Register Today! Be part of a groundbreaking opportunity. CMS, along with State representatives and industry partners from health and technology, are hosting a National E-prescribing Conference on October 6 – 7, 2008 at the Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, MA.
Our goal in holding this conference is to educate State health program administrators and policymakers, providers and beneficiary constituencies on the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) e-prescribing program and help promote the adoption of e-prescribing throughout the health care community.
There will be sessions highlighting options for e-prescribing under Medicaid, current state best practices, and creating the right environment in States for promoting and developing e-prescribing initiatives.
Join us to find out how to earn incentives from Medicare, learn how e-prescribing can work for your State or business, and get answers to your questions about privacy, security, and risk management. Register for the conference now at https://webmail.state.nd.us/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.e-prescribeconference.com/.
Please share this message with your colleagues and members.
We look forward to seeing you in Boston in October!
Helen Collins Special Assistant Office of the Regional Administrator Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 1600 Broadway, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80202 Phone: 303-844-7030 Fax: 303-844-7590 Email: Helen.Collins@cms.hhs.gov
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