Faculty -Once again, in order to better serve our students and comply with state board of higher education policy, faculty are required to verify the accuracy of class rosters by reporting student course enrollment. A class roster will need to be submitted for each course (eight week one and sixteen week, including all correspondence, internet, IVN.etc.). Departments are asked to ensure that all of their faculty members including adjunct, online, base and Bismarck faculty complete student enrollment verification.
The timeline for Fall 2008 enrollment reporting is as follows:
Monday, September 8 - Thursday, September 11: Faculty will print their class rosters to report student attendance. Faculty will circle the names of those students who have NEVER ATTENDED their class. Detailed instructions will be sent from the Registrar's Office.
Friday, September 12: ALL class rosters must be signed by the instructor on record, dated and returned to their departmental administrative assistant.
Monday, September 15: Class rosters will be submitted by the departmental administrative assistants to the Registrar's Office by noon. Once all rosters have been received, the Registrar's Office will administratively drop students who have been reported as never attended.
Wednesday, September 16: Students will be notified via email of their dropped status.
I sincerely appreciate your efforts in helping us verify the accuracy of student enrollment. This will have a significant, positive impact on the accuracy of our records, your records, and ultimately be of most benefit to our students.
The timeline for Fall 2008 enrollment reporting is as follows:
Monday, September 8 - Thursday, September 11: Faculty will print their class rosters to report student attendance. Faculty will circle the names of those students who have NEVER ATTENDED their class. Detailed instructions will be sent from the Registrar's Office.
Friday, September 12: ALL class rosters must be signed by the instructor on record, dated and returned to their departmental administrative assistant.
Monday, September 15: Class rosters will be submitted by the departmental administrative assistants to the Registrar's Office by noon. Once all rosters have been received, the Registrar's Office will administratively drop students who have been reported as never attended.
Wednesday, September 16: Students will be notified via email of their dropped status.
I sincerely appreciate your efforts in helping us verify the accuracy of student enrollment. This will have a significant, positive impact on the accuracy of our records, your records, and ultimately be of most benefit to our students.
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