase of the project.
$ 737,397 $ 737,367 $ 737,367
Phase 2 - Implementation 07/07 - N/A (Rev.
06/08 Original End
Date: 11/08)
This project has experienced critical schedule delays and
reports that it will not complete prior to the next legislative
session. The project team was not able to provide a
reliable end date at the time of this report. The vendor
has indicated the original project architecture cannot be
delivered and is preparing an alternative solution to be
reviewed by the project team.
$ 3,910,827 $ 1,581,746 $ 3,910,827
The project is on schedule and under budget. $ 9,594,000 $ 2,465,401 $ 9,489,783
Budget including staffing costs $ 10,502,214 $ 2,602,113 $ 9,950,441
Secretary of State Election
System (EAS)
The Election Administration System (EAS), aka
Central Voter File project will complete the Secretary
of State’s election improvement program by tying
together under the umbrella of the PowerProfile EE
(P2E2), the uniform election system, including the
UOL program, and the State’s Election Management
System (EMS). The EAS project will provide the
state and all 53 counties a uniform and single
administration tool in order to more efficiently and
effectively manage elections for the state and
counties of North Dakota.
07/06 - 04/08 (Rev.
03/07 Original End
Date: 08/07)
This project was completed May 2008. The project was
completed under budget and over the acceptable
schedule variance. When calculated to the original
baseline schedule, the project completed with a negative
schedule variance of 62%. It should be noted that the
project completed with additional scope that was not part
of the original contractual agreement. This was included
by the vendor as a mitigation for the schedule variance.
$ 1,523,574 $ 1,255,692 $ 1,255,692
ND Public
PERSLink (Legacy
[LASR] Phase 4)
NDPERS intends to implement a new integrated
benefits administration solution that will fill the
business needs of the departments and staff of
NDPERS, as well as the needs of the customers of
12/07 - 12/10
Page 5 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Treasurer Tax Distribution
Rewrite Rewrite the outdated (created in the 1970’s) existing
State Treasurer outstanding checks and tax
distribution (Oil & Gas Tax Distribution, Cigarette Tax
Distribution, Highway Tax Distribution, State Aid
Distribution, Township Road Tax Distribution and
Estate Tax Distribution) applications with a new
industry standard language for a more user friendly
and easy-to-maintain environment.
06/07-05/09 The project is 37% under budget and on schedule. It is
anticipated that a portion of the budget variance will be
used in the next quarter on personnel allotted for the
metadata model design for Cognos reporting.
$ 664,942 $ 210,202 $ 664,942
Workforce Safety
and Insurance
Program (ITTP) -
Phase II
WSI’s existing workers’ compensation system is
used for processing and administering approximately
20,000 policies and $85 million in annual claims.
Due to the age and decreasing efficiency of the
system, WSI is seeking to purchase and configure a
COTS system.
12/07 - 11/09 Cost is presently 30% under the original planned budget
and 15% behind planned schedule. The budget variance
is due to the lack of payment for deliverables that have
not been fully accepted. Once those deliverables are
accepted, the variance will decrease dramatically.
The project experienced some delays as the initial
deliverable of the analysis process did not align with the
original scope of the project. Project leadership identified
the gap and the project team worked to bring the analysis
work back to alignment with the scope definition.
Although the project experienced a schedule variance, it
is noteworthy that the project was able to identify the
issue and identify appropriate
600 E Boulevard Ave., Dept 112 Bismarck, ND 58505-0100 (701) 328-3190
August 22, 2008
TO: Members of the Legislative IT Committee
Legislative Council
RE: Large Project Summary Report
Attached to this cover letter is the Large Project Summary Report for the period ending June 30, 2008.
8 projects were reported in the planning stage this quarter.
• Secretary of State – Data Processing System (DPS)
• Department of Human Services – Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Re-procurement
• Department of Health – Disease Surveillance and Management System (DSMS)
• Department of Public Instruction – Direct Certification
• Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) – Statewide Automated Victim Information Notification
System (SAVIN)
• Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) – Portal 2.0
• Department of Emergency Services – Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)
• Office of Management and Budget – ConnectND – Absence Management
4 projects moved into the execution phase this quarter.
• Department of Human Services – Continuous Eligibility (CE)
• Department of Human Services – Master Client Index (MCI)
• Department of Public Instruction – Foundation Aid (FA)
• Department of Public Instruction – Mainframe Rewrite
3 projects were reported complete or terminated.
Agency Project Budget Schedule
Dept of Human Services
Early Management and
Administration Reporting
Within Variance
Attorney General
Automated Fingerprint
Identification System (AFIS)
Within Variance
Secretary of State Central Voter File
Under Budget /
Within Variance
The following 5 project(s) reported budget or schedule variances and/or are being monitored closely.
Department of Human Services – Medicaid Systems Project (MMIS) – The agency is reporting an overall
Yellow status. Currently the state is working with the vendors to revise the schedule. The project has made
progress in developing an integrated schedule but it remains incomplete. Without this the LPO analyst is
unable to verify any schedule variance. The integrated schedule is a critical component for estimating
variance per NDCC 54.59.23 as well as estimating the need for the DHS resources.
Job Service ND – Case Management System (CMS) – The project rolled out on schedule. However, JSND
is still trying to get full expected functionality from the system. In order to leverage holdback funds, JSND has
decided to extend the schedule of the project to September 30th.
Information Technology Department
600 E Boulevard Ave., Dept 112 Bismarck, ND 58505-0100 (701) 328-3190
Large Project Summary Report
August 22, 2008
Page 2 of 2
State of North Dakota
Legislative Council – Legislative Applications Replacement - This project has experienced critical
schedule delays and reports that it will not complete prior to the next legislative session. The project team
was not able to provide a reliable end date at the time of this report. The vendor has indicated the original
project architecture cannot be delivered and is preparing an alternative solution to be reviewed by the project
CJIS – Portal 2.0 - This project was still in the planning phase for this quarter but was out of compliance
because execution was entered without a project plan on file with Large Project Oversight. However, a
project plan has now been filed with Large Project Oversight and the project is proceeding on track. The
project involves ITD software development. A project plan was developed by ITD software development and
is being followed.
Please refer to the report for more information about each project, and feel free to contact me with any
Nancy Walz
Nancy Walz
Director, ITD Policy & Planning Division
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Attorney General Automated
System (AFIS)
BCI is a remote user of the Minnesota Bureau of
Criminal Apprehension (BCA) Automated Fingerprint
Identification Network (MAFIN) and provides
centralized fingerprint identification services for the
State of ND. This project is a joint effort between
ND, MN, and SD to upgrade system components and
increase capacity to meet present and future law
enforcement needs.
07/07 - 06/08
(Revised: 03/08
Rev 1 - 02/08
Revised: 12/07
Original end date -
This project was reported complete on June 30, 2008.
The project was 3% over budget due to the need to
purchase licenses for two new FTE's that were not
projected during the planning phase. The project was
100% over schedule, as the project was originally
scheduled for 6 months and completed at 12 months.
$ 385,025 $ 394,825 $ 394,825
This project will update the state radio system to
digital technology.
01/04 - 06/07
Original end date:
All equipment is installed, and the state is receiving
beneficial use from the new system. The end date for
when all installation bugs will be repaired has been
extended due to unsafe conditions (ice, wind, snow).
This is an acceptable delay.
$3,614,627 $4,377,300 $4,377,300
Phase 1 is the RFP phase. 01/04 - 08/04
The Intent to Award was given to Motorola. No formal
protest was registered.
$89,280 $89,280 $89,280
Phase 2 is the Contract phase 08/04
The contract and lease agreements were signed on
$0 $0 $0
Phase 3 is equipment delivery and related
deployment/installation of equipment at the central
and remote radio sites.
01/05 - Q2 2008
(Rev. 12/07 2nd
Revision - 12/07
Revised 06/07 1st
Revision - 06/07
Revised: 06/06
Completion Date:
The State has not closed out the project in order to
ensure the remaining UPS item is resolved satisfactorily
by the vendor. Due to this, the schedule variance
continues to accrue:
Schedule variance against the original baseline,
Schedule variance against the re-plan baseline,
Given that the State and Motorola are making good
progress negotiating a settlement agreement, it is very
likely the project will be closed out in the third quarter.
(Rev. 12/07
Rev. 06/06
Total lease
(Rev. 03/06
Original =
$4,288,020 $4,288,020
Dept of Human
This project is to enhance the Vision eligibility system
and appropriate dependent systems to accommodate
Continuous Eligibility coverage for Medicaid
recipients providing up to 12 months of continuous
coverage for children through age 18 enrolled in
Medicaid as authorized by the 2007 legislature.
04/04 - 11/08
(Rev. 2Q08
Orig. End: 10/08)
The project is on track to the revised budget and
schedule. DHS decided to implement a manual process
until this project could be completed. This caused the
project to add some scope to accommodate; as reflected
in the schedule/budget changes.
(Rev. 2Q08
$133,062 $378,472
Dept of Human
FRAME (formerly
CFS Front End)
This project is to build a single case management
web application for the Child Abuse and Neglect, In-
Home Treatment/Wraparound, and Foster Care
12/06 - 08/09 The project is on schedule and on budget.
The Planning & Analysis phase took a little over a year
and accounts for $158,804 dollars spent.
$1,021,257 $250,217 $1,021,257
Department of
Public Safety
Page 1 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Dept of Human
Early EMAR
Management &
This project will Implement a selected subgroup of
the ACS Enterprise Management and Administrative
Reporting (EMAR) solution to be used for monitoring
monthly operations and provide the basis for budget
08/07 - 06/08
(Rev. 1Q08
Prev. End: 02/08
Rev. 4Q07
Orig. End:
This project was closed and has completed the Post
Implementation Report.
$337,114 $374,642 $374,642
Project shows as Yellow Overall. The schedule was listed
as Red. The State is working with the vendors to
determine a rescheduling of the project. While work has
progressed, there continues to be a lack of an overall
project schedule including all of the vendors.
Temp Salaries: $600,000 $58,840 $600,000
ITD Costs: $11,225,047 $3,302,249 $11,225,047
IT Contractual: $44,576,102 $8,666,157 $44,576,102
Other: $448,222 $268,293 $448,222
Subtotal: $56,849,371 $12,295,539 $56,849,371
Contingency: $5,680,000 $0 $0
Grand Total: $62,529,371 $12,295,539 $56,849,371
Dept of Human
Master Client
Index (MCI)
The Master Client Index Project will provide the base
architecture needed to create a single client view
across DHS services and programs. In the 2005-
2007 biennium, this project was identified as a piece
of the Client Information Sharing System (CISS). In
the 2007-2009 biennium, DHS will implement a MCI
and expose eligibility information through a "hub"
infrastructure. Initially, this system will provide a
means to share eligibility information to the new
MMIS, but it will provide a basis to extend the
architecture to all DHS systems.
12/07 - 08/08 Project is on schedule and 28.3% under budget. A major
scope change occurred on 6/30/08. The State of North
Dakota will upgrade Initiate Systems Applications from
v7.5 to v8.1. Re-planning will happen and Q3 reporting
will reflect the changes in schedule and cost.
$686,603 $417,431 $686,603
Department of
Public Instruction
Special Education
Program (IEP)
The North Dakota Department of Public Instruction,
Office of Special Education in collaboration with local
school districts and special education unit personnel
will implement a statewide web based special
education case management system.
11/07 - 12/08 The project is currently on schedule and on budget. $1,000,000 $616,910 $913,264
Department of
Public Instruction
Foundation Aid This project will replace and create financial data
collections and reports needed to compute
Foundation Aid calculations. The new system will
modernize the current payment system allowing for
better integration with existing online reporting
system used by school districts today. Moving this
system to a modern architecture will allow for more
cost effective maintenance and flexible reporting.
10/07 - 06/09 Planning for the project was completed during this
quarter and the project is progressing on schedule and
within budget. The Education Portal and Taxable
Valuation were removed from the scope, schedule and
cost of the project via the change control process. Also,
the cost estimate for Student Contracts was received and
is being evaluated.
$223,613 (Rev.
06/08 Original -
$130,598 $221,311
Department of
Human Services
Medicaid Systems
This project is to replace the current Medicaid
MMIS, POS & DSS/DW systems.
07/05 - 07/09
Page 2 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Department of
Public Instruction
This project involves the rewrite of the Education
Standards and Practices Board (ESPB) and DPI
systems from the mainframe to a modern
architecture capable of meeting the data reporting
demands that are required by federal and state laws
today and in the future. The ultimate goals of this
project are to provide services to school districts and
teachers to reduce their reporting burdens and
provide quality and timely information to data
02/08 - 06/09 Project moved into the execution phase during this
quarter. The project is currently on schedule and on
$665,400 $135,725 $660,913
The objective of this project is to migrate existing
Mainframe applications from the State’s existing
Mainframe environment to another computing
environment. Note that this does not entail rewriting
existing applications, but rather is a port, or
migration, of existing applications to a new
computing environment with little if any change in
functionality. This project is a preparatory stage to
eliminating the legacy mainframe. However,
completion of this project will not result in the ability
to shut down the mainframe due to the continued
existence of major applications that are in the
process of being re-written.
(Revised 06/08
2nd Revision 12/06
1st Revision -
Original end date:
The determination was made to remove Phase IV (DHS
Applications) from the project scope. The project
completed planning and began execution of Phase IIIb.
With the removal of Phase IV, the project is expected to
complete in Q3 2008. There have been several major
reductions in scope throughout the project. It will be
necessary for the project team to conduct the analysis
required to determine the actual variance to budget and
schedule based on the remaining scope.
(Rev. 03/06
Original -
$5,449,950 $8,271,274
Job Service ND Case
Replace the existing customized Oracle Forms case
management NDWorks application with a
commercial off the shelf (COTS) application from
Geographic Solutions Inc. (GSI) called the Case
Management System (CMS).
03/06 - 09/08
(Rev. 2Q08 Prev.
End: ??/08
Rev. 1Q08 Prev.
End: 03/08
Rev. 3Q07 Prev.
End: 08/07
Rev. 1Q07 Prev.
End: 06/07
Rev. 4Q06
Orig. End: 02/07 )
The project is reporting Yellow overall. The execution
date is being extended due to quality issues with the
delivered product. A new end date of September 30 has
been agreed upon.
(Rev. 1Q08
Rev. 2Q07
Rev. 4Q06
Original =
$672,535 $854,919
Page 3 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Job Service ND UI Modernization This program covers numerous projects, most below
LPO threshold, that comprise the updating of the UI
Modernization effort. Individual projects that do meet
the LPO threshold will be tracked and monitored
separately and shown below.
It is not anticipated that UI Modernization will be
completed this biennium or will use all of the
appropriated funds during the biennium. The whole
program is estimated to cost over $15 million to
consist of Reed Act and other Federal funding, of
which $7.3 million is yet to be requested for
appropriation. The current program budget is what
has been appropriated to date. The Estimated cost at
Completion is the dollars allocated to currently
planned projects or otherwise obligated funds and will
change as projects are added to the program.
07/07 - est. 12/14 The program was impacted by a Federal mandate that
caused staff to be pulled away from projects. However,
the delays are not expected to cause significant variance.
(Rev. 2Q08
Original =
$1,164,887 $1,642,564
Job Service ND Appeals/UI Easy
This project is part of the UI Modernization program.
Its purpose is to make enhancements to the UI EASY
and UI ICE applications, providing new functionality
in two main areas:
1) New Processes to allow the Appeals documents
from FileNet to be displayed on-line through the web
2) Multiple enhancements to the UI EASY
all allowing for additional self-service capabilities,
increased user friendly features that are easy to
learn, and increase internal efficiencies through the
automation of manual processes.
08/07 - 01/09 The project is on schedule and within budget. $ 235,264 $ 135,812 $ 233,764
Judicial Unified Court
Unified Court Information System (UCIS) is a system
originally developed in Minnesota in the 1980’s and
was brought to Burleigh County in North Dakota in
the early 1990’s. The Judicial Branch identified in the
late 1990s the need to modernize the case
management system to meet the needs of the
Judiciary and its stakeholders. Phase 1 includes
requirements gathering, RFP development, vendor
selection, and implementation budget determination.
Phase 2 would include implementation.
(Phase 1)
Project is proceeding well. The project has not had any
changes to cost, schedule, or scope.
(Phase 1)
(Phase 1)
(Phase 1)
Page 4 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
This project represents the replacement of software
systems with a modern, user-friendly editing product,
replacement of the mainframe-based print rendering
engine with a cost effective rendering engine, and
the replacement of legacy custom code with new
solutions developed by a team of State and 3rd-party
developers using modern tools, languages and
12/06 - 08/08 $ 4,648,224 $ 2,319,113 $ 4,648,194
Phase I - Stage 0 12/06-06/07
This stage completed on schedule and slightly under
budget. The end result of this phase was a contract to
begin the implementation phase of the project.
$ 737,397 $ 737,367 $ 737,367
Phase 2 - Implementation 07/07 - N/A (Rev.
06/08 Original End
Date: 11/08)
This project has experienced critical schedule delays and
reports that it will not complete prior to the next legislative
session. The project team was not able to provide a
reliable end date at the time of this report. The vendor
has indicated the original project architecture cannot be
delivered and is preparing an alternative solution to be
reviewed by the project team.
$ 3,910,827 $ 1,581,746 $ 3,910,827
The project is on schedule and under budget. $ 9,594,000 $ 2,465,401 $ 9,489,783
Budget including staffing costs $ 10,502,214 $ 2,602,113 $ 9,950,441
Secretary of State Election
System (EAS)
The Election Administration System (EAS), aka
Central Voter File project will complete the Secretary
of State’s election improvement program by tying
together under the umbrella of the PowerProfile EE
(P2E2), the uniform election system, including the
UOL program, and the State’s Election Management
System (EMS). The EAS project will provide the
state and all 53 counties a uniform and single
administration tool in order to more efficiently and
effectively manage elections for the state and
counties of North Dakota.
07/06 - 04/08 (Rev.
03/07 Original End
Date: 08/07)
This project was completed May 2008. The project was
completed under budget and over the acceptable
schedule variance. When calculated to the original
baseline schedule, the project completed with a negative
schedule variance of 62%. It should be noted that the
project completed with additional scope that was not part
of the original contractual agreement. This was included
by the vendor as a mitigation for the schedule variance.
$ 1,523,574 $ 1,255,692 $ 1,255,692
ND Public
PERSLink (Legacy
[LASR] Phase 4)
NDPERS intends to implement a new integrated
benefits administration solution that will fill the
business needs of the departments and staff of
NDPERS, as well as the needs of the customers of
12/07 - 12/10
Page 5 of 6
Information Technology - Large Project Summary Report
Active Projects
For the period ending
June 30, 2008
State of North Dakota
ITD Policy and Planning
Agency Project Name Project Description
Duration Project Status
Actual to
Est. cost at
Treasurer Tax Distribution
Rewrite Rewrite the outdated (created in the 1970’s) existing
State Treasurer outstanding checks and tax
distribution (Oil & Gas Tax Distribution, Cigarette Tax
Distribution, Highway Tax Distribution, State Aid
Distribution, Township Road Tax Distribution and
Estate Tax Distribution) applications with a new
industry standard language for a more user friendly
and easy-to-maintain environment.
06/07-05/09 The project is 37% under budget and on schedule. It is
anticipated that a portion of the budget variance will be
used in the next quarter on personnel allotted for the
metadata model design for Cognos reporting.
$ 664,942 $ 210,202 $ 664,942
Workforce Safety
and Insurance
Program (ITTP) -
Phase II
WSI’s existing workers’ compensation system is
used for processing and administering approximately
20,000 policies and $85 million in annual claims.
Due to the age and decreasing efficiency of the
system, WSI is seeking to purchase and configure a
COTS system.
12/07 - 11/09 Cost is presently 30% under the original planned budget
and 15% behind planned schedule. The budget variance
is due to the lack of payment for deliverables that have
not been fully accepted. Once those deliverables are
accepted, the variance will decrease dramatically.
The project experienced some delays as the initial
deliverable of the analysis process did not align with the
original scope of the project. Project leadership identified
the gap and the project team worked to bring the analysis
work back to alignment with the scope definition.
Although the project experienced a schedule variance, it
is noteworthy that the project was able to identify the
issue and identify appropriate
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