Monday, February 1, 2010

The Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting in Chicago

Connections That Work
Networking at the 2010 NCA/HLC Annual Meeting

Visit for information on registration, hotels and travel, and program details. Check back often for additional information on the general program, pre-conference and special programs.


We encourage you to Share this information with anyone who might be interested, including your institution's:

Commission Liaison
Self-Study Coordinator
Assessment Coordinator
Quality Improvement Administrator
General Education Administrator
Technology Administrator


Prospective Business Partners:
The Commission's Business Partner Program offers promotional opportunities that connect companies with attendees.

The Higher Learning Commission's 2010 Annual Meeting offers an ideal forum for meeting, learning, and sharing with higher education colleagues. Whether it is a presentation, a roundtable on the topic of the day, or an impromptu conversation over lunch, the NCA/HLC Annual Meeting provides many opportunities for attendees to make connections and share information.
The Professional Development Program for Peer Reviewers, held before the General Program, is designed to enable peer reviewers both to invigorate their practices in the present and to envision the future, as well as to network with others.

Visit for information on featured speakers and the numerous workshops and educational programs on current issues in higher education, including accountability, assessment of student learning, institutional effectiveness, organizational change, and quality improvement.

Register today to take advantage of early bird discounts!

*In general, this program is designed for more experienced peer reviewers who have already participated in accreditation activities (visits, systems appraisals), but less experienced peer reviewers will certainly find it informative. This program, however, does not constitute the specific training required to serve as a Consultant-Evaluator or a Systems Appraiser.

Higher Learning Commission | 30 N LaSalle Street | Suite 2400 | Chicago, IL | 60602

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